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Georges Simenon
Fantastický rozprávač, milovník fajky a žien, bol tvorcom jedného z najslávnejších detektívov, komisára Maigreta.

Narodil sa v piatok, 13. Februára, 1903 v belgickom meste Liege ako prvý syn účtovníka v poisťovni, matka bola v domácnosti. Rodičov osobitný dátum narodenia dieťaťa nijako nevyľakal, jedna z poverčivých príbuzných ich však presvedčila, aby ho radšej zmenili na 12. februára.

Keď dospieval, jeho otec vážne ochorel, čo znamenalo koniec štúdií. Začal pracovať v pekárni, predával knihy a v šestnástich rokoch sa stal korešpondentom miestnych novín Gazette de Liege. Už o rok neskôr spísal prvú poviedku, v osemnástich prvý román Au pont des Arches, ktorý podpísal pseudonymom Georges Sim.

V roku 1922 sa presťahoval do Paríža a začal sa živiť písaním lacných detektívnych románov. Každý deň musel napísať niekoľko desiatok strán, podpisoval sa viac ako dvadsiatimi pseudonymami. Okrem toho pracoval ako úradník a sekretár pre markíza De Tracy. Žil bohatým umeleckým životom na Montmartri a Montparnasse, experimentoval s drogami, striedal ženy a nevyhýbal sa ani prostitútkam. Zoznámil sa aj so slávnou americkou tanečnicou a speváčkou Josephine Baker, hviezdou prvej triedy, ktorá sa preslávila svojimi odvážnymi kostýmami. Začiatkom dvadsiatych rokov sa prvýkrát oženil, manželstvo však čoskoro skončilo rozvodom.

Lacné romány Simenona sprevádzali až do roku 1931, kedy napísal prvý poviedku, v ktorej vystupoval komisár Maigret. Muž, ktorý sa vypracoval z radového pešiaka na superintendanta. Pri výsluchu fajčí fajku, rád popíja víno, pivo a calvados a miluje sýta vidiecka jedla, najmä choucroute. Legenda detektívnych románov bola na svete.

Prvú sériu devätnástich prípadov komisára Maigreta Simenon vytvoril v rokoch 1931 až 1934, ďalšie vznikli po osemročnej pauze v roku 1942. Predlohou tejto postavy bol jeho pradedo, vďaka ktorému postava Maigreta získala reálne vlastnosti. Niekoľko dobrých rád autorovi pridala aj spisovateľka Colette. Pod jej vplyvom prestal s nútenou literárnou štylizáciou a našiel si vlastný spôsob písania. Georges Simenon celý život veľa cestoval a striedal adresy. Prešiel severnú aj východnú Európu, Stredomorie aj Afriku. Nikdy si nepísal cestovné denníky, napriek tomu dokázal poznatky použiť pri písaní románov. Nie vždy sa však stretol s pochopením.
Kvôli popisu korupcie v Gabone mu bol zakázaný vstup do Francúzskej rovníkovej Afriky, v Odese ho prenasledovala tajná polícia. Živil sa aj ako novinár. V Turecku urobil rozhovor s Levom Trockým, v roku 1933 zamieril do hitlerovského Nemecka. V čase, keď dokončoval devätnásty román s Maigretom, popisoval francúzsku politickú aféru spojenú so záhadným úmrtím podvodníka Alexandra Staviského, do ktorého aktivít bolo zapletených niekoľko významných ľudí.
Romány s komisárom Maigretem si rýchlo získali obľubu čitateľov. Vďaka prvému úspechu nasledoval podpis zmluvy s prestížnym nakladateľstvom Gallimard, ktoré Simenonovi zaručila vysoké náklady, slušnú autorskú odmenu z predaných kníh a kontrolu nad filmovými právami. Úloha Maigreta bola zverovaná len najlepším hercom, na filmovom plátne bola pre niekoľko generácií spojená najmä s tvárou Jeana Gabina.
Začiatok vojny strávil Simenon starostlivosťou o belgických utečencov v La Rochelle. Keď nemecká armáda napadla Francúzsko, odišiel do Fontenay a pokračoval v písaní, zároveň zmluvu s produkčnou spoločnosťou Continental, ktorú riadil so súhlasom ríše istý Nemec . V rokoch 1942 až 1944 sa na filmové plátna dostalo osem jeho kníh. To bolo na príslušníkov protifašistického odboja veľké sústo. Simenon sa dostal na zoznam kolaborantov, a akonáhle sa vojna skončila, musel odísť z Francúzska. Uchýlil sa najprv do Kanady a potom v Tucsone v Arizone. Rýchlo si našiel miesto a rovnako rýchlo spoznal aj svoju druhú manželku, dvadsaťpäťročnú Kanaďanku Denys Ouimetovú, s ktorou mal tri deti.

