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"Nothing is as fascinating as love, unfortunately." Jay, the narrator of Hanif Kureishi's third novel, tells his story on the night that he is preparing to leave his lover, Susan, and their two boys. His departure will not be impulsive: "I have contemplated this rupture from all sides," he says. But it will happen. He and Susan live comfortably in London. Each loves the children. Yet Jay, "lost in the middle of [his] life," craves and depends on passion in life, and it is no longer there. Known for "very funny works about serious topics" (San Francisco Review of Books) and his uncanny ability to capture the mores of our time, Kureishi strips away all posturing and self-justification to expose the flaws of his own protagonist and the failure of intimacy. Searingly honest, he explores the fears and desires that drive a man to leave a woman. Rarely has such challenging and complex emotion fit into so compact a novel; rarely has an experience both common and uniquely devastating been so courageously portrayed.
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13,25 € 13,95 €


A novel by the author of "The Buddha of Suburbia" and "My Beautiful Laundrette" which analyzes the agonies and joys of being connected to another person. Jay, who is leaving his partner and their two sons, reflects on the vicissitudes of his relationship with Susan.
15,73 € 16,56 €

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Sleep With Me

Kureishi's first play since the 1980s reflects the sensibilities and morality of the late-20th century.
14,79 € 15,57 €

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Le Bouddha de Banlieue

Londres, fin des années soixante-dix. Haroon Amir, dandy indien de banlieue, enseigne le bouddhisme à des Londoniens néophytes et ébahis. Expériences sexuelles, culturelles et hallucinogènes se mêlent gaiement pour le plus grand plaisir de Karim, fils du Bouddha. Mais celui-ci est tiraillé par sa double origine, indo-musulmane et anglaise. D'un côté, il y a la communauté "paki", en mal d'intégration avec l'oncle Anwar, Jamila la cousine militante et Changez, l'époux déboussolé. De l'autre, sa famille anglaise, en mal de repères, mais débrouillarde et ambitieuse. Au milieu, Londres, ses étoiles et la célébrité en perspective. Karim se lance alors dans le grand bain. Mais très vite arrivent les années quatre-vingt. Haroon, adepte du taoïsme et du Kama-Sutra, quitte le domicile conjugal pour une ex-baba devenue designer branchée, c'est désormais le temps de la réussite à tout prix. No Future, le meilleur ami de Karim, vire punk, façon Sid Vicious, finis les hippies bonjour les yuppies. Les golden boys et le thatcherisme ne sont plus très loin. Le livre de Kureishi, salué par Salman Rushdie, offre une vision étonnante de l'Angleterre des années 70-80, à travers le regard d'un jeune Indien. Entre My Beautiful Laundrette et La Grande Escroquerie du rock'n'roll. Même si, parfois, on se perd un peu dans le mélange des genres, son côté irrévérencieux, provocateur et drôle est plutôt rafraîchissant. --Stellio Paris
11,07 € 11,65 €

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Polnoc celý deň

Od divadelného debutu Predmestie z roku 1981 je anglo-pakistanský rebel Hanif Kuresihi (1954) stálicou súčasnej britskej literatúry. Za scenár k filmu Moja krásna práčovňa získal v roku 1884 nomináciu na Oscara, román Budha z predmestia si v roku 1990 vybojoval Whitbreadovu cenu za najlepší debut. Po prvej zbierke poviedok Láska v čase smútku (1997) a kontroverznom románe Intimita (1998) sa Kureishiho precízny, chirurgicky presný hlas ešte zintímnil v útlej poviedkovej zbierke Polnoc celý deň (2000). Knihu preložila Barbora Škovierová.
13,09 € 13,78 €

Gabrielův dar

Nejnovější román známého britského prozaika. Hlavním hrdinou nového vtipného, křehkého románu Hanifa Kureishiho je patnáctiletý chlapec Gabriel ze severního Londýna, který je nucen vyrovnat se s novým způsobem života poté, co je rovnováha jeho rodinného zázemí do základů otřesena rozchodem rodičů a následným odchodem otce z domu. Ve snaze postarat se sám o sebe a zároveň poskytnout citovou podporu svým zmateným a tápajícím rodičům je Gabriel nucen rychle dospět. Jedinou oporou mu je duchovní spojení s jeho zesnulým dvojčetem Archiem. Náhodné setkání s imaginární rockovou hvězdou 70. let, Lesterem Jonesem, vykrystalizuje do bouřlivé citové změny v Gabrielově nitru a pomůže mu objevit jeho „dar“ a naučit se ho používat.
13,35 € 14,05 €

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Láska ve smutné době

Hanif Kureishi patří k nejnadanějším a nejúspěšnějším spisovatelům současné Británie a Láska ve smutné době je jeho vůbec prvním souborem povídek. Hrdinové všech deseti příběhů mají mládí většinou úspěšně za sebou a nejsou si jistí, co by mělo následovat
11,84 € 12,46 €

Collected Stories

Over the course of the last 12 years, Hanif Kureishi has written short fiction. The stories are, by turns, provocative, erotic, tender, funny and charming as they deal with the complexities of relationships as well as the joys of children.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Black Album

