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Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson (1975) je americký autor fantasy príbehov, rodák z Nebrasky. Vyštudoval tvorivé písanie na Brigham Young University (2005). Dvakrát bol nominovaný na Cenu Johna W. Campbella. Roku 2006 sa oženil a teraz žije v Oreme, v štáte Utah. Hlási sa k Cirkvi Ježiša Krista Svätých posledných dní.
Venuje sa tvorbe prevažne epickej fantasy, obvykle zasadenej do jedinečného prostredia, s prepracovaným systémom mágie a rozmanitými postavami. Okrem svojej románovej prvotiny „Elantris“ je autorom aj trilógia „Mistborn“ a ďalších. Po smrti Roberta Jordana bol vybraný práve Brandon Sanderson, aby dokončil záverečný diel Jordanovej epickej série. O túto službu ho požiadala vdova po Jordanovi, Harriet Rigney, na ktorú „Mistborn“ urobila hlboký dojem. Čitatelia ho môžu poznať aj vďaka trojdielnej sci-fi sérii Pomstitelia.



They told David it was impossible - that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, Steelheart - invincible, immortal, unconquerable - is dead. And he died by David's hand. Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there's no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs. Babylon Restored, the old borough of Manhattan, has possibilities, though. Ruled by the mysterious High Epic, Regalia, David is sure Babylon Restored will lead him to what he needs to find. And while entering another city oppressed by a High Epic despot is a gamble, David's willing to risk it. Because killing Steelheart left a hole in David's heart. A hole where his thirst for vengeance once lived. Somehow, he filled that hole with another Epic - Firefight. And he's willing to go on a quest darker, and more dangerous even, than the fight against Steelheart to find her, and to get his answers.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Emperor's Soul

From the bestselling author of the Mistborn Trilogy and co-author of the final three books of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series comes the tale of a heretic thief who may be an Empire's only hope for survival. Shai is a Forger: a foreigner who can flawlessly re-create any item by rewriting its history using skillful magic ...although she's currently condemned to death after trying to steal the emperor's sceptre, she has one last opportunity to save herself. The emperor has barely survived an assassination attempt, he needs a new soul and, despite viewing her skill as a Forger an abomination, her captors have turned to Shai for help. Skillfully deducing her captors plans, Shai know the first thing she needs is a perfect escape plan. but in the meantime, her fate and that of the empire lies in completing an impossible task: is it possible to create a forgery so convincing that it's better than the soul itself?
12,30 € 12,95 €


They told David it was impossible - that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, Steelheart - invincible, immortal, unconquerable - is dead. And he died by David's hand. Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there's no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs. He found some of those answers in FIREFIGHT. Now, he has to decide what to do with them ...Calamity is about what you do to fill your heart once you have vengeance.
16,63 € 17,50 €

The Reckoners Series

The perfect gift for fans of the Maze Runner series, this boxed set includes all three hardcover editions of #1 "New York Times" bestselling author Brandon Sanderson's Reckoners series "Steelheart," "Firefight," and "Calamity." Find out what James Dashner called "fantastic," with "relentless" suspense and an "explosive" climax. How far would you go for revenge if someone killed your father? If someone destroyed your city? If everything you ever loved was taken from you? David Charleston will go to any lengths to stop the Epics. But to exact revenge in this new world, David will need the Reckoners a shadowy group of rebels bent on maintaining justice. And it turns out that the Reckoners might just need David, too. Praise for the Reckoners Series: Another win for Sanderson . . . he s simply a brilliant writer. Period. Patrick Rothfuss, author of the "New York Times" and "USA Today" bestseller "The Name of the Wind" [STAR] Snappy dialogue, bizarre plot twists, high-intensity action, and a touch of mystery and romance . . . leaves [readers] panting for the sequel. "Booklist, " Starred "Action-packed." EW.com Compelling. . . . Sanderson uses plot twists that he teases enough for readers to pick up on to distract from the more dramatic reveals he has in store. The A.V. Club An absolute page-turner." "Publishers Weekly" "A straight-up Marvel Comics-style action drama." "Kirkus Reviews""
47,50 € 50,00 €

