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Donna Leon strana 2 z 2


About Face

At a dinner party given by his parents-in-law, Commissario Brunetti meets Franca Marinello, the wife of a prosperous Venetian businessman. He's charmed - perhaps too charmed, suggests his wife Paola - by her love of Virgil and Cicero, but shocked by her appearance. A few days later, Brunetti is visited by Carabinieri Maggior Filippo Guarino from the nearby city of Marghera. As part of a wider investigation into Mafia takeovers of businesses in the region, Guarino wants information about the owner of a trucking company who was found murdered in his office. He believes the man's death is connected to the illegal transportation of refuse - and more sinister material - in his company's trucks. No stranger to mutual suspicion and competition between rival Italian police departments, Brunetti is nevertheless puzzled by the younger man's paranoid behaviour. Eventually Guarino agrees to email a photo of his suspect, but by the time the photograph arrives, he himself is dead. Was he killed because he got too close?
8,50 € 8,95 €

Question of Belief

The new paperback from Donna Leon, bestselling author of ABOUT FACE. As Venice experiences a debilitating heatwave, Commissario Brunetti prepares to escape the city. For Ispettore Vianello, however, the weather is the last thing on his mind; it appea rs his aunt has become obsessed with horoscopes and has been withdrawing large amounts of money from the family business. Not knowing what to do, he consults Brunetti and asks permission to trail her. This 'unofficial' investigation leads them to the flat of Stefano Gorini. But who is this man? And why is Vianello's aunt giving him large amounts of money?
8,08 € 8,50 €

Through a Glass Darkly

It is a luminous spring day in Venice, as Commissario Brunetti and Ispettore Vianello take a break from the Questura to come to the rescue of Vianello`s friend Marco Ribetti, who has been arrested while protesting against chemical pollution of the Ve netian lagoon. But it is not Marco who has uncovered the guilty secret of the polluting glass foundries of the island of Murano, nor he whose body is found dead in front of the furnaces which burn at 1,400 degrees, night and day. The victim has left clues in a copy of Dante, and Brunetti must descend into an inferno to discover who is fouling the waters of the lagoon.
9,49 € 9,99 €

Vérző kövek

Egy hideg karácsony előtti éjszakán Velencében meggyilkolnak egy fekete férfit. Az áldozat afrikai bevándorló, aki számos sorstársával együtt letelepedési engedély nélkül táskákat árul: nagy divatmárkák silány másolatait. Minden jel arra mutat, hogy bandák közötti leszámolásról van szó, és a nyomozás csaknem abba is marad, ám Brunetti felügyelőnek kételyei támadnak az egyszerűnek tűnő üggyel kapcsolatban. Minél több részlet derül ki a gyilkosságról, a nyomozó annál biztosabb abban, hogy az események háttérben sokkal többről van szó. Donna Leon Velencéje ismét új, ismeretlen és izgalmas arcát mutatja be, ráadásul mindig tartogat valami meglepetést számunkra. A vízi város mindennapi forgataga legalább annyira magával ragadó, mint a különös bűnügy felgöngyölítésének története.
12,75 € 13,42 €

Jewels of Paradise

From the bestselling author of the Brunetti crime series comes The Jewels of Paradise, a gripping tale of intrigue, music, history and greed and Donna Leon's first stand-alone novel. Caterina Pellegrini is a young Venetian musicologist hired by two competing cousins to find the truthful heir to an alleged treasure concealed by a once-famous, but now almost forgotten, baroque composer. Sworn to secrecy, Caterina can solve the mystery only by searching through the papers contained in the composer's two chests that have not been opened for centuries. As she delves into all quarters of his life, from professional to personal, she is drawn into one of the most scandalous affairs of the baroque era. When her research takes her in unexpected directions, she begins to wonder what dark secrets these chests hold and just whom can she trust?
9,03 € 9,50 €

Golden Egg

Celebrated by The Times as one of the 50 Greatest Crime Writers, Donna Leon brings Venice to life in the twenty-second Brunetti novel of this bestselling series, where our detective must uncover the mystery. When making routine enquiries into a possible bribery case that could embarrass the mayor - a humiliation Vice-Questore Patta is very keen to avoid - Commissario Brunetti receives a call from his wife, Paola, who is evidently very upset. The middle-aged deaf mute with the mental age of a child who helped out at the Brunetti's dry cleaners has been found dead - an 'accidental' overdose of his mother's sleeping pills - and Paola is distraught by the news. To the neighbourhood he was just the 'boy' who helped out, but nobody knew much about him - not even his name. That a soul could have lived such a joyless life is too much for Paola to bear, and she asks Guido if he can find out what happened. It is a surprise to Brunetti just how little was known about this man-child - there are no official records to show he even existed. The man's mother is angry and contradictory when questioned about his death, and Brunetti senses that there much more to the story than she is willing to tell. With the help of Inspector Vianello and the ever-resourceful Signorina Elettra, perhaps Brunetti can get to the truth and find some measure of solace.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Falling in Love

