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Kushner Rachel


Noční klub Mars

Hlubokou nocí projíždí autobus se šedesáti ženami na cestě do Stanvillu, věznice v kalifornském Central Valley. Je v něm i devětadvacetiletá striptérka Romy Hallová, odsouzená k dvěma doživotním trestům za to, že zabila svého stalkera. Romy se musí naučit žít ve společnosti tří tisíc žen v otřesném prostředí plném násilí a nějak se smířit s odloučením od sedmiletého syna. Časem se s několika spoluvězeňkyněmi sblíží a vytvoří s nimi novou rodinu. Přemýšlí o některých svých rozhodnutích i o tom, proč se jí život tak vymkl, a vzpomíná na San Francisco svého mládí žádné duhové vlajky, beatnická poezie ani strmé křivolaké uličky, ale mlha, irské hospody a prodejny alkoholu. Zlomový okamžik nastává ve chvíli, kdy se dozvídá, že matka zemřela při autonehodě a syn bude dán k adopci.
U dodávateľa
17,77 € 18,71 €

Klub Mars

Píše sa rok 2003 a Romy Hallová, ktorej dali meno po nemeckej herečke, si začína odpykávať dva za sebou nasledujúce doživotné tresty v ženskej väznici v Stanville v kalifornskej Central Valley. Vonku zostal svet, od ktorého ju odstrihli: jej synček Jackson aj San Francisco jej mladosti. Vnútri je nová realita: tisíce žien zápasiacich o to najnutnejšie na prežitie; blufy, predstieranie, každodenné násilie zo strany dozorcov aj väzenkýň; a k tomu čierny humor a absurdity inštitucionalizovaného ľudského života, to všetko zobrazené nesmierne vtipne a presne.
Na sklade 3Ks
15,19 € 15,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Klub Mars

Rachel Kushner, dvojnásobná finalistka ceny National Book Award, si románom Klub Mars, ktorý okamžite vystrelil medzi bestsellery New York Times, vyslúžila pochvalné tweety od Margaret Atwood – „drsné, empatické, vynikajúco podané, bez prikrášľovania a s množstvom direktov priamo na solar“ – aj od Stephena Kinga – „Klub Mars je kvalita, brutálna, strašná, súcitná aj vtipná kniha“. Píše sa rok 2003 a Romy Hallová, ktorej dali meno po nemeckej herečke, si začína odpykávať dva za sebou nasledujúce doživotné tresty v ženskej väznici v Stanville, hlboko v Central Valley v Kalifornii. Vonku zostal svet, od ktorého ju odstrihli: jej malý synček Jackson aj San Francisco jej mladosti. Vnútri je nová realita: tisíce žien zápasiacich o to najnutnejšie pre prežitie; blufy, predstieranie, každodenné násilie zo strany dozorcov aj väzenkýň; a k tomu čierny humor a absurdity inštitucionalizovaného ľudského života, to všetko zobrazené nesmierne vtipne a presne.
Na stiahnutie
9,90 €

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He speaks in your voice, American, and there's a shine in his eye that's halfway hopeful. It's a vast and sprawling crowd that comes together to watch the Dodgers-Giants 1951 National League Final, and when Bobby Thomson hits the Shot Heard Round the World and wins the pennant race for the Giants, ripples are formed in the heavy undercurrent of time. Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, another historic shot is fired: the USSR's second atomic detonation. And so Underworld follows the threads that link a symphonic cast of characters: men and women, together and apart, whose search for meaning, survival and connection will spill out over decades.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Mars Room

Romy Hall is at the start of two consecutive life sentences, plus six years, at Stanville Women's Correctional Facility. Outside is the world from which she has been permanently severed: the San Francisco of her youth, changed almost beyond recognition. The Mars Room strip club where she once gave lap dances for a living. And her seven-year-old son, Jackson, now in the care of Romy's estranged mother. Inside is a new reality to adapt to: thousands of women hustling for the bare essentials needed to survive. The deadpan absurdities of institutional living, which Kushner details with humour and precision. Daily acts of violence by guards and prisoners alike. Allegiances formed over liquor brewed in socks, and stories shared through sewage pipes. Romy sees the future stretch out ahead of her in a long, unwavering line - until news from outside brings a ferocious urgency to her existence, challenging her to escape her own destiny and culminating in a climax of almost unbearable intensity. Through Romy - and through a cast of astonishing characters populating The Mars Room - Rachel Kushner presents not just a bold and unsentimental panorama of life on the margins of contemporary America, but an excoriating attack on the prison-industrial complex.
19,48 € 20,50 €

The Mars Room

From the author of internationally acclaimed The Flamethrowers - a fearless and heartbreaking novel about love, friendship and incarceration. Romy Hall is starting two consecutive life sentences at Stanville Women's Correctional Facility. Her crime? The killing of her stalker. Inside awaits a world where women must hustle and fight for the bare essentials. Outside: the San Francisco of her youth. The Mars Room strip club where she was once a dancer. Her seven-year-old son, Jackson. As Romy forms friendships over liquor brewed in socks and stories shared through sewage pipes her future seems to unfurl in one long, unwavering line - until news from beyond the prison bars forces Romy to try and outrun her destiny.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Hard Crowd

From the Booker-shortlisted author of The Mars Room, a career-spanning collection of spectacular essays about politics and culture. Rachel Kushner is a writer celebrated for her 'chops, ambition, and killer instinct' (John Powers, Fresh Air). In The Hard Crowd, she gathers a selection of her writing from over the course of the last twenty years that addresses the most pressing political, artistic, and cultural issues of our times - and illuminates the themes and real-life terrain that underpin her fiction. In nineteen razor-sharp essays, The Hard Crowd spans literary journalism, memoir, cultural criticism, and writing about art and literature, including pieces on Jeff Koons, Denis Johnson, and Marguerite Duras. Kushner takes us on a journey through a Palestinian refugee camp, an illegal motorcycle race down the Baja Peninsula, 1970s wildcat strikes in Fiat factories, her love of classic cars, and her young life in the music scene of her hometown, San Francisco. The closing, eponymous essay is her manifesto on nostalgia, doom, and writing. These pieces, new and old, are electric, phosphorescently vivid, and wry, and they provide an opportunity to witness the evolution and range of one of the world's most dazzling and fearless writers.
16,63 € 17,50 €