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Colm Toibín strana 2 z 2


Nora Webster

This book was shortlisted for the 2014 Costa Novel Awards. Nora Webster is the heartbreaking new novel from one of the greatest novelists writing today. It is the late 1960s in Ireland. Nora Webster is living in a small town, looking after her four children, trying to rebuild her life after the death of her husband. She is fiercely intelligent, at times difficult and impatient, at times kind, but she is trapped by her circumstances, and waiting for any chance which will lift her beyond them. Slowly, through the gift of music and the power of friendship, she finds a glimmer of hope and a way of starting again. As the dynamic of the family changes, she seems both fiercely self-possessed but also a figure of great moral ambiguity, making her one of the most memorable heroines in contemporary fiction. The portrait that is painted in the years that follow is harrowing, piercingly insightful, always tender and deeply true. Colm Toibin's Nora is a character as resonant as Anna Karenina or Madame Bovary and Nora Webster is a novel that illuminates our own lives in a way that is rare in literature. Its humanity and compassion forge an unforgettable reading experience. "A profoundly gifted world writer." (Sebastian Barry). Colm Toibin was born in Enniscorthy in 1955. He is the author of seven other novels including Blackwater Lightship, The Master and The Testament of Mary, all three of which were nominated for the Booker Prize, with The Master also winning the IMPAC Award, and Brooklyn, which won the Costa Novel Award. He has also published two collections of stories and many works of non-fiction. In 2014 Nora Webster was shortlisted for the Costa Novel Awards. He lives in Dublin.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Mariina závěť

Mariin příběh, jak jej nevypráví Bible: Dlouhé roky po Kristově smrti na kříži nechce Ježíšova matka o svatosti svého syna nic slyšet. Vůči jeho zázrakům je skeptická a bolest z jeho ztráty dosud nepřekonala. Pak se rozhodne vyprávět svou vlastní ver zi o Kristově utrpení o svém osobním smutku, scházející zbožnosti a svérázu. Je to příběh ženy, která nechce chápat, proč se od ní syn odvrátil, a která nevěří v křesťanského Boha. Skrze její oči otevírá Tóibín zcela nový pohled na křesťanství a vytváří netušeně lidský portrét Marie coby ikony.
10,67 € 11,23 €

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With an introduction by Roy Foster A classic work of Irish literature, this award-winning novel is an exploration of love, art and identity. This was the night train to Barcelona, some hours before the dawn. This was 1950, late September. I had left my husband. I had left my home. Katherine Proctor has dared to leave her family in Ireland and reach out for a new life. Determined to become an artist, she flees to Spain, where she meets Miguel, a passionate man who has fought for his own freedoms. They retreat to the quiet intensity of the mountains and begin to build a life together. But as Miguel's past catches up with him, Katherine too is forced to re-examine her relationships: with her lover, her painting and the homeland she only thought she knew...The South is the book that introduced readers to the astonishing gifts of Colm Toibin, winning the Irish Times First Fiction Award in 1991. Arrestingly visual and enduringly atmospheric, it is a classic novel of art, sacrifice, and courage.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Brooklyn Film Tie-in

It is Ireland in the early 1950s and for Eilis Lacey, as for so many young Irish girls, opportunities are scarce. So when her sister arranges for her to emigrate to New York, Eilis knows she must go, leaving behind her family and her home for the first time. Arriving in a crowded lodging house in Brooklyn, Eilis can only be reminded of what she has sacrificed. She is far from home - and homesick. And just as she takes tentative steps towards friendship, and perhaps something more, Eilis receives news which sends her back to Ireland. There she will be confronted by a terrible dilemma - a devastating choice between duty and one great love.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Máriin testament

Pôsobivý a hlboko znepokojivý historický román nielen pre kresťanov Nie nadarmo sa Máriin testament dostal do užšieho výberu na udelenie ceny Man Booker Prize. Tóibínovo lyrické rozprávanie vytvára nádherne vymodelovaný portrét starnúcej Márie. Je to príbeh ženy, ktorá nechápe, prečo sa jej syn od nej odvrátil. Rozprávačkou príbehu je Mária, ktorá po Ježišovom ukrižovaní býva v Efeze, kam utiekla s pomocou jeho učeníkov. Istý čas ju navštevujú dvaja muži, ktorí by radi zmanipulovali jej spomienky na syna tak, aby zodpovedali legende, ktorá sa rozšírila po jeho smrti. Mária sa zdráha potvrdiť fakty, ktoré sa v skutočnosti neudiali. Namiesto toho rozpráva, ako to všetko prežívala. Keď sa dozvedela o nebezpečenstve, ktoré hrozí jej synovi v Jeruzaleme, pokúšala sa ho odhovoriť od cesty. Milovala svojho syna, zázraky, ktoré činil, pokladala za pravdivé, ale neberala reči, že je Mesiášom, vážne. Naopak, čím viac Ježiš vystupoval v role Spasiteľa, tým jej bol cudzejší, a vôbec sa netají tým, že jeho nasledovníkov považuje za rojkov a sektárov. Máriin testament nás núti zamyslieť sa nad zmyslom smrti. Ako prežívajú tí, ktorých zasiahla smrť blízkeho človeka? Vyrovnajú sa niekedy s tým, že ich blízki museli zomrieť za politické alebo náboženské presvedčenie?
10,36 € 10,90 €


Az 1950-es évek Írországában vagyunk, és Eilis Lacey sok fiatal ír lányhoz hasonlóan nem dúskál a lehetőségekben. Ezért amikor nővére elintézi, hogy kivándorolhasson New Yorkba, Eilis tudja, hogy mennie kell, s első ízben kell maga mögött hagynia családját és otthonát. Amikor megérkezik a zsúfolt brooklyni albérletbe, csak arra tud gondolni, mit áldozott fel. Távolra került otthonától és honvágya van. Aztán amikor az első tapogatózó lépéseket teszi a barátság és talán valami más felé is, olyan hírt kap, ami miatt vissza kell térnie Írországba. Ott szörnyű dilemmával néz szembe a kötelesség és a nagy szerelem közti rettenetes választással. Nick Hornby forgatókönyve alapján azonos címmel film készült Eilis történetéből, melyet február 4-től játszanak a magyar mozik.
11,84 € 12,46 €

House of Names

'They cut her hair before they dragged her to the place of sacrifice. Her mouth was gagged to stop her cursing her father, her cowardly, two-tongued father. Nonetheless, they heard her muffled screams.' On the day of his daughter's wedding, Agamemnon orders her sacrifice. His daughter is led to her death, and Agamemnon leads his army into battle, where he is rewarded with glorious victory. Three years later, he returns home and his murderous action has set the entire family - mother, brother, sister - on a path of intimate violence, as they enter a world of hushed commands and soundless journeys through the palace's dungeons and bedchambers. As his wife seeks his death, his daughter, Electra, is the silent observer to the family's game of innocence while his son, Orestes, is sent into bewildering, frightening exile where survival is far from certain. Out of their desolating loss, Electra and Orestes must find a way to right these wrongs of the past even if it means committing themselves to a terrible, barbarous act. House of Names is a story of intense longing and shocking betrayal. It is a work of great beauty, and daring, from one of our finest living writers.
15,68 € 16,50 €


It is Ireland in the early 1950s and for Eilis Lacey, as for so many young Irish girls, opportunities are scarce. So when her sister arranges for her to emigrate to New York, Eilis knows she must go, leaving behind her family and her home for the first time. Arriving in a crowded lodging house in Brooklyn, Eilis can only be reminded of what she has sacrificed. She is far from home - and homesick. And just as she takes tentative steps towards friendship, and perhaps something more, Eilis receives news which sends her back to Ireland. There she will be confronted by a terrible dilemma - a devastating choice between duty and one great love.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Nora Webster

Nora Webster a közelmúltban özvegyült meg. A hirtelen veszteségtől és attól, hogy a gyerekeit egyedül kell fölnevelnie, kicsúszik a lába alól a talaj. Olyan jövővel kell szembenéznie, amelyre egyáltalán nem készült fel. De Norában nagy erő lakozik, csöndes eltökéltség, hogy nem enged mások elvárásainak. A zene, valamint a barátság adománya révén megtanulja, hogyan élhet tovább. Rátalál saját világára, saját akaratára, és sikerül úrrá lennie a gyászán. Az 1955-ben Írországban született Colm Tóibín kilenc regény, köztük a rangos Man Booker-díjra felterjesztett Mária testamentuma, a Blackwater világítótorony, valamint a Costa-díjas Brooklyn szerzője. Két novelláskötete és számos ismeretterjesztő műve is megjelent. Jelenleg Dublinban él.
12,10 € 12,74 €

Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know

An intimate study of three of Ireland's greatest writers from one of its best-loved contemporary voices __________________ 'A father...is a necessary evil.' Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses In Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know Colm Toibin takes three of Ireland's greatest writers - Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats and James Joyce - and examines their earliest influences: their fathers. With his inimitable wit and sensitivity, Toibin introduces us to Wilde Senior, the philandering doctor whose libel case prefigured that of his son; the elder Yeats, an impoverished artist who never finished a painting; and to John Stanislaus Joyce, the hard-drinking, storytelling father of James, who couldn't feed his own family. This is an illuminating study of how each of these men cast a long shadow not only over the lives of their famous sons, but over the works for which they are celebrated and cherished. __________________ 'Astonishing to read. Toibin has a hawk-like eye for literary subtleties, and a generosity towards his subjects that is warm' Sunday Times 'Funny, exciting, illuminating, wonderful, so engaging. Tells us more than a little about our own selves along the way' Irish Times 'There is something interesting and insightful on almost every page' Observer 'Sparkling, subtle, witty and often deeply moving . . . A classic' Fintan O'Toole, New Statesman 'Scintillating, imaginative, enlightening and powerfully moving throughout' Roy Foster, Spectator
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Magician

From one of our greatest living writers comes a sweeping novel of unrequited love and exile, war and family. The Magician tells the story of Thomas Mann, whose life was filled with great acclaim and contradiction. He would find himself on the wrong side of history in the First World War, cheerleading the German army, but have a clear vision of the future in the second, anticipating the horrors of Nazism. He would have six children and keep his homosexuality hidden; he was a man forever connected to his family and yet bore witness to the ravages of suicide. He would write some of the greatest works of European literature, and win the Nobel Prize, but would never return to the country that inspired his creativity. Through one life, Colm Toibin tells the breathtaking story of the twentieth century.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Magician

From one of our greatest living writers comes a sweeping novel of unrequited love and exile, war and family. The Magician tells the story of Thomas Mann, whose life was filled with great acclaim and contradiction. He would find himself on the wrong side of history in the First World War, cheerleading the German army, but have a clear vision of the future in the second, anticipating the horrors of Nazism. He would have six children and keep his homosexuality hidden; he was a man forever connected to his family and yet bore witness to the ravages of suicide. He would write some of the greatest works of European literature, and win the Nobel Prize, but would never return to the country that inspired his creativity. Through one life, Colm Toibin tells the breathtaking story of the twentieth century. 'As with everything Colm Toibin sets his masterful hand to, The Magician is a great imaginative achievement -- immensely readable, erudite, worldly and knowing, and fully realized' - Richard Ford 'No living novelist dramatizes artistic creation as profoundly, as luminously, as Colm Toibin . . . reading him is among the deepest pleasures our literature can offer' - Garth Greenwell 'This is not just a whole life in a novel, it's a whole world' - Katharina Volckmer
21,38 € 22,50 €

Lacná kniha Máriin testament (-95%)

Pôsobivý a hlboko znepokojivý historický román nielen pre kresťanov Nie nadarmo sa Máriin testament dostal do užšieho výberu na udelenie ceny Man Booker Prize. Tóibínovo lyrické rozprávanie vytvára nádherne vymodelovaný portrét starnúcej Márie. Je to príbeh ženy, ktorá nechápe, prečo sa jej syn od nej odvrátil. Rozprávačkou príbehu je Mária, ktorá po Ježišovom ukrižovaní býva v Efeze, kam utiekla s pomocou jeho učeníkov. Istý čas ju navštevujú dvaja muži, ktorí by radi zmanipulovali jej spomienky na syna tak, aby zodpovedali legende, ktorá sa rozšírila po jeho smrti. Mária sa zdráha potvrdiť fakty, ktoré sa v skutočnosti neudiali. Namiesto toho rozpráva, ako to všetko prežívala. Keď sa dozvedela o nebezpečenstve, ktoré hrozí jej synovi v Jeruzaleme, pokúšala sa ho odhovoriť od cesty. Milovala svojho syna, zázraky, ktoré činil, pokladala za pravdivé, ale neberala reči, že je Mesiášom, vážne. Naopak, čím viac Ježiš vystupoval v role Spasiteľa, tým jej bol cudzejší, a vôbec sa netají tým, že jeho nasledovníkov považuje za rojkov a sektárov. Máriin testament nás núti zamyslieť sa nad zmyslom smrti. Ako prežívajú tí, ktorých zasiahla smrť blízkeho človeka? Vyrovnajú sa niekedy s tým, že ich blízki museli zomrieť za politické alebo náboženské presvedčenie?
0,55 € 10,90 €

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Lacná kniha Prázdno rodiny (-95%)

Prázdno rodiny je zbierka deviatich poviedok významného írskeho spisovateľa Colma Tóibina. Sú ovplyvnené autorovými zážitkami a spomienkami z Írska, Španielska či Spojených štátov. Suverénne napísané príbehy, nežné, ale i kruté, neobyčajne citlivo vyrozprávané. Hovoria o skrytých túžbach ľudí, ktorí sa často nechtiac ocitli v cudzom, ďalekom svete. Tóibínov štýl je úsporný, no zároveň svojsky poetický. Poviedky z Prázdna rodiny sa líšia témou aj rozsahom, spája ich však málo vypovedaných slov medzi uzavretými a mlčanlivými postavami, ich zmeškané životné šance, neúspešné návraty, nenaplnené nádeje, sklamania a časté pohľady na sivomodré more z výbežku kamenistej pláže na jednom z mnohých koncov sveta.
0,60 € 11,90 €

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Lacná kniha Máriin testament (-25%)

Pôsobivý a hlboko znepokojivý historický román nielen pre kresťanov Nie nadarmo sa Máriin testament dostal do užšieho výberu na udelenie ceny Man Booker Prize. Tóibínovo lyrické rozprávanie vytvára nádherne vymodelovaný portrét starnúcej Márie. Je to príbeh ženy, ktorá nechápe, prečo sa jej syn od nej odvrátil. Rozprávačkou príbehu je Mária, ktorá po Ježišovom ukrižovaní býva v Efeze, kam utiekla s pomocou jeho učeníkov. Istý čas ju navštevujú dvaja muži, ktorí by radi zmanipulovali jej spomienky na syna tak, aby zodpovedali legende, ktorá sa rozšírila po jeho smrti. Mária sa zdráha potvrdiť fakty, ktoré sa v skutočnosti neudiali. Namiesto toho rozpráva, ako to všetko prežívala. Keď sa dozvedela o nebezpečenstve, ktoré hrozí jej synovi v Jeruzaleme, pokúšala sa ho odhovoriť od cesty. Milovala svojho syna, zázraky, ktoré činil, pokladala za pravdivé, ale neberala reči, že je Mesiášom, vážne. Naopak, čím viac Ježiš vystupoval v role Spasiteľa, tým jej bol cudzejší, a vôbec sa netají tým, že jeho nasledovníkov považuje za rojkov a sektárov. Máriin testament nás núti zamyslieť sa nad zmyslom smrti. Ako prežívajú tí, ktorých zasiahla smrť blízkeho človeka? Vyrovnajú sa niekedy s tým, že ich blízki museli zomrieť za politické alebo náboženské presvedčenie?
8,18 € 10,90 €

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A Guest at the Feast

A Guest at the Feast uncovers the places where politics and poetics meet, where life and fiction overlap, where one can be inside writing and also outside of it. From the melancholy and amusement within the work of the writer John McGahern to an extraordinary essay on his own cancer diagnosis, Toibin delineates the bleakness and strangeness of life and also its richness and its complexity. As he reveals the shades of light and dark in a Venice without tourists and the streets of Buenos Aires riddled with disappearances, we find ourselves considering law and religion in Ireland as well as the intricacies of Marilynne Robinson's fiction. The imprint of the written word on the private self, as Toibin himself remarks, is extraordinarily powerful. In this collection, that power is gloriously alive, illuminating history and literature, politics and power, family and the self.
20,85 € 21,95 €