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Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett sa narodil v Beaconsfielde v anglickom grófstve Bucks, Davidovi a Eileen Pratchettovcom. Svoje vzdelanie pripisuje High Wycombe Technical High School a Beaconsfieldskej verejnej knižnici.

Prvým vydaným dielom bola krátka poviedka The Hades Business (Hádova práca), uverejnená v jeho školskom časopise keď mal trinásť rokov a potom, v roku 1963, zase v časopise Science Fantasy, za čo dostal 14 libier. Druhá uverejnená práca sa nazývala Night Dweller (Nočný tvor) a objavila sa v 156. čísle časopisu New Worlds v novembri 1965.
Po odchode zo školy v roku 1965 získal prácu v miestnych novinách Bucks Free Press a neskôr pôsobil v niekoľko ďalších regionálnych novinách v juhozápadnom Anglicku vrátane Western Daily Press a Bath Chronicle.
V tomto novinárskom období bol vyslaný urobiť interview s Petrom Bander van Durenom, jedným z riaditeľov malého vydavateľstva, kde práve vychádzala nová kniha. Počas rozhovoru sa zmienil, že sám napísal knihu The Carpet People. Táto nakoniec vyšla v roku 1971 a slávnostne bola predstavená v oddelení kobercov obchodného domu Heal's na Tottenham Court Road v Londýne.
V roku 1980 sa Pratchett stal tlačovým hovorcom elektrárenskej spoločnosti Central Electricity Generating Board, kde v jeho pôsobnosti bolo niekoľko jadrových elektrárni. Neskôr vtipkoval o tom, že predviedol svoj zmysel pre dokonalé načasovanie, pretože zmena zamestnania nasledovala skoro po jadrovej katastrofe v Three Mile Island v Pennsylvánii v USA.

Prácu pre CEGB nechal v roku 1987, keď začal zarábať viac peňazí príležitostným písaním. To mu umožnilo zvýšiť tempo a v súčasnej dobe väčšinou napíše dve knihy ročne.
Od roku 1998 je držiteľom rádu za zásluhy o Britské kráľovstvo za službu literatúre. So sebe vlastnou iróniou to komentoval prehlásením v zmysle „mám podozrenie, že 'službu literatúre' preukážem, keď sa zdržím ďalších pokusov nejakú napísať“. V roku 1999 mu bol udelený čestný doktorát literatúry na univerzite vo Warwicku.
Jeho dcéra Rhianna Pratchettová (narodená 1976) je autorkou fantasy a novinárkou.
Ako svoje záľuby Pratchett uvádza „písanie, prechádzky, počítače, život“. Je dobre známy tiež vďaka svojej zvláštnej záľube v pokrývkach hlavy, čo je vidieť na zadných stranách obálok originálnych vydaniach väčšiny jeho kníh. Čitatelia ho môžu poznať aj vďaka sérii Úžasná Plochozem.

31. decembra 2008 mu kráľovná Alžbeta II. udelila za zásluhy v literatúre Rad britského impéria.



Baff! - Gyűjtői kiadás

Egyesek esetleg még meg is kérdezhetik: pontosan kinek az oldalán is állsz te? Ha nem velük vagy, akkor ellenük. Ha! Ha nem alma vagy, akkor banán..." A Kúm-völgy, az ősi csata, ahol a trollok rajtaütöttek a törpéken, vagy ahol a törpék ütöttek rajta a trollokon, réges-régen történt. De ha nem oldja meg mindössze egyetlen törpe meggyilkolásának rejtélyét, Vinkó Szilárd, az ankh-morporki Városőrség parancsnoka végignézheti, amint ismét sor kerül rá, méghozzá az irodája ablakából. Miközben szeretett őrsége darabjaira hullik körülötte, és megdöndülnek a harci dobok, ki kell dolgoznia minden szálat, le kell főznie minden orgyilkost, és dacolnia kell magával a sötétséggel is, hogy ráleljen a megfejtésre. Márpedig a sötétség a nyomában jár.
11,84 € 12,46 €

Soul Music

OTHER CHILDREN GET GIVEN XYLOPHONES. SUSAN JUST HAD TO ASK HER GRANDFATHER TO TAKE HIS VEST OFF. Yes. There's a Death in the family. It's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe - especially when you have to take over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy. And especially when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered Discworld. It's lawless. It changes people. It's called Music With Rocks In. It's got a beat and you can dance to it, but...It's alive. And it won't fade away.
18,00 € 18,95 €