Shadows of Self

Fans of Robert Jordan and George RR Martin alike have found a new champion of epic fantasy in Brandon Sanderson. And now, in the first of two sequels to The Alloy Of Law the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author returns to the world of Mistborn anda hunt for a mysterious assassin. The criminal elite of Elendel were invited to an auction - which became a massacre, when an unknown assailant slaughtered everyone in attendance. Now Wax and Wayne, both able to use magic, both lawmen from the rough and ungoverned frontier territories, are on the case. All the clues suggest the killer is a rogue kandra - a secretive, almost mythical, figure who acts from the shadows - called Bleeder ...and that the governor is her next target. Bleeder, and the conspiracy behind the killings, has to be stopped ...before the city is plunged into chaos. A brilliant adventure and a gripping story, Shadows of Self offers fans of The Alloy of Law everything they've been hoping for and, this being a Brandon Sanderson book, more, much more.
13,25 € 13,95 €


They told David it was impossible - that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, Steelheart - invincible, immortal, unconquerable - is dead. And he died by David's hand. Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there's no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs. He found some of those answers in FIREFIGHT. Now, he has to decide what to do with them . . . Calamity is about what you do to fill your heart once you have vengeance.
13,25 € 13,95 €


Elantris was built on magic and it thrived. But then the magic began to fade and Elantris began to rot. And now its shattered citizens face domination by a powerful Imperium motivated by dogged religious views. Can a young Princess unite the people of Elantris, rediscover the lost magic and lead a rebellion against the imperial zealots? Brandon Sanderson's debut fantasy showed his skill as a storyteller and an imaginer of baroque magical systems to be fully developed from the start.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Věže půlnoci (Kolo času 13)

Poslední bitva vypukla. Zámky na věznici Temného se rozpadají. Samotný vzor se rozvolňuje a armády Stínu se začaly valit z Morny. Nad třetím věkem začalo zapadat slunce. Perrina Aybaru nyní pronásledují přízraky z minulosti: bělokabátníci, zabíječ vlků a odpovědnost vůdce. A celou dobu mu neviditelný nepřítel utahuje smyčku kolem krku. Aby přežil, musí hledat odpovědi v Tel'aran'rhiodu a - konečně - najít způsob, jak ovládnout vlka ve svém nitru, jinak se v něm navždy ztratí. Matrim Cauthon se mezitím připravuje na nejtěžší výzvu, které kdy v životě čelil. Tvorové za kamennými průchody - Aelfinnové a Eelfinnové - jej zmátli, vysmívali se mu, pověsili ho a do paměti mu nacpali úryvky životů jiných mužů. Doufal, že jeho poslední střet s nimi vše ukončí, ale kolo tká, jak si kolo přeje. Přichází chvíle, kdy bude opět muset tančit s hady a liškami a hrát hru, kterou nelze vyhrát. Věž Gendžei čeká a její tajemství odhalí osud dávno ztraceného přítele. Dovie'andi se tovja sagain. Je čas hodit kostky.
28,69 € 30,20 €

Az éjfél tornyai I.

Kezdetét vette az Utolsó Csata. Repedeznek a Sötét Nagyúr börtönét lezáró pecsétek. Bomlani kezdett a Minta, az Árnyék seregei pedig özönvízként megindultak a Fertőből. Beköszöntött a harmadik kor alkonya. Perrin Aybarát a múlt árnyai - a farkasok Mészárosa, a fehérköpenyek - üldözik, és vállára nehezedik a vezérség teljes súlya. Miközben az árnyak ellen küzd, egy láthatatlan ellenség egyre szorosabbra húzza a hurkot a nyaka körül. Csak akkor szállhat szembe vele, ha Tel'aran'rhiodban megtalálja a válaszokat. X# Közben Matrim Cauthon is elindul, hogy végrehajtsa élete legnehezebb küldetését. A kő boltívek mögötti birodalom teremtményei - az aelfinnek és az eelfinnek - egyszer már összezavarták, kigúnyolták, végül pedig fel is akasztották. De ő reméli, hogy még egyszer, utoljára összecsapva velük helyrehozhatja a dolgait. A Kerék azonban sző, és a Minta jő. Végig kell játszania a megnyerhetetlen játékot, mert a Ghenjei-torony fontos titkot rejt: odabent kiderül, hogy mi történt egy rég elveszett barátjával. Változik a Minta. Közel a vég. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain - Ideje dobni a kockákkal. Robert Jordan világhírű sorozatának utolsó előtti kötetében drámai és megrázó módon folytatódnak a hősök kalandjai. Jordan 2007-ben hunyt el; a sorozat utolsó három regényét Brandon Sanderson azokra a feljegyzésekre alapozva írta meg, amelyet az Idő Kereke sorozat megalkotója hagyott hátra.
10,15 € 10,68 €