V Amerike Simenon neprestával cestovať a písať. Keď mu lekár po chybnom vyhodnotení röntgenového snímku oznámil, že má pred sebou menej ako dva roky života, Simenon na to zareagoval spísaním nezvyčajne objemnú autobiografickú knihu Pedigree, ktorú poňal ako pamiatku na seba, pre svojho syna.

V roku 1955 sa rodina vrátila do Európy. Usadili sa vo švajčiarskom Lausanne, manželstvo však trpelo mnohými problémami a začalo sa rozpadať. Denys sa začala liečiť na psychiatrickej klinike, požiadala o rozvod a o veľké odstupné. Simenon si padol do oka so svojou slúžkou a s manželkou komunikoval len prostredníctvom advokátov. Psychické ťažkosti zhoršené zlým ovzduším v rodine trápili aj dcéru Marie-Jo, ktorú Simenon veľmi miloval. Po niekoľkých rokoch neúspešnej terapie si v roku 1978 vzala život. Mala dvadsaťpäť rokov a Simenon, v neskôr spísaných pamätiach, obvinil z jej smrti manželku Denys.

V polovici päťdesiatych rokov bol Georges Simenon najviac prekladaným po francúzsky píšucim spisovateľom na svete. Roky najväčšieho politického napätia medzi Východom a Západom prežil v neutrálnom Švajčiarsku. Vilu s výhľadom na Ženevské jazero vybavil sledovacou technikou a mikrofónmi. Bol celebritou. V roku 1960 predsedal porote filmového festivalu v Cannes a zaslúžil sa o to, aby si Fellini odniesol Zlatú palmu za film Sladký život (La Dolce Vita). Priatelil sa s mnohými umelcami a ľuďmi od filmu, vrátane Jeana Gabina a svojho suseda Charlieho Chaplina.

Za svoj život spísal viac ako dvesto tridsať románov, ktoré poslúžili ako predloha k šesťdesiatim filmom a nespočetným televíznym adaptáciám. Posledný príbeh komisára Maigreta vydal Simenon v roku 1972. Potom sa venoval už len spisovanie spomienok, v ktorých sa okrem iného vyrovnal s problematickým vzťahom k matke. Zomrel 4. septembra 1989 v Lausanne. Jeho posledným želaním bol pohreb bez obradu. Popol bol zmiešaný s popolom milovanej dcéry Marie-Jo a rozptýlený pod veľkým stromom v záhrade.

Foto: Encyclopedia Britannica © Jerry Bauer


A gyilkos

Hans Kuperus kisvárosi orvos Frízföldön. Békés, rendezett életét egy névtelen levél dúlja föl: Alice, a felesége megcsalja, ráadásul éppen azzal a léha arisztokratával, Schutter ügyvéddel, akit nemrég választottak meg Kuperus helyett a helyi Biliárdakadémia elnökének. Amikor ... Folytatás ›› Alice és Schutter eltűnik, mindenki részvéttel fordul a doktor felé. Ám hamarosan két holttest kerül elő egy csatorna mélyéről. A kettős gyilkosság megrázza a városkát: se nyom, se gyanúsított, se bizonyíték... Kuperus megpróbál tovább élni, mintha mi sem történt volna. Látogatja a betegeit, eljár biliárdozni barátaival az Onder de Linden kávézóba, esténként felbont egy üveg burgundit, ám amikor szeretőjévé teszi a szobalányát, szájára veszi a város. Az egyre fullasztóbb légkörben saját magát szorítja sarokba a gyilkos, akit már az sem érdekel, hogy elárulja önmagát... A(z) A gyilkos (Könyv) szerzője Georges Simenon.
8,33 € 8,77 €

4x komisař Maigret potřetí CD

Závěrečná série případů komisaře Maigreta s Rudolfem Hrušínským v titulní roli Dále hrají Vladimír Brabec, Jiří Adamíra, Ilja Racek, Jaroslava Adamová, Blanka Bohdanová, Jorga Kotrbová, Jiří Vala, Vlastimil Hašek, Věra Kubánková, Miluše Šplechtová, Karolína Slunéčková a další CD 1 Maigret a mrtvá dívka CD 2 Maigret a případ Nahour CD 3 Maigret chystá léčku CD 4 Přístav v mlze CD 1 70:35, CD 2 51:45, CD 3 66:28, CD 4 56:06
17,81 € 18,75 €

Komplet komisař Maigret 14CD

Kompletní série rozhlasových maigretovek s Rudolfem Hrušínským st.v titulní roli.
61,95 € 65,21 €

