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A második világháború 2. (DVD)

Sztálin - a Szovjetúnió tejhatalmú diktátora - kíméletlen zsarnok volt, aki emberek millióinak haláláért volt felelős. Ennek ellenére, elképesztő kapcsolatokkal rendelkezett a második világháború alatt. Elsősorban nem csak a nagy demokráciák vezetőire gondolunk itt, mint például ... Folytatás ›› Franklin Roosevelt vagy Winston Churchill, de Hitlerrel és a nácikkal is igen közeli kapcsolatokat ápolt. Most végre, a televíziózás történetében először titkos beszélgetéseket hallgathatunk meg és soha nem látott felvételeket nézhetünk meg, amik végre teljes képet adhatnak a négy nagy vezető (Churchill, Sztálin, Roosevelt és Hitler) valódi szándékairól, személyiségükről, illetve motivációikról. Végre megérthetjük, hogy a találkozók amiket tartottak, illetve a döntések amiket hoztak, hogyan alakították a múlt és a jelenkor történelmét. A sorozat 3 DVD-t tartalmaz! A(z) A második világháború 2. (DVD Film) szerzője Laurence Rees.
3,62 € 3,81 €

The Holocaust

This landmark work answers two of the most fundamental questions in history - how, and why, did the Holocaust happen? Laurence Rees has spent twenty-five years meeting survivors and perpetrators of the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Now, in his magnum opus, he combines largely unpublished testimony with the latest academic research to create the first accessible and authoritative account of the Holocaust in over three decades. Rees argues that whilst hatred of the Jews was always at the epicentre of Nazi thinking - and the Holocaust was the most appalling crime in history - what happened cannot be fully understood without considering the murder of the Jews alongside other Nazi plans to kill millions of non-Jews as well. He also reveals the inner machinations of the Nazi state and shows how there was no single "decision" to start the Holocaust; instead, a series of escalations cumulatively created the horror. Through a chronological, intensely readable narrative, featuring the latest historical research and enthralling eyewitness testimony, this is the compelling story of humanity's lowest point.
18,00 € 18,95 €

The Holocaust - A New History

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP 10 BESTSELLER AND THE FIRST AUTHORITATIVE ACCOUNT FOR 30 YEARS.'By far the clearest book ever written about the Holocaust, and also the best at explaining its origins and grotesque mentality, as well as its chaotic development' Antony Beevor'Groundbreaking. You might have thought that we know everything there is to know about the Holocaust but this book proves there is much more' Andrew Roberts, Mail on SundayTwo fundamental questions about the Holocaust must be answered:How did it happen? And why?More completely than any other single work of history yet published, Laurence Rees's Holocaust definitively answers them.'With The Holocaust Rees has set himself the task of writing an accessible chronological account of the murder of six million Jews in conditions of scarcely imaginable horror. He's done it excellently. There is no shortage of books on the Holocaust but Rees's stands out as a readable and authoritative exposition of how and why it happened, and the barbarous methods by which it was pursued. The amount of ground it covers in 500 pages is remarkable - from the anti-Semitism of popular German literature of the 19th century to Hitler's suicide and the surrender of his regime. It's excellently written and skilfully interweaves narrative history, sound interpretation and the recollections (through interviews, listed in the notes as "previously unpublished testimony") of survivors. Rees provides an exemplary account of how the greatest crime in modern history came about' The Times'Rees has distilled 25 years of research into this compelling study, the finest single-volume account of the Holocaust. It is not a book for the faint-hearted. Some of the first-hand testimony is both shocking and heart-rending. Yet it has important things to say about human nature - what our species is capable of doing if not prevented by civilized laws - and demands to be read' Saul David, Telegraph'Anyone wanting a compelling, highly readable explanation of how and why the Holocaust happened, drawing on recent scholarship and impressively incorporating moving and harrowing interviews need look no further than Laurence Rees's brilliant book' Professor Ian Kershaw, bestselling author of Hitler
15,68 € 16,50 €

Hitler and Stalin

This compelling book on Hitler and Stalin - the culmination of thirty years' work - examines the two tyrants during the Second World War, when Germany and the Soviet Union fought the biggest and bloodiest war in history. Yet despite the fact they were bitter opponents, Laurence Rees shows that Hitler and Stalin were, to a large extent, different sides of the same coin. Hitler's charismatic leadership may contrast with Stalin's regimented rule by fear; and his intransigence later in the war may contrast with Stalin's change in behaviour in response to events. But at a macro level, both were prepared to create undreamt of suffering, destroy individual liberty and twist facts in order to build the Utopia they wanted, and while Hitler's creation of the Holocaust remains a singular crime, Rees shows why we must not forget that Stalin committed a series of atrocities at the same time. Using previously unpublished, startling eyewitness testimony from soldiers of the Red Army and Wehrmacht, civilians who suffered during the conflict, and those who knew both men personally, bestselling historian Laurence Rees - probably the only person alive who has met Germans who worked for Hitler and Russians who worked for Stalin - challenges long-held popular misconceptions about two of the most important figures in history. This is a masterwork from one of our finest historians.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Nazis

Following the success of Rees' bestselling Auschwitz, this substantially revised and updated edition of The Nazis - A Warning from History tells the powerfully gripping story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich. During a 16-year period, acclaimed author and documentary-maker Laurence Rees met and interviewed a large number of former Nazis, and his unique insights into the Nazi psyche and World War 2 received enormous praise. At the heart of the book lies compelling eyewitness accounts of life under Adolf Hitler, spoken through the words of those who experienced the Nazi regime at every level of society. An extensive new section on the Nazi/Soviet war (previously published in Rees' War of the Century) provides a chilling insight into Nazi mentality during the most bloody conflict in history. Described as one of the greatest documentary series of all times The Nazis - A Warning from History won a host of awards, including a BAFTA and an International Documentary Award.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Hitler and Stalin

Two tyrants. Each responsible for the death of millions. This compelling book on Hitler and Stalin - the culmination of thirty years' work - examines the two leaders during the Second World War, when Germany and the Soviet Union fought the biggest and bloodiest war in history. Hitler's charismatic leadership may contrast with Stalin's regimented rule by fear; and his intransigence later in the war may contrast with Stalin's change in behaviour in response to events. But as bestselling historian Laurence Rees shows, at a macro level, both were prepared to create undreamt-of suffering - in Hitler's case, most infamously the Holocaust - in order to build the utopias they wanted. Using previously unpublished, startling eyewitness testimony from soldiers, civilians and those who knew both men personally, Laurence Rees - probably the only person alive who has met Germans who worked for Hitler and Russians who worked for Stalin - challenges long-held popular misconceptions about two of the most important figures in history. This is a master work from one of our finest historians.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Lacná kniha Nacisti (-70%)

Uznávaný spisovateľ a tvorca televíznych dokumentov Laurence Rees v priebehu uplynulých šestnástich rokov interviewoval množstvo bývalých nacistov a jeho jedinečný vhľad do psychiky nacistov a vnútorných súvislostí druhej svetovej vojny mu vyslúžil nebývalé ocenenie. V nadväznosti na úspech Reesovho bestselleru Osvienčim toto podstatne upravené a aktualizované vydanie knihy Nacisti s podtitulom Varovanie dejín prináša silný a pútavý príbeh vzostupu a pádu tretej ríše. Dielo sa opiera o pozoruhodné svedectvá o živote v Hitlerovom štáte, vyrozprávané je slovami ľudí, ktorí na rôznych spoločenských stupňoch zakúsili nacistický režim. Rozsiahla nová časť o nacisticko-sovietskom pakte (pôvodne z Reesovej Vojny storočia) mrazivým spôsobom odhaľuje nacistickú mentalitu, ako sa prejavila počas najkrvavejšieho konfliktu ľudských dejín. Televízny dokumentárny seriál Nacisti - . Varovanie dejín, ktorý si získal povesť jedného z najväčších výdobytkov tohto žánru na svete, dostal viacero prestížnych ohodnotení vrátane cien Britskej asociácie filmovej a televíznej tvorby BAFTA a Medzinárodnej dokumentaristickej asociácie IDA. Sprievodná kniha tohto seriálu novátorsky rozširuje naše chápanie nacistického režimu a vyslúžila si pochvalu ako „prienik do podstaty najznepokojujúcejších a najefemérnejších súčastí nemeckej otázky pred druhou svetovou vojnou i počas nej.“ Dramatický , občas až neuveriteľný príbeh, ktorý sa pred čitateľom rozvíja na stranách tejto knihy, sa mu nadlho vryje do pamäti.
4,47 € 14,90 €

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Lacná kniha Nacisté (-95%)

Kniha podle nejlepšího dokumentárního seriálu BBC. Revidované a doplněné vydání publikace špičkového britského dokumentaristy o vzestupu a pádu třetí říše. Kniha postavená na unikátních výpovědích přímých účastníků a svědků tehdejších událostí ze všech vrstev společnosti přináší mrazivý pohled do mysli nacistů v průběhu nejkrvavějšího konfliktu lidských dějin.
0,94 € 18,75 €

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In this classic book, highly acclaimed author and broadcaster Laurence Rees tells the definitive history of the most notorious Nazi institution of them all. We discover how Auschwitz evolved from a concentration camp for Polish political prisoners into the site of the largest mass murder in history - part death camp, part concentration camp, where around a million Jews were killed. Auschwitz examines the mentality and motivations of the key Nazi decision makers, and perpetrators of appalling crimes speak here for the first time about their actions. Drawing on Rees's landmark documentary and material from the Russian archives, which challenged many previously accepted arguments, this book reveals significant and disturbing facts - from the operation of a brothel to the corruption that was rife throughout the camp. This is the story of murder, brutality, courage, escape and survival, and a powerful account of how human tragedy of such immense scale could have happened.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Lacná kniha Osvětim - Nacisté a konečné řešení - 3.vydání (-90%)

Kniha významného britského historika Laurence Reese pojednává o nejkrutějším nacistickém zařízení, které bylo jádrem komplexního systému vyhlazování a místem plánované realizace „konečného řešení židovské otázky“. Je to příběh o brutalitě, odvaze, útěku a přežití, působivá výpověď o tom, jak k lidské tragédii takového rozměru vůbec mohlo dojít.
1,41 € 14,05 €

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