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Émile Zola strana 3 z 8


Lacná kniha Nana (-90%)

Nana je devátou knihou série Rougon-Macquartové a volným pokračováním románu Zabiják. Nana je příběh dívky z lidu, která si svou krásou podmaňuje muže a využívá je, díky své kráse dostává z ulice na samý vrchol společnosti. Émile Zola, představitel naturalismu 19. století, zde vykresluje život a mravy tehdejší společnosti, život bohatých a chudých ukazuje ve velkém kontrastu.
Na sklade 1Ks
1,08 € 10,76 €

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Příběh kurtizány Nany, která nemá žádný pěvecký ani herecký talent, a přesto díky své kráse získá věhlas jako divadelní herečka. Střídají se u ní bohatí milenci, které Nana trápí svými rozmary a zbyvuje je peněz i důstojnosti. Syrový příběh plný naturalistických scén je devátým románem z cyklu Rougon-Macquartové a volně navazuje na román Zabiják. Zolovi se zde podařilo velmi barvitě vykreslit prostředí nevěstinců, kabaretů. ale především společnosti, kde morálka nemá místo, ale zato je plné pokrytectví, nestoudnosti a hrubosti, i když navenek krytými leskem a přepychem. Zola se i v této próze představuje jako mistr literárního naturalismu.
Na sklade 1Ks
20,85 € 21,95 €

Lacná kniha Zola - Contes et Nouvelles 2 (-90%)

Si les contes et nouvelles de sa jeunesse frappent par leur fantaisie, les textes rassemblés dans ce volume, parus entre 1875 et 1899, font de Zola, l'égal d'un Maupassant, l'un des maîtres de la nouvelle naturaliste, et l'un des maîtres de la nouvelle tout court. Tantôt librement inspirées de faits divers rapportés dans la presse d'alors (L'Inondation), tantôt proches de l'étude sociale (Comment on meurt) ou de la satire pittoresque - Les Coquillages de Monsieur Chabre est un petit chef-d'oeuvre d'amoralité sur le thme de l'adultre -, ces narrations donnent voir le romancier en vacances, libéré du poids des théories, tout entier livré au plaisir d'écrire. Le résultat est souvent étonnant: explorant la veine fantastique, Zola conte dans Angeline l'histoire d'une maison hantée; dans La Mort d'Olivier Bécaille, ce sont ses propres obsessions qu'il dévoile, travers l'angoissante aventure d'un homme enterré vivant... Qu'ils soient célbres, comme L'Attaque du moulin qui figura en tte du recueil naturaliste des Soirées de Médan, ou injustement tombés dans l'oubli, ces récits constituent une lecture indispensable pour tous ceux qui croient connaître l'auteur des Rougon-Macquart.
Na sklade 1Ks
0,90 € 9,03 €

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Germinal (FR)

Étienne, un mécanicien des chemins de fer ? Lille, est renvoyé pour avoir giflé son chef. Apres avoir erré pendant huit jours dans le Nord, il se fait embaucher aux mines de Montsou. Il y fait la connaissance des Maheu, une famille de mineurs et tombe amoureux de Catherine leur fille aînée qui partage ses sentiments. Mais un ouvrier brutal oblige Catherine ? devenir sa maîtresse. Vite les conditions de travail inhumaines dans les mines révoltent Étienne. Plein d’illusions, il pousse les mineurs ? la greve. Les nombreuses vicissitudes qui feront de nombreux morts obligeront Étienne ? fuir et ? partir pour Paris.
Na stiahnutie
3,63 €

The Masterpiece (EN)

Perhaps the most autobiographical of Zola’s Rougon-Macquart cycle of novels, The Masterpiece is a hard, bleak and raw portrait of unrecognised artistic genius. Claude Lantier, brother to Nana and son of Gervaise, is a struggling painter who dreams of conquering Paris’s art scene with his revolutionary ‘open air’ style of painting.
Na stiahnutie
33,50 €

La Bete Humaine (EN)

Against the backdrop of political and legal corruption in Second Empire France, La Bete Humaine (1890) contrasts the technological advancements of the Machine Age with the primitive and timeless human impulse to possess through killing and to kill through possession. The lives of two railwaymen on the Paris to Le Havre line are fatally entwined by their love for the same woman in this shocking account of brutal violence, greed, revenge and repression.
Na stiahnutie
33,50 €

Thérese Raquin (EN)

Published in 1867, Thérese Raquin is the novel which established Zola’s reputation as a writer who forensically explored the darker side of human nature. Thérese is a half Algerian orphan, brought up in provincial France by her aunt and married off to her sickly cousin Camille. His ambition takes the three of them to Paris, where they set up home in the dank and dingy backstreets that run down to the Seine.
Na stiahnutie
20,50 €

La Terre (EN)

Audiobook La Terre written by Émile Zola. Zola’s La Terre (The Earth) proved highly controversial on publication in 1887 and still retains the power to shock. It follows the fortunes of the Fouan family in the years leading up to the Franco-Prussian War. Old Fouan, the patriarch, draws up a legal contract to divide his farmland between his three children in exchange for an allowance that will support him and his wife through a comfortable retirement.
Na stiahnutie
40,50 €

Lacná kniha La Bete Humaine (-70%)

Des Batignolles Auteuil, un mécanicien de locomotive erre, le couteau en main, hanté par une idée fixe : tuer une femme... Dans le train qui mne au Havre, un couple poignarde sauvagement un notable du régime impérial, avant de le jeter sur la voie. A la Croix-de-Maufras, lieu-dit reculé, un garde-barrire empoisonne son épouse, dans l'espoir de mettre enfin la main sur son magot. La Bte humaine n'est pas seulement le grand roman ferroviaire du maître du naturalisme : c'est aussi son grand roman du crime - un Dahlia noir signé Zola, o chaque personnage semble tre tour tour le traqueur et la proie. En 1888, au moment d'entamer ce qui allait devenir l'un des volumes les plus célbres du cycle des Rougon-Macquart, Zola écrivait : Je voudrais quelque chose d'hallucinant, d'effroyable [...], qui reste jamais dans la mémoire, qui donne un cauchemar toute la France. ""
Na sklade 1Ks
2,23 € 7,44 €

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OWC La Debacle

Zola wrote that 'my title speaks not merely of a war, but also of the crumbling of a regime and the end of a world'. The penultimate novel of the Rougon-Macquart cycle, La Débâcle (1892) takes as its subject the dramatic events of the Franco-Prussian War and the Commune of 1870-71. During Zola's lifetime it was the bestselling of all his novels, praised by contemporaries for its epic sweep as well as its attention to historical detail. The novel seeks to explain why the Second Empire ended in a crushing military defeat and revolutionary violence. It focuses on ordinary soldiers, showing their bravery and suffering in the midst of circumstances they cannot control. Zola's descriptions are some of the most powerful he ever wrote. He skilfully integrates his narrative of events and the fictional lives of his characters to provide the finest account of this tragic chapter in the history of France. Often compared to War and Peace, La Débâcle has been described as a 'seminal' work for all modern depictions of war.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Pot Luck (Pot-Bouille)

This new translation of Zola's most acerbic social satire captures the directness and robustness of Zola's language and restores the omissions of earlier abridged versions.
7,76 € 8,17 €

OWC Ladies´ Paradise

The Ladies' Paradise (Au Bonheur des Dames) recounts the spectacular development of the modern department store in late nineteenth century Paris. The store is a symbol of capitalism, of the modern city, and of the bourgeois family; it is emblematic of consumer culture and the changes in sexual attitudes and class relations taking place at the end of the century. Octave Mouret, the store's owner-manager, masterfully exploits the desires of his female customers. In his private life as much as in business he is the great seducer. But when he falls in love with the innocent Denise Baudu, he discovers she is the only one of the salesgirls who refuses to be commodified. This new translation of the eleventh book in the Rougon-Macquart cycle captures the spirit of one of Zola's greatest novels of the modern city.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Therese Raquin

Therese Raquin is bored by her loveless marriage to her sickly cousin, and allows herself to be swept away by lust and excitement when she meets his earthy and sensual friend Laurent. But the animal passion between them will result in a terrible crim e - one that will haunt them for ever.
1,89 € 1,99 €

OWC L´Assommoir

The seventh novel in the Rougon-Macquart cycle, L'Assommoir (1877) is the story of a woman's struggle for happiness in working-class Paris. It was a contemporary bestseller, outraged conservative critics, and launched a passionate debate about the legitimate scope of modern literature. At the centre of the novel stands Gervaise, who starts her own laundry and for a time makes a success of it. But her husband Coupeau squanders her earnings in the Assommoir, the local drinking shop, and gradually the pair sink into poverty and squalor. L'Assommoir is the most finely crafted of Zola's novels, and this new translation captures not only the brutality but also the pathos of its characters' lives. This book is a pwerful indictment of nineteenth-century social conditions, and the introduction examines its relation to politics and art as well as its explosive effect on the literary scene.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Masterpiece

The Masterpiece is the most autobiographical of the twenty novels in Zola's Rougon-Macquart series. Set in the 1860s and 1870s, it provides a unique insight into his career as a writer and his relationship with Cézanne, a friend since their schoolday s in Aix-en-Provence. It also presents a well-documented account of the turbulent Bohemian world in which the Impressionists came to prominence despite the conservatism of the Academy and the ridicule of the general public.
2,84 € 2,99 €