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Little Fires Everywhere

'I am loving Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. Maybe my favorite novel I've read this year' John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars'To say I love this book is an understatement. It's a deep psychological mystery about the power of motherhood, the intensity of teenage love, and the danger of perfection. It moved me to tears' Reese WitherspoonThe brilliant new novel by the author of the New York Times bestseller, Everything I Never Told You. Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is meticulously planned - from the layout of the winding roads, to the colours of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principal is playing by the rules.Enter Mia Warren - an enigmatic artist and single mother- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenage daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than just tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the alluring mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past, and a disregard for the rules that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community.When the Richardsons' friends attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town and puts Mia and Mrs. Richardson on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Mrs. Richardson becomes determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at unexpected and devastating costs to her own family - and Mia's. Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of long-held secrets and the ferocious pull of motherhood-and the danger of believing that planning and following the rules can avert disaster, or heartbreak.
15,68 € 16,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Little Fires Everywhere

The instant New York Times bestseller! Entertainment Weekly’s #1 Must-Read Book for Fall * Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club Selection * #1 Library Reads Pick * September IndieNext Pick “I am loving Little Fires Everywhere. Maybe my favorite novel I've read this year.”—John Green "I read Little Fires Everywhere in a single, breathless sitting." –Jodi Picoult "Witty, wise, and tender. It's a marvel." – Paula Hawkins From the bestselling author of Everything I Never Told You, a riveting novel that traces the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and the enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned – from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren – an enigmatic artist and single mother – who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past and a disregard for the status quo that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends of the Richardsons attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town--and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at unexpected and devastating costs. Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, and the ferocious pull of motherhood – and the danger of believing that following the rules can avert disaster.
16,15 € 17,00 €

Stačí škrtnúť zápalkou

V Shaker Heights, pokojnom príjemnom predmestí Clevelandu, je všetko plánované – od kľukatých ciest cez farby domov až po úspešný život obyvateľov. Nikto nestelesňuje tohto ducha lepšie ako Elena Richardsonová, ktorá sa dôsledne riadi zásadou hrať podľa pravidiel. Vtedy sa na scéne zjaví Mia Warrenová, tajomná umelkyňa a slobodná matka, ktorá prenikne do tejto idylickej bubliny s dcérou tínedžerkou Pearl a prenajme si dom od Richardsonovcov. Zakrátko sa Mia a Pearl stanú čímsi viac ako podnájomníčkami. Všetky štyri deti Richardsonovcov priťahuje dvojica matky a dcéry, taká odlišná od tamojších ľudí. Ale Mia nesie so sebou tajomnú minulosť a neberie ohľad na pravidlá, takže hrozí, že obráti naruby túto starostlivo usporiadanú komunitu. Keď sa starí rodinní priatelia Richardsonovcov pokúsia adoptovať čínsko-americké dieťa, vypukne boj o zverenie do starostlivosti a dramaticky rozdelí mesto. Mia a Elena odrazu stoja proti sebe. Elena podozrieva Miu i jej motívy a je rozhodnutá odhaliť tajomstvá Miinej minulosti. Jej posadnutosť však má zdrvujúce následky. Román Stačí škrtnúť zápalkou skúma váhu tajomstiev, povahu umenia a identity, silu materstva – a nebezpečenstvo viery, že pohromu možno odvrátiť, ak sa človek drží pravidiel.
1,70 € 1,79 €

Amit sohase mondtam el

„Lydia ?halott. De ők még nem tudják.” Így kezdődik az 1970-es években játszódó regény, amelynek középpontjában egy ohióbeli kisvárosban élő kínai-amerikai család áll. Marylin és James Leenek három gyereke van, és Lydia a kedvencük: a szülők az ő életére vetítik rá minden félbemaradt álmukat, reményüket és nagyravágyó tervüket. De amikor Lydia holttestét kifogják a házukhoz közeli tóból, a család addig is törékeny egyensúlya végképp felborul. Titkok, elvágyódás és a múlt zsákutcái – az Amit sohase mondtam el thriller, de közben megindító történet is, amelyet nem lehet letenni, végeredményben pedig finom megfigyelésekkel teli, érzékeny jellemrajz egy különös, de hallatlanul emberi és életteli családról, amelynek tagjai szüntelenül azért küzdenek, hogy jobban értsék egymást. Celeste Ng kínai bevándorlók gyermekeként született Pittsburghben, jelenleg Massachusettsben él a férjével és a kisfiával. Ez az első regénye, amely megjelenésekor rögtön óriási bestseller lett, és osztatlan kritikai sikert aratott. Az Amit sohase mondtam el 2014-ben „Az év könyve” lett az Amazonnál, többek között APALA- és Alex-díjjal jutalmazták.
10,15 € 10,68 €

Little Fires Everywhere

Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is meticulously planned - from the layout of the winding roads, to the colours of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren - an enigmatic artist and single mother- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenage daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than just tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past, and a disregard for the rules that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town - and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at an unexpected and devastating cost...
10,40 € 10,95 €

Little Fires Everywhere - A Novel

Soon to be a Hulu limited series, starring Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington! Named a Best Book of the Year by: People, The Washington Post, Bustle, Esquire, Southern Living, The Daily Beast, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Audible, Goodreads, Library Reads, Book of the Month, Paste, Kirkus Reviews, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and many more! "I read Little Fires Everywhere in a single, breathless sitting." –Jodi Picoult “To say I love this book is an understatement. It’s a deep psychological mystery about the power of motherhood, the intensity of teenage love, and the danger of perfection. It moved me to tears.” - Reese Witherspoon “Extraordinary...Books like Little Fires Everywhere don't come along often." —John Green "Witty, wise, and tender. It's a marvel." – Paula Hawkins From the bestselling author of Everything I Never Told You, a riveting novel that traces the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and the enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned – from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren – an enigmatic artist and single mother – who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past and a disregard for the status quo that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends of the Richardsons attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town--and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at unexpected and devastating costs. Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, and the ferocious pull of motherhood – and the danger of believing that following the rules can avert disaster. Perfect for book clubs! Visit celesteng.com for discussion guides and more.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Kis tüzek mindenütt

Shaker Heights. Cleveland nyugodt, virágzó külvárosa, ahol a házak színétől a szabályos keresztutakon át a lakók sikeres életéig minden tökéletesen elrendezett. Itt él Mrs. Richardson négy gyermekével és ügyvéd férjével. Elena a környék mintalakója, helyi újságíró, és legfontosabb alapelve a szabályok betartása. Ebbe az idilli kertvárosi buborékba költözik Mia Warren, a titokzatos fotóművész és egyedülálló anya, valamint tinédzser lánya, Pearl, akik a Richardson családtól bérelnek házat, de rövid idő alatt már nemcsak albérlők lesznek, hanem a szomszéd gyerekek életében is fontos szerepet kezdenek el betölteni. A rejtélyes múltú Mia azonban felbolygatja a gondos rendben élő közösség mindennapjait, amikor Richardsonék barátai egy kínai-amerikai kisbabát szeretnének örökbe fogadni, ám váratlanul felbukkan a gyermek igazi anyja. Drámai küzdelem kezdődik, amely megosztja a város lakóit, és végül Mia és Elena ellentétes oldalra kerülnek. Elena eltökélt szándéka lesz, hogy leleplezze a nő titkait, de megszállottsága váratlan és visszafordíthatatlan következményekkel jár. És mindeközben egy családi házban egy szikra lángra lobban. Regény a súlyos családi titkokról, az anyaság kegyetlen nehézségeiről, és annak a veszélyeiről, ha elhisszük, hogy a szabályok követésével mindig megakadályozhatjuk a katasztrófákat. A Kis tüzek mindenütt megjelenése óta kitartóan szerepel a New York Times bestseller listáján, a legjobb szépirodalmi műnek választották meg a Goodreads olvasói 2017-ben, és már több mint húsz országban keltek el a kiadás jogai. A regényből Reese Witherspoon és Kerry Washington főszereplésével a Hulu készít sorozatot.
12,26 € 12,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Little Fires Everywhere

The #1 New York Times bestseller! Soon to be a Hulu limited series starring Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington. Named a Best Book of the Year by: People, The Washington Post, Bustle, Esquire, Southern Living, The Daily Beast, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Audible, Goodreads, Library Reads, Book of the Month, Paste, Kirkus Reviews, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and many more... "I read Little Fires Everywhere in a single, breathless sitting." --Jodi Picoult "To say I love this book is an understatement. It's a deep psychological mystery about the power of motherhood, the intensity of teenage love, and the danger of perfection. It moved me to tears." --Reese Witherspoon "Extraordinary . . . books like Little Fires Everywhere don't come along often." --John Green From the bestselling author of Everything I Never Told You, a riveting novel that traces the intertwined fates of the picture-perfect Richardson family and the enigmatic mother and daughter who upend their lives. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned--from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren--an enigmatic artist and single mother--who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past and a disregard for the status quo that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends of the Richardsons attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town--and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at unexpected and devastating costs. Little Fires Everywhere explores the weight of secrets, the nature of art and identity, and the ferocious pull of motherhood--and the danger of believing that following the rules can avert disaster. Perfect for book clubs! Visit celesteng.com for discussion guides and more.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Little Fires Everywhere

'Just read it . . . Outstanding' Matt Haig'To say I love this book is an understatement . . . It moved me to tears' Reese Witherspoon'Beautifully written, completely charming, and extremely wise on the subject of adolescence and influence' Nick HornbyEveryone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is meticulously planned - from the layout of the winding roads, to the colours of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren - an enigmatic artist and single mother- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenage daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than just tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past, and a disregard for the rules that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town - and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia's past. But her obsession will come at an unexpected and devastating cost .
11,35 € 11,95 €

Everything I Never Told You

Amazon.com's #1 Book of the Year 2014 Lydia is the favourite child of Marilyn and James Lee; a girl who inherited her mother's bright blue eyes and her father's jet-black hair. Her parents are determined that Lydia will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue - in Marilyn's case that her daughter become a doctor rather than a homemaker, in James's case that Lydia be popular at school, a girl with a busy social life and the centre of every party. But Lydia is under pressures that have nothing to do with growing up in 1970s small town Ohio. Her father is an American born of first-generation Chinese immigrants, and his ethnicity, and hers, make them conspicuous in any setting. When Lydia's body is found in the local lake, James is consumed by guilt and sets out on a reckless path that may destroy his marriage. Marilyn, devastated and vengeful, is determined to make someone accountable, no matter what the cost. Lydia's older brother, Nathan, is convinced that local bad boy Jack is somehow involved. But it's the youngest in the family - Hannah - who observes far more than anyone realises and who may be the only one who knows what really happened. Everything I Never Told You is a gripping page-turner, about secrets, love, longing, lies and race.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Ohníčky všude kolem, 2.vydání

V Shaker Heights, poklidném předměstí Clevelandu, dbají lidé na to, aby měli všechno přesně podle šablony – stejné trávníky, stejné domy, a také aby žili stejné životy. Elena Richardsonová ztělesňuje tuhle idylku úspěšné americké středostavovské rodinky devadesátých let naprosto dokonale. Richardsonovi, kteří mají čtyři děti, pronajmou byt nekonformní chudé fotografce Mie s dospívající dcerou. Tyhle dvě rodiny se postupně pořád víc prolínají, ale od začátku víme, že se jejich odlišné světy střetnou a povede to ke katastrofě…
13,35 € 14,05 €