Beatrix Potter strana 2 z 5


Beatrix Potter
Helen Beatrix Potter (1866 - 1943) je bezpochyby jednou z najobľúbenejších spisovateliek pre deti. Jej nadčasové rozprávky sa predávajú v miliónových nákladoch a neprestávajú zabávať deti po celom svete.

Po svojej prvotine Dobrodružstvá zajačika Petríka, ktorá prvý raz vyšla v roku 1902 vo vydavateľstve Fredericka Warneho, pokračovala v tvorbe o zvieratkách. Jej prívetivý humor a pestré ilustrácie vdýchli zvieracím postavičkám život. Autorka raz napísala: „Ak by som aspoň trochu pomohla deťom, aby dokázali oceniť radosť v každodennom živote, bola by som šťastná.“ 


Treasured Tales from Beatrix Potter

A beautiful treasury which brings together four of the most beloved Beatrix Potter tales, including The Tale of Tom Kitten, The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny and The Tale of Pigling Bland. A beautiful padded cover with an elegant design makes this a perfect gift.
12,94 € 13,20 €

Nyúl Péter és barátai

Játssz együtt Nyúl Péterrel és barátaival ebben a tarka foglalkoztató füzetben, amely tele van izgalmas játékokkal, érdekes rejtvényekkel, színezőkkel és mindenféle fejtörővel! Nyuszi Benjámin keresztrejtvénye Egérke Asszony labirintusa Tomi cica pácban Kivágható kártyák és még számos meglepetés!
4,53 € 4,62 €

Kacsa Jolán kalandjai

Kacsa Jolán elhatározza, hogy jó messzire elmegy a tyúkudvartól, és fészket rak tojásainak. Egy udvarias, vörhenyes bajszú úr siet a segítségére...
5,65 € 5,77 €

Tapsifülesék kalandjai

Mi történik a kisnyuszikkal, akik éppen Gergelyfi bácsi kertjében alszanak el?
0,49 € 0,50 €

The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck

Poor Jemima´s eggs are in danger! Will she save her eggs and herself? This retold version of the Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck is perfect for young children.
5,68 € 5,80 €

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Enjoy the wonderful tales of Beatrix Potter in this classic sticker story format. This version of Beatrix Potter´s Tale of Peter Rabbit comes with a sheet of picture stickers. Children will enjoy adding the illustrations to complete the story of naughty P
5,68 € 5,80 €

Nursery Rhyme Book

Beatrix Potter loved rhymes and riddles and made two collections of them, as well as using them in her famous Tales. This volume brings together all Beatrix Potter's nursery rhymes, accompanied by her delightful illustrations.
11,27 € 11,50 €

Peter Rabbit Bedtime Tales

An elegant treasury with padded cover which contains seven charming Beatrix Potter stories, complete with their original watercolour illustrations and retold simply for young readers to enjoy. The titles are: The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Squirrel
14,70 € 15,00 €

Janó, a városi egér kalandjai

Egér Gergő egy kertben él, de egy napon elalszik a gazda kordéján, amely beviszi a városba. Itt találkozik Janóval, a városi egérrel, és egy meglepő barátság veszi kezdetét.
5,65 € 5,77 €

The World of Peter Rabbit

This beautiful classic book of rhymes is filled with all the songs and verses you will remember from childhood, and will want to pass on to a new generation of children. The cover is padded, giving it a soft nursery feel, and there are useful tabs dividing the rhymes into three sections, classic rhymes, action rhymes and night-time lullabies. Beatrix Potter's detailed original illustrations are sure to bring back happy early memories for parents and carers, and grandparents too.
14,42 € 14,71 €

A két rossz kisegér kalandjai

"A két kisegér, Sajti Pajti és Hüvelyk Matyi egy nap úgy döntenek, hogy meglátogatják a gyerekszobában álló csodálatos babaházat. Ott ugyanis minden egér nagyságú, ráadásul terített asztal várja őket. Csakhogy a feltálalt ételek furcsamód mind ehetetlenek." (a Kiadó)
5,65 € 5,77 €

Peter Rabbit Lets Cuddle

Including a big, furry, friendly Peter Rabbit hand puppet to play with, this board book gives children a chance to really play with him as they listen to the story and join in with the actions. Beatrix Potter is regarded as one of the world's best-loved children's authors of all time. From her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, published by Frederick Warne in 1902, she went on to create a series of stories based around animal characters including Mrs.Tiggy-winkle, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-duck, Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Tom Kitten. Her humorous, lively tales and beautiful illustrations have become a natural part of childhood.
16,17 € 16,50 €

The Complete Adventures of Peter Rabbit

This wonderful collection brings together the four original Beatirx Potter stories which feature the mischievous little rabbit: The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies and the Tale of Mr Tod. Peter Rabbit and his cousin, Benjamin Bunny, along with their extensive family, get into all sorts of mischief as they sneak into Mr McGregor's garden, narrowly avoid being turned into rabbit pie and outsmart the wily and cunning fox, Mr Tod. Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny's mischief, as well as their creative ploys to trick and outsmart their enemies, have ensured their lasting status as childhood favourites. This book, bringing together all the classic Peter Rabbit tales from their original publisher, Frederick Warne, is the perfect gift for any Beatrix Potter fan, or as an introduction to the enchanting world of Peter Rabbit.
15,19 € 15,50 €

Tipptopp Tomi kalandjai

A mókus házaspár őszi diógyűjtése nem várt fordulatot vesz. Tipptopp Tomit társai megkergetik, és gondolván, hogy meg kell büntetniük, egy odúba dobják. Mi vár a pocakos mókusra és feleségére?
5,65 € 5,77 €

The Tale of Peter Rabbit Board Book

Not suitable for children under 2 years of age This is a new board book edition of Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were - Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. Beatrix Potter's classic tale of mischievous little Peter Rabbit has delighted generations of children around the world for generations since it was first published in 1902. This brand new board book edition includes the original text and illustrations and its sturdy format makes it perfect for an introduction to Peter Rabbit for very young children. Beatrix Potter is regarded as one of the world's best-loved children's authors of all time. From her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, published by Frederick Warne in 1902, she went on to create a series of stories based around animal characters including Mrs. Tiggy-winkle, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-duck, Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Tom Kitten. Her humorous, lively tales and beautiful illustrations have become a natural part of childhood.
8,33 € 8,50 €

Peter Rabbit ABC

Carries EU Toy Safety Directive 'CE' logo. Introduce babies and toddlers to letters of the alphabet, and to Beatrix Potter's famous characters with this "Peter Rabbit ABC" book! This beautiful padded board book features a giant lift-up flap on every page and an illustration for every letter. Join Peter Rabbit, Squirrel Nutkin, Mrs Tittle mouse and lots of other animal friends inside. "Peter Rabbit ABC" is accompanied by "Peter Rabbit 123" and is published by Frederick Warne & Co., publishers of Beatrix Potter's "Original Peter Rabbit" books.
6,37 € 6,50 €