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1995, Scotland. The prison of Cornton Vale. Laura Brannigan is in jail for murder. For two years she´s been battling for justic - insisting that she didn´t kill her best friend, Jackie. Yet with her spirits at their lowest ebb, she receives a letter that
11,21 € 11,80 €


Lesley Pearse bestsellereiből több mint hárommillió példányt adtak el világszerte. Pearse, akinek élettörténete kész regény, bravúros mesélő, történeteiben a legféltettebb és leggyűlöletesebb emberi érzelmek csapnak össze, rajongói szerint páratlan érzékkel mutatja meg, milyenek is vagyunk valójában; veszélyben, magányban, bűnben és szerelemben.
14,61 € 15,38 €

Lesser Evil

A "Lesser Evil" is the thrilling novel from Lesley Pearse. She defied her parents to marry for love...Following her heart, Fifi moves with Dan to London where they rent a seedy flat in Dale Street, Kennington. Though Fifi must now become acquainted with squalor, she is soon drawn into the goings on behind the shabby front doors of her new neighbours. But it is the Muckles, at number 11, who are the street's focus. Rumours of criminal depravity and shocking behaviour are rife. So when Fifi steps in to help their youngest child, she risks the wrath of this frightening family. Suddenly, not only her marriage and her family but the lives of all the inhabitants of Dale Street are at the mercy of the immoral Muckles...Lesley Pearse, author of the hugely successful "Till We Meet Again" and "Secrets" explores love, life and morality in her thrilling novel "A Lesser Evil".
9,98 € 10,50 €

Forgive Me

Lesley Pearse, No. 1 UK bestselling author of The Promise and Belle, is back with Forgive Me, a compelling story of a daughter uncovering her mother's secret past. Eva Patterson's life is forever altered by the devastating discovery of her mother, Flora, dead in the bath leaving only a note: 'Forgive Me'. Until Flora's suicide, Eva's world had been secure - but overnight everything changes. For when Flora leaves Eva a London artist's studio in her will, she finds her mother had a secret past. In the studio's attic are Flora's paintings and diaries, and Eva learns her mother was a popular artist in the swinging sixties. Eva's hunt for answers uncovers clues to a shocking crime which led Flora to hide her past. But will discovering the truth destroy Eva's belief in everything she holds dear? And will this journey lead her and those she loves into danger? From the author of international bestseller, Stolen, Forgive Me is an intense and gripping story of love and forgiveness. 'Engrossing and emotional, it's another winner from Lesley Pearse' Woman's Own 'I absolutely loved this book. The characters are likeable and the writing is always brilliant' Sun 'Intriguing, heart-tugging, beautifully written' Closer Lesley Pearse's novels have sold over ten million copies worldwide. Her fifteen most recent books, including The Promise and Belle are huge bestsellers and available as Penguin paperbacks. Lesley lives near Bristol and has three daughters and three grandchildren.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Bízz bennem

"Bízz bennem! - mondta dühösen. - Ha valaki arra kér, hogy bízz benne, biztos lehetsz abban, hogy végül cserbenhagy vagy fájdalmat okoz." A népszerű szerző lebilincselő története két gyermekről, akiket az ötvenes években egy ausztrál árvaházba küldtek. Egész életében azt ígérgették Dulcie Taylornak, hogy vigyázni fognak rá és húgára, Mayre. Bizalmával mindannyiszor visszaéltek. Amikor húgával új életet kezd egy fiatal és izgalmas országban, mégis elhiszi, hogy új esélyt kaptak. Az új életről, amelyben a testvérpár reménykedett, hamar kiderül, hogy aljas hazugság volt. A szintén árvaházban felnőtt Rossban Dulcie rokon lélekre talál, ám a fájdalmas múlt tovább kísért. Szeretet és törődés nélkül vajon Dulcie elég erős lesz-e ahhoz, hogy kiharcolja magának a boldogságot, és megvédje a húgát? Lesley Pearse bestsellereiből - Utazók, Emlékek, Titkok, Hit, Remény, Árnyak - több mint hárommillió példányt adtak el világszerte. Pearse, akinek élettörténete maga is kész regény, bravúros mesélő, történeteiben a legnemesebb és leggyűlöletesebb emberi érzelmek csapnak össze, az írónő páratlan érzékkel-érzékletességgel mutatja meg, milyenek is vagyunk valójában; veszélyben, magányban, bűnben és szerelemben.
18,27 € 19,23 €


