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Chip Kidd


Chip Kidd je grafický dizajnér a spisovateľ, ktorý žije v New Yorku. Navrhuje obálky kníh pre Alfreda A. Knopfa už od roku 1986 a spolupracoval s uznávanými autormi, ako sú John Updike, Oliver Sacks, Michael Crichton, Rober Hughes, Donna Tartt, Orhan Pamuk, Haruki Murakmi, a množstvom ďalších. Kidd získal National Design Award za komunikáciu. Jeho TED prednáška z roku 2012 „Designing Books Is No Laughing Matter. Ok, It Is“(Navrhovanie kníh nie je žiadna sranda. No dobre, je to sranda.



Prvý dojem (TED)

Zábavný a hravý pohľad na význam prvého dojmu - v umení i živote - prináša uznávaný autor knižných obálok Chip Kidd. Prvé dojmy sú najdôležitejšie. Určujú, či niečo vynikne, nakoľko nás to zaujme, či si to kúpime i to, ako sa cítime. Autor sa v tejto knihe venuje prvým dojmom v rôznych oblastiach. Kidd nám predstavuje svoj názor na každodenné dizajny, odhaľuje tie dobré, zlé, absurdné i geniálne tak, ako to môže spraviť len niekto s trénovaným kritickým okom. Či už ide o štýl vašich ranných novín, o bankomat; o knihy, ktoré si prezeráte; o smartfóny, s ktorými sa hráte; alebo o obal čokoládových tyčiniek, ktorými sa večer odmeňujete. Kidd odhaľuje tajomstvá v pozadí každého jedného dizajnérskeho rozhodnutia so zdravou dávkou humoru a profesionality. Kniha Prvý dojem je vyznaním lásky dizajnu, odhalením neviditeľnej krásy a zrady v jednoduchých rozhodnutiach - takých, ktoré si nikto z nás neuvedomuje. S každým novým faktom autor dokazuje, nakoľko je prvý dojem dôležitý pri našom vnímaní sveta.
4,00 € 10,90 €

Ted Books Box Set

Three smart, playful, original TED books from a leading architect, designer, and writer in one collection—The Art of Stillness, The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings, and Judge This—inspire a more creative life. In The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere, travel writer Pico Iyer considers the unexpected rewards of staying put and reveals a counterintuitive truth: The more ways we have to connect, the more we seem desperate to unplug. Why might a lifelong traveler like Iyer, who has journeyed from Easter Island to Kathmandu, think that sitting quietly in a room might be the ultimate adventure? In The Art of Stillness Iyer reveals there’s never been a greater need to slow down, tune out, and give ourselves permission to be still. An architect and founder of Architizer.com, Kushner guides readers through the innovative experimentation within the world’s most exciting structures. With stunning full color photographs and detailed explanations, The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings captures the soaring confidence, the thoughtful intelligence, the futuristic wonder, and at times the sheer whimsy of the world’s most inspired and future-looking buildings. First impressions are everything. They dictate whether something stands out, how we engage with it, whether we buy it, and how we feel. In Judge This, travel through a day in the life of renowned designer Chip Kidd as he takes in first impressions of all kinds. Follow this visual journey with Kidd as he encounters and engages with everyday design, breaking down the good, the bad, the absurd, and the brilliant as only a designer can. Judge This is a design love story, exposing the often invisible beauty and betrayal in simple design choices ones most of us never even think to notice.
55,05 € 57,95 €

Ítélj elsőre!

Sokszor halljuk: A látszat csal! Ne ítélj elsőre! Mégis így teszünk, mert vizuális kultúrában élünk, és az agyunk azonnal reagál arra, amit látunk. De nem az a fontos, hogy ítélkezünk-e, hanem az, hogy hogyan ítélkezünk. Intelligensen? Empátiával? Együtt érzőn? Chip Kidd, az elismert grafikus, hétköznapi tárgyak és élmények bemutatásával felfedi a formatervezői döntések mögött megbújó titkokat. Megmutatja, hogy a világunk tele van varázslattal, vonzó műalkotásokkal és pompás élményekkel csak legyen rá szemünk.
7,47 € 7,86 €

dostupné aj ako:

Judge This

Part of the TED series: Judge This! First impressions are everything. They dictate whether something stands out, how we engage with it, whether we buy it, and how strongly we feel. This is especially true when it comes to design. And design is all around us, secretly shaping our world in ways we rarely recognise. Except if you yourself are a designer, like Chip Kidd. In Judge This, the reader travels through a day in the life of renowned designer Chip Kidd as he takes in first impressions of all kinds. We follow this visual journey with Kidd as he encounters and engages with everyday design, breaking down the good, the bad, the absurd and the brilliant as only a designer can. From the design of the paper you read in the morning to the subway ticket machine to the books you browse to the smartphone you use to the packaging for the chocolate bar you buy as an afternoon treat, Kidd will reveal the hidden secrets behind each of the design choices, with a healthy dose of humour, expertise and, of course, judgment as he goes. Kidd's observations on the power of first impressions resonate well beyond the objects he's examining. The simple (and often hilarious) wisdom he offers holds meaning for anyone in business, who needs to make a first impression on colleagues or customers. His visual tour of the world around him will hold and interest anyone with a sense of curiosity about popular culture, design and New York.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Only Whats Necessary

The Eisner Award-nominated tribute to Charles M. Schulz-newly repackaged for the 70th anniversary of Peanuts Charles M. Schulz believed that the key to cartooning was to take out the extraneous details and leave in only what's necessary. For 50 years, he wrote and illustrated Peanuts, the single most popular and influential comic strip in the world. Renowned designer Chip Kidd was granted unprecedented access to the extraordinary archives of the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center in Santa Rosa, California. Only What's Necessary reproduces the best of the Peanuts newspaper strip, all shot from the original art by award-winning photographer Geoff Spear, and features exclusive, rare, and unpublished original art and developmental work-much of which has never been seen before.
25,60 € 26,95 €

Lacná kniha Prvý dojem (TED) (-90%)

Zábavný a hravý pohľad na význam prvého dojmu - v umení i živote - prináša uznávaný autor knižných obálok Chip Kidd. Prvé dojmy sú najdôležitejšie. Určujú, či niečo vynikne, nakoľko nás to zaujme, či si to kúpime i to, ako sa cítime. Autor sa v tejto knihe venuje prvým dojmom v rôznych oblastiach. Kidd nám predstavuje svoj názor na každodenné dizajny, odhaľuje tie dobré, zlé, absurdné i geniálne tak, ako to môže spraviť len niekto s trénovaným kritickým okom. Či už ide o štýl vašich ranných novín, o bankomat; o knihy, ktoré si prezeráte; o smartfóny, s ktorými sa hráte; alebo o obal čokoládových tyčiniek, ktorými sa večer odmeňujete. Kidd odhaľuje tajomstvá v pozadí každého jedného dizajnérskeho rozhodnutia so zdravou dávkou humoru a profesionality. Kniha Prvý dojem je vyznaním lásky dizajnu, odhalením neviditeľnej krásy a zrady v jednoduchých rozhodnutiach - takých, ktoré si nikto z nás neuvedomuje. S každým novým faktom autor dokazuje, nakoľko je prvý dojem dôležitý pri našom vnímaní sveta.
1,09 € 10,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Ítélj elsőre!

Sokszor halljuk: »A látszat csal! Ne ítélj elsőre!« Mégis így teszünk, mert vizuális kultúrában élünk, és az agyunk azonnal reagál arra, amit látunk. De nem az a fontos, hogy ítélkezünk-e, hanem az, hogy hogyan ítélkezünk. Intelligensen? Empátiával? Együtt érzőn? Chip Kidd, az elismert grafikus, hétköznapi tárgyak és élmények bemutatásával felfedi a formatervezői döntések mögött megbújó titkokat. Megmutatja, hogy a világunk tele van varázslattal, vonzó műalkotásokkal és pompás élményekkel ? csak legyen rá szemünk.
Predaj skončil
5,58 €

dostupné aj ako:

Go: A Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design

Now in paperback! A curious kid's guide to graphic design, covering form, function, color, typography, and much more, plus 10 hands-on design projects. Written by Chip Kidd, "the closest thing to a rock star" in the design world (USA Today). ?Design is all around you. And whether you realize it or not, you are already a designer. In Go, renowned graphic designer Chip Kidd explains not just the elements of design, including form, line, color, scale, typography, and more, but most important, how to use those elements in creative ways. Like putting the word "go" on a stop sign, Go is all about shaking things up--and kids love its playful spirit and belief that the world looks better when you look at it differently. Kidd writes about scale: When a picture looks good small, don't stop there--see how it looks when it's really small. Or really big. He explains the difference between vertical lines and horizontal lines. The effect of cropping a picture to make it beautiful--or, cropping it even more to make it mysterious and compelling. How different colors signify different moods. The art of typography, including serifs and sans serifs, kerning and leading. The book ends with ten hands-on design projects for kids.
18,53 € 19,50 €