IT'S THE NIGHT BEFORE HOGSWATCH AND IT'S TOO QUIET. Where is the big jolly fat man? Why is Death creeping down chimneys and trying to say Ho Ho Ho? The darkest night of the year is getting a lot darker...Susan the gothic governess has got to sort it out by morning, otherwise there won't be a morning. Ever again...The 20th Discworld novel is a festive feast of darkness and Death (but with jolly robins and tinsel too). As they say: You'd better watch out...
15,68 € 16,50 €

Discworld Atlas

Unseen University are proud to present the most comprehensive map and guide to the Disc yet produced. In this noble endeavour, drawing upon the hard won knowledge of many great and, inevitably, late explorers, one may locate on a detailed plan of our world such fabled realms as the Condiment Isles, trace the course of the River Kneck as it deposits silt and border disputes in equal abundance on the lands either side, and contemplate the vast deserts of Klatch and Howondaland - a salutary lesson in the perils of allowing ones goats to graze unchecked. This stunning work brings to life the lands and locations of the Discworld stories in a way never seen before. Accompanied by lavish full-colour illustrations and a detailed world map, this is a must-have for any Discworld fan.
31,30 € 32,95 €

Long Utopia

2045-2059. After the cataclysmic upheavals of Step Day and the Yellowstone eruption humanity is spreading further into the Long Earth, and society, on a battered Datum Earth and beyond, continues to evolve. Now an elderly and cantankerous AI, Lobsang lives in disguise with Agnes in an exotic, far-distant world. He's convinced they're leading a normal life in New Springfield - they even adopt a child - but it seems they have been guided there for a reason. As rumours of strange sightings and hauntings proliferate, it becomes clear that something is very awry with this particular world. Millions of steps away, Joshua is on a personal journey of discovery: learning about the father he never knew and a secret family history. But then he receives a summons from New Springfield. Lobsang now understands the enormity of what's taking place beneath the surface of his earth - a threat to all the worlds of the Long Earth. To counter this threat will require the combined efforts of humankind, machine and the super-intelligent Next. And some must make the ultimate sacrifice...
8,08 € 8,50 €

The Science of Discworld II - The Globe

Acclaimed The Science of Discworld centred around an original Pratchett story about the wizards of Discworld. In it they accidentally witnessed the creation and evolution of our universe, a plot which was interleaved with a Cohen & Stewart non-fiction narrative about Big Science. In The Science of Discworld II: The Globe our authors join forces again to see just what happens when the wizards meddle with history in a battle against the elves for the future of humanity on Earth. London is replaced by a dozy Neanderthal village. The Renaissance is given a push. The role of fat women in art is developed. And one very famous playwright gets born and writes The Play. Weaving together a fast-paced Discworld novelette with cutting-edge scientific commentary on the evolution and development of the human mind, culture, language, art, and science, The Globe presents a fascinating and brilliantly original view of the world we live in. The scene of the final epic battle is the first production of A Midsummer's Night Dream at the Globe Theatre.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Égből szőtt kalap

Egyetlen igazi boszorkány sem lépne ki csak úgy a testéből, és hagyná azt gazdátlanul. Sajogi Stefánia megteszi. És valami éppen arra vár, hogy átvehesse az uralmat egy kapóra jött test felett. Valami ősi és rettenetes, ami nem tud meghalni. Hogy Stefánia elbánjon vele, el kell jutnia annak a szívébe, ami őt boszorkánnyá teszi. Túl kell jutni az "Én nem tudom"-on. Ám még a nac mag fíglik - a Korongvilág legzsiványabb mandói, akik imádnak a nyomasztó túlerővel szembeszállni - segítségével sem biztos, hogy képes lesz visszaszereznie önmagát...
11,84 € 12,46 €

Koniec sveta v hypermarkete (1. kniha nómov)