Maigretova gangsterská partie, Maigret a bláznivá stařenka

V Maigretově gangsterské partii se komisař potýká nejen s horlivým inspektorem Lognonem a jeho churavou chotí, ale především s triem amerických gangsterů, kteří si v Paříži počínají jako v ulicích Chicaga. V příběhu Maigret a bláznivá stařenka pak stojí před případem vraždy staré paní, jež se mu pár dní předtím svěřila s podezřením, že je někým sledována. Motiv tohoto činu mu zůstává dlouho utajen…
10,22 € 10,76 €

Liberty Bar: Inspector Maigret 17

This is a new translation of Georges Simenon's devastating novel set on the French Riviera, book seventeen in the new Penguin Maigret series. It had a smell of holidays. The previous evening, in Cannes harbour, with the setting sun, had also had the smell of holidays, especially the Ardena, whose owner swaggered in front of two girls with gorgeous figures. Dazzled at first by the glamour of sunny Antibes, Maigret soon finds himself immersed in the less salubrious side of the Riviera as he retraces the final steps of a local eccentric. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Maigret on the Riviera. "Compelling, remorseless, brilliant." (John Gray). "One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." (Guardian). "A supreme writer...unforgettable vividness." (Independent). Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Madman of Bergerac

This is a new translation of Simenon's tense novel, book fifteen in the new Penguin Maigret series. He recalled his travelling companion's agitated sleep - was it really sleep? - his sighs, and his sobbing. Then the two dangling legs, the patent-leather shoes and hand-knitted socks...an insipid face. Glazed eyes. And Maigret was not surprised to see a grey beard eating into his cheeks. This is a distressed passenger leaps off a night train and vanishes into the woods. Maigret, on his way to a well-earned break in the Dordogne, is soon plunged into the pursuit of a madman, hiding amongst the seemingly respectable citizens of Bergerac. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. "Compelling, remorseless, brilliant." (John Gray). "One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." (Guardian). "A supreme writer...unforgettable vividness." (Independent). Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Misty Harbour: Inspector Maigret 16

This is a new translation of Georges Simenon's gripping tale of lost identity. This is the book sixteen in the new Penguin Maigret series. A man picked up for wandering in obvious distress among the cars and buses on the Grands Boulevards. Questioned in French, he remains mute...A madman? In Maigret's office, he is searched. His suit is new, his underwear is new, his shoes are new. All identifying labels have been removed. No identification papers. No wallet. Five crisp thousand-franc bills have been slipped into one of his pockets. A distressed man is found wandering the streets of Paris, with no memory of who he is or how he got there. The answers lead Maigret to a small harbour town, whose quiet citizens conceal a poisonous malice. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Death of a Harbour Master. "Compelling, remorseless, brilliant." (John Gray). "One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." (Guardian). "A supreme writer...unforgettable vividness. " (Independent). Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Blue Room

This is a new translation of Simenon's gripping novel about lives transformed by deceit and the destructive power of lust. It was all real: himself, the room, Andree still lying on the ravaged bed. For Tony and Andree, there are no rules when they meet in the blue room at the Hotel des Voyageurs. Their adulterous affair is intoxicating, passionate - and dangerous. Soon it turns into a nightmare from which there can be no escape. Simenon's stylish and sensual psychological thriller weaves a story of cruelty, reckless lust and relentless guilt. "A double crime, a dark provincial scandal, and a dreadful sort of triumph...presented with shattering power." (San Francisco Chronicle). "The romans durs are extraordinary: tough, bleak, offhandedly violent, suffused with guilt and bitterness, redolent of place...utterly unsentimental, frightening in the pitilessness of their gaze, yet wonderfully entertaining." (John Banville). "One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century...Simenon was unequaled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." (Guardian). "A supreme writer...unforgettable vividness." (Independent). Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Lock No. 1: Inspector Maigret 18

This is a new translation of Georges Simenon's novel set in claustraphobic provincial town, book eighteen in the new Penguin Maigret series. Cars drove past along with the trucks and trams, but by now Maigret had realised that they were not important . Whatever roared by like this along the road was not part of the landscape...What really counted was the lock, the hooting of the tugs, the stone crusher, the barges and the cranes, the two pilots' bars and especially the tall house where he could m ake out Ducrau's red chair framed by a window. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as The Lock at Charenton. "Compelling, remorseless, brilliant." (Joh n Gray). "One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories." (Guardian). "A supreme writer...unforgettab le vividness." (Independent). Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Cecile is Dead: Inspector Maigret 20

Barely twenty-eight years old. But it would be difficult to look more like an old maid, to move less gracefully, in spite of the care she took to be friendly and pleasant. Those black dresses . . . that ridiculous green hat! For six months the dowdy Cécile has been coming to the police station, desperate to convince them that someone has been breaking into her aunt's apartment. No one takes her seriously - until Maigret unearths a story of merciless, deep-rooted greed. 'Simenon tells us that though life is beautiful, it is often appalling.' New Yorker
8,50 € 8,95 €

