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Philip Pullman

Philip Pullman je britský spisovateľ. Už v detstve stratil otca, ktorý bol pilotom Royal Air Force. Vyrastal tak len so svojou matkou, nevlastným otcom a so svojim starým otcom, ktorý bol kňaz na anglickom vidieku. Nejaký čas študoval v Oxforde na Exeter College. Neskôr niekoľko rokov učil angličtinu na strednej škole. Žije v Oxforde so svojou ženou Jude. Má dvoch synov - Jamieho a Toma. Preslávil sa najmä vďaka fantasy trilógii s rovnomenným názvom Zlatý Kompas, a tiež vďaka sérii Kniha prachu.


Jedinečný nůž

V tomto pokračování Will, dvanáctiletý chlapec, který nešťastnou náhodou zabil muže, jenž se mu vloupal do domu, prochází tajným oknem do paralelního světa, kde se setkává s dívenkou Lyrou, známou již z prvního dílu. Společně musí svést bitvu proti bytostem, které hodlají zaběhlý pořádek paralelních světů zničit.
15,57 € 16,39 €

Jantarové kukátko

Ve třetím dílu fantasy trilogie musí Will nejprve najít Lyru, kterou její matka, krásná paní Coulterová, drží omámenou v odlehlé jeskyni. Jejich společná cesta je pak vede do říše mrtvých, kde se oba setkávají se svými blízkými. Bitva na nebesích vrcholí a Lyra bezděky naplňuje úlohu, k níž byla předurčena. Pak ale ji i Willa čeká nejtěžší rozhodnutí ze všech.
20,80 € 21,89 €

Clockwork, or, All Wound Up

Tick, tick, tick, tock. Once you've wound some things up nothing can stop them . . . It is a cold winter's night when Karl enters the White Horse Tavern looking like he's swallowed a thundercloud. His final task as a clockmaker apprentice is to make a new figure for the great clock of Glockenheim. He has not made the figure - or got any idea of what it could be, and the unveiling is tomorrow. Fritz is also in the tavern; there to read aloud his new spooky story. Like Karl, he hasn't finished. Well, he knows how the story starts and he knows it's called Clockwork - so, with the snow swirling down outside, he sets his story going and just has to hope that the ending will come to him as he tells it. Suddenly, Fritz's story and real life merge in a completely sinister way - and just like clockwork it can't be stopped . . .
10,40 € 10,95 €

I Was a Rat! Or, The Scarlet Slippers

Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey, this intriguing and exciting tale of chance and misfortune by multi award-winning Philip Pullman, is perfect for readers young and old. I was a Rat! Roger insists, and insists . . . In fact, when Bob the cobbler and his washerwoman wife, Joan, find the young boy abandoned on their doorstep, these are the only words he says. And he does have ratty behaviour, it's true. Staying with Bob and Joan, however, Roger learns quickly to behave more like a human child. They try to find his parents, but the orphanage, police and hospital all have nothing on their records about a lost boy in the city. What is the truth? As more and more people find out about Roger the mysterious rat-boy he faces more and more danger. But sometimes help comes from the most unexpected of places . . .
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Firework-Makers Daughter

From the author the His Dark Materials trilogy and La Belle Sauvage. Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey this beautiful fairytale is perfect for readers young and old. Lila doesn't just want to be a Firework-Maker's daughter, she wants to be a Firework Maker herself. But although she's learned a lot she still must get through the most difficult and dangerous part of her apprenticeship - and her father won't tell her what it is. In search of this final Firework-Making secret, Lila heads off alone on a journey. It is a journey filled with dangers beyond anything she could have imagined, a journey on which she will learn so much more than the one secret she set out to find . . .
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Scarecrow and His Servant

Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey, this brilliantly funny and moving tale by multi-award winning Philip Pullman, is perfect for readers young and old. One night, during a terrible thunderstorm, a boy named Jack shelters in a barn. The following morning he is confused to find a scarecrow with a turnip head calling out to him. For a moment he thinks he is imagining it. But he isn't, the scarecrow has been struck by lightning in exactly the right way to bring him completely to life. Jack becomes the scarecrow's personal servant and together they decide to set out and see the world. It is a journey that neither of them could have possibly imagined, filled with adventure - and it will change them both in ways they never expected . . .
9,45 € 9,95 €

Jeho temné esence - Box (3x kniha, 1x pouzdro)

Box obsahuje trilogii Jeho temné esence - Zlatý kompas, Jedinečný nůž a Jantarové kukátko.
44,56 € 46,91 €

Count Karlstein

The very first children's novel by Philip Pullman, Count Karlstien is a deliciously terrifying, wickedly funny adventure, beautifully illustrated by Peter Bailey. All Souls' Eve is a night when nobody in the village of Karlstein dares to leave their homes. For that is the night that Zamiel, the Demon Huntsman, prowls through the forests in search of his prey . . . This year, however, the Huntsman doesn't need to go searching. He knows exactly where to find his human prey. Ten years ago, he made a deal with the Count of Karlstein - and now the Demon Huntsman has come to collect his prize . . . Count Karlstien has offered up the lives of his two young nieces, Lucy and Charlotte. Lucky for the orphaned sisters, the Count's maid, Hildi, has heard his evil plan and is determined that they will not be this year's prey - not on her watch . . . show less
9,45 € 9,95 €

Spring-Heeled Jack

A fun, thriller of an adventure told in words and pictures from master storyteller, Philip Pullman, including beautiful cover illustration by Peter Bailey and sumptuous illustrations throughout by David Mostyn. Rose and Lily and their little brother Ned live in an orphanage - a terrible place, where the porridge is thin and cold, and nobody smiles. One dark and stormy night, they decide enough is enough, and they run away. But hiding in the shadows, as they make their way through the dangerous back streets of London, is Mack the Knife: the most villainous of villains . . . Hiding above the streets, leaping through the air, is Spring-Heeled Jack. He dresses like the devil and his name creates shivers in people, but he is ready for action against the evil-doers and scallywags of the city's dark streets - Mack the Knife included - and he might just be able to save the orphans.
9,45 € 9,95 €

La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One

Philip Pullman's magnificent bestseller now in paperback, with new additional illustrations. A coming of age story like no other . . . Malcolm Polstead's Oxford life has been one of routine, ordinary even. He is happiest playing with his daemon, Asta, in their canoe, La Belle Sauvage. But now as the rain builds, the world around Malcolm and Asta is, it seems, set to become increasingly far from ordinary. Finding himself linked to a baby by the name of Lyra Belacqua, Malcolm is forced to undertake the challenge of his life and to make a dangerous journey that will change him and Lyra for ever . . .
9,98 € 10,50 €

Daemon Voices

From the internationally best-selling author of the His Dark Materials trilogy, a spellbinding journey into the secrets of his art--the narratives that have shaped his vision, his experience of writing, and the keys to mastering the art of storytelling. One of the most highly acclaimed and best-selling authors of our time now gives us a book that charts the history of his own enchantment with story--from his own books to those of Blake, Milton, Dickens, and the Brothers Grimm, among others--and delves into the role of story in education, religion, and science. At once personal and wide-ranging, Daemon Voices is both a revelation of the writing mind and the methods of a great contemporary master, and a fascinating exploration of storytelling itself.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Temné hmoty 2. vydanie

Knižná trilógia Temné hmoty zachytáva cestu Lyry, ktorá vyrastá medzi učencami na Oxfordskej univerzite. V jej svete má každý človek svojho démona – dušu v zvieracej podobe. Žije bezstarostný život malej divošky až do chvíle, kým si nevypočuje prednášku o tajomnom prachu a kým z jej okolia nezačnú miznúť deti. Keď sa stratí aj Lyrin najlepší priateľ, rozhodne sa ho vyhľadať. Na ceste ju sprevádza nielen zvláštny prístroj – alethiomer, ktorý tomu, kto s ním vie pracovať, odpovie na všetky otázky, ale aj noví priatelia. Trilógiou Temné hmoty si britský spisovateľ fantasy a popredný predstaviteľ britského ateizmu Philip Pullman zabezpečil svetový úspech. Získal viacero významných literárnych ocenení, predovšetkým cenu Nibbie a Whitbreadovu cenu za najlepšiu britskú knihu roka. Podľa knihy Zlatý kompas bol nakrútený rovnomenný film v réžii Chrisa Weitza s hviezdnym hereckým obsadením. Trilógiu v produkcii britskej stanice BBC plánujú do minisérie spracovať režisér Tom Hooper (Kráľova reč, Bedári) a scenárista Jack Thorne (Harry Potter a prekliate dieťa). Philip Pullman sa po vyše dvadsiatich rokoch od prvého vydania Zlatého kompasu vracia do sveta Oxfordu a Jordánskeho kolégia v prvej časti fantasy série Kniha prachu – La Belle Sauvage (IKAR, 2018).
18,91 € 19,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Hodinový strojek aneb Příběh na jedno natažení

Některé příběhy jsou jako hodinový strojek. Natáhneš je a ony jdou, ubíhají a nic je nezastaví. Hodinářský učedník, mechanický rytíř v brnění, malý princ se strojkem místo srdce a tajemný doktor Kalmenius, o kterém se povídá, že je to sám ďábel Vezmeš tyto postavy, usadíš je ve vyhřátém hostinci uprostřed zasněžené zimní krajiny, otočíš klíčkem a tím v nich probudíš život. Pojednou se začne odvíjet vzrušující romantický i strašidelný příběh, nezadržitelně, tik tak, jako neúnavný hodinový strojek. Brilantní vypravěčské umění světoznámého britského spisovatele ocení malí i dospělí čtenáři. Mrazivý příběh z pera jednoho z nejslavnějších současných světových spisovatelů se dostal do užší nominace na Whitbread Award a na Carnegie Medal. Dočkal se také několika divadelních i dvou operních adaptací.
13,48 € 14,19 €

The Secret Commonwealth: The Book of Dust Volume Two

It is twenty years since the events of La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One unfolded and saw the baby Lyra Belacqua begin her life-changing journey. It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence. Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . . The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed. Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right. Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust. The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Zlatý kompas (audiokniha)

Lyra žije ve světě, kde má každý člověk svého zvířecího průvodce - daemona. Když jednoho dne zmizí kamarád Roger, nezbývá jí než se vydat na sever. Ve zvláštním světě podobném tomu našemu žije dvanáctiletá Lyra. Tak jako každý člověk má i ona svého daemona, který je jakýmsi vnějším zpodobněním její duše, zvířecím společníkem, který je s ní neoddělitelně spjatý. Daemoni dětí mohou svou podobu měnit, když však začnou dospívat, podoba daemonů se ustálí a na dospělých se začne usazovat Prach. Jednoho dne se ztratí Lyřin kamarád Roger a Lyra se rozhodně vydat na daleký sever, kam vedou poslední stopy. V království věčného ledu, kudy se prohání odvážní vzduchoplavci, medvědí kyrysníci a obávaní Vrahouni, je její jedinou zbraní její vlastní důvtip a zlatý kompas - pravdoměr. Ačkoli se moc Magisteria zdá být všudypřítomná, Lyra má v kapse přístroj, který tomu, kdo s ním umí zacházet, zodpoví každou otázku.
20,85 € 21,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

His Dark Materials: Northern Lights

The first volume in Philip Pullman's groundbreaking HIS DARK MATERIALS trilogy, now a thrilling, critically acclaimed BBC/HBO television series. First published in 1995, and acclaimed as a modern masterpiece, this first book in the series won the UK's top awards for children's literature. "Without this child, we shall alldie." Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world... This gift edition has a beautiful cover from celebrated illustrator, Melissa Castrillon.
11,88 € 12,50 €