Shahid is a clean-cut student, trying to make an impression on his college lecturer, Deedee Osgood, who gives his spirits a lift when she takes him to a naked rave party. Shahid's academic prospects are threatened by the intervention of his gangster brother Chili, who, with his Armani suits and Gucci loafers, moves into Shahid's bedsit as a hideout, bringing unnecessary danger and excitement with him. Set in London in 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin wall and the fatwah, The Black Album is a thriller with a characteristically lively background: raves, ecstasy, religious ferment and sexual passion in a dangerous time.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Something To Tell You

A wonderfully colourful, warm and epic novel of London life, love, sex and regret from one of Britain's greatest contemporary writers. Jamal is a successful psychoanalyst haunted by his first love and a brutal act of violence from which he can never escape. Looking back to his coming of age in the 1970s forms a vivid backdrop to the drama that develops thirty years later, as he and his friends face an encroaching middle age with the traumas of their youth still unresolved. Like The Buddha of Sub urbia, Something to Tell You is full-to-bursting with energy as the characters struggle with their desires. At times comic, at times painfully tender, the book explores the relationships between men and women, parents and children. With unfailing def tness of touch Kureishi has created a memorable cast of recognisable individuals, all of whom wrestle with their own limits as human being, haunted by the past until they find it within themselves to forgive.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Collected Stories

Over the course of the last 12 years, Hanif Kureishi has written short fiction. The stories are, by turns, provocative, erotic, tender, funny and charming as they deal with the complexities of relationships as well as the joys of children. This collection contains his controversial story Weddings and Beheadings, a well as his prophetic My Son the Fanatic, which exposes the religious tensions within the muslim family unit. As with his novels and screenplays, Kureishi has his finger on the pulse of the political tensions in society and how they affect people's everyday lives.
15,15 € 15,95 €

The Last Word

This is the new novel from Hanif Kureishi: an outrageous, clever and very funny story of sex, lies, art and what defines a life. Mamoon is an eminent Indian-born writer who has made a career in England - but now, in his early 70s, his reputation is fading, sales have dried up, and his new wife has expensive taste. Harry, a young writer, is commissioned to write a biography to revitalise both Mamoon's career and his bank balance. Harry greatly admires Mamoon's work and wants to uncover the truth of the artist's life. Harry's publisher seeks a more naked truth, a salacious tale of sex and scandal that will generate headlines. Meanwhile Mamoon himself is mining a different vein of truth altogether. Harry and Mamoon find themselves in a battle of wills, but which of them will have the last word? The ensuing struggle for dominance raises issues of love and desire, loyalty and betrayal, and the frailties of age versus the recklessness of youth. Hanif Kureishi has created a tale brimming with youthful exuberance, as hilarious as it is touching, where words have the power to forge a world.
15,19 € 15,99 €

Love + Hate: Stories and Essays

Hate skews reality even more than love. In the story of a Pakistani woman who has begun a new life in Paris, an essay about the writing of Kureishi's acclaimed film Le Week-End, and an account of Kafka's relationship with his father, readers will find Kureishi also exploring the topics that he continues to make new, and make his own: growing up and growing old; betrayal and loyalty; imagination and repression; marriage and fatherhood. The collection ends with a bravura piece of very personal reportage about the conman who stole Kureishi's life savings - a man who provoked both admiration and disgust, obsession and revulsion, love and hate.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Love + Hate

Hate skews reality even more than love. In the story of a Pakistani woman who has begun a new life in Paris, an essay about the writing of Kureishi's acclaimed film Le Week-End, and an account of Kafka's relationship with his father, readers will find Kureishi also exploring the topics that he continues to make new, and make his own: growing up and growing old; betrayal and loyalty; imagination and repression; marriage and fatherhood. The collection ends with a bravura piece of very personal reportage about the conman who stole Kureishi's life savings - a man who provoked both admiration and disgust, obsession and revulsion, love and hate.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Nothing

One night, when I am old, sick, right out of semen, and don't need things to get any worse, I hear the noises growing louder. I am sure they are making love in Zenab's bedroom which is next to mine. Waldo, a feted filmmaker, is confined by old age and ill health to his London apartment. Frail and frustrated, he is cared for by his lovely younger wife, Zee. But when he suspects that Zee is beginning an affair with Eddie, 'more than an acquaintance and less than a friend for over thirty years,' Waldo is pressed to action: determined to expose the couple, he sets himself first to prove his suspicions correct - and then to enact his revenge. Written with characteristic black humour and with an acute eye for detail, Kureishi's eagerly awaited novella will have his readers dazzled once again by a brilliant mind at work.
19,48 € 20,50 €

The Nothing

One night, when I am old, sick, right out of semen, and don't need things to get any worse, I hear the noises growing louder. I am sure they are making love in Zenab's bedroom which is next to mine. Waldo, a feted filmmaker, is confined by old age and ill health to his London apartment. Frail and frustrated, he is cared for by his lovely younger wife, Zee. But when he suspects that Zee is beginning an affair with Eddie, 'more than an acquaintance and less than a friend for over thirty years,' Waldo is pressed to action: determined to expose the couple, he sets himself first to prove his suspicions correct - and then to enact his revenge. Written with characteristic black humour and with an acute eye for detail, Kureishi's eagerly awaited novella will have his readers dazzled once again by a brilliant mind at work.
11,35 € 11,95 €