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1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

Updated to include the best films from the first decade of the twenty-first century, this brand-new edition of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die surveys more than a century of movie history. Every film profile is packed with the details that movie lovers need to know about the world's great movie classics. Chronicling the complete history of filmmaking, this important survey dates back to silent-era sensations such as D. W. Griffith's controversial The Birth of a Nation and the immortal Little Tramp movies of Charlie Chaplin, and then covers blockbusters of the past like Gone With the Wind, Doctor Zhivago, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Also described are Hollywood's most memorable musicals, great dramas, screwball comedies, experimental "New Wave" films from 1950s and '60s Europe, major films noir, classic westerns, action and adventure films, and outstanding documentaries. New films summarized in this edition include the multi-Oscar winning The King's Speech, as well as Slumdog Millionaire, The Social Network, The Hurt Locker, Avatar, and The Black Swan, among others. Each profile lists the film's director and cast, presents a plot summary and production notes, and cites interesting, often little-known facts relating to the film's cast, storyline, and production historyFor students of cinema, discerning film buffs, DVD collectors, and readers who enjoy reminiscing over cherished screen moments, the newly updated third edition of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is the perfect place to start. The book's intensely readable text is complemented with 800 movie still shots and actors' photos.
24,65 € 25,95 €

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

With more than 1.75 million copies sold worldwide in 30 languages, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is the ultimate movie guide that celebrates the cult classics and their contemporary competitors, along with box office hits and breakout independents. Capturing the must-see movies of all time from more than 100 years of cinema, this go-to guide offers an abundance of witty analysis and revelatory insights. Discover some of the most poignant movies from every country and every genre, from action and animation, to comedy, documentary, musical, thriller, noir, short, romance, sci-fi and Western. Newly revised and refreshed, this definitive edition features 500 original movie posters and hundreds of impressive movie stills, including recent Oscar-winning and nominated films such as Parasite, Joker, Little Women, For Sama and The Lighthouse. Quotes from movie directors and critics, together with little-known facts, complement the incisive reviews and vital statistics of each movie to make this the most fact-filled edition ever. No matter your passion, whether it be silent or musical, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is the perfect companion for any film buff or critic.
23,70 € 24,95 €

101 kultovních filmů, které musíte vidět než umřete

Mnoho filmů, které mají kultovní status, bylo zpočátku propadáky, a až v průběhu let přitahuje skupiny oddaných fanoušků. Některé kultovní filmy jsou velmi dobré, jiné tak špatné, až jsou dobré, a některé jsou komické eskapády, zatímco mnoho dalších spadá do kategorie sci-fi nebo hororů. Ale všechny kultovní filmy mají jedno společné: odmítají zemřít. Kniha známého filmového historika Stevena Jaye Schneidera přináší profily 101 nejvíce nezapomenutelných kultovních filmů všech dob. Patří mezi ně Nosferatu, Reefer Madness, Fantazie, Dotek zla, Taxikář, Invaze zlodějů těl, Lovcova noc, Barbarella, Bezstarostná jízda a mnoho dalších. Každý profil obsahuje shrnutí děje, obsazení a štáb a zajímavá fakta o filmu. Jsou prezentovány chronologicky v samostatných kapitolách pokrývajících každou dekádu od roku 1920 až do současnosti. Vše ilustrováno nezapomenutelnými filmovými fotografiemi a reprodukcemi reklamních plakátů.
22,28 € 23,45 €

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1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die : Updated for 2021
23,70 € 24,95 €