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Maggie Stiefvater

Maggie Stiefvaterová (1981) žije so svojim mužom, dvoma deťmi, dvoma neurotickými psami a jednou nepríčetnou mačkou vo Virgínii, a ako sama uvádza, vedú tam divoký život hipíkov. Je vášnivou čitateľkou, miluje staré autá (vlastní Camaro z roku 1973), hrá na množstvo nástrojov, okrem iného na harfu, klavír, flautu a gajdy, kreslí a píše knihy. Literárne debutovala v roku 2008 románom Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception, jeho pokračovanie vyšlo o rok neskôr pod názvom Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie. V rovnakom roku oslavovala ohromný úspech s románom Shiver, ktorý sa po niekoľko desiatok týždňov držal medzi desiatimi najlepšie predávanými knihami rebríčka The New York Times. Je autorkou úspešnej knižnej série Havraní cyklus a Snová trilógia.


The Dream Thieves - The Raven Boys 2

This is the second book in a brand new series from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of SHIVER , LINGER and FOREVER will love this new quartet! Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Blue and Gansey will be the same. Ronan is falling more and more deeply into his dreams ...and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Gansey is needed at home, and is struggling to stay in Aglionby. And Adam? He's made some new friends. Friends that are looking for some of the same pieces of the puzzle that Gansey, Blue, and Ronan are after. Great power is at stake, and someone must be willing to wield it.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Raven Boys

This is the first book in a brand new series from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of SHIVER , LINGER and FOREVER will love this new quartet! Blue has spent the majority of her sixteen years being told that if she kisses her true love, he will die. When Blue meets Gansey's spirit on the corpse road she knows there is only one reason why - either he is her true love or she has killed him. Determined to find out the truth, Blue becomes involved with the Raven Boys, four boys from the local private school (lead by Gansey) who are on a quest to discover Glendower - a lost ancient Welsh King who is buried somewhere along the Virginia ley line. Whoever finds him will be granted a supernatural favour. Never before has Blue felt such magic around her. But is Gansey her true love? She can't imagine a time she would feel like that, and she is adamant not to be the reason for his death. Where will fate lead them? Look out for the next book, THE DREAM THIEVES, out 18th September 2013!
12,30 € 12,95 €


The #1 bestselling SHIVER, LINGER and FOREVER trilogy rejacketed for a new generation of fans. This chilling love story will have you hooked from the very first page. When a local boy is killed by wolves, Grace's small town becomes a place of fear. But Grace is fascinated by the pack, and finds herself drawn to a yellow-eyed wolf. There's something about him - something almost human. Then Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away...
9,98 € 10,50 €

A Skorpió Vágta

A Skorpió Vágtát november elején rendezik. A lovasok mindent elkövetnek, hogy megzabolázzák tengeri lovaikat, és célba jussanak. Van, aki túléli. Van, aki belehal. Idén a tizenkilenc éves Sean Kendrick a címvédő bajnok. Nem a szavak embere, és ha fél is, mélyen hallgat róla. Puck Connolly más. Soha nem gondolta, hogy egyszer majd indulni fog a Skorpió Vágtán. De a sors úgy hozza, hogy kénytelen benevezni a versenyre - egyedüli lányként. Sejtelme sincs, mi vár rá. A nagysikerű Shiver-trilógia szerzője, Maggie Stiefvater, megint megmutatja, milyen az, amikor a szerelem és az élet komoly akadályokba ütközik, és csak az marad életben, akinek a helyén van a szíve. A Skorpió Vágta minden olvasó számára felejthetetlen élményt nyújt.
10,95 € 11,53 €

Shiver, Linger, Forever Boxed Set

A gorgeous collector's set of this addictive and hypnotic trilogy exploring the all-consuming romance between two star-crossed lovers: a yellow-eyed wolf boy and a human girl. For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods. Especially the yellow-eyed beast whose chilling presence she can't seem to live without. Every winter she watches him, but every summer, he disappears...Sam leads two lives. In winter, he stays in the frozen woods, with the protection of the pack. In summer, he has a few precious months to be human, until the cold makes him shift back again. When Grace and Sam finally meet, they realize they can't bear to be apart. But can they find a way to stay together as the stakes grow higher and death comes closing in?
30,88 € 32,50 €


SINNER is the book that every Maggie Stiefvater and paranormal romance fan has been waiting for! SINNER is a companion book to the #1 bestselling SHIVER, LINGER and FOREVER trilogy. You thought it ended with FOREVER, but there's another story to tell - the one of Cole and Isabel...and this time they're in LA. There will be wolves, and there will be yearning. But most importantly there will be love. And no one does love like Maggie.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Blue Lily, Lily Blue - The Raven Boys 3

The third book in the mesmerizing RAVEN CYCLE quartet from bestselling author, Maggie Stiefvater. Fans of the SHIVER trilogy will love this new quartet. For the first time in her life, Blue Sargent has found a place where she feels at home. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own and she is sure that this is where she belongs. But certainties can unravel. Visions can mislead. And friends can betray. The trick with found things is how easily they can be lost...
12,30 € 12,95 €

Spirit Animals 2 - Skrytá hrozba

Vydaj sa do sveta, v ktorom každé dieťa prechádza skúškou, aby zistilo, či dokáže privolať svoje duchovné zviera. Hŕstke vyvolených, ktorí túto schopnosť majú, prinesie zväzok medzi človekom a zvieraťom výnimočné schopnosti. Čo ak existuje ešte iná možnosť, ako vytvoriť duchovné zviera a získať tak nad ním absolútnu moc? Čo ak tento dar získa človek s nekalými úmyslami? Štyria mladí hrdinovia mali len krátky čas na to, aby sa spoznali, a ich vzťahy s vlastnými duchovnými zvieratami ešte nie sú úplne harmonické.Teraz sa však musia postaviť krutému nepriateľovi, ktorý sa naozaj pred ničím nezastaví.
7,59 € 7,99 €

