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Upírske denníky 2 – Súboj (TV)

Ako sa to všetko začalo... Ešte v časoch talianskej renesancie sa dvaja bratia Damon a Stefan Salvatorovci zaľúbili do krásnej mladej upírky, ktorá sa volala Katherine. Hoci Katherinino srdce bolo dosť veľké pre oboch chlapcov, navzájom oň súperili, aby si ho mohli privlastniť. Nekonečný boj o Katherininu náklonnosť ju nakoniec dohnal k smrti. A z dvoch bratov urobila navždy rozhádaných nezomretých upírov so zlomeným srdcom. O niekoľko storočí neskôr je Damonovi a Stefanovi súdené znova prežiť to, čo ich dohnalo k upírstvu. Znenazdania sa ocitnú v mestečku Fell's Church vo Virginii, kde sa ich cesty pretnú s Elenou Gilbertovou, krásnou a obľúbenou stredoškoláčkou, ktorá sa priam neuveriteľne podobá na Katherine...
7,59 € 7,99 €

Zakázaná hra 1 - Lovec

Pôvodne si Jenny myslela, že len kúpi darček k narodeninám a pôjde. Predavačove bledomodré oči ju však úplne opantali. Pri odchode niesla v ruke HRU a intenzívny mrazivý pocit, že ten pohľad nevidela naposledy. Na oslave Tomových narodenín začnú hrať priatelia novú hru. Večer plný zábavy sa však zmení na noc hrôzy. Hra sa postupne stane novou realitou, ktorej vládne Julian - Princ tieňov. Démonický predavač z obchodu, nemilosrdný lovec, ktorý sa nezastaví pred ničím. Zakázaná Hra sa začala a kto prehrá, ten zaplatí…
3,10 € 7,50 €

Zakázaná hra 3 - Inferno

"Ak ich chceš zachrániť, vydaj sa na cestu za pokladom. No nezabudni: Ak prehráš, zaplatíš diablovi jeho cenu! A tá bude vysoká!" To boli posledné slová, ktoré povedal Julian pred tým, ako zmizol s Tomom a Zachom vo Svete tieňov. Jenny musí spolu so svojimi priateľmi vstúpiť na územie nepriateľa a tam ho zničiť. Vybavení čarovnými runami mieria k bráne, za ktorou na nich striehne utrpenie, či dokonca smrť. Zakázaná Hra sa chýli ku koncu, cesta do pekla sa otvára...
4,50 € 9,99 €

Upíří deníky Temné shledání

Zvítězí láska nebo žízeň po krvi?
8,60 € 9,05 €

Vampire Diaries: Books 3 & 4

The Fury: Faced with an ancient evil, Stefan and Damon must stop their feuding and join forces with Elena to confront it. But in so doing, they are unwittingly sealing her fate ... The Reunion: Elena summons the vampire trio once more to unite and challenge their fate. Together they will be called to face the most terrifying evil Fell’s Church has ever known.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Vampire Diaries The Return Book 5 Nightfall

A phenomenally popular vampire romance sequence - now showing on ITV2 - from the best selling author of Night World, L. J. Smith. Elena Gilbert is alive - again! When Elena sacrificed herself to save the two vampire brothers who love her she was consigned to a fate beyond death. Until a powerful supernatural force pulled her back. Now Elena is not just human. She has powers. What's more, her blood pulses with a unique force that makes her irresistible to any vampire. Both brothers still want Elena to be theirs, but something bigger and more powerful than all of them may want her more...
8,50 € 8,95 €

Vampire Diaries 6 - The Return + Shadow Souls

Elena Gilbert is once again at the centre of magic and danger beyond her imagining. And once more, Stefan isn't there to help! Elena is forced to trust her life to Damon, the handsome but deadly vampire who wants Elena, body and soul. They must journey to the slums of the Dark Dimension, a world where vampires and demons roam free, but humans must live as slaves of their supernatural masters. Damon's brother, the brooding vampire Stefan whom Elena loves, is imprisoned here, and Elena can only free him by finding the two hidden halves of the key to his cell. Meanwhile, the tension between Elena and Damon mounts until Elena is faced with a terrible decision: which brother does she really want to be with? The drama, danger and star-crossed love that fills each Vampire Diaries book is in full effect here, with Elena Gilbert once again filled with supernatural powers.
8,50 € 8,95 €

Upírske denníky Nová generácia nemŕtvych - komplet 1.-4. diel

Láska bolí a história sa opakuje... Ľúbostný trojuholník plný očakávania, túžby, nečakaných zvratov a krvi! Prvé 4 časti, ako jeden komplet v papierovom puzdre.
26,59 € 27,99 €

Upírske denníky 6 - Temné sily

Láska Stefana a Eliony je opäť v ohrození. Stefana väznia démoni v Temnej dimenzii. Ide o miesto, kde sú obyčajní ľudia len bezcennými otrokmi démonov a upírov. Elena sa ho snaží zachrániť za každú cenu. Neváha dokonca požiadať o pomoc ani svojrázneho Damona. Damon je rovnako ako jeho brat Stefan do Eleny zamilovaný. Je ochotný spraviť čokoľvek aby si získal jej srdce. Mestečkom Falls Church sa začína šíriť neopísateľný strach a hrôza. Sám Damon sa stáva obeťou neznámej sily. Už viac netúži len po Eleninej láske a krvi, túži po niečom viac – po Eleninom živote. Podľahne Elena Damonovmu čaru. Vyberie si toho správneho z bratov? Viac sa dočítate v 6. diely fantazy série Upírske denníky 6 - Temné sily.
3,80 € 4,00 €

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Upírske denníky 17 - Vykúpenie

Elena Gilbertová umiera. Strážkyne jej však ponúknu výnimočnú šancu začať úplne odznova. Od chvíle, kedy sa Elena prvý raz stretla s bratmi Salvatoreovcami, spôsobil ich milostný trojuholník nekonečný rad úmrtí a deštrukcie. Ak sa Elena dokáže vrátiť do okamihu, keď sa prvýkrát stretla s Damonom a Stefanom, a zabrániť tomu, aby zabíjali ľudí, bude žiť. Bude Elena schopná obetovať vlastné šťastie vyššiemu dobru a vzdať sa oboch bratov navždy? Alebo je ich smutný osud už dávno dopredu určený?
9,49 € 9,99 €

Vampire Diaries: The Hunters

Vampire Diaries The Hunters Collection 3 Books Set by L. J. Smith (Phantom, Moonsong & Destiny Rising): Phantom: Since meeting vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert has been to hell and back. Now that she and her friends have saved their hometown from a demonic spirit, everything can finally go back to normal. But Elena should know better than anyone that Fell's Church will never be normal. In PHANTOM, a dangerous new other-worldly threat sets its sights on Elena. Moonsong: Life is better than ever, Elena and her friends can't wait to attend Dalcrest College. But when students start to disappear from campus, suddenly every new acquaintance is a potential enemy.Then Elena uncovers a long-hidden secret, one that shocks her to the core, she realises that darkness has followed her from Fell's Church. Destiny Rising: Destiny Rising is the gripping conclusion to the Hunters arc in the New York Times bestselling series The Vampire Diaries, created by L. J. Smith, which also inspired the hit CW TV show.Elena Gilbert has never been an ordinary teenager.
17,91 € 18,85 €

Vampire Diaries: The Return

Vampire Diaries The Return Collection 3 Books Set by L. J. Smith (Nightfall, Shadow Souls & Midnight): The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Shadow Souls: Elena Gilbert is once again at the center of magic and danger beyond her imagining. And this time, Stefan isn’t there to help. Stefan is held prisoner in the Dark Dimension—a world where vampires and demons roam free, and where humans are at the command of their supernatural betters. To save the man she loves, Elena is forced to trust her life to his handsome, but deadly brother Damon. The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Midnight: Elena Gilbert is back from the Dark Dimension, having successfully freed her vampire boyfriend Stefan Salvatore from imprisonment. Saving Stefan had an unlikely consequence: his vampire brother Damon Salvatore has become mortal. Nightfall: The Return: Nightfall is perfect for fans of the hit CW TV show The Vampire Diaries, as well as fans of the original New York Times bestselling series who can’t wait to see what happens next with Elena, Stefan, and Damon.
17,91 € 18,85 €

Vampire Diaries Slipcase

Vampire Diaries 4 Books The Awakening Collection Box Set by L. J. Smith (Books 1 - 4) (The Awakening, The Struggle, The Fury & The Reunion): The Awakening: The first book in L.J. Smith’s New York Times bestselling Vampire Diaries series, the basis of the hit CW TV show starring Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder. Elena Gilbert is a high school golden girl, used to getting what she wants. And who she wants. But when the boy she’s set her sights on—the handsome and haunted Stefan—isn’t interested, she’s confused. She could never know the real reason Stefan is struggling to resist her The Struggle: This special paperback TV tie-in edition of the second book in L.J. Smith’s New York Times bestselling The Vampire Diaries series features cover artwork from the hit CW TV show based on the book, starring Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder. The Fury: Tired of being caught in the middle of a love triangle between two vampire brothers, Elena sacrifices an immortal love to end the brothers' constant strife. The Reunion: Elena rises from the dead and awakens the vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon, to help her save her beloved town from an inexplicable evil.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Vampire Diaries: The Salvation

Vampire Diaries The Salvation Collection 3 Books Set by L. J. Smith (Unseen, Unspoken & Unmasked): The Salvation: Unseen: Now that the lethal properties of Elena's blood have been discovered, Stefan has been risking it all to destroy the almighty Old Ones. But when Elena is almost killed in a car accident—one that was very clearly not an accident at all—she realizes that the most deadly Old One is determined to take her down. And he just might be powerful enough to do it... The Salvation: Unspoken: Since her true love Stefan was staked through the heart, everything has changed for Elena. Stefan was hunted down by a scientist who has created a new race of genetically-engineered vampires to take over the paranormal world. Intent on eliminating all the natural vampires left on earth, Damon is the scientist's next target. The Salvation: Unmasked: Ruthless scientist and vampire creator Jack Daltry is dead, killed by Damon and Elena. But now Elena is dying, and the Guardians have given her one chance to save both herself and Damon. She must go back into the past, back to before she met the Salvatore brothers and the point everything started.
17,91 € 18,85 €

Lacná kniha Vampire Diaries 8 The Hunters Phantom (-90%)

A new trilogy in this breathtaking saga of love among the vampires
0,90 € 8,99 €

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Lacná kniha Temné vízie - Posadnutosť (-90%)

Skupina stredoškolákov nadaných paranormálnymi schopnosťami musí po odhalení desivých skutočností opustiť Zetesov inštitút, kde ich školili. Ale kam ísť, aby ich pán Zetes nenašiel? A ako jeho aktivity zaraziť? Jedinou nádejou je nájsť biely dom zo spoločného sna. Okrem iných problémov však potrebujú vyriešiť aj vzájomné vzťahy. Gabriel sa zmenil. Kaitlyn to desí, no zároveň priťahuje. Lenže v pätách majú niekoho, kto je ako oni…
0,70 € 6,99 €

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