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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Osobnosti strana 32 z 35

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Život jako koncert pro dva klavíry

Základem této knižní publikace jsou vlastnoručně sepsané osobní vzpomínky klavíristky a hudební pedagožky Elišky Novákové (rozené Hanouskové) na svůj život se skladatelem a klavíristou Janem Novákem (1921–1984). Zachycují jak období studií a později společného života v Československu do roku 1968, tak nelehká léta strávená v dánském, italském a německém exilu. Memoárovou část knihy obohacují vzpomínky zahraničních přátel a žáků či rozhovor vedený dcerou Clarou. Rozsáhlá předmluva editorů přináší detailnější příběh života Elišky Novákové na základě doposud známých i nově získaných pramenů. Osobní rozměr publikace prohlubují také vybrané fotografie ze života rodiny Novákových. Kniha je pozoruhodnou momentkou umožňující vhled do osudů českých exilových hudebních umělců, kteří byli v průběhu 20. století nuceni čelit dvěma okupacím, tlaku domácího politického režimu i nepříznivým podmínkám v zahraničí.
6,70 € 7,05 €

Nezouvat, prosím!

Autobiografické vyprávění emeritního starosty Litomyšle Miroslava Brýdla (*1941) se zaměřuje především na období po roce 1989, během kterého se Litomyšl stala díky jeho dlouhodobým koncepčním aktivitám evropsky oceňovaným centrem moderní české architektury (několik realizací získalo ocenění Grand Prix Obce architektů, Stavba roku, International ELCA Trend Award či bylo nominováno na cenu Miese van der Rohe). Pojednává také o kulturním a společenském rozvoji města, navazování spolupráce s evropskými partnery, ekonomické transformaci 90. let, kontaktech Miroslava Brýdla s umělci a politiky (např. o vztahu k Václavu Havlovi, Pavlu Tigridovi či Janu Stráském), jeho působení v roli zástupce hejtmana a radního Pardubického kraje a životě na odpočinku. Kniha je zásadním příspěvkem k pochopení složitých peripetií společenských proměn, které v naší zemi nastaly po pádu komunistické nadvlády. Miroslav Brýdl je milovník architektury, výtvarného umění, literatury a hudby, ale také nezkrotný živel známý svým neotřelým vystupováním. V neposlední řadě je také poutavý vypravěč, který dokáže s naprostou upřímností hovořit nejen o svých úspěších, ale i prohrách.
10,72 € 11,28 €

Planting The World: Joseph Banks And His Collectors

A bold new history of how botany and global plant collecting - centred at Kew Gardens and driven by Joseph Banks - transformed the earth. Botany was the darling and the powerhouse of the eighteenth century. As European ships ventured across the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, discovery bloomed. Bounties of new plants were brought back, and their arrival meant much more than improved flowerbeds - it offered a new scientific frontier that would transform Europe's industry, medicine, eating and drinking habits, and even fashion. Joseph Banks was the dynamo for this momentous change. As botanist for James Cook's great voyage to the South Pacific on the Endeavour, Banks collected plants on a vast scale, armed with the vision - as a child of the Enlightenment - that to travel physically was to advance intellectually. His thinking was as intrepid as Cook's seafaring: he commissioned radically influential and physically daring expeditions such as those of Francis Masson to the Cape Colony, George Staunton to China, George Caley to Australia, William Bligh to Tahiti and Jamaica, among many others. Jordan Goodman's epic history follows these high seas adventurers and their influence in Europe, as well as taking us back to the early years of Kew Gardens, which Banks developed devotedly across the course of his life, transforming it into one of the world's largest and most diverse botanical gardens. In a rip-roaring global expedition, based on original sources in many languages, Goodman gives a momentous history of how the discoveries made by Banks and his collectors advanced scientific understanding around the world.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Dreams from My Father (Adapted for Young Adults)