In Death at La Fenice, Donna Leon's first novel in the Commissario Brunetti series, readers were introduced to the glamorous and cut-throat world of opera and to one of Italy's finest living sopranos, Flavia Petrelli - then a suspect in the poisoning of a renowned German conductor. Now, many years after Brunetti cleared her name, Flavia has returned to the illustrious La Fenice to sing the lead in Tosca. As an opera superstar, Flavia is well acquainted with attention from adoring fans and aspiring singers. But when one anonymous admirer inundates her with bouquets of yellow roses - on stage, in her dressing room and even inside her locked apartment - it becomes clear that this fan has become a potentially dangerous stalker. Distraught, Flavia turns to an old friend for help. Familiar with Flavia's melodramatic temperament, Commissario Brunetti is at first unperturbed by her story, but when another young opera singer is attacked he begins to think Flavia's fears may be justified. In order to keep his friend out of danger, Brunetti must enter the psyche of an obsessive fan and find the culprit before anyone comes to harm.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Az aranytojás

Velencébe beköszönt az ősz, és úgy tűnik, Brunetti felügyelőre csupa kisstílű ügyek megoldása vár, amikor felesége kérése váratlanul felkelti az érdeklődését. Paola azt állítja, hogy a közelben kisegítőként dolgozó fiatalember rejtélyes körülmények között halt meg. Brunetti nyomozni kezd, és ugyancsak meglepődik, amikor kiderül, hogy a fiúnak nem hogy jogosítványa, útlevele és hitelkártyája, de születési anyakönyvi kivonata sincs. Mintha sosem létezett volna. Minél több titok kerül napvilágra, a felügyelő annál inkább gyanakszik, hogy egy helybéli arisztokrata családnak köze lehet a rejtélyes halálesethez. De ki kívánta egy szelíd ártalmatlan, együgyű fiú vesztét? Donna Leon, amint mindannyiunk szívéhez közel álló főhőse Brunetti felügyelő, nem tud betelni Velence szépségével, pedig nagyon jól tudja, hogy a sok gyönyörűség mögött mennyi érdek, csalás, korrupció és mocskos üzleti praktika rejtőzik. Történetei nem egyszerű bűnügyi regények. Mindegyikben arra figyelmeztet, hogy jobban figyeljünk közvetlen környezetünkre és a benne élőkre.
11,84 € 12,46 €

Temptation of Forgiveness

Important information is leaking from inside the Venetian Questura, and Commissario Guido Brunetti is tasked with uncovering the culprit. But before Brunetti can begin his investigation, a friend of his wife's comes asking for his help, fearful that her son is using drugs. A few weeks later, the woman's husband is found unconscious at the foot of a bridge. Following various contradictory leads, Brunetti navigates his way through Venice's underworld in an attempt to understand who is responsible for the vicious attack. But as he gets closer to discovering what happened, Brunetti is faced with a difficult truth: sometimes, it's the best intentions that lead to the darkest of consequences . . .
11,88 € 12,50 €

Unto Us a Son Is Given

The latest bestselling Venice crime novel from celebrated author Donna Leon As a favour to his wealthy father-in-law, the Count Falier, Commissario Guido Brunetti agrees to investigate the seemingly innocent wish of the Count's best friend, the elderly and childless Gonzalo, to adopt a younger man as his son. Under Italian inheritance laws, this man would become the sole heir to Gonzalo's substantial fortune, something which Gonzalo's friends, including the Count, find appalling. For his part, Brunetti wonders why they're so intent on meddling in the old man's business. Not long after Brunetti meets with Gonzalo, the elderly man unexpectedly passes away from natural causes. Old and frail, Gonzalo's death goes unquestioned, and a few of his oldest friends gather in Venice to plan the memorial service. But when Berta, a striking woman and one of Gonzalo's closest confidantes, is strangled in her hotel room, Brunetti is drawn into long-buried secrets from Gonzalo's past. What did Berta know? And who would go to such lengths to ensure it would remain hidden? Once again, Donna Leon brilliantly follows the twists and turns of the human condition, set against the ebb and flow of Venetian life.
9,98 € 10,50 €

