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Miriam Toews


Nők beszélgetnek

Bolíviában, egy távoli, eldugott mennonita településen 2005 és 2009 között lányok és asszonyok százaival esett meg, hogy reggel kábán, fájó testrészekkel, zúzódásokkal borítva, vérezve ébredtek, miután éjszaka megtámadták őket. A támadásokat eleinte szellemeknek vagy démonoknak tulajdonították. A közösség tagjai közül néhányan úgy vélték, a támadásokkal Isten vagy a Sátán bünteti a nőket bűneikért; többen hazugsággal vádolták a nőket, hogy így akarják felhívni magukra a közösség figyelmét vagy házasságtörésüket palástolni; megint mások pedig azt gondolták, hogy az egész a nők élénk fantáziájának szüleménye. Végül azonban kiderült, hogy a támadásokért a kolónia nyolc férfi tagja felelős. Az állatgyógyászatban alkalmazott érzéstelenítőszerrel, nadragulyapermettel kábították eláldozataikat, és az eszméletlen nőket megerőszakolták. A bolíviai bíróság 2011-ben bűnösnek nyilvánította a nyolc férfit, és hosszú börtönbüntetésre ítélte őket. De 2013-ban, miközben az elítélt férfiak még börtönbüntetésüket töltötték, a kolóniában újrakezdődtek a korábbiakhoz hasonló támadások és szexuális visszaélések. A Nők beszélgetnek, amelyben két család lányai és asszonyai vitatják meg a történtek után szóba jöhető lehetőségeiket - Semmit sem tenni / Maradni és harcolni / Elmenni -, regény formában alakot öltött reakció ezekre a valós eseményekre, s ugyanakkor a női képzelet terméke.
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10,11 € 10,64 €

Women Talking

In a remote Mennonite colony, over a hundred girls and women were knocked unconscious and violated-by what many thought were ghosts or demons-as punishment for their sins. Their accounts were chalked up to 'wild female imagination.' Women Talking is an imagined response to these real events. When the women learn that they were in fact drugged and attacked by men in their community, they hold a secret meeting in a hayloft. They have two days to make a plan before the rapists are bailed out and brought home: will they dare to escape?
U dodávateľa
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Flying Troutmans

Hattie is living in Paris, city of romance, but has just been dumped by her boyfriend. Min, her sister back in Canada, is going through a particularly dark period. And Min’s two kids, Logan and Thebes, are not talking and talking way too much, respectively. So when Hattie receives a phone call in the middle of the night from eleven-year-old Thebes, begging her to return to Canada and help sort out their family, she knows she has to go. When she arrives home, Min is on her way to a psychiatric ward, and Hattie becomes responsible for her niece and nephew. She quickly realises that she is way out of her depth, and hatches a plan to find the kids’ long-lost father. With only the most tenuous lead to go on, she piles Logan and Thebes into the family van, and they head south. At once hilarious and heartrending, The Flying Troutmans tells the story of a fractured family on the verge of spinning off its axles and a road trip that just might keep them together.
7,55 € 7,95 €

Irma Voth

The stifling, reclusive life of nineteen-year-old Irma Voth, recently married, and more recently deserted is turned on its head when a film crew moves in to make a movie about the strict religious community, in which she lives. When she clashes with her domineering father over her work as a translator for the crew, Irma is set on a path towards something that feels like freedom. Along with her younger sister Aggie, wise beyond her teenage years, she hits the road and flees to the city. Upheld only by their love for each other and their smart wit, the sisters finally gain the distance to understand the tragedy that has their family in its grip. "Irma Voth" delves into the complicated factors that set us on the road to self-discovery and how we can sometimes find the strength to endure the really hard things that happen. It also asks that most difficult of questions: How do we forgive? And most importantly, how do we forgive ourselves?
10,44 € 10,99 €

All My Puny Sarrows

Elf and Yoli are two smart, loving sisters. Elf is a world-renowned pianist, glamorous, wealthy, happily married: she wants to die. Yoli is divorced, broke, sleeping with the wrong men: she desperately wants to keep her older sister alive. When Elf's latest suicide attempt leaves her hospitalised weeks before her highly anticipated world tour, Yoli is forced to confront the impossible question of whether it is better to let a loved one go. "The novel she has written - so exquisitely that you'll want to savour every word - reads as if it has been wrenched from her heart". (Christina Patterson, Sunday Times). "[Toews] has produced a masterly book of such precise dignity. It is, also against all the odds, at times a desperately humorous novel". (Daily Mail).
13,25 € 13,95 €

Women Talking

Between 2005 and 2009, in a remote religious Mennonite colony, over a hundred girls and women were knocked unconscious and raped, often repeatedly, by what many thought were ghosts or demons, as a punishment for their sins. As the women tentatively began to share the details of the attacks-waking up sore and bleeding and not understanding why-their stories were chalked up to 'wild female imagination.'Women Talking is an imagined response to these real events. Eight women, all illiterate, without any knowledge of the world outside their colony and unable even to speak the language of the country they live in, meet secretly in a hayloft with the intention of making a decision about how to protect themselves and their daughters from future harm. They have two days to make a plan, while the men of the colony are away in the city attempting to raise enough money to bail out the rapists (not ghosts as it turns out but local men) and bring them home. How should we live? How should we love? How should we treat one another? How should we organise our societies? These are questions the women in Women Talking ask one another-and Miriam Toews makes them the questions we must all ask ourselves.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Minden kis nyamvadt bánatom

Elf és Yoli nővérek. Elf világhírű zongorista, elbűvölő, gazdag, boldog házasságban él - és meg akar halni. Yoli elvált, összetört, vicces, mindig más ágyában köt ki, miközben az igazi szerelmet keresi - és kétségbeesetten meg akarja menteni a nővérét. Mikor Elf a legutóbbi öngyilkossági kísérlete miatt hetekre kórházba kerül az újabb turnéja előtt, sem húga, sem szerető férje, Nic nem tudják, mit is tegyenek, versenyt futnak az idővel. Visszahozhatják-e még időben az életbe? Számít-e egyáltalán bármit is a családi szeretet és a közös élmények? Miriam Toews regénye egyszerre humoros és érzelmekkel teli, finom és felkavaró, szórakoztató és elgondolkodtató mű a szeretet határairól és az elképzelhetetlen kihívásokról, amikor a gyermekkor a felelősségek új, felnőtt országává válik.
12,26 € 12,90 €

Women Talking

In a remote Mennonite colony, over a hundred girls and women were knocked unconscious and violated-by what many thought were ghosts or demons-as punishment for their sins. Their accounts were chalked up to 'wild female imagination.' Women Talking is an imagined response to these real events. When the women learn that they were in fact drugged and attacked by men in their community, they hold a secret meeting in a hayloft. They have two days to make a plan before the rapists are bailed out and brought home: will they dare to escape?
12,30 € 12,95 €