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Hra Crazy Maze (hra v angličtine)

A party game for those who do and dare! Get ready… and draw! Doodle your way through this crazy maze blind-folded and head straight for the finish line. If your pen touches a Truth or a Dare, you’ll get a hilarious task to perform. If you hit a Fluke, you can pick another player to perform the task. Sounds simple, right? You’ll not get out of this without looking silly, so let’s play! Crazy Maze is a game full of straight-forward fun.
Na sklade 4Ks
24,99 €

Hra Mystery Alias (hra v angličtine)

A WORD GAME WITH A DIFFERENCE! There is more to reality than meets the eye! In the intriguing world of mystery, it is up to you to find the answers. Explain the words as quickly as you can and find the hidden keywords. Your only opponent is time. Work together and use the keywords to unlock the Mystery word. Remember that talking and working together are key! Age: 12+ Players: 4+ Time: 30+
Na sklade > 5Ks
30,49 €

Hra Alias Legends (hra v angličtine)

MAKE A JOURNEY TO HISTORY AND ACROSS THE WORLD WITH ALIAS! It’s time to see how many legendary figures you know, but this game is not about trivia. Each card contains surprising and hilarious factoids about historical people, and you just need to explain the key words – do the others know who you are talking about? Alias with a hilarious fact-based twist! Contains characters from all points of history. Super successful, familiar game concept! Age: 12+ Players: 4+ Time: 60+
Na sklade 5Ks
30,49 €

Hra Black Skull Island (hra v angličtine)

Nalúpená korisť je zhromaždená - teraz ide o to, kto si z nej uchmatne najviac. Piráti nepoznajú zľutovanie. Rýchla a dynamická kartová hra Black Skull Island vás prenesie do sveta pirátov. Na ruke budete mať dve karty postáv s rozmanitými efektami, každé kolo jednou z nich vstúpite do hry. Všetko sa však môže zmeniť - jednotlivé efekty kariet interagujú a vaše úmysly nemusia vyjsť. Hra je prispôsobená rôznemu počtu hráčov (od 2 do 9) práve typmi a počtami kariet. Tie získavajú karty mincí či pokladov, menia karty protihráčom, kradnú ulúpené zlato či napodobňujú efekty iných. Angličtina je potrebná, keďže jednotlivé karty majú efekty v tomto jazyku. Postačovať môže chystaná tabuľka efektov v slovenčine. Odhad, taktika, šťastie, to sú hlavné ingrediencie, s ktorými môžete zvíťaziť - mať na konci hry najviac zlata. Hra je vhodná pre partie (alebo rodiny), ktoré sa chcú krátko zabaviť prekáravým zlerobením :)
Na sklade > 5Ks
16,99 €

Hra Buzzed Tower (hra v angličtine)

Buzzed Tower je ďalšou párty hrou z rodiny What do you meme. Hra je znova plavidlovo jednoduchá, v tejto verzii sa stretnete s ukladaním kociek a pitím :-) Striedavo si ťaháte kartu z vrchnej časti balíčka. Keď prídete na rad, prečítate kartu nahlas a bude piť na základe výzvy na karte, podľa toho, o čo ide. Táto verzia je určená najmä dospelým.
Na sklade > 5Ks
36,99 €

Hra Monopoly My Hero Academia (hra v angličtine)

What's it like to be a superhero? This Japanese manga is a story about a world where superpowers ("quirks") have become common. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy who was born without a gift. However, he still dreams of becoming a superhero, in which he is helped by the world's greatest hero, Ali Might, who enrolls the boy in a prestigious school for superheroes. The collector's edition of MONOPOLY is a unique gift for My Hero Academia fans and an exciting game that will keep you entertained for hours. You will find many manga tidbits there that may surprise you! The world of My Hero Academia The MONOPOLY board is dedicated to the My Hero Academia theme. You will find there important figures from this world - students and teachers. The board appears, among others: possessor of the One For All - All Might gift; Rikido Sato, whose Quirk allows him to increase his strength fivefold for three minutes; Mezo Shoji, whose quirk allows him to manipulate all six arms; Momo Yaoyorozu, with leadership skills; Eijiro Kirishima, also known as Red Riot, who is training to become a professional hero; Izuku Midoriya, a close student of All Might. These are just some of the Academy's characters. You can make your moves using collectible pieces. It will be up to you which one you choose and how you will play the rest of the game. Game rules The rules of the game are the same as in classic MONOPOLY. Players choose pawns and take cat banknotes in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. The game begins with the person who rolls the most numbers on the dice. The players' task is to gain as much fortune as possible - this is possible by purchasing fields on the board. Be careful! You have to pay dearly to enter someone else's field. The winner is the player who gains an advantage on the board and causes the other participants to go bankrupt. In MONOPOLY you can create your own rules, but remember the most important thing - don't cheat and have fun! Box contents: game board, instruction, 6 collectible pawns, 28 Title Deed cards, 16 Plus Ultra cards, 16 Go Beyond cards, Monopoly money, 32 houses renamed as prizes, 12 hotels renamed trophies, 2 dice. Specification: number of players: 2-6, age: 8+, game time: 1-3 hours.
Na sklade 1Ks
44,99 €

Hra Monopoly Jimi Hendrixs (hra v angličtine)

Universally regarded as one of the single most influential guitarists of all time, Jimi Hendrix now has a Monopoly edition dedicated to his life, music and iconic image. An unparalleled showman, Jimi Hendrix was known for his incendiary live shows, which can be collected here alongside some of the most innovative and pioneering recordings in rock and roll history. From the early beginnings of the Jimi Hendrix Experience in London and Europe, to passionate and memorable stadium shows and festival performances, travel the board collecting significant moments from Hendrix's legendary career. Build Homes and Red Houses on spaces you've collected, use Fire and Crosstown Traffic cards to influence the game and choose one of six custom tokens as you play the world's favourite board game in a brand new way. Will you purchase some of the greatest moments in music history and secure the win — or will those television and radio fees impede your victory? Play on and find out! Key Features: JIMI HENDRIX FANS ASSEMBLE: this new edition of Hasbro's classic board game Monopoly is perfect for 2–6 players and makes a great gift for fans aged 12 and up. INCLUDES 6 CUSTOM METAL TOKENS: choose from tokens including the hat, medallion and boots, and tour recognisable spaces that represent Hendrix's albums, concerts and bands. UNIQUE JIMI HENDRIX GAME BOARD featuring stunning photography of the world's greatest guitarist. BUILD YOUR MUSIC EMPIRE: buy up colour sets and use Monopoly money that depicts music formats throughout the eras to expand your empire with Homes and Red Houses. WILL YOU OUTSMART YOUR OPPONENTS? watch out for Fire and Crosstown Traffic cards which could help or hinder your chances of success!
Na sklade 2Ks
44,99 €

Hra Monopoly Playmobil (hra v angličtine)

Embark on a globe-trotting quest in this brand-new PLAYMOBIL edition of MONOPOLY! Travel around the game board, from the Stable to the Police Headquarters, Princess Castle, and the Skull Pirate Ship, buy up iconic PLAYMOBIL sets and vehicles, and make your way towards the mythical Grand Castle of Novelmore. Pick up customised Chance and Community Chest cards for extra prizes and penalties: will you find the mythical pirate treasure, spend the day with a princess, go on a police patrol, or end up in jail? Who will be the first to buy the Farm, the beautiful Horse-Drawn Carriage, the menacing Pirate Fort, or the Novelmore Mobile Fortress? Build houses and hotels to charge your opponents more rent, but make sure you don't lose any PLAYMOBIL parts, or you'll have to pay a fine! Gather your friends and family, choose from a selection of custom tokens, roll the dice, and begin your PLAYMOBIL adventure to find out! Key Features: PERFECT FOR PLAYMOBIL FANS: this new PLAYMOBIL edition of Hasbro's classic board game Monopoly is perfect for 2–6 players and makes a great gift for fans aged 8 and up. INCLUDES 6 CUSTOM METAL TOKENS: choose from the Chest, Horse, Helmet, Cat, Crown and Fire Engine, and explore the Farm, the Hospital and the Treasure Island! UNIQUE GAME BOARD featuring a montage of PLAYMOBIL characters. BUILD YOUR PLAYMOBIL EMPIRE: Buy up colour sets and use your custom Monopoly money to expand your empire by building houses and hotels. WILL YOU OUTSMART YOUR OPPONENTS? Watch out for custom Chance and Community Chest cards, which could help or hinder your chances of success!
Na sklade 1Ks
44,99 €

Hra Monopoly David Bowie (hra v angličtine)

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky; David Bowie comes to MONOPOLY. Relive the life and works of one of the most innovative, influential and highly-regarded musicians of all time as you buy up the albums of the Thin White Duke himself, and charge other players rent for landing on them. It Ain’t Easy, but if you Hang On To Yourself you might just be able to buy up every space, build stages and stadiums to charge extra rent and bankrupt your fellow Kooks - then Fill Your Heart with all the cash you rake in. Just don’t stop to Moonage Daydream or you might find yourself left with nothing but Stardust. Pick up Sound and Vision cards to make some Changes to the economy; win some bonus cash and you’ll be Dancing in the Street. But lay down all your cash on session musicians and live band fees, and Janine may as well take her axe to you. With custom Bowie tokens, reimagined MONOPOLY spaces, bespoke pieces and Bowie-themed MONOPOLY money, there’s a Velvet Goldmine to be unearthed within. So what are you waiting for? Let’s Dance! Key Features: I heard a rumour from ground control: MONOPOLY is getting the David Bowie treatment! Choose your favourite iconic Bowie token, buy up your favourite albums and accumulate fortunes, but watch out for taxes, jail and bankruptcy. Advance to Heroes, Diamond Dogs, Aladdin Sane and Hunky Dory – will you become a Blackstar or The Man Who Sold the World? Invest in stages and stadiums and trade your way to rock ‘n’ roll success. The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game is fun for the whole family.
Na sklade 1Ks
44,99 €

Hra Monopoly Dinosaurs (hra v angličtine)

The Dinosaurs are back! After millions of years, these ferocious animals have beaten extinction and returned in this exclusive edition of the Monopoly board game. Will you collect the Diplodocus? Stegosaurus? Or Triceratops? Travel around the board using one of six unique and exclusive tokens, as you purchase tents and jeeps instead of houses and hotels. Instead of travel squares, you can purchase the different eras of Jurassic discovery. Key Features: PERFECT FOR DINOSAURS LOVERS: this prehistoric Dinsoaurs edition of Hasbro's classic board game MONOPOLY is perfect for 2–6 players and makes a great gift for fans aged 8 and up. INCLUDES 6 METAL TOKENS: choose from tokens including your favourite dinosaurs - Brontosaurus, Triceratops, T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl, and a Velociraptor. UNIQUE DINOSAURS GAME BOARD starring the most ferocious and terrifying creatures of the age. BUILD YOUR PREHISTORIC EMPIRE: buy up colour sets and use your custom MONOPOLY money to expand your empire by building tents and jeeps on your properties. INCLUDES SPECIAL TOP TRUMPS CARD: playable with the best selling Dinosaurs Top Trumps pack.
Na sklade 2Ks
44,99 €

Hra What do you meme? CORE (hra v angličtine)

What do you meme? je veľmi zábavná meme hra. Jednoducho vezmete obrázok a hľadáte k nemu najvhodnejší text. V každom kole je rozhodcom iný hráč, ktorý vyberie najlepšie meme.
Na sklade > 5Ks
37,99 €

Hra Cards Against Humanity - CORE (hra v angličtine)

Nová revidovaná verzia (international 2.0) bestselleru medzi párty hrami! Určite ste už počuli o tejto bláznivej hre, ktorá začala nenápadne na Kickstarteri a spustila celosvetový ošiaľ. Cards Against Humanity je v podstate jednoduchá kartová párty hra. Základný princíp je jednoduchý – máte dve sady kariet - čierne, na ktorých sú otázky alebo vety na doplnenie a biele, na ktorých sú odpovede. Čo ale odlišuje túto hru od mnohých podobných, je jej obsah. Na kartách sú totiž tie spoločensky najnekorektnejšie, najúchylnejšie a najnechutnejšie veci, aké si viete predstaviť. Táto hra nič neskrýva, nič jej nie je sväté, ničomu sa nevyhýba. V podstate je naozaj nechutná a úchylná. Ale pre väčšinu preto neskutočne zábavná. Pravidlá sú jednoduché: Každý hráč dostane 10 bielych kariet. Otočí sa jedna čierna karta a prečíta sa nahlas. Úlohou hráčov je vybrať z ruky najlepšiu odpoveď, doplnenie. Kolo vyhrá hráč, ktorý vyložil kartu, ktorú ostatní vyhodnotia ako najvtipnejšiu. Hra je v angličtine! Obsah hry: 600 total cards: 500 white and 100 black.
Na sklade > 5Ks
48,99 €

Hra Snack Sporty Alias (hra v angličtine)

Alias is a fast talking- word game where finding the right words will help you win! Roll the die, check the word on the card and go. Try to describe the word by using other words, synonyms and opposites, while the other players try to guess the word first.
Iba v predajni
14,79 €

Hra Snack Lights, Camera, Action Alias (hra v angličtine)

Lights, camera, action! Explain your way through the thrilling world of entertainment and cinema – but choose your words carefully! The player in turn explains word to all the other players, and the one who guesses it right, scores a point.
Iba v predajni
14,79 €

Hra Party Alias (hra v angličtine)

SILLY EXPLAINING AND FUN TIMES AHEAD Party Alias is a hilarious word explanation game that tops all evenings! Explain words using expressions, movements and hilarious body positions. Your friends try to guess the explained word but the main thing is to have fun together! Explain the words as normal, but look out for the party spaces – when you arrive in one of them, special styles are used for extra points. The content is more colourful and challenging than in any other Alias game! There is great variety in the word cards. Perfect for grown-up game nights. Age: 15 Players: 4+ Time: 45+
Iba v predajni
30,49 €

Hra Original Alias (hra v angličtine)

A GAME THAT MAKES PEOPLE TALK Pick a card, check the word, turn over the sandglass and start explaining – your partner tries to guess which word you are looking for. The idea of Alias is to explain as many words as possible to your teammates. The more words they guess right, the further you get to move on the game board. Original Alias contains words from every thinkable category and difficulty level! The hugely popular Alias game contains 3 200 words to explain and to guess, so the game will not be exhausted for a long time. Abundant word content from categories such as Objects and things, People and professions, Adjectives and Verbs. Also words from the world around us, sports and recreation, entertainment and culture etc. Continuously updated word content! Age: 10+ Players: 4+ Time: 60+
Iba v predajni
30,49 €

Hra Yay or Nay? (hra v angličtine)

In this game answering is simple – just place a YAY or NAY card on the table after you have heard the question! Right answer earns you a card and the first player to collect 5 cards wins.
Iba v predajni
18,49 €

Hra Who am i? (hra v angličtine)

In this fun and versatile game you get to play charades, sing and explain in your own words. Player in turn draws a card, checks back of next card to see the explaining method and chooses a task from four alternatives. First player to guess wins a card and the first to 5 cards wins!
Iba v predajni
18,49 €

Hra Snack Football Alias (hra v angličtine)

Step into the fantastic world of football! From toe punts to goal kicks, this little Alias tests your vocabulary in a fabulous way! Roll the die, check the word on the card and go! Try to describe the word by using other words, synonyms and opposites, while the other players try to guess the word first. Age: 10+ Players: 3+ Time: 10+
Iba v predajni
14,79 €

V kategórii hry v angličtine na našom eshope nájdete širokú ponuku hier, ktoré sú ideálne na zdokonalenie vašej angličtiny zábavným a interaktívnym spôsobom. Naše hry sú vhodné pre všetky vekové kategórie.

Hry v angličtine sú perfektným spôsobom, ako sa naučiť nové slovíčka, či frázy, zatiaľ čo si užívate spoločenskú zábavu s priateľmi alebo rodinou. Ponúkame rôzne typy hier, vrátane slovných hier, kartových hier a stolných hier v anglickom jazyku.

Pre deti máme špeciálne navrhnuté vzdelávacie hry v angličtine, ktoré sú zábavné a zároveň poučné.