V trilógii o malých nómoch môžu naši mladí čitatelia znovu nazrieť do literárneho majstrovstva najznámejšieho fantasy autora Terryho Pratchetta. Tieto drobné tvory nápadne pripomínajúce ľudí v ňom žijú nepozorovane všade okolo nás. Sú rýchle ako blesk, takže ich naše oko málokedy zachytí. Nómovia bývajú pod dlážkou veľkého obchodného domu a ešte nikdy nevideli svet mimo neho. Dokonca ani neveria, že tento svet existuje. Prídu však poslovia zvonku a prinesú šokujúcu správu: obchodný dom vraj čoskoro zanikne. Kto zachráni maličkú civilizáciu pred desivou katastrofou? Nóm Valihrach s hrôzou zistí, že táto nepredstaviteľná úloha prischla práve jemu. A ako to celé dopadne? To si prečítajte.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Das Erbe des Zauberers

Als der Magier Drum Billet seinen Zauberstab gemäß guter Sitte an den achten Sohn eines achten Sohnes übergeben will, macht er einen folgenschweren Fehler: Denn das Neugeborene ist ein Mädchen, und diesen ist der Zutritt zur Unsichtbaren Universität verwehrt. Nun kann nur noch Oma Wetterwachs den Zauberern in Sachen Gleichberechtigung auf die Sprünge helfen ...
12,11 € 12,75 €

Die Farben der Magie

Seit mehr als dreißig Jahren begeistern Terry Pratchetts Romane von der bizarren Scheibenwelt Millionen Leser weltweit. Die neun ersten Scheibenweltbände zählen unbestritten zu den besten. Sie liegen nun vollständig neu bearbeitet und aktualisiert vom Originalübersetzer Andreas Brandhorst vor - mit Sammelcover und in einzigartiger Ausstattung, die das Regal jedes Fans zum Pratchett-Schrein werden lässt.
12,11 € 12,75 €

MacBest - Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt

MacBest : Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt
12,92 € 13,60 €

The Shepherd's Crown

A shivering of worlds. Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength. This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad. As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land. There will be a reckoning...This is the Final Discworld Novel.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Small Gods - A Discworld Graphic Novel

"Just because you can't explain it, doesn't mean it's a miracle." In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was: 'Hey, you!' This is the Discworld, after all, and religion is a controversial business. Everyone has their own opinion, and indeed their own gods, of every shape and size, and all elbowing for space at the top. In such a competitive environment, it's certainly not helpful to be reduced to appearing in the form of a tortoise, a manifestation far below god-like status in anyone's book. In such instances, you need an acolyte, and fast: for the Great God Om, Brutha the novice is the Chosen One - or at least the only One available. He wants peace and justice and brotherly love. He also wants the Inquisition to stop torturing him now, please...Now adapted into graphic novel form with new artwork by Ray Friesen.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Wyrd Sisters

Things like crowns had a troublesome effect on clever folks; it was best to leave all the reigning to the kind of people whose eyebrows met in the middle. Three witches gathered on a lonely heath. A king cruelly murdered, his throne usurped by his ambitious cousin. A child heir and the crown of the kingdom, both missing. Witches don't have these kind of dynastic problems themselves - in fact, they don't have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn't have. But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more complicated than certain playwrights would have you believe, particularly when the blood on your hands just won't wash off and you're facing a future with knives in it...
8,50 € 8,95 €

The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner

Poor Mr Swimble is having a bad day. Rabbits are bouncing out of his hat, pigeons are flying out of his jacket and every time he points his finger, something magically appears - cheese sandwiches, socks ...even a small yellow elephant on wheels! It's becoming a real nuisance - and he's allergic to rabbits. His friends at the Magic Rectangle can't help, but the mysterious vacuum cleaner he saw that morning may have something to do with it ...Fourteen fantastically funny stories from master storyteller Sir Terry Pratchett, full of food fights, pirates, wizards and crooks! "Arresting stuff! So funny it's criminal!". (PC Gorsebush Jones).
14,20 € 14,95 €


THE SHOW MUST GO ON, AS MURDER, MUSIC AND MAYHEM RUN RIOT IN THE NIGHT...The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork...A huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by a strangely familiar evil mastermind in a hideously deformed evening dress...At least, he hopes so. But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld's most famous witch, is in the audience. And she doesn't hold with that sort of thing. So there's going to be trouble (but nevertheless a good evening's entertainment with murders you can really hum...)
15,68 € 16,50 €