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Isabelle Palmer


Záhrada na balkóne

Vytvorte pre seba a svojich blízkych oázu pokoja a zelene! Na pestovanie byliniek, okrasných kvetov, vlastnej zeleniny či jahôd nepotrebujete záhradu. Aj na malých priestoroch, akými sú balkón a terasa, môžete vybudovať krásnu a útulnú záhradku. Autorka knihy sa záhradkárčením na obmedzenom priestore zaoberá už niekoľko rokov. Odporučí vám, aké rastliny vybrať, v čom ich pestovať a ako sa o ne starať, aby dobre prospievali a skvele vyzerali. Ponúka tipy na výrobu sezónnych dekorácií i na prípravu výborných jedál z vlastnoručne vypestovaných surovín. Pozvite prírodu k sebe domov a relaxujte aktívne pri záhradkárčení, ktoré nezaberie veľa času a prinesie do vášho života radosť, krásu a pohodu.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,75 € 13,99 €

House Plants

Transform your home the easy way with more than 60 innovative and stylish ideas for creating indoor gardens. Small-space gardening expert Isabelle Palmer shows you how to create gorgeous terrariums and hanging gardens, and how to grow under glass and plant vertically, with helpful advice and techniques, as well as handy tips for taking care of your new house plants. Grow and display amazing aquatic plants in a deep vase, create a stunning fireside moss and fern display, group a variety of beautiful orchids in bright colours on a shelf and plant some tiny jewel-like succulents for an easy and on-trend kitchen window scene. House Plants removes the mystery of taking care of plants and gives everyone a chance to enjoy the benefits and beauty of a garden indoors.
19,48 € 20,50 €

House Gardener

The Balcony Gardener heads indoors! Following the success of her first book, The Balcony Gardener, Isabelle Palmer now adapts her talent for small-space gardening to interiors. If you are looking for new and innovative ways to display your houseplants, seeking inspiration for table settings, or wanting ideas for unusual containers for indoor growing, The House Gardener will provide the answers and the inspiration. Isabelle brings a new eye and a contemporary twist to gardening indoors - try your hand at a miniature Zen garden, indoor water gardens, terrariums and table centres, fairy-tale gardens for children, and much more. A comprehensive basics chapter on which plants to select, planting techniques and plant care is followed by the project chapters: Under Glass, Hanging Gardens, Old Finds, and Just Outside.
27,50 € 28,95 €