Judges House: Inspector Maigret 22

Exiled from Paris, Maigret discovers some disturbing secrets in a sleepy coastal town in this new translation, book twenty-two in the new Penguin Maigret series. He went out, lit his pipe and walked slowly to the harbour. He could hear scurrying footsteps behind him. The sea was becoming swollen. The beams of the lighthouses joined in the sky. The moon had just risen and the judge's house emerged from the darkness, all white, a crude, livid, unreal white. Exiled from the Police Judiciare in Paris, Maigret bides his time in a remote coastal town of France. There, among the lighthouses, mussel farms and the eerie wail of foghorns, he discovers that a community's loyalties hide unpleasant truths. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Maigret in Exile. 'Compelling, remorseless, brilliant' John Gray 'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century ...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian 'A supreme writer ...unforgettable vividness' Independent Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

A műhiba

Dr. Bergelon, egy francia kisváros körzeti orvosa részben felelősnek érzi magát egy súlyos műhibáért, amelyet gazdag és befolyásos kollégája, Mandalin követett el. Noha a nagy tekintélyű Mandalin igyekszik elsimítani a kellemetlen ügyet, Bergelont furdalja a lelkiismeret. Az áldozat férje bosszút esküdött ellene, az orvos pedig hiába próbálja tisztázni magát előtte. Bergelon felesége tanácsára elmenekül a veszélyes helyzet elől, szabadságot vesz ki. Egy tengerparti nyaralóhelyen flörtöl, majd hirtelen ötlettől vezérelve Belgiumba utazik, de valami okból végig tartja a kapcsolatot a bosszúálló férjjel, és furcsamód egyre bizalmasabb viszonyba kerülnek. Közben egy régi iskolatárs munkát ajánl neki egy fekete-tengeri kikötőben. Az eset alaposan felforgatja Bergelon megszokott világát. Mi történik vele a száműzetés során, és visszatalál-e a régi életéhez?
8,42 € 8,86 €

4x komisař Maigret počtvrté - audiokniha

Legendární pařížský komisař Maigret se vrací! Tentokrát v podání Josefa Vinkláře, Josefa Somra a Oty Sklenčky. - CD 1 Případ Saint-Fiacre – v roli Maigreta Josef Vinklář - CD 2 Maigret a případ Cecilie – v roli Maigreta Josef Somr - CD 3 Maigret a přízrak – v roli Maigreta Josef Somr - CD 4 Maigretovy Vánoce – v roli Maigreta Ota Sklenčka
22,28 € 23,45 €

Inspector Cadaver

Maigret's old colleague becomes an unexpected rival in book twenty-four of the new Penguin Maigret series. In everyone's eyes, even the old ladies hiding behind their quivering curtains, even the kids just now who had turned to stare after they had passed him, he was the intruder, the undesirable. No, worse, he was fundamentally untrustworthy, some stranger who had just turned up from who knew where to do who knew what. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Maigret's Rival. 'Compelling, remorseless, brilliant' John Gray 'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century ...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian 'A supreme writer ...unforgettable vividness' Independent Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €


Imperious, clever, mysterious: Maigret meets his match in the alluring form of Felicie in book twenty-five of the new Penguin Maigret series, In his mind's eye he would see that slim figure in the striking clothes, those wide eyes the colour of forget-me-not, the pert nose and especially the hat, that giddy, crimson bonnet perched on the top of her head with a bronze-green feather shaped like a blade stuck in it ...Felicie had given him more trouble than all the 'hard' men who had been put behind bars. Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Maigret and the Toy Village. 'Compelling, remorseless, brilliant' John Gray 'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century ...Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian 'A supreme writer ...unforgettable vividness' Independent Georges Simenon was born in Liege, Belgium, in 1903. Best known in Britain as the author of the Maigret books, his prolific output of over 400 novels and short stories have made him a household name in continental Europe. He died in 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he had lived for the latter part of his life.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Maigret és a vérfoltos öltöny

Maigret főfelügyelő egy brüsszeli kávézóban gyanús alakra figyel fel, aki ezerfrankos bankókat számolgat. A nyomába szegődik, az amszterdami vonatra is felül mellé, majd észrevétlenül elcseréli a bőröndjét. Amikor az ismeretlen rájön a cserére, egy brémai zugszállóban főbe lövi magát. Maigret-t bűntudat gyötri. Ám miért lesz öngyilkos valaki, akitől csak egy ócska öltönyt loptak el? Vajon egy régi vérfolt miatt? A főfelügyelőt a gyorsan pergő nyomozás Brémából Párizsba és Reimsbe, majd a belga Liege-be, Simenon szülővárosába is elviszi. Csakhogy valaki mindig, mindenütt egy lépéssel előtte jár... Az egyik legkorábbi Maigret-történet önéletrajzi ihletésű, valós eseményeken alapul.
7,73 € 8,14 €