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David Levithan

David Levithan je americký spisovateľ, ktorý sa narodil v  New Jersey. Vyštudoval Brown University a neskôr pracoval ako editor a redaktor. Vo svojich knihách sa často zameriava na homosexuálne vzťahy a problém genderu. Je autorom mnohých oceňovaných kníh. Známa je jeho knihy Den co den, ale aj nová séria Dash a Lily.


Den co den

Každý den se probudíte v jiném těle, každý den žijete život někoho jiného. A tak platí jedna jediná zásada – vyhněte se tomu, aby si někdo všiml, že na jeden den přebýváte v těle někoho jiného a nepleťte se do jeho života. Vše je v pořádku, až do rána, kdy se probudíte v těle Justina a zamilujete se do jeho přítelkyně Rhiannon. Od toho okamžiku všechna pravidla, podle nichž jste až do teď žili, přestávají platit. Konečně se objevil někdo, s kým chcete být den co den. Úspěšný román bestsellerového autora Davida Levithana.
11,39 € 11,99 €

Nap nap után

"A" sohasem tudja előre, hogy másnap hol fog ébredni, és kinek a személyiségét fogja felvenni. Már rég beletörődött ebbe, sőt kialakította saját életstratégiáját is: Ne kötődj senkihez! Maradj észrevétlen! Ne avatkozz bele semmibe! Minden megy is a maga útján rendesen, mígnem egy reggel "A" Justin testében ébred, és találkozik a fiú barátnőjével, Rhiannonnal. Attól a pillanattól fogva "A" jól bevált szabályai értelmüket vesztik, mert főhősünk nap nap után a lánnyal akar lenni. David Levithan az írói képzelet új távlatait nyitja meg. A szerző feltárja az olvasó előtt egy magával ragadó történetben "A" életének és szerelmének bonyolultságát, melyből kiderül, vajon Rhiannon képes lesz-e igazán szeretni a mindennap valaki más testében formát öltő "A"-t.
10,95 € 11,53 €

Hold Me Closer

This is the full script of Hold Me Closer, the musical written by and staring Tiny Cooper, from the New York Times bestselling novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson, written by David Levithan and John Green. Filled with humour, pain, and 'big, lively, bel ty' musical numbers, readers will finally learn the full story of Tiny Cooper from his birth and childhood to his quest for love and his infamous eighteen ex-boyfriends.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Another Day

The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan’s New York Times bestseller Every Day. In this enthralling companion to his New York Times bestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green) tells Rhiannon’s side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accepted her life, convinced herself that she deserves her distant, temperamental boyfriend, Justin, even established guidelines by which to live: Don’t be too needy. Avoid upsetting him. Never get your hopes up. Until the morning everything changes. Justin seems to see her, to want to be with her for the first time, and they share a perfect day—a perfect day Justin doesn’t remember the next morning. Confused, depressed, and desperate for another day as great as that one, Rhiannon starts questioning everything. Then, one day, a stranger tells her that the Justin she spent that day with, the one who made her feel like a real person . . . wasn’t Justin at all.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Every Day

In his "New York Times" bestselling novel, David Levithan, co-author of bestsellers"Will Grayson, Will Grayson"and"Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist," introduces readers to what "Entertainment Weekly" calls a "wise, wildly unique" love story about A, a teen who wakes up every morning in a different body, living a different life. This new paperback edition features six additional chapters about A's earlier life.Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. It s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with day in, day out, day after day. With his new novel, David Levithanhas pushed himself to new creative heights. He has written a captivating story that will fascinate readers as they begin to comprehend the complexities of life and love in A s world, as A and Rhiannon seek to discover if you can truly love someone who is destined to change every day."
8,50 € 8,95 €

Líbali jsme se

Bestsellerový autor David Levithan napsal příběh založený na skutečné události – Harry a Craig, dva sedmnáctiletí kluci, se zúčastnili líbacího maratonu, aby překonali Guinnessův rekord a zároveň upozornili na předsudky panující ve společnosti. Dehydratovaní a nevyspalí se snaží překonat rekord a jejich úsilí se stává ohniskem, kolem kterého se točí příběh dalších dospívajících kluků, již hledají svoji vlastní identitu, lásku, řeší rodinné problémy – a hlavně touží objevit své místo v tomto světě. Levithan umně splétá nitky jejich příběhu do jednoho velkého o dospívání a hledání vlastní identity, zkrátka tom, jaké to dnes je být mladý kluk na kluky. David Levithan je autorem mnoha oceňovaných románů. Českým čtenářům je známý především svým románem Den co den. Dále pak knihami Nick a Norah: až do ochraptění a Dash & Lily – Kniha přání, které napsal společně s Rachel Cohnovou.
3,03 € 3,19 €

Every Day

From the genius of David Levithan, co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, comes a love story like no other you've read before. Each morning, a wakes up in a different body. There's never any warning about who it will be, but a is used to that. Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. And that's fine - until a wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which a has been living no longer apply. Because finally a has found someone he wants to be with - every day...This is a stunningly original novel that will make you view the world from a different perspective. You can also read Rhiannon's side of the story in Another Day. Levithan's powerful novel explores the complexities of first love in a unique way that will captivate anybody who loved Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor & Park and Jandy Nelson's I'll Give You the Sun. David is the New York Times best-selling author of Boy Meets Boy and Marly's Ghost. While among his many collaborations are Will Grayson, Will Grayson with Fault in Our Stars author John Green. He is also a highly respected children's book editor, whose list includes many luminaries of children's literature, including Garth Nix, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins. He lives and works in New York.
12,30 € 12,95 €

How They Met and Other Stories

A collection of stories about love from the New York Times bestselling author of Every Day and Two Boys Kissing. They met on a plane / at Starbucks / in class. It was a set-up / it was completely random / they were dancing. It was love at first sight / it took time / it was a disaster! Love is a complicated, addictive, volatile, scary, wonderful thing. Many of the stories in this collection started out as gifts for the author's friends. From the happy-ever-after to the unrequited, they explore the many aspects of the emotion that has at some time turned us all inside out and upside down. David Levithan is no stranger to exploring love in all its complexity and variety as showcased in Boy Meets Boy, Every Day, Another Day, and Two Boys Kissing. 'Every Day is a wonder: a wholly original premise racing along with a generous heart towards a perfect ending. The best YA makes a place for its readers, and there are few writers as warmly generous as David Levithan.' Patrick Ness, award-winning author of the Chaos Walking trilogy and A Monster Calls David is the New York Times best-selling author of Boy Meets Boy and Marly's Ghost. While among his many collaborations are Will Grayson, Will Grayson with Fault in Our Stars author John Green, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist with Rachel Cohn, which became a major film. Tiny Cooper from Will Grayson, Will Grayson, now has his own novel: Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story. David is also a highly respected children's book editor, whose list includes many luminaries of children's literature, including Garth Nix, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins. He lives and works in New York.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Another Day

There are two sides to every love story. Even supernatural ones. This is the companion novel to David Levithan's unforgettable bestseller Every Day. Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has convinced herself that she deserves her distant, moody boyfriend, Justin. She knows the rules: Don't be needy. Avoid upsetting him. Never get your hopes up. Then, out of the blue, they share a perfect day together - perfect, that is, until Justin doesn't remember anything about it. Confused, and yearning for another day as great as that one, Rhiannon starts to question everything. And that's when a stranger tells her that the Justin she spent that time with...wasn't Justin at all. Levithan's powerful novel explores the complexities of first love in a unique way that will captivate anybody who loved Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor & Park and Jandy Nelson's I'll Give You the Sun. David Levithan is the new York Times best-selling author of Boy Meets Boy and Marly's Ghost. He is also co-author with John Green of Will Grayson, Will Grayson. and with Rachel Cohn of Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. He is also a highly respected children's book editor, whose list includes many luminaries of children's literature, including Garth Nix, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins. He lives and works in New York.
11,35 € 11,95 €

You Know Me Well

Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, having just run away from a chance to finally meet the girl she has been in love with from afar. Mark, meanwhile, is in love with his best friend Ryan, who may or may not feel the same way. When Kate and Mark meet up, little do they know how important they will become to each other -- and how, in a very short time, they will know each other better than any of the people who are supposed to know them more. Told in alternating points of view by Nina LaCour and David Levithan, the best-selling author of Every Day and co-author of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (with Rachel Cohn) and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with John Green), You Know Me Well is a deeply honest story about navigating the joys and heartaches of first love, one truth at a time.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Will Grayson, Will Grayson CZ brož. - 2.vydání

Chicago je dost velké město a dva středoškoláky z jeho opačných konců může dohromady svést leda náhoda. A aby se navíc ti dva jmenovali úplně stejně, totiž Will Grayson, musí ta náhoda být hodně veliká. Jenže opravdový spád věci naberou teprve tehdy, když se do všeho vloží ještě někdo třetí – kamarád jednoho z Willů zvaný Drobek, tornádo v lidské podobě. Drobek je střední útočník školního týmu amerického fotbalu, autor, skladatel, producent, režisér a hlavní hvězda nejlepšího muzikálu všech dob, a především věčně zamilovaný gay. A když ten se do něčeho pustí, můžete si být jistí, že při zdi se držet nebude… Oba Willy čeká řada příjemných i méně příjemných překvapení a postupně si budou muset znovu přebrat všechno, co si mysleli o sobě, o lásce i o přátelství.
11,12 € 11,70 €

Marly's Ghost

David Levithan, bestselling author of Every Day, gives Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol a Valentine's remix. When Ben's girlfriend, Marly, dies, he feels his life is over and the prospect of Valentine's Day without her fills him with bitterness. But then Marly arrives - or at least, her ghost does - along with three other spirits. Now Ben must take a journey through Valentines past, present and future - and what he learns will change him forever. David Levithan is master of blending fantasy and romance, and Marly's Ghost has every bit as wonderfully strange and magical as Every Day and Another Day. David is the New York Times best-selling author of Boy Meets Boy and Marly's Ghost. While among his many collaborations are Will Grayson, Will Grayson with Fault in Our Stars author John Green, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist with Rachel Cohn, which became a major film. Tiny Cooper from Will Grayson, Will Grayson, now has his own novel: Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story. David is also a highly respected children's book editor, whose list includes many luminaries of children's literature, including Garth Nix, Libba Bray and Suzanne Collins. He lives and works in New York.
9,50 € 10,00 €

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, teenager Will Grayson crosses paths with...Will Grayson! Two teens with the same name who run in two very different circles suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions. Culminating in epic turns-of-heart on both of their parts, they team up to produce the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high school stage. Told in alternating voices from two of the most popular names in young adult fiction, this unique collaborative novel features a double helping of heart and humour.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Den co den - filmové vydání

Každý den se probudíte v jiném těle, každý den žijete život někoho jiného. A tak platí jedna jediná zásada – vyhněte se tomu, aby si někdo všiml, že na jeden den přebýváte v těle někoho jiného a nepleťte se do jeho života. Vše je v pořádku, až do rána, kdy se probudíte v těle Justina a zamilujete se do jeho přítelkyně Rhiannon. Od toho okamžiku všechna pravidla, podle nichž jste až do teď žili, přestávají platit. Konečně se objevil někdo, s kým chcete být den co den.
9,49 € 9,99 €

Ještě jeden den

Druhý díl romace z pera uznávaného autora Davida Levithana. Pro Rhiannon jsou všechny dny stejné. Časem se smířila i s tím, že její přítel Justin je temperamentní, ale odtažitý, a že to není kluk z romantických filmů. A naučila se několik základních pravidel: nedělat si příliš velké naděje, neupínat se na Justina a nesnažit se ho změnit. Ale jednou se vše změní. Justin je jako vyměněný a prožijí dokonalý den. Ovšem příští ráno si Justin z předchozího dne vůbec nic nepamatuje a vše se vrátí do starých kolejí. A najednou do jejího života vstoupí cizinec, který tvrdí, že onen dokonalý den strávila s ním – s ním v Justinově těle.
11,39 € 11,99 €

Naomi and Elys No Kiss List

From the dream team David Levithan and Rachel Cohn who brought you Nick and Norah’s Infinite playlist. Naomi and Ely prove that any great friendship can be as confusing, treacherous, inspiring and wonderful as any great romance. Naomi and Ely have been best friends forever. Naomi loves and is in love with Ely, and Ely loves Naomi, but prefers to be in love with boys. So they create their “No Kiss List” of people neither of them is allowed to kiss. And this works fine – until Bruce. Bruce is Naomi’s boyfriend, so there’s no reason to put him on the List. But Ely kissed Bruce - and the resulting fallout is going to shake up the world! Perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen, Rainbow Rowell, and Morgan Matson. David and Rachel’s other collaborations include Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist and The 12 Days of Dash and Lily.
9,98 € 10,50 €