Lesley Pearse, No.1 bestselling author of The Promise and Belle is back with Survivor, the story of Mariette, a born fighter. It is 1938 and Mariette Carrera is a defiant, strong-willed and selfish eighteen-year-old. And sooner or later, if she stays in the small, gossipy town of Russell, New Zealand, she'll get herself into some serious trouble. Her doting parents, Belle and Etienne, fear for her reputation. So, with the world on the brink of war, Mari leaves home on the SS Rimutaka, bound for her aunt and uncle's house in London. Armed with the freedom she's longed for since childhood, Mari quickly falls for Morgan, the handsome cockney steward on board ship. But once she reaches London, there are other temptations. Mari loves her new life - caught up in a whirl of dances and parties in the glittering West End, relishing her freedom as she earns her own money as a typist. Finally, she feels she is mistress of her own future. Until it is all snatched away by the war. As London endures the Blitz, Mari's new life is cruelly blown apart. Forced from her loving new home, she ends up alone in the East End, and it's worlds away from the London she knows. But there, even in the face of so much despair, she finds the chance to make a difference. Amidst the destruction, Mari learns that the only way to survive this war is to fight, with all the strength, selflessness and compassion within her...and only then will she find true happiness. Because Mari is a survivor... From internationally bestselling author, Lesley Pearse, Survivor is a story of bravery and love.
15,68 € 16,50 €


Lesley Pearse, No.1 bestselling author of The Promise and Belle is back with Survivor, the story of Mariette, a born fighter. It is 1938 and headstrong eighteen-year-old Mari Carrera leaves a gossipy small town in rural New Zealand aboard the SS Rimutaka. Rather too careless with her reputation, Mari is bound for the bustling anonymity of London - but she is all too willing to be seduced by the temptations of the glittering West End. Until war comes and snatches it all away. As the Blitz rains death on London, Mari's life is blown apart. Lost and alone in the burning West End, she learns that to endure this war she must find the strength, selflessness and compassion locked within her. And soon this born survivor must risk everything - putting her life on the line for others. From internationally bestselling author, Lesley Pearse, Survivor is a story of bravery and love. "Utterly riveting, brilliant". (Closer). "Characters it is impossible not to care about". (Daily Mail). "Full of love, passion and heartbreak". (Best). Lesley Pearse's novels have sold over five million copies worldwide. Her sixteen most recent books, including Forgive Me, The Promise, and Belle are huge bestsellers and available as Penguin paperbacks. Lesley lives near Bristol and has three daughters and three grandchildren.
9,98 € 10,50 €


Amikor kitör az első világháború, Belle Reilly férje, Jimmy beáll katonának, és Észak-Franciaország halálos lövészárkaiba vezénylik. Belle képtelen tétlenül várakozni, és önként jelentkezik frontszolgálatra. Őt is Franciaországba küldik vöröskeresztes mentőautó-sofőrnek. Belle a frontvonal mögött a maga mindennapi, kegyetlen valóságában tapasztalja meg a háborút, amelyben mindent elveszíthet, amit szeretett, és amiért egész életében küzdött... Tiltott szenvedélyek, hűség és szerelem közt vergődve súlyos döntéseket kell hoznia. Vajon engedni fog a háború sötét erőinek vagy közbeszól a sors, és végül megtalálja a boldogságot? Lesley Pearse Anglia legnépszerűbb regényírója, akinek a könyvei eddig közel ötmillió példányban keltek el. Számos regénye - köztük a Belle, Árnyak, Titkok, Emlékek, Bízz bennem - nemzetközi bestseller lett.
13,57 € 14,28 €


David Mitchell utrpí šok, když jde venčit sousedova psa a ten z moře vytáhne polomrtvou dívku v bezvědomí. Nešťastnice má na sobě zvláštně staromódní šaty, na zápěstí a u kotníků pohmožděniny – nepochybně stopy po poutech – a bezcitně oškubané vlasy. Protože trpí ztrátou paměti a nevzpomíná si, kdo je, otisknou její obrázek i s prosbou o pomoc v novinách. Poznává ji přítelkyně, s níž pracovala na zaoceánské lodi, a také bývalý spolubydlící, kadeřník Simone. Společně neznámou navštěvují v nemocnici a dívka se pomalu zotavuje. Po několika dnech ji však lékař šokuje konstatováním, že musela zhruba před třemi měsíci porodit...
13,35 € 14,05 €

