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Men I´ve Loved Before

Highly praised as a 'fabulous mix of comedy, real life and emotional depth' (Daily Express) MEN I'VE LOVED BEFORE is a fabulously addictive read from the top ten bestseller. Neil and Nat seem to be perfectly matched. They hate Marmite and the opera. They
8,93 € 9,40 €

About Last Night

The gorgeously addictive new novel from the Sunday Times bestseller 'I need you to say that I was with you.' For thirty years, best friends Steph and Pip have been through thick and thin. There's nothing they would not do for one another. Until these simple words change everything. Steph, eternally solid and dependable, is begging her friend to lie to the police as she's desperately trying to conceal not one but two scandalous secrets to protect her family. Pip, self-consigned to the role of scatty hot-head, is overwhelmed; she's normally the one asking for help in a crisis. It's a big ask. So what would you do? How far would you go for your best friend?
7,03 € 7,40 €

Whatever it Takes

In her emotionally powerful and unputdownable new novel Adele Parks, Sunday Times bestselling author of ABOUT LAST NIGHT, asks the question: what if love's not enough? Eloise Hamilton is a Londoner born and bred, so it is a momentous day when she reluctantly agrees to uproot to Dartmouth, leaving behind her perfect world so her husband can finally live in his. There are compensations, however. Her mother-in-law Margaret will welcome her with open arms, and besides, she can still rely on best friend Sara to be her lifeline to London. But both Margaret and Sara are facing their own difficulties, and thrust into unexpected turmoil, Eloise finds she is the one holding everything together for her loved ones - and by an ever-weakening thread. As her world implodes with the strain of being responsible for all around her, someone is bound to be overlooked. And the damage might be irreparable...
9,03 € 9,50 €

Love Lies

A compulsive tale of a modern-day Cinderella's quest for her own happily ever after, filled with Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks' warmth, wit and insight into real life relationships. Fern is staring thirty in the face and she believes a romantic wedding should be the next step for her and long-term love Adam, but he just won't go down on one knee. Then a chance meeting catapults her out of the everyday existence and into a girl's ultimate fantasy - being swept away by Prince Charming to a life of luxury, wealth and celebrity. But is her whirlwind romance with pop star Scottie Taylor everything it seems? Fern is forced to ask herself if a fairy tale ending is possible in such a modern rock and roll world...*Includes bonus material*
9,98 € 10,50 €

Other Women’s Shoes

This gripping novel of two very different sisters from Adele Parks, bestselling author of ABOUT LAST NIGHT, asks is there such a thing as a perfect life or the perfect love? The Evergreen sisters have always been opposites with little in common. Martha is married and has the perfect home, family and life. Eliza rents a drab one-bedroom flat, which she shares with her sexy but hapless boyfriend. Until, one day, Eliza walks out on him, the very same day that Martha's husband walks out on her. Suddenly the Evergreen sisters are united by separation. Eliza is free to pursue the relationships she's always wanted; one that offers stability and security. Martha falls into a relationship that she could never have imagined; it's wild and wicked. Can they find happiness dashing down these new routes or does chasing love only get more complicated when you're running in another woman's shoes? *Includes bonus material*
9,98 € 10,50 €

Život té druhé

Opravdu si myslíte, že ostatní mají lepší život než vy? Sestry Evergreenovy byly už od dětství jako voda a oheň. A zůstalo jim to doposud: Martha je vdaná, má dokonalý dům, milovaného manžela, dvě děti a vede spořádaný život, jaký si vždycky představovala. Naproti tomu Eliza bydlí v jednopokojovém bytě s přítelem, který je sice hrozně moc sexy, ale… ale to je asi tak všechno dobré, co o něm může říct. Jinak je nespolehlivý, nepořádný a především nedospělý. A tak ho jednoho krásného dne Eliza opustí. Shodou okolností to udělá přesně ve chvíli, kdy Marthu opustí její manžel. A teprve tehdy začnou mít obě sestry pocit, že se ocitly na jedné lodi. A co víc: že můžou ochutnat předchozí život té druhé, který jim najednou připadá mnohem lákavější než ten, jaký každá z nich vedla doposud. Martha najde odvahu navázat vztah, na jaký by se nikdy neodvážila ani pomyslet: vášnivý a nespoutaný. Eliza si naopak hýčká partnerství s mužem, který jí nabízí stálost a jistotu. Možná jim ta změna přinese konečně štěstí. Ale taky možná zjistí, že když jdeme proti vlastní podstatě, lásku to jenom komplikuje.
13,35 € 14,05 €

dostupné aj ako:

The state we're in

THE STATE WE'RE IN is the stunning, emotionally powerful new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Adele Parks. What are the odds that the stranger sitting next to you on a plane is destined to change your life? Especially when they appear to be your opposite in every way. She's a life-long optimist, looking for her soul mate in every man she meets; he's a resolute cynic - cruel experience has taught him never to put his faith in anyone. People can surprise you. In the time it takes to fly from London to Chicago, each finds something in the other that they didn't even realise they needed. Their pasts are such that they can never make one another happy and it's when they get off the plane that their true journey begins...
9,98 € 10,50 €

Stalo se včera v noci

Co všechno byste byla ochotna udělat pro svou nejlepší kamarádku? Třicet let jsou nerozlučnými kamarádkami, jedna pro druhou by i dýchala. Stephanie je ta rozumnější – žije spořádaným životem příkladné manželky a matky, zatímco nezkrotně romantická Pippa potřebuje každou chvíli vytáhnout z průšvihu. Všechno se obrátí naruby v okamžiku, kdy Steph vysloví osudnou větu: "Potřebuju, abys mi dosvědčila, že jsem v noci byla u tebe." Stephanie, ještě včera zosobnění zodpovědnosti, zoufale prosí svou přítelkyni, aby do policejního protokolu lhala. Pokud totiž tato lež nezazní, Stephanii hrozí rozpad manželství, soud a vězení. V sázce není jen její pověst, ale také osud jejích tří dětí. Pippa byla až doposud rozevlátou bohémkou, k níž praktický svět příliš nedoléhal. Teď najednou stojí před celou řadou nepříjemných otázek, na které bude muset rychle najít odpověď: Má lhát z pouhé vděčnosti a pocitu odpovědnosti? Kvůli tomu, že Steph zná třicet let? Co by to udělalo s jejich přátelstvím? A neohrozila by tou lží vše, čeho se jí v poslední době, po dlouhých letech mizérie, podařilo dosáhnout?
13,35 € 14,05 €

dostupné aj ako:

Tell Me Something

Sunday Times bestselling author Adele Parks asks can dreams live up to reality in her addictive novel set in glorious sun-drenched Italy, where a marriage crumbles, cultures clash and love affairs begin...When Elizabeth and her Italian husband Roberto decide to leave London for romantic Italy and his family business, Elizabeth hopes the change in lifestyle might help boost her chances of conceiving their longed for child. But the idyll shatters as her wily mother-in-law seems bent on destroying her marriage, and Roberto's beautiful, significant ex is a constant unwanted presence. Unwanted by Elizabeth, at least. Is Elizabeth's ferocious hunger for a baby enough to hold a marriage together or is it ripping it apart? And what about the gorgeous American stranger who's suddenly walked into her life? *Includes bonus material*
9,98 € 10,50 €

Nevěsty bez ženichů

Jak obstát ve světě, kde přestalo platit vše, v čem jsme žili dřív? Dvacátá léta: čas nadějí a příslibů. Na novoročním večírku lidé oslavují vstup do nové dekády a snaží se předstírat, že na Velkou válku už zapomněli. Je to pryč. Teď je třeba začít zase žít! Skutečnost je ale taková, že lidé, kteří přežili, už nikdy nebudou takoví jako dřív. Najít místo v novém světě se snaží i čtyři přítelkyně, z nichž každá stojí před docela jiným problémem. Ostýchavá Beatrice se obává samoty: nemá dost půvabu ani majetku, aby dokázala zaujmout těch pár nezadaných mužů, kteří se vrátili z bojů. Naproti tomu jiskřivá Ava se nechce vzdát nespoutanosti, kterou si mohla za války užívat, a manželství považuje za zlatou klec, do níž rozhodně nehodlá vstoupit. Sarah zaplatila cenu nejvyšší: její manžel padl. Lydia manžela stále má, ale v jejích očích je to zbabělec, který přečkal válku za úřednickým stolem. A pak se jedna z našich čtyř žen seznámí s charismatickým důstojníkem Edgarem Trentem. Teprve díky tomuto náhodnému setkání se spustí řetěz událostí, které přivedou všechny zúčastněné k pochopení, že stará pravidla už opravdu neplatí. Že štěstí je třeba jít naproti – a být připraven zaplatit za ně i velmi vysokou cenu
15,58 € 16,40 €

If You Go Away

Glamorous debutantes, heartbreak and discovering just what is worth fighting for in the new historical novel from Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks. 1914. Vivian, a young, impassioned debutante is hurried into a pedestrian marriage to cover a scandal. War breaks out on her wedding day - domestically and across Europe. Quick to escape the disappointment of matrimony, her traditionalist husband immediately enlists and Vivian has no alternative than to take up the management and running of his estate - after all, everyone is required to do their bit. Even pretty, inadequately-educated young wives. Howard, a brilliant young playwright rushes to the front to see for himself the best and the worst of humanity; he cannot imagine what the horror might be. In March 1916, when conscription becomes law, it is no longer enough for him to report on the War, it's a legal requirement that he joins the ranks. Howard refuses, becoming one of the most notorious conscientious objectors of the time. Disarmingly handsome, famous, articulate and informed, he's a threat to the government. Narrowly escaping a death sentence by agreeing to take essential work on Vivian's farm, it's only then Howard understands what is worth fighting for.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Jestli odejdeš

Dokázal by ji milovat víc, než nenávidí válku? Jestli odejde, bude muset zabíjet, nebo bude sám zabit. Jestli zůstane, bude uvězněn a možná odsouzen k trestu smrti. Takto bezútěšné jsou možnosti volby, před kterými stojí talentovaný dramatik Howard Henderson. Nedokáže sdílet nadšení svých vrstevníků pro účast ve válce, nechce bojovat s neviditelným nepřítelem. Ví velice dobře, jak to na frontě chodí, a nechce se na tom sebeméně podílet. Když poslechne své srdce, bude zostuzena a opovrhována. Když se zachová podle společenských konvencí, bude v osamění odsouzena k bezbřehé nudě. Takovéto možnosti se nabízejí půvabné Vivian Fosterové. Právě se vdává, když vypukne válka, a její doposud odtažitý manžel se vmžiku mění v bojovného vlastence. Vivian zůstává sama na farmě v Derbyshire, bolestně odtržená od společenského života, z něhož se mohla dříve těšit... Lze v čase běsnící války nalézt krásu? Anebo přátelství Howarda a Vivian představuje jen zoufalý únik z dusivé bezvýchodnosti situace, v níž se oba ocitli? Odejdi do války a už nikdy nepohlédni své lásce do očí. Zachraň svého nepřítele. Anebo jdi k čertu. Správná volba jako by snad ani neexistovala
15,58 € 16,40 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Stranger in My Home

The Number One eBook Bestseller What would YOU do if your child wasn't yours? Utterly compelling, Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks's new contemporary novel The Stranger In My Home, is sure to move, grip and delight her fans, along with readers of Liane Moriarty, Jane Shemilt and Lisa Jewell. Alison is lucky and she knows it. She has the life she always craved, including a happy home with Jeff and their brilliant, vivacious teenage daughter, Katherine - the absolute centre of Alison's world. Then a knock at the door ends life as they know it. Fifteen years ago, someone else took Alison's baby from the hospital. And now Alison is facing the unthinkable. The daughter she brought home doesn't belong to her. When you have everything you dreamed of, there is everything to lose.
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Image of You: I thought I knew you. But youre a liar.

Anna and Zoe are twins. Identical in appearance, utterly different in personality, they share a bond so close that nothing - or no one - can rip them apart. Until Anna meets charismatic Nick. Anna is trusting, romantic and hopeful; she thinks Nick is perfect. Zoe is daring, dangerous and extreme; she thinks Nick is a liar. Zoe has seen Anna betrayed by men before. She'll stop at nothing to discover if Nick is as good as he seems. Lies may hurt. But honesty can kill.
10,40 € 10,95 €

I Invited Her In

‘Packed with secrets, scandal and suspense, this is Adele Parks at her absolute best.’ Heat ‘Wow! What a read. Intense, clever and masterful.’ Lisa Jewell A gripping story of friendship and betrayal from international best-selling author Adele Parks ‘I invited her in… and she took everything.’ When Mel hears from a long-lost friend in need of help, she doesn’t hesitate to invite her to stay. Mel and Abi were best friends back in the day, sharing the highs and lows of student life, until Mel’s unplanned pregnancy made her drop out of her studies. Now, seventeen years later, Mel and Abi’s lives couldn’t be more different. Mel is happily married, having raised her son on her own before meeting her husband, Ben. Now they share gorgeous girls and have a chaotic but happy family home, with three children. Abi, meanwhile, followed her lover to LA for a glamorous life of parties, celebrity and indulgence. Everything was perfect, until she discovered her partner had been cheating on her. Seventeen years wasted, and nothing to show for it. So what Abi needs now is a true friend to lean on, to share her grief over a glass of wine, and to have some time to heal. And what better place than Mel’s house, with her lovely kids, and supportive husband… This dark, unsettling tale of the reunion of long-lost friends is thoroughly gripping exploration of wanting what you can’t have, jealousy and revenge from Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Lies Lies Lies

Daisy and Simon's marriage is great, isn't it? After years together, the arrival of longed-for daughter Millie sealed everything in place. A happy little family of three. And so what if Simon drinks a bit too much sometimes - Daisy's used to it, she knows he's letting off steam. Until one night at a party things spiral horribly out of control. And that happy little family of three will never be the same again. In Lies Lies Lies Sunday Times bestseller Adele Parks explores the darkest corners of a relationship in freefall in a mesmerising tale of marriage and secrets.
9,98 € 10,50 €