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Krvavá noc

Vládce minotaurů je během Krvavé noci zavražděn. Říše se pozvolna noří do chaosu a novému císaři, toužícímu udržet si vládu, nezbývá, než aby uzavřel pakt s pradávnými největšími nepřáteli minotaurů – se zlobry. Cena za toto spojenectví však bude obludná. Minotauří války jsou neodvratné.
11,97 € 12,60 €

dostupné aj ako:

Diablo: Skrytý prorok - Válka hříchu 3

Trojjednota, za níž ve skutečnosti stáli démoni, padla. Uldyssianovi už nyní stojí v cestě jen Katedrála Světla se svým charismatickým vůdcem – Prorokem, tím ale není nikdo jiný než padlý anděl Inarius, který považuje svět, jež stvořil, za své vlastnictví. Uldyssian stojí proti nepříteli, který by raději Svatyni zničil, než aby ji viděl v rukou svobodných lidí, nevidí ovšem, že se jeho světa chtějí zmocnit i jiní. O existenci Svatyně se už totiž dozvěděla nejen Horoucí pekla, ale také Nebeské výšiny… a jejich armády démonů a andělů se nezastaví před ničím.
13,02 € 13,70 €


Přeživší z kdysi mocné rasy mágů, čaroděj známý v Dračí říši jako Shade, se snaží zlomit kletbu, kterou na sebe před tisíci let sám uvalil v naději, že unikne smrti… i něčemu daleko horšímu. Místo nesmrtelnosti byl ale odsouzen k nekonečné řadě životů, střídajících se mezi temnotou a světlem, a „smrt“ pro něj znamená jen další a další vzkříšení. Čaroděj v kápi, muž se zastřenou tváří a vrtkavou, ale strašlivou mocí, jenž je hrozbou stejně tak pro své přátele i nepřátele, se musí postavit nejen těm, kteří jím manipulují, ale i sám sobě. A co hůř, musí to udělat s vědomím, že i sama země s ním může mít nekalé plány…
13,54 € 14,25 €

Páni draků (DragonRealm - Legendy 1)

Asi dvě stě let před tím, než byl Cabe Bedlam vržen doprostřed machinací dračích králů, vedl jeho dědeček Nathan skupinu čarodějů, bojujících proti dračím vládcům v naději, že říši osvobodí od jejich tyranské vlády. Avšak pravda za tímto příběhem není nijak prostá. Zde je úsvit Války o změnu, rozhodující okamžik v dějinách Dračí říše a překvapivý vznik první družiny, která se postaví proti dračím králům – Pánům draků. DragonRealm: Legendy jsou třísvazková sága, odpovídající na mnohé otázky ohledně Dračí říše a Pánů draků, i na to, jak se tyto události stále ještě odrážejí v základní sérii.
12,01 € 12,64 €

Night of the Dragon - World of Warcraft

Night of the Dragonis the epic follow up to Day of the Dragon, one of the bestselling Warcraftnovels of all time, and the first Warcrafttrade paperback original. Years have passed since the events chronicled in Day of the Dragonand in that time Azeroth has seen upheaval such as the mage, Krasus, could not in all his centuries of existence have imagined. The Undead Scourge, the Plaguelands, none of this even an ancient dragon - for Krasus is in reality the red behemoth, Korialstrasz - could have prevented. Yet, ever protective of the world and, especially, the younger races, he continues, through both his own powers and the use of agents, to do what he can to bring, if not peace, respite. But although demons and conquerors have made up much of the troubles he has been forced to contain, it is the dragons, his own kind, that disturb him most of late. Their stirrings portend dark times ahead. War is coming - a conflict on a scale unimagined, heralded by a storm of wings and fought with arcane fire in which all Azeroth may burn.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Dawn of the Aspects - World of Warcraft

THE AGE OF DRAGONS IS OVER. Uncertainty plagues Azeroth's ancient guardians as they struggle to find a new purpose. This dilemma has hit Kalecgos, youngest of the former Dragon Aspects, especially hard. Having lost his great powers, how can he-or any of his kind-still make a difference in the world? The answer lies in the distant past, when savage beasts called proto-dragons ruled the skies. Through a mysterious artefact found near the heart of Northrend, Kalecgos witnesses this violent era and the shocking history of the original Aspects: Alexstrasza, Ysera, Malygos, Neltharion, and Nozdormu. In their most primitive forms, the future protectors of Azeroth must stand united against Galakrond, a bloodthirsty creature that threatens the existence of their race. But did these mere proto-dragons face such a horrific adversary alone, or did an outside force help them? Were they given the strength they would become legendary for ...or did they earn it with blood? Kalecgos's discoveries will change everything he knows about the events that led to the ...DAWN OF THE ASPECTS
12,30 € 12,95 €

Stormrage - World of Warcraft

Many centuries have passed since the young night elf Malfurion Stormrage became the principal hero in War of the Ancients. Having saved both his people and the world of Azeroth from the demons of the Burning Legion, Malfurion sought to start life anew with his beloved Tyrande Whisperwind, high priestess of the moon goddess. But then the nightmares began-nightmares that spread across the world-and they seemed to originate in one of the most sacred places known to the druids. Unable to decipher the cause of these nightmares, the great archdruid dared to cast his astral form into the befouled, mystical realm...and then became lost. Now, with his physical body lying comatose, a search commences to discover Stormrage's fate and, if possible, initiate his rescue. But the threat that has taken the archdruid is more powerful than ever...
10,40 € 10,95 €

Wolfheart - World of Warcraft

In the wake of the Cataclysm, conflict has engulfed every corner of Azeroth. Hungering for more resources amid the turmoil, the Horde has pressed into Ashenvale to feed its burgeoning war machine. Unaware of the disaster brewing in Ashenvale, the night elves' legendary leaders High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage conduct a summit near Darnassus in order to vote the proud worgen of Gilneas into the Alliance. However, resentment of Gilneas and its ruler, Genn Greymane, runs deep in Stormwind's King Varian Wrynn. When a murdered Highborne is discovered on the outskirts of Darnassus, Malfurion and Tyrande move to stop further bloodshed and unrest by appointing one of the night elves' most cunning and skilled agents to find the killer: the renowned warden Maiev Shadowsong. Yet with all that is transpiring in Darnassus, the Alliance might be powerless to stop the relentless new warchief Garrosh from seizing the whole of Ashenvale.
10,40 € 10,95 €

WarCraft War of The Ancients 1 The Well of Eternity

In the first chapter of this epic trilogy, the outcome of the historic War of the Ancients is forever altered by the arrival of three time-lost heroes: Krasus, the dragon mage whose great power and memories of the ancient conflict have inexplicably diminished; the human wizard Rhonin, whose thoughts are divided between his family and the seductive source of his now-growing power; and Broxigar, a weathered orc veteran who seeks a glorious death in combat. But unless these unlikely allies can convince the demigod, Cenarius, and the untrusting night elves of their queen's treachery, the burning Legion's gateway into Azeroth will open anew. And this time -- the struggles of the past may well spill over into the future...
14,20 € 14,95 €

Warcraft Legends 1

Some of the world's best manga creators join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before in this title. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery, humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trials of time and have earned the title of legend.
12,30 € 12,95 €

WarCraft War of The Ancients 3 The Sundering

In the final, apocalyptic chapter of this epic trilogy, the dragon-mage Krasus and the young druid Malfurion must risk everything to save Azeroth from utter destruction. Banding together the dwarves, tauren and furbolg races, the heroes hope to spark an alliance to stand against the might of the Burning Legion. For if the Demon Soul should fall into the Legion's hands, all hope for the world will be lost. This then, is the hour...where past and future collide!
14,20 € 14,95 €

WarCraft War of The Ancients 2 The Demon Soul

The night elf defenders, led by the young druid, Malfurion Stormrage, and the wizard, Krasus, fight a desperate battle to hold back the Legion's terrible onslaught. Though only embers of hope remain, an ancient power has risen to aid the world in its darkest hour. The dragons -- led by the powerful Aspect, Neltharion -- have forged a weapon of incalculable power: the Dragon Soul, an artifact capable of driving the Legion from the world forever. But its use may cost far more than any could have foreseen.
14,20 € 14,95 €

WarCraft The Sunwell Trilogy 2 Shadows of Ice

Kalec, a blue dragon that has taken human form to escape the forces that seek to destroy his race, and Anveena, a maiden with mysterious powers, go on a quest to save the entire High Elven Kingdom from the evil forces of the Undead Scourge.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Warcraft Legends 2

Some of the world's best manga creators join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before in this title. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery, humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trials of time and have earned the title of legend.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Warcraft Legends 3

Some of the world's best manga creators join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before in this title. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery, humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trials of time and have earned the title of legend.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Warcraft Legends 5

Some of the world's best manga creators join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery, humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trials of time and have earned the title of legend.
13,25 € 13,95 €