A múlt nyomában

Lebilincselő történet a bátorság, a barátság és a szerelem erejéről. 1953. június 2-át írunk, Anglia II. Erzsébet királynő koronázását ünnepli. Molly Heywoodnak azonban egészen máshol járnak a gondolatai. A húszas éveiben járó lány, aki apja vegyesboltjában dolgozik Somerset egyik aprócska falujában, az ünnepséget hátrahagyva barátnője házához siet. Az erdei lakban rettenetes tragédia fogadja: Cassie-t meggyilkolták, és hatéves, félvér kislánya, Petal nyom nélkül eltűnt. Bár az országos lapok is felkapják a tragikus ügyet, senki nem tud semmit a kislányról. Cassie múltját rejtély övezi. Az egyetlen nyom, ami elvezethet a lány családjához, egy levél, melyet Cassie Londonból kapott. Molly elhatározza, hogy Londonba költözik, hátha ott sikerül a kislány nyomára bukkannia. A nagyvárosba érkezve azonban keserűen tapasztalja meg, milyen nehezen boldogul egymagában egy vidéki lány. És minél közelebb kerül az igazsághoz, annál veszélyesebbé válik az útja. Molly mindent feladott - az otthonát, a boldogságát és esélyét a szerelemre - azért, hogy megtalálja Petalt. Lehet, hogy az élete is veszélyben forog? "Egy újabb magával sodró történet, amely oly jellemző Lesley Pearse-re, és biztosan el fogja ragadtatni seregnyi olvasóját." (Daily Mail) Lesley Pearse Anglia egyik legnépszerűbb írója, regényei világszerte több mint tízmillió példányban keltek el, s közülük nem egy nemzetközi bestseller lett. Az élete legalább annyira regényes, mint a történetei, amelyeknek főszereplői egytől egyig olyan erős, magabiztos nők, akik a sorsukkal dacolva kiállnak magukért, és elszántan harcolnak a boldogságért. Pearse hányattatott sorsa, árvaházi élményei és balul sikerült házasságai egyaránt hatottak a műveire, amelyek központi témája, hogy hogyan győzedelmeskedhet a bátorság, a kitartás és a hűség a rossz felett, milyen sebeket ejthetnek rajtunk gyermekkori traumáink, és hogyan szerezhetjük vissza az uralmat a saját életünk felett.
13,57 € 14,28 €

dostupné aj ako:


Patnáctiletá Belle vyrůstá v londýnském nevěstinci U Annie, aniž by tušila, co se každodenně odehrává v pokojích nahoře. Annie je totiž její matka a úzkostlivě střeží dceřinu nevinnost. Belle se však nečekaně stane svědkem surové vraždy jedné z matčiných dívek, kterou zabije zákazník. Tato noc změní celý její život. Aby vrah nebyl prozrazen, dívku unese a prodá do pařížského nevěstince. Belle se ocitá v krutém světě zločinu a násilí, nemá nikoho, kdo by ji chránil. Cesty ji zavedou až do dalekého New Orleansu, kde se stane velmi žádoucí a vyhledávanou společnicí. Celou dobu však zoufale hledá šanci, jak utéct a vrátit se domů... Z mladé dívky se postupně stává žena, která je schopna překonat všechny rány osudu
16,03 € 16,87 €

Dead to Me

A compelling new story from international number one bestselling author Lesley Pearse Spring 1935. Two girls meet by chance on Hampstead Heath. To an outsider, they could not appear more different. Verity is well-mannered and smartly dressed, living with her parents in a beautiful house close to the heath. Ruby is dishevelled and grubby, used to a life of squalor where she is forced to steal to survive. Yet there's an instant affinity between them, and when their fortunes are shockingly reversed, it is the strength of their friendship that keeps them resilient to the challenges and hardships they face. As Britain prepares for war, Ruby finds herself in Devon with the world at her feet and enjoying her first taste of romance. Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, Verity is forced to leave behind everything she has ever known and a shadow from the past threatens her chances of a new beginning. But through it all, the girls are always there for each other. Until the day Verity does the one thing that will break Ruby's heart. In a country torn apart by fighting, will Verity and Ruby survive long enough to find a way back to each other? Or do some betrayals go with you to the grave ...? Praise for Lesley Pearse 'Epic romantic drama set in post-war London' Heat Magazine 'A heart-warming and evocative tale that is a real delight to read' Sun 'A narrative that gallops along, this is quintessential Pearse that will delight her army of readers' Daily Mail 'Must have' Sunday Express 'Yet another great Lesley Pearse novel' Woman Magazine 'Evocative, compelling, told from the heart' Sunday Express 'Utterly riveting, brilliant' Closer 'Full of love, passion and heartbreak' Best 'Glorious, heartwarming' Woman & Home 'This gripping tale of war and friendship is perfect for a long day of beach reading.' Marie Claire
17,05 € 17,95 €