By Its Cover

By Its Cover is the much anticipated twenty-third instalment in Donna Leon's bestselling crime series, where Commissario Brunetti is better than ever as he addresses questions of worth and value alongside his ever-faithful team of Ispettore Vianello and Signorina Elettra. When several valuable antiquarian books go missing from a prestigious library in the heart of Venice, Commissario Brunetti is immediately called to the scene. The staff suspect an American researcher has stolen them, but for Brunetti something doesn't quite add up. Taking on the case, the Commissario begins to seek information about some of the library's regulars, such as the ex-priest Franchini, a passionate reader of ancient Christian literature, and Contessa Morosini-Albani, the library's chief donor, and comes to the conclusion that the thief could not have acted alone. However, when Franchini is found murdered in his home, the case takes a more sinister turn and soon Brunetti finds himself submerged in the dark secrets of the black market of antiquarian books. Alongside his ever-faithful team of Ispettore Vianello and Signorina Elettra, he delves into the pages of Franchini's past and into the mind of a book thief in order to uncover the terrible truth.
9,03 € 9,50 €

The Girl of His Dream

One rainy morning Commissario Brunetti and Ispettore Vianello respond to an emergency call reporting a body floating near some steps on the Grand Canal. Reaching down to pull it out, Brunetti's wrist is caught by the silkiness of golden hair, and he sees a small foot - together he and Vianello lift a dead girl from the water. But, inconceivably, no one has reported a missing child, nor the theft of the gold jewellery that she carries. Brunetti is drawn into a search not only for the cause of her death but also for her identity, her family, and for the secrets that people will keep in order to protect their children - be they innocent or guilty. From the canals and palazzi of Venice to a gypsy encampment on the mainland, Brunetti struggles with institutional prejudice and entrenched criminality to try to unravel the fate of the dead child.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Lacná kniha Through a Glass Darkly (-90%)

It is a luminous spring day in Venice, as Commissario Brunetti and Ispettore Vianello take a break from the Questura to come to the rescue of Vianello`s friend Marco Ribetti, who has been arrested while protesting against chemical pollution of the Ve netian lagoon. But it is not Marco who has uncovered the guilty secret of the polluting glass foundries of the island of Murano, nor he whose body is found dead in front of the furnaces which burn at 1,400 degrees, night and day. The victim has left clues in a copy of Dante, and Brunetti must descend into an inferno to discover who is fouling the waters of the lagoon.
1,00 € 9,99 €

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Lacná kniha Golden Egg (-90%)

Celebrated by The Times as one of the 50 Greatest Crime Writers, Donna Leon brings Venice to life in the twenty-second Brunetti novel of this bestselling series, where our detective must uncover the mystery. When making routine enquiries into a possible bribery case that could embarrass the mayor - a humiliation Vice-Questore Patta is very keen to avoid - Commissario Brunetti receives a call from his wife, Paola, who is evidently very upset. The middle-aged deaf mute with the mental age of a child who helped out at the Brunetti's dry cleaners has been found dead - an 'accidental' overdose of his mother's sleeping pills - and Paola is distraught by the news. To the neighbourhood he was just the 'boy' who helped out, but nobody knew much about him - not even his name. That a soul could have lived such a joyless life is too much for Paola to bear, and she asks Guido if he can find out what happened. It is a surprise to Brunetti just how little was known about this man-child - there are no official records to show he even existed. The man's mother is angry and contradictory when questioned about his death, and Brunetti senses that there much more to the story than she is willing to tell. With the help of Inspector Vianello and the ever-resourceful Signorina Elettra, perhaps Brunetti can get to the truth and find some measure of solace.
0,95 € 9,50 €

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Lacná kniha Libranos Del Bien (-90%)

Tres carabinieri irrumpen en el apartamento de un pediatra y se llevan a su hijo de dieciocho meses. Líbranos del bien, el decimosexto caso protagonizado por el comisario Brunetti, se adentra en el sórdido mundo del tráfico ilegal de menores para la adopción. Con el ingenio y la lucidez habitual en ella, Donna Leon demuestra que el camino del infierno puede estar sembrado de buenas intenciones.
1,19 € 11,90 €

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