Álomrablók / A hollófiúk - sorozat II. Kötet

A varázslat és a romantika különös keveréke. Minden rajongó erre várt! Most, hogy Cabeswater körül életre keltek a Ley-vonalak, Ronan, Gansey, Blue és Adam élete gyökeres fordulatot vesz. Ronan például, egyre mélyebbre merül az álmaiban, és az álmai is egyre erőszakosabban tolakodnak be az ébrenlét óráiba. Mindeközben néhány velejéig gonosz ember ugyanazt a mozaikdarabkát keresi, amit Gansey is... A nagy sikerű írónő, Maggie Stiefvater új sorozatának második része!
13,57 € 14,28 €


The #1 bestselling SHIVER, LINGER and FOREVER trilogy rejacketed for a new generation of fans. In SHIVER, Grace and Sam found each other. In LINGER, they fought to be together. Now, in FOREVER, the stakes are even higher than before. Wolves are being hunted. Lives are being threatened. And love is harder and harder to hold on to as death comes closing in.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Sinner- A bűnös

meglelt. Cole St. Clair csak és kizárólag azért jött Kaliforniába, hogy visszaszerezze Isabel Culpepert. A lány Cole tönkrement, üres élete elől menekült, amivel csak még inkább tönkretette és kiürítette azt. Cole nem csak akarja Isabelt. Szüksége van rá. elvesztett. Isabel próbál új életet kezdeni Los Angelesben. De nem igazán megy neki. Épp olyan jó ebben a színjátékban, mint az összes többi színészkedő ember... de mégis, mi értelme folytatni? Mit nyerhet mindezzel? bűnös. Úgy tűnik, Cole és Isabel múltjának sosem volt jövője. Ugyanolyan könnyedén képesek megmenteni egymást, mint széttépni a másikat. Az egyetlen dolog, ami biztos: nem engedhetik el egymást.
13,57 € 14,28 €


The #1 bestselling SHIVER, LINGER and FOREVER trilogy rejacketed for a new generation of fans. In SHIVER, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in LINGER, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping dangerous secrets. For Sam, it means grappling with his werewolf past ...and figuring out a way to survive the future. But just when they manage to find happiness, Grace finds herself changing in ways she could never have expected...
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Raven King - Raven Boys 4

The fourth and final instalment in the spellbinding series from bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater. All her life, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love's death. She doesn't believe in true love and never thought this would be a problem, but as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she's not so sure any more
12,30 € 12,95 €


You thought it ended with FOREVER, but there's another story to tell - the one of Cole and Isabel. SINNER follows Cole St. Clair, a pivotal character from the #1 bestselling Shiver Trilogy. found. Cole St. Clair has come to California for one reason: to get back Isabel Culpeper. She fled from his damaged, drained life, and damaged and drained it even more. He doesn't just want her. He needs her. lost. Isabel is trying to build herself a life in Los Angeles. It's not really working. She can play the game as well as all the other fakes. But what's the point? What is there to win? sinner. Cole and Isabel share a past that never seemed to have a future. They have the power to love each other and the power to tear each other apart. The only thing for certain is that they cannot let go.
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Scorpio Races

A stunning new novel from the bestselling author of SHIVER, LINGER AND FOREVER. Stay alive, stay astride, stay out of the water...Every November, the Scorpio Races are run beneath the chalk cliffs of Skarmouth. Thousands gather to watch the horses and the sea that washes the blood from the sand. The mounts are capaill uisce: savage water horses. There are no horses more beautiful, more fearless, more deadly. To race them can be suicide but the danger is irresistible. Sean Kendrick knows the dangers of the capaill uisce. With one foot in the ocean and one on land, he is the only man on the island capable of taming the beasts. He races to prove something both to himself and to the horses. Puck Connolly enters the races to save her family. But the horse she rides is an ordinary little mare, just as Puck is an ordinary girl. When Sean sees Puck on the beach he doesn't think she belongs. He doesn't realize his fate will become entwined in hers. They both enter the Races hoping to change their lives. But first they'll have to survive.
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Raven King - A Hollókirály

Gansey már évek óta egy eltűnt király nyomait kutatja, és szép lassan a barátait is bevonja a küldetésbe: Ronant, aki álmokat rabol meg; Adamet, aki elérte, hogy más rendelkezzen az élete fölött; Noah-t, akinek már nincs is igazi élete; és Blue-t, aki szerelmes Gansey-be... miközben jól tudja, arra rendeltetett, hogy megölje a szerelmét. A végjáték megkezdődött. Az álmok és a rémálmok egybefolynak. Szerelem és veszteség elválaszthatatlanná válnak. És a keresés már nem egy konkrét útvonalra szorítkozik. A Kirkus Reviews ezt írta a Hollófiúk-sorozat előző darabjáról (Kék liliom): „Ez a párját ritkító sorozat várhatóan viharos végkifejlettel zárul.” Nos, a vihar megérkezett a virginiai Henriettába a halál, a vágyakozás, a megvilágosodás és egy brutális igazság kíséretében. A Hollókirállyal Maggie Stiefvater felteszi a koronát remekművére. A legvonzóbb, legérzelmesebb, legelbűvölőbb mágikus világ, amit írói fantázia teremthet.
15,27 € 16,07 €