Belle Reillyové je teprve dvacet let, přesto toho má už mnoho za sebou - únos, znásilnění, prodej do nevěstince. Ačkoli se musela stát prostitutkou, nenechala se zlomit a nakonec se jí podařilo vrátit zpátky domů. Provdala se a uskutečnila svůj dávný sen - otevřela si dámské kloboučnictví. Jednoho dne však do obchodu vkročí Etienne, muž, který jí před lety zachránil život. Setkání v obou rozvíří city, jež měly zůstat zapomenuty. Belle však čekají další útrapy a zkoušky...
15,13 € 15,93 €

Dead to Me

**'Yet another great Lesley Pearse novel' Woman Magazine** **'Full of love, passion and heartbreak' Best** Two very different women, one unlikely friendship. In the chaos of war-torn Britain, can any relationship survive? Dead to Me is a story about loyalty, love and the strength of friendship in the face of adversity, from international number one bestselling author Lesley Pearse. Spring 1935. Two girls meet by chance on Hampstead Heath. To an outsider, they could not appear more different. Verity is well-mannered and smartly dressed, living with her parents in a beautiful house close to the heath. Ruby is dishevelled and grubby, used to a life of squalor where she is forced to steal to survive. Yet there's an instant affinity between them, and when their fortunes are shockingly reversed, it is the strength of their friendship that keeps them resilient to the challenges and hardships they face. As Britain prepares for war, Ruby finds herself in Devon with the world at her feet and enjoying her first taste of romance.Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, Verity is forced to leave behind everything she has ever known and a shadow from the past threatens her chances of a new beginning. But through it all, the girls are always there for each other. Until the day Verity does the one thing that will break Ruby's heart. In a country torn apart by fighting, will Verity and Ruby survive long enough to find a way back to each other? Or do some betrayals go with you to the grave ...? Praise for Lesley Pearse 'Epic romantic drama set in post-war London' Heat Magazine 'A heart-warming and evocative tale that is a real delight to read' Sun 'A narrative that gallops along, this is quintessential Pearse that will delight her army of readers' Daily Mail 'Must have' Sunday Express 'Evocative, compelling, told from the heart' Sunday Express 'Utterly riveting, brilliant' Closer 'Glorious, heartwarming' Woman & Home 'This gripping tale of war and friendship is perfect for a long day of beach reading.' Marie Claire
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Woman in the Wood

Fifteen-year-old twins Maisy and Duncan Mitcham have always had each other. Until the fateful day in the wood . . . One night in 1960, the twins awake to find their father pulling their screaming mother from the house. She is to be committed to an asylum. It is, so their father insists, for her own good. It's not long before they, too, are removed from their London home and sent to Nightingales - a large house deep in the New Forest countryside - to be watched over by their cold-hearted grandmother, Mrs Mitcham. Though they feel abandoned and unloved, at least here they have something they never had before - freedom. The twins are left to their own devices, to explore, find new friends and first romances. That is until the day that Duncan doesn't come back for dinner. Nor does he return the next day. Or the one after that. When the bodies of other young boys are discovered in the surrounding area the police appear to give up hope of finding Duncan alive. With Mrs Mitcham showing little interest in her grandson's disappearance, it is up to Maisy to discover the truth. And she knows just where to start. The woman who lives alone in the wood about whom so many rumours abound. A woman named Grace Deville. The Woman in the Wood is a powerful, passionate and sinister tale of a young woman's courage, friendship and determination from one of the world's favourite storytellers.Praise for Lesley Pearse'Heart-warming and evocative, a real delight to read' Sun'A narrative that gallops along, this is quintessential Pearse that will delight her army of readers' Daily Mail 'Glorious, heartwarming' Woman & Home'Evocative, compelling, told from the heart' Sunday Express
9,98 € 10,50 €

The House Across the Street

Twenty-three-year-old Katy Speed has always been fascinated by the house across the street . . . The woman who lives there, Gloria, is the most glamorous neighbour on the avenue, owning a fashionable dress shop in Bexhill-on-Sea. But who is the woman who arrives in the black car most Saturdays while Gloria is at work? Sometimes she brings women to the house, and other times the women come with children. Hilda, Katy's mother, disapproves of Gloria. She wonders where these mysterious visitors have come from, and what they want. Does Gloria have sinister reasons for secretly bringing strangers into the heart of the community? Then one night, the house burns down. In the wreckage, the bodies of Gloria and her daughter are found. Katy is sure the unexplained strangers must be responsible, until her father is arrested and charged with murder. Surely the police have arrested the wrong person? Is the rest of the street safe? Can Katy find the truth before it's too late? The House across the Street is a compelling, page-turning insight into the secrets of domestic life in a suburban avenue in 1960, from one of the world's favourite storytellers.
16,63 € 17,50 €