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John Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien bol anglický spisovateľ a filológ. Bol autorom špičkových fantasy diel Hobit a Pán prsteňov. V rokoch 1925 až 1945 bol Tolkien profesorom anglosaského jazyka Rawlinson a Bosworth a členom Pembroke College na Oxfordskej univerzite.


Lacná kniha Le Seigneur des Anneaux II (-90%)

Le Tiers Age touche sa fin, et la Terre du Milieu son crépuscule. La Compagnie de l'Anneau va donc tâcher de déjouer les projets infernaux de Sauron, force du mal d'autant plus difficile combattre qu'elle est désincarnée. Qui, des cinq héros, mnera bien la mission ? Gandalf, grand sage qui seul mesure la portée de la qute ? Aragorn, qui dissimule ses origines princires sous les traits d'un rôdeur taciturne ? Frodon et Sam, qui sont chargés de la phase finale de la mission ou Gollum, créature abjecte qui fut un temps dépositaire de l'anneau ? Mais quel est donc le pouvoir de cet anneau tant convoité ? Quelle est donc la signification de l'énigme qui figure en premire page, en manire d'épigraphe ? Tant de questions qui ne sont qu'une infime partie du mystre féerique qui, depuis 1954, ravit l'imagination, autorisée pour un temps s'attarder dans un séjour magique aux forts profondes et ancestrales, aux paysages argentés peuplés d'tres aériens, de jeunes guerrires intrépides, de destriers sauvages ayant la fierté de leurs maîtres, de viles créatures dont la laideur physique reflte la méchanceté... Tous, nous avons rvé de ce repos de l'âme, de mme que nous avons craint, enfants, la menace sourde et inexplicable. Tolkien, lui, a su nommer cet univers, et en faire une épopée passionnante, qute initiatique o l'errance humaine est regardée avec une tolérance rassurante. Mais quels sont ces petits tres rigolos et surprenants, ces hobbits" ? D'o viennent ces accents folkloriques, ce langage essentiel, cette mélancolie onirique qui teinte l'esprit d'un brouillard étrange une fois le volume refermé ? Tant de questions auxquelles, heureusement, Tolkien ne répond jamais tout fait malgré les cartes, généalogies, lexiques et autres appendices passionnants que son imagination prolifique a fournis sur La Terre du Milieu. --Sana Tang-Léopold Wauters --Ce texte fait référence l'édition Relié . Présentation de l'éditeur Ce titre est le livre fondateur de la célbre saga romanesque de J.R.R. Tolkien, "Le Seigneur des anneaux" --Ce texte fait référence l'édition Broché . "
1,03 € 10,26 €

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Lacná kniha Pád Gondolinu (-90%)

Čtenáři Hobita a Pána prstenů vědí, že J. R. R. Tolkien zasadil tyto příběhy do propracovaného světa, jehož kořeny sahají do mnohem hlubší minulosti. Některé příběhy z dávnověku jeho světa známe díky úsilí Christophera Tolkiena, který otcovy příběhy rekonstruuje z rukopisných verzí. Po Silmarillionu, Nedokončených příbězích a Húrinových dětech tak nyní přichází Pád Gondolinu, pojedávající o boji dvou nesmiřitelných mocností: Morgotha, který je vtělením zla, a Ulma, Pána vod, který je druhým nejmocnějším z božských Valar. Morgoth usiluje o zničení města Gondolin, jež vystavěli Noldor, elfové, kteří se vzepřeli bohům a opustili bájný Valinor. Jeho úhlavním nepřítelem je Turgon, vládce Gondolinu, který je před Morghothem ukryt mocí kouzel. Ulmo své záměry prosazuje skrze Tuora, kterého dovede do Gondolinu, kde Tuor dosáhne významného postavení, ožení se s Turgonovou dcerou a zplodí s ní syna Eärendila. Když se v Gondolinu najde zrádce a Morgoth město najde a zničí, Tuorovi i s rodinou se podaří uprchnout; jeho potomkové pak účinkují v pozdějších obdobích tolkienovské mytologie – například jeho vnuk Elrond, kterého známe z bojů o Prsten.
1,91 € 19,14 €

