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Slavoj Žižek strana 2 z 2


Like A Thief In Broad Daylight

In our brave new world of Big Tech, work is automated and money melts into air. What comes next as the global capitalist edifice crumbles? Slavoj Zizek shows how the answer is already stealing into sight, like a thief in broad daylight. What we must do is wake up and see it.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Zizek on Race - Toward an Anti-Racist Future

Slavoj Zizek's prolific comments on anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, scapegoating, popular nationalism, the refugee crisis, Eurocentrism, the War on Terror, neocolonialism, global justice, and rioting comprise a dizzying array of thinking. But what can we pull out of his various writings and commentaries on race in the contemporary world? Is there anything approaching a Zizekian philosophy of race? Zahi Zalloua argues here that there is and that the often polemical style of Zizek's pronouncements shouldn't undermine the importance and urgency of his work in this area. Zalloua not only examines Zizek's philosophy of race but addresses the misconceptions that have arisen and some of the perceived shortcomings in his work to date. Zizek on Race also puts Zizek in dialogue with critical race and anti-colonial studies, dwelling on the sparks struck up by this dialogue and the differences, gaps, and absences it points up. Engaging Zizek's singular contribution to the analysis of race and racism, Zizek on Race both patiently interrogates and critically extends his direct comments on the topic, developing more fully the potential of his thought. In a response to the book, Zizek boldly reaffirms his theoretical stance, clarifying further his often difficult-to-work-out positions on some of his more controversial pronouncements.
25,60 € 26,95 €

A kettős zsarolás ellen - Menekültek, terror és egyéb gondok felebarátainkkal

Slavoj ®iľek szlovén filozófus a mai radikális baloldal emblematikus gondolkodója. Filozófiai munkásságának alapjait Marx, Freud, Althusser és mindenekelőtt Lacan művei képezik, ebből a szemszögből vizsgálódik, elemez és kalandozik a világszellem legkülönfélébb megnyilvánulásainak területén, a klasszikus és 20. századi német filozófiától (Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Heidegger), vagy Mozart és Wagner operáitól Franz Kafka Peréig, Alfred Hitchcock Psychójáig, a popkultúráig és a krimiig. A napjainkban zajló menekültválság kiváló alkalmat nyújt ®iľeknek ahhoz, hogy ideológia-kritikai éleslátását gyakorolja. Könyve nem a válság történelmi, politikai okairól és megoldásának pragmatikus lehetőségeiről szól, hanem arról a kettős zsarolásról, amelynek csapdájába a menekültválságot kísérő konfliktusokban résztvevő valamennyi fél beleesett. Az ideológiai csapdahelyzetnek két fő részvevője van. Egyfelől a baloldali liberálisok, akik fel vannak háborodva azon, hogy Európa eltűrte ezrek elvesztését a Földközi tenger hullámsírjában, és azt követelik, hogy az EU legyen végre szolidáris, nyissa tágra kapuit a menekülő milliók felé. Másfelől a migránsellenes populisták, akik életformájukat, kultúrájukat féltve a menekülési útvonalak, határok lezárását követelik. ®iľek szerint az egyik megoldás rosszabb, mint a másik
8,91 € 9,38 €

Hegel in A Wired Brain

In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of G.W.F. Hegel, Slavoj Zizek gives us a reading of the philosophical giant that changes our way of thinking about our new posthuman era. No ordinary study of Hegel, Hegel in a Wired Brain investigates what he might have had to say about the idea of the 'wired brain' - what happens when a direct link between our mental processes and a digital machine emerges. Zizek explores the phenomenon of a wired brain effect, and what might happen when we can share our thoughts directly with others. He hones in on the key question of how it shapes our experience and status as 'free' individuals and asks what it means to be human when a machine can read our minds. With characteristic verve and enjoyment of the unexpected, Zizek connects Hegel to the world we live in now, shows why he is much more fun than anyone gives him credit for, and why the 21st century might just be Hegelian.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Lacná kniha O praxi a rozporu (-90%)

Výbor z textů čínského komunistického vůdce Mao Ce-tunga uspořádal slovinský filozof Slavoj Žižek. Jedná se o statě, které Mao napsal do doby, než se v Číně na jeho podnět rozběhla Kulturní revoluce. Texty, věnované existenci rozporů ve všech věcech nebo texty výlučně politické, dokládají dvojí parametr Maova uvažování - na jedné straně je to filozofická analýza, inspirovaná čínskou duchovní tradicí, na druhé pak sklon k pouhému opakování banálních pravd. Výbor doprovází rozsáhlá předmluva Slavoje Žižka. Interpretací některých pasáží Maových textů Žižek mimo jiné usiluje dokázat, že když Mao odmítl negaci negace jako jeden z principů dialektiky a rozpoutal Kulturní revoluci, významně tak napomohl pozdější restauraci kapitalismu v Číně.
1,17 € 11,70 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Sublime Object of Ideology

Looks at the question of human agency in a postmodern world. This book explores the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society. Slavoj Zizek, the maverick philosopher, author of over 30 books, acclaimed as the "Elvis of cultural theory", and today's most controversial public intellectual. His work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and political theory, taking in film, popular culture, literature and jokes-all to provide acute analyses of the complexities of contemporary ideology as well as a serious and sophisticated philosophy. His recent films The Pervert's Guide to the Cinema and Zizek! reveal a theorist at the peak of his powers and a skilled communicator. Now Verso is making his classic titles, each of which stand as a core of his ever-expanding life's work, available as new editions. Each is beautifully re-packaged, including new introductions from Zizek himself. Simply put, they are the essential texts for understanding Zizek's thought and thus cornerstones of contemporary philosophy. The Sublime Object of Ideology: Slavoj Zizek's first book is a provocative and original work looking at the question of human agency in a postmodern world. In a thrilling tour de force that made his name, he explores the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Too Late to Awaken

The most provocative philosopher of our times returns with a rousing and counterintuitive analysis of our global predicament We hear all the time that it's five minutes to global doomsday, so now is our last chance to avert disaster. But what if the only way to prevent a catastrophe is to assume that it has already happened - that we're already five minutes past zero hour? Why do we seem unable to avert our course to self-destruction? Too Late to Awaken sees Slavoj Žižek deliver his most forceful, hopeful account of our discontents yet. Surveying the interlocking crises we currently face - global warming, war, famine, disease - he points us towards the radical, emancipatory politics that we need in order to halt our drift towards disaster. Pithy, urgent and witty, Žižek's diagnosis reveals our current geopolitical nightmare in a startling new light, and shows why, in order to change our future, we must reimagine our past.
24,65 € 25,95 €