Az éjfél tornyai II.

Kezdetét vette az Utolsó Csata. Repedeznek a Sötét Nagyúr börtönét lezáró pecsétek. Bomlani kezdett a Minta, az Árnyék seregei pedig özönvízként megindultak a Fertőből. Beköszöntött a harmadik kor alkonya. Perrin Aybarát a múlt árnyai - a farkasok Mészárosa, a fehérköpenyek - üldözik, és vállára nehezedik a vezérség teljes súlya. Miközben az árnyak ellen küzd, egy láthatatlan ellenség egyre szorosabbra húzza a hurkot a nyaka körül. Csak akkor szállhat szembe vele, ha Tel'aran'rhiodban megtalálja a válaszokat. Közben Matrim Cauthon is elindul, hogy végrehajtsa élete legnehezebb küldetését. A kő boltívek mögötti birodalom teremtményei - az aelfinnek és az eelfinnek - egyszer már összezavarták, kigúnyolták, végül pedig fel is akasztották. De ő reméli, hogy még egyszer, utoljára összecsapva velük helyrehozhatja a dolgait. A Kerék azonban sző, és a Minta jő. Végig kell játszania a megnyerhetetlen játékot, mert a Ghenjei-torony fontos titkot rejt: odabent kiderül, hogy mi történt egy rég elveszett barátjával. Változik a Minta. Közel a vég. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain - Ideje dobni a kockákkal. Robert Jordan világhírű sorozatának utolsó előtti kötetében drámai és megrázó módon folytatódnak a hősök kalandjai. Jordan 2007-ben hunyt el; a sorozat utolsó három regényét Brandon Sanderson azokra a feljegyzésekre alapozva írta meg, amelyet az Idő Kereke sorozat megalkotója hagyott hátra.
10,15 € 10,68 €

The Bands of Mourning

The Mistborn trilogy has become a firm favourite with fantasy fans the world over. The imagination that Sanderson brought to the series and his skill at marshalling epic storylines and dramatic action, his ability to create vivid characters made him a natural choice to complete Robert Jordan's epic wheel of time sequence. But with Mistborn, Sanderson has shown his bountiful talents in his own fiction. Now he returns to the series that made his name with a new story, building on the incredible success of THE ALLOY OF LAW. The new Mistborn books move the series into a richly imagined 19th century analogue world with elements of the wild west mixed with magic and science. It's a wonderful concoction from a master storyteller. Sanderson has the knack of giving the epic fantasy reader exactly what they want. This ability has thrown him to the forefront of the genre and this novel will take him to the next level.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Mistborn Trilogy - Final Empire, the Well of Ascension, the Hero of Ages

A boxed set of the landmark fantasy from Brandon Sanderson, the man credited with breathing fresh life into Robert Jordan's WHEEL OF TIME. An epic fantasy set in a world where the Dark Lord has gained dominion over the world. A world of ash and pain. A world subjugated. But a world where magic can be drawn from metals. A world waiting for a new heroine, a new hope. A word of mouth bestseller in the USA Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy have now become a massive hit in the UK, introducing readers to the work of one of the genre's great talents. A master of world building, sweeping plots, believable characters and engrossing magic systems.
34,15 € 35,95 €


From the bestselling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series comes a new, original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness. In Oathbringer, the third volume of the New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive series, humanity faces a new Desolation with the return of the Voidbringers, a foe whose numbers are as great as their thirst for vengeance. The Alethi armies commanded by Dalinar Kholin won a fleeting victory at a terrible cost: The enemy Parshendi summoned the violent Everstorm, and now its destruction sweeps the world and its passing awakens the once peaceful and subservient parshmen to the true horror of their millennia-long enslavement by humans. While on a desperate flight to warn his family of the threat, Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with the fact that their newly kindled anger may be wholly justified. Nestled in the mountains high above the storms, in the tower city of Urithiru, Shallan Davar investigates the wonders of the ancient stronghold of the Knights Radiant and unearths the dark secrets lurking in its depths. And Dalinar realizes that his holy mission to unite his homeland of Alethkar was too narrow in scope. Unless all the nations of Roshar can put Dalinar's blood-soaked past aside and stand together - and unless Dalinar himself can confront that past - even the restoration of the Knights Radiant will not avert the end of civilization. 'I loved this book. What else is there to say?' Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Wind, on The Way of Kings
20,85 € 21,95 €

Vzpomínka na Světlo

Na Merrilorském poli se shromažďují vládcové všech zemí, aby se přidali k Randu al’Thorovi, nebo zabránili jeho plánu rozbít zámky na věznici Temného – což může být projev jeho šílenství, nebo poslední naděje lidstva. Egwain, amyrlinin stolec, se přiklání k první možnosti. V Andoru se trolloci zmocní Caemlynu. Ve vlčím snu Perrin Aybara bojuje se Zabíječem. Mat Cauthon přijíždí do Ebú Daru, kde má v úmyslu navštívit svou manželku Tuon, nyní Fortuonu, seančanskou císařovnu. Celé lidstvo se nachází ve smrtelném nebezpečí – a o výsledku se rozhodne v samotném Šajol Ghúlu. Kolo se otáčí a věk se blíží ke konci. Poslední bitva určí osud světa.
31,30 € 32,95 €


Spensa's world has been under attack for hundreds of years. An alien race called the Krell leads onslaught after onslaught from the sky in a never-ending campaign to destroy humankind. Humanity's only defense is to take to their ships and fight the enemy in the skies. Pilots have become the heroes of what's left of the human race. Spensa has always dreamed of being one of them; of soaring above Earth and proving her bravery. But her fate is intertwined with her father's - a pilot who was killed years ago when he abruptly deserted his team, placing Spensa's chances of attending flight school somewhere between slim and none. No one will let Spensa forget what her father did, but she is still determined to fly. And the Krell just made that a possibility. They've doubled their fleet, making Spensa's world twice as dangerous . . . but their desperation to survive might just take her skyward . .
14,73 € 15,50 €

Oathbringer Part One

This volume is the first half of the novel OATHBRINGER. From the bestselling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series comes a new, original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness. In Oathbringer, the third volume of the New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive series, humanity faces a new Desolation with the return of the Voidbringers, a foe whose numbers are as great as their thirst for vengeance. The Alethi armies commanded by Dalinar Kholin won a fleeting victory at a terrible cost: The enemy Parshendi summoned the violent Everstorm, and now its destruction sweeps the world and its passing awakens the once peaceful and subservient parshmen to the true horror of their millennia-long enslavement by humans. While on a desperate flight to warn his family of the threat, Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with the fact that their newly kindled anger may be wholly justified. Nestled in the mountains high above the storms, in the tower city of Urithiru, Shallan Davar investigates the wonders of the ancient stronghold of the Knights Radiant and unearths the dark secrets lurking in its depths. And gradually realizes that his holy mission to unite his homeland of Alethkar was too narrow in scope. Unless all the nations of Roshar can put Dalinar's blood-soaked past aside and stand together - and unless Dalinar himself can confront that past - even the restoration of the Knights Radiant will not avert the end of civilization. 'I loved this book. What else is there to say?' Patrick Rothfuss, New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Wind, on The Way of Kings
14,20 € 14,95 €