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Lacná kniha Children of Hurin (-90%)

Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts and presented for the first time as a fully continuous and standalone story, the epic tale of The Children of Hurin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, dragons and Dwarves, eagles and Orcs, and the rich landscape and characters unique to Tolkien. There are tales of Middle-earth from times long before The Lord of the Rings, and the story told in this book is set in the great country that lay beyond the Grey Havens in the West: lands where Treebeard once walked, but which were drowned in the great cataclysm that ended the First Age of the World. In that remote time Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwelt in the vast fortress of Angband, the Hells of Iron, in the North; and the tragedy of Turin and his sister Nienor unfolded within the shadow of the fear of Angband and the war waged by Morgoth against the lands and secret cities of the Elves. Their brief and passionate lives were dominated by the elemental hatred that Morgoth bore them as the children of Hurin, the man who had dared to defy and to scorn him to his face. Against them he sent his most formidable servant, Glaurung, a powerful spirit in the form of a huge wingless dragon of fire. Into this story of brutal conquest and flight, of forest hiding-places and pursuit, of resistance with lessening hope, the Dark Lord and the Dragon enter in direly articulate form. Sardonic and mocking, Glaurung manipulated the fates of Turin and Nienor by lies of diabolic cunning and guile, and the curse of Morgoth was fulfilled. The earliest versions of this story by J.R.R. Tolkien go back to the end of the First World War and the years that followed; but long afterwards, when The Lord of the Rings was finished, he wrote it anew and greatly enlarged it in complexities of motive and character: it became the dominant story in his later work on Middle-earth. But he could not bring it to a final and finished form. In this book Christopher Tolkien has constructed, after long study of the manuscripts, a coherent narrative without any editorial invention.
3,32 € 33,16 €

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Lacná kniha Pán prstenů 2.: Dvě věže (-90%)

Nechte se okouzlit strhujícím příběhem kouzelného prstenu, který hraje klíčovou roli v boji dobra a zla v dávné Středozemi. Přidejte se ke Společenstvu prstenu, složeného z hobitů, lidí, kouzelníka, elfa i trpaslíka, kteří se vydávají do země Mordoru s jediným cílem - zničit kouzelný prsten a tak porazit moc Sarumana, pána zla. Společně s nimi prožijete mnohá dobrodružství, stanete se svědky nelítostných bitev a navštívíte kouzelné kraje, kde se setkáte s obry, draky a dalšími dobrými i zlými kouzelnými tvory.
0,94 € 9,35 €

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Lacná kniha The Story of Kullervo (-90%)

The world first publication of a previously unknown work of fantasy by J.R.R. Tolkien, which tells the powerful story of a doomed young man who is sold into slavery and who swears revenge on the magician who killed his father. Kullervo son of Kalervo is perhaps the darkest and most tragic of all J.R.R. Tolkien's characters. 'Hapless Kullervo', as Tolkien called him, is a luckless orphan boy with supernatural powers and a tragic destiny. Brought up in the homestead of the dark magician Untamo, who killed his father, kidnapped his mother, and who tries three times to kill him when still a boy, Kullervo is alone save for the love of his twin sister, Wanona, and guarded by the magical powers of the black dog, Musti. When Kullervo is sold into slavery he swears revenge on the magician, but he will learn that even at the point of vengeance there is no escape from the cruellest of fates. Tolkien wrote that The Story of Kullervo was 'the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own', and was 'a major matter in the legends of the First Age'; his Kullervo was the ancestor of Turin Turambar, tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. In addition to being a powerful story in its own right, The Story of Kullervo - published here for the first time with the author's drafts, notes and lecture-essays on its source-work, The Kalevala, is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien's invented world.
2,40 € 23,95 €

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The Hobbit

A great modern classic and the prelude to The Lord of the Rings. Smaug certainly looked fast asleep, almost dead and dark, with scarcely a snore more than a whiff of unseen steam, when Bilbo peeped once more from the entrance. He was just about to step out on to the floor when he caught a sudden thin and piercing ray of red from under the drooping lid of Smaug's left eye. He was only pretending to sleep! He was watching the tunnel entrance! Whisked away from his comfortable, unambitious life in his hobbit-hole in Bag End by Gandalf the wizard and a band of dwarves, Bilbo Baggins finds himself caught up in a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Although quite reluctant to take part in this quest, Bilbo surprises even himself by his resourcefulness and his skill as a burglar! The text of this edition has been fully corrected and revised in collaboration with Christopher Tolkien and is accompanied by a wealth of beautiful watercolour paintings and delicate pencil drawings from Alan Lee.
37,00 € 38,95 €

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. The text of this edition has been fully corrected and revised in collaboration with Christopher Tolkien and is accompanied by nineteen watercolour paintings from Alan Lee.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Lacná kniha Netvoři a kritikové a jiné eseje (-50%)

Těchto sedm esejů představuje Tolkiena jako literárního vědce, překladatele i romanopisce, a přestože vyvěrají z Tolkienova zájmu o středověkou literaturu, jsou přístupné všem čtenářům. Dva z nich pojednávají o Béowulfovi, jeden o Siru Gawainovi a Zeleném rytíři, najdeme zde přednášku o angličtině a velštině, projev, jímž se Tolkien roku 1953 loučil s Oxfordskou univerzitou, i pojednání o vymyšlených jazycích s příklady básní v elfských jazycích. Nejslavnější je však jeho esej O pohádkách, v němž se zamýšlí nad povahou pohádek a fantastických příběhů a dává nám nahlédnout, jak on sám k tomuto žánru přistupoval.
8,20 € 16,40 €

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The Battle of Maldon

First ever standalone edition of one of J.R.R. Tolkien's most important poetic dramas, that explores timely themes such as the nature of heroism and chivalry during war, and which features unpublished and never-before-seen texts and drafts. In 991 AD, vikings attacked an Anglo-Saxon defence-force led by their duke, Beorhtnoth, resulting in brutal fighting along the banks of the river Blackwater, near Maldon in Essex. The attack is widely considered one of the defining conflicts of tenth-century England, due to it being immortalised in the poem, The Battle of Maldon. Written shortly after the battle, the poem now survives only as a 325-line fragment, but its value to today is incalculable, not just as an heroic tale but in vividly expressing the lost language of our ancestors and celebrating ideals of loyalty and friendship. J.R.R. Tolkien considered The Battle of Maldon 'the last surviving fragment of ancient English heroic minstrelsy'. It would inspire him to compose, during the 1930s, his own dramatic verse-dialogue, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son, which imagines the aftermath of the great battle when two of Beorhtnoth's retainers come to retrieve their duke's body. Leading Tolkien scholar, Peter Grybauskas, presents for the very first time J.R.R. Tolkien's own prose translation of The Battle of Maldon together with the definitive treatment of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and its accompanying essays; also included and never before published is Tolkien's bravura lecture, 'The Tradition of Versification in Old English', a wide-ranging essay on the nature of poetic tradition. Illuminated with insightful notes and commentary, he has produced a definitive critical edition of these works, and argues compellingly that, Beowulf excepted, The Battle of Maldon may well have been 'the Old English poem that most influenced Tolkien's fiction', most dramatically within the pages of The Lord of the Rings.
24,65 € 25,95 €

The Fall of Numenor

J.R.R. Tolkien's writings on the Second Age of Middle-earth, collected for the first time in one deluxe slipcased edition. J.R.R. Tolkien famously described the Second Age of Middle-earth as a 'dark age, and not very much of its history is (or need be) told'. And for many years readers would need to be content with the tantalizing glimpses of it found within the pages of The Lord of the Rings and its appendices, including the forging of the Rings of Power, the building of the Barad-dur and the rise of Sauron. It was not until Christopher Tolkien published The Silmarillion after his father's death that a fuller story could be told. Although much of the book's content concerned the First Age of Middle-earth, there were at its close two key works that revealed the tumultuous events concerning the rise and fall of the island of Numenor. Raised out of the Great Sea and gifted to the Men of Middle-earth as a reward for aiding the angelic Valar and the Elves in the defeat and capture of the Dark Lord Morgoth, the kingdom became a seat of influence and wealth; but as the Numenoreans' power increased, the seed of their downfall would inevitably be sown, culminating in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Even greater insight into the Second Age would be revealed in subsequent publications, first in Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth, then expanded upon in Christopher Tolkien's magisterial twelve-volume The History of Middle-earth, in which he presented and discussed a wealth of further tales written by his father, many in draft form. Now, adhering to the timeline of 'The Tale of Years' in the appendices to The Lord of the Rings, editor Brian Sibley has assembled into one comprehensive volume a new chronicle of the Second Age of Middle-earth, told substantially in the words of J.R.R. Tolkien from the various published texts, with new illustrations in watercolour and pencil by the doyen of Tolkien art, Alan Lee.
84,55 € 89,00 €

The Hobbit Classic Hardback

This beautiful gift edition of The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien's classic prelude to his Lord of the Rings trilogy, features cover art, illustrations, and watercolor paintings by the artist Alan Lee. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther than his pantry or cellar. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an adventure. They have launched a plot to raid the treasure hoard guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo reluctantly joins their quest, unaware that on his journey to the Lonely Mountain he will encounter both a magic ring and a frightening creature known as Gollum. Written for J.R.R. Tolkien's own children, The Hobbit has sold many millions of copies worldwide and established itself as a modern classic.
27,50 € 28,95 €

The Nature of Middle-earth

First ever publication of J.R.R. Tolkien's final writings on Middle-earth, covering a wide range of subjects and perfect for those who have read and enjoyed The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, and The History of Middle-earth, and want to learn more about Tolkien's magnificent world. It is well known that J.R.R.Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1954-5. What may be less known is that he continued to write about Middle-earth in the decades that followed, right up until the years before his death in 1973. For him, Middle-earth was part of an entire world to be explored, and the writings in The Nature of Middle-earth reveal the journeys that he took as he sought to better understand his unique creation.From sweeping themes as complex and profound as the metaphysics of Elvish immortality and reincarnation, and the Powers of the Valar, to the more earth-bound subjects of the lands and beasts of Numenor, the geography of the Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor, and even who had beards! This new collection, which has been edited by Carl F Hostetter, one of the world's leading Tolkien experts, is a veritable treasure-trove offering readers a chance to peer over Professor Tolkien's shoulder at the very moment of discovery: and on every page, Middle-earth is once again brought to extraordinary life.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Le Seigneur des Anneaux II (-95%)

Le Tiers Age touche sa fin, et la Terre du Milieu son crépuscule. La Compagnie de l'Anneau va donc tâcher de déjouer les projets infernaux de Sauron, force du mal d'autant plus difficile combattre qu'elle est désincarnée. Qui, des cinq héros, mnera bien la mission ? Gandalf, grand sage qui seul mesure la portée de la qute ? Aragorn, qui dissimule ses origines princires sous les traits d'un rôdeur taciturne ? Frodon et Sam, qui sont chargés de la phase finale de la mission ou Gollum, créature abjecte qui fut un temps dépositaire de l'anneau ? Mais quel est donc le pouvoir de cet anneau tant convoité ? Quelle est donc la signification de l'énigme qui figure en premire page, en manire d'épigraphe ? Tant de questions qui ne sont qu'une infime partie du mystre féerique qui, depuis 1954, ravit l'imagination, autorisée pour un temps s'attarder dans un séjour magique aux forts profondes et ancestrales, aux paysages argentés peuplés d'tres aériens, de jeunes guerrires intrépides, de destriers sauvages ayant la fierté de leurs maîtres, de viles créatures dont la laideur physique reflte la méchanceté... Tous, nous avons rvé de ce repos de l'âme, de mme que nous avons craint, enfants, la menace sourde et inexplicable. Tolkien, lui, a su nommer cet univers, et en faire une épopée passionnante, qute initiatique o l'errance humaine est regardée avec une tolérance rassurante. Mais quels sont ces petits tres rigolos et surprenants, ces hobbits" ? D'o viennent ces accents folkloriques, ce langage essentiel, cette mélancolie onirique qui teinte l'esprit d'un brouillard étrange une fois le volume refermé ? Tant de questions auxquelles, heureusement, Tolkien ne répond jamais tout fait malgré les cartes, généalogies, lexiques et autres appendices passionnants que son imagination prolifique a fournis sur La Terre du Milieu. --Sana Tang-Léopold Wauters --Ce texte fait référence l'édition Relié . Présentation de l'éditeur Ce titre est le livre fondateur de la célbre saga romanesque de J.R.R. Tolkien, "Le Seigneur des anneaux" --Ce texte fait référence l'édition Broché . "
0,51 € 10,26 €

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Lacná kniha Le Seigneur des Anneaux III (-95%)

Le Tiers Age touche sa fin, et la Terre du Milieu son crépuscule. La Compagnie de l'Anneau va donc tâcher de déjouer les projets infernaux de Sauron, force du mal d'autant plus difficile combattre qu'elle est désincarnée. Qui, des cinq héros, mnera bien la mission ? Gandalf, grand sage qui seul mesure la portée de la qute ? Aragorn, qui dissimule ses origines princires sous les traits d'un rôdeur taciturne ? Frodon et Sam, qui sont chargés de la phase finale de la mission ou Gollum, créature abjecte qui fut un temps dépositaire de l'anneau ? Mais quel est donc le pouvoir de cet anneau tant convoité ? Quelle est donc la signification de l'énigme qui figure en premire page, en manire d'épigraphe ? Tant de questions qui ne sont qu'une infime partie du mystre féerique qui, depuis 1954, ravit l'imagination, autorisée pour un temps s'attarder dans un séjour magique aux forts profondes et ancestrales, aux paysages argentés peuplés d'tres aériens, de jeunes guerrires intrépides, de destriers sauvages ayant la fierté de leurs maîtres, de viles créatures dont la laideur physique reflte la méchanceté... Tous, nous avons rvé de ce repos de l'âme, de mme que nous avons craint, enfants, la menace sourde et inexplicable. Tolkien, lui, a su nommer cet univers, et en faire une épopée passionnante, qute initiatique o l'errance humaine est regardée avec une tolérance rassurante. Mais quels sont ces petits tres rigolos et surprenants, ces hobbits" ? D'o viennent ces accents folkloriques, ce langage essentiel, cette mélancolie onirique qui teinte l'esprit d'un brouillard étrange une fois le volume refermé ? Tant de questions auxquelles, heureusement, Tolkien ne répond jamais tout fait malgré les cartes, généalogies, lexiques et autres appendices passionnants que son imagination prolifique a fournis sur La Terre du Milieu. --Sana Tang-Léopold Wauters --Ce texte fait référence l'édition Relié . "
0,56 € 11,20 €

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The Lord of the Rings

Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. This one-volume, paperback edition includes The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King, together with the Appendices in full. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
27,08 € 28,50 €

The Silmarillion (Audio CD)

The forerunner to The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion tells the earlier history of Middle-earth, recounting the events of the First and Second Ages, and introducing some of the key characters, such as Galadriel, Elrond, Elendil and the Dark Lord, Sauron. The tales of The Silmarillion are set in an age when Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwelt in Middle-earth, and the High Elves made war upon him for the recovery of the Silmarils, the jewels containing the pure light of Valinor. Included on the recording are several shorter works. The Ainulindalë is a myth of the Creation and in the Valaquenta the nature and powers of each of the gods is described. The Akallabeth recounts the downfall of the great island kingdom of Númenor at the end of the Second Age, and Of the Rings of Power tells of the great events at the end of the Third Age, as narrated in The Lord of the Rings. This brand-new unabridged recording is read by the acclaimed actor, director and author, Andy Serkis.
43,65 € 45,95 €