Now adapted for young adults—the #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, which Toni Morrison called "quite extraordinary," offers an intimate look at Barack Obama's early days. This is a compelling journey tracing the future 44th president's odyssey through family, race, and identity. A revealing portrait of a young Black man asking questions about self-discovery and belonging—long before he became one of the most important voices in America. This unique edition includes a new introduction from the author, full-color photo insert, and family tree. The son of a white American mother and a Black Kenyan father, Obama was born in Hawaii, where he lived until he was six years old, when he moved with his mother and stepfather to Indonesia. At twelve, he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Obama brings readers along as he faces the challenges of high school and college, living in New York, becoming a community organizer in Chicago, and traveling to Kenya. Through these experiences, he forms an enduring commitment to leadership and justice. Told through the lens of his relationships with his family—the mother and grandparents who raised him, the father he knows more as a myth than as a man, and the extended family in Kenya he meets for the first time—Obama confronts the complicated truth of his father's life and legacy and comes to embrace his divided heritage. On his journey to adulthood from a humble background, he forges his own path through trial and error while staying connected to his roots. Barack Obama is determined to lead a life of purpose, service, and authenticity. This powerful memoir will inspire readers to examine both where they come from and where they are capable of going.
12,83 € 13,50 €

The International Brigades

'Magnificent. Narrative history at its vivid and compelling best' Fergal Keane The first major history of the International Brigades: a tale of blood, ideals and tragedy in the fight against fascism. The Spanish Civil War was the first armed battle in the fight against fascism, and a rallying cry for a generation. Over 35,000 volunteers from sixty-one countries around the world came to defend democracy against the troops of Franco, Hitler and Mussolini. Ill-equipped and disorderly, yet fuelled by a shared sense of purpose and potential glory, these disparate groups of idealistic young men and women formed a volunteer army of a size and type unseen since the Crusades, known as the International Brigades. Were they heroes or fools? Saints or bloodthirsty adventurers? And what exactly did they achieve? In this magisterial history, Giles Tremlett tells - for the first time - the story of the Spanish Civil War through the experiences of this remarkable group. Drawing on the Brigades' archives in Moscow, as well as first-hand accounts, The International Brigades captures all the human drama of a historic mission to halt fascist expansion in Europe.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Prince William

As the nation celebrates the birth of William and Kate's son Prince George, Penny Junor brings us the definitive biography of the man who will be King before him. His face is recognized the world over, he is unmistakably Diana's eldest son. But what is Prince William really like? How did he survive the traumas and tragedies of his childhood? He watched his parents' unhappy marriage disintegrate in the full glare of the media. Then, when he was just fifteen, his beautiful, funny, loving mother was tragically killed. How does he approach the future, and how, in this celebrity obsessed world, will he protect Kate and baby George from the intrusion that blighted his own childhood? Drawing on her extensive experience and the trust built up over thirty years of writing about the Royal Family, Penny Junor has got closer than anyone to the secret of William's success as she sensitively and elegantly narrates his life story. This extensively updated edition of Penny Junor's revealing biography is a fitting celebration of the world's most famous prince.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Elizabeth & Margaret : The Intimate World of the Windsor Sisters

From the internationally renowned bestselling author of Diana: Her True Story and Meghan: A Hollywood Princess, comes the sensational and captivating biography of Queen Elizabeth II and her sister Margaret. They were the closest of sisters and the best of friends. But when, in a quixotic twist of fate, their uncle Edward VIII decided to abdicate the throne, the dynamic between Elizabeth and Margaret was dramatically altered. Forever more, Margaret would have to curtsey to the sister she called 'Lillibet'. And bow to her wishes. Elizabeth would always look upon her younger sister's antics with a kind of stoical amusement but Margaret's struggle to find a place and position inside the royal system - and her fraught relationship with its expectations - was often a source of tension. Famously, the Queen had to inform Margaret that the Church and government would not countenance her marrying a divorcee, Group Captain Peter Townsend, forcing Margaret to choose between keeping her title and royal allowances or her divorcee lover.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Bálint gazda, a százéves kertész

Vajon mi a hosszú élet titka? Ha a 100. születésnapját ünneplő Bálint Györgytől, az ország "Bálint gazdá"-jától kérdezzük, nem számíthatunk az ilyenkor szokásos válaszokra. A hivatásos és az amatőr kertészek százezreinek mentora ebben a különleges önéletírásban arról mesél, hogyanélte túl a munkaszolgálatot és a mauthauseni haláltábor borzalmait; milyen következményei voltak annak, hogy kuláknak nyilvánították; mit érzett, mikor közölték vele, nincs szükség a tízezrek kedvencévé vált Kedves Húgom! címet viselő kertészeti tanácsadó rovatára; miként tette túl magát azon, hogy megszűnt a számára országos ismertséget hozó tévéműsor, az Ablak. Bálint gazda aprólékos részletességgel veszi sorra élete fontos eseményeit, miközben az átélt szenvedések és megpróbáltatások miatt soha senkit sem hibáztat. Egy százéves ember szavára mindig érdemes odafigyelni, Bálint György esetében ez különösen igaz, hiszen hosszú élete során emberpróbáló időket, sorsfordító éveket is megélt.
12,26 € 12,90 €

Slávni ľudia v Bratislave, 2.vydanie

Takmer 60 portrétov osobností kľúčového významu v tisícročnej histórii Európy, ktoré žili na území Bratislavy, alebo sa trvalo zapísali do našich dejín – Marcus Aurelius, Haydn, Cyril a Metod, Chatam Sofer, Pápež Lev IX., Paracelsus, Jókai, Jesenius, Johann Strauss, uhorskí králi korunovaní v Prešporku, Andersen, Beethoven, Petöfi, Eugen Savojský, Peter Veľký, Lanfranconi, Martinego, Ján Sobieski, Brahms, Donner, nositeľ Nobelovej ceny Lenard, Bartók, Lessing, Lehár, Hummel, Edison, Mozart, Einstein a ďalší. Autor predstavuje Bratislavu ako živé stredoeurópske centrum v rímskych časoch, v období Veľkej Moravy, na počiatku uhorských dejín, v čase tureckých vojen aj dnes. Igor Janota (1921 - 2008), absolvent Vysokej školy obchodnej. Bol synom Ľudovíta Janotu, autora knihy Slovenské hrady. Publikoval vyše 3 000 článkov, zozbieral okolo 150 povestí zo starej Bratislavy, písal rozprávky pre deti. Od roku 2006 mu vyšli knihy Bratislavské rarity, Oprášené historky zo starej Bratislavy, Slávni ľudia v Bratislave, Rozprávky a povesti zo starej Bratislavy, Legendy a mýty zo starej Bratislavy, Dobrodružný život J. W. Kempelena, Príbehy bratislavských fontán a studní, Rehole, kostoly a kláštory v Bratislave, Prešporské rozprávky. História Bratislavy bola jeho celoživotnou témou.
12,26 € 12,90 €

A világ legboldogabb embere

Eddie Jaku mindig és elsősorban németnek tartotta magát, és csak azután zsidónak. Büszke volt a hazájára. De ez egy csapásra megváltozott 1938 novemberében a kristályéjszakán, amikor megverték, letartóztatták, és koncentrációs táborba hurcolták. Az ezt követő hét évben Eddie-nek nap mint nap elképzelhetetlen szörnyűségekkel kellett szembesülnie előbb Buchenwaldban, azután Auschwitzban, majd pedig a nácik halálos erőltetett menetében. Elveszítette a családját, a barátait, a hazáját. De mivel túlélte, Eddie megesküdött, hogy ezentúl mindennap mosolyogni fog. Azzal tiszteleg az elveszítettek előtt, hogy elmondja történetét, közkinccsé teszi bölcsességét, és a lehető legjobb életet éli. És most már meggyőződése, hogy ő "a világ legboldogabb embere". Ebben a megrázó, szívbemarkoló, de végső soron reményteli visszaemlékezésben a százéves Eddie - Edith Eva Egerhez és Viktor E. Franklhoz hasonlóan - arról ír, hogyan találhatunk rá a szabadságra és a boldogságra a legeslegsötétebb időkben is. Eddie Jaku 1920-ban Németországban született Abraham Jakubowicz néven. A második világháborúban több koncentrációs táborban raboskodott, mígnem 1945-ben sikerült megszöknie a halálmenetből. 1950-ben a családjával Ausztráliába költözött. A Sydney-i Zsidó Múzeum 1992-es megalakulása óta önkéntes munkát végez az intézményben. Hetvenhárom éve boldog házasságban él feleségével, Flore-ral. Két fiuk született, számos unokája és dédunokája van. A legmagasabb ausztrál állami elismerés, a Medal of the Order of Australia kitüntetettje.
10,73 € 11,29 €

The Book of Queer Prophets : 24 Writers on Sexuality and Religion

Is it possible to believe in God and be gay? How does it feel to be excluded from a religious community because of your sexuality? Why do some people still believe being LGBT is a sin? The Book of Queer Prophets contains modern-day epistles from some of our most important thinkers, writers and activists: Jeanette Winterson tackles religious dogma, Amrou Al-Kadhi writes about trying to make it as a Muslim drag queen in London, John Bell writes about his decision to come out later in life, Tamsin Omond remembers getting married in the middle of a protest and Kate Bottley explains her journey to becoming an LGBT ally. Essays from: Jeanette Winterson, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Amrou Al-Kadhi, Padraig O Tuama, Garrard Conley, Juno Dawson, Rev. Winnie Varghese, Keith Jarrett, Jay Hulme, Lucy Knight, Tamsin Omond, Erin Clark, Michael Segalov, Jarel Robinson-Brown, John L. Bell, Mpho Tutu van Furth, Karl Rutlidge, Garry Rutter, Rev Rachel Mann, Jack Guiness, Dustin Lance Black, Ric Stott. Afterword: Kate Bottley
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Killer Across the Table

GET INSIDE THE MINDS OF PSYCHOPATHS WITH THE GODFATHER OF CRIMINAL PROFILING In The Killer Across the Table, legendary FBI criminal profiler and number one bestselling author John Douglas delves deep into the lives and crimes of four complex predatory killers, offering never-before-revealed details about his profiling process and divulging the strategies used to crack some of his most challenging cases. In this riveting work of true crime, Douglas spotlights four very different criminals he's confronted over the course of his career, and explains how they helped him to put together the puzzle of how psychopaths and predators think. Taking us inside the interrogation room and demonstrating the unique techniques he uses to understand the workings of the most terrifying and incomprehensible minds, The Killer Across the Table is an unputdownable journey into the darkest reaches of criminal profiling and behavioural science from a man who knows serial killers better than anyone else.
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Wild Silence

'It was the land, the earth, the deep humming background to my very being' In 2016, days before they were unjustly evicted from their home, Raynor Winn was told her husband Moth was dying. Instead of giving up they embarked on a life-changing journey: walking the 630-mile South West Coast Path, living by their wits, determination and love of nature. But all journeys must end and when the couple return to civilisation they find that four walls feel like a prison, cutting them off from the sea and sky that sustained them - that had saved Moth's life. So when the chance to rewild an old Cornish farm comes their way, they grasp it, hoping they'll not only reconnect with the natural world but also find themselves once again on its healing path.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Alois Musil. Prameny k životu a dílu

Úvodní svazek edice Prameny PNP je věnován orientalistovi, cestovateli a spisovateli Aloisi Musilovi (1868–1944), osobnosti, jež svými výzkumy z přelomu 19. a 20. století významně přispěla k poznání rozlehlých oblastí Blízkého východu. Publikace obsahuje inventář archivního fondu ze sbírek Literárního archivu Památníku národního písemnictví a dvě studie věnované Musilovu nesnadnému přechodu na Univerzitu Karlovu po vzniku ČSR a jeho pobytům v anglofonním světě souvisejícím zejména s jeho vrcholným šestisvazkovým vědeckým dílem Oriental Explorations and Studies (1926–1928).
11,50 € 12,10 €

Doktor Moscati - Svatý lékař z Neapole

Josef Moscati (1880- 1927) se nedožil ani své padesátky, ale nesmazatelně se vepsal do paměti celé Neapole a svým působením si vysloužil přezdívku lékař chudých. Byl to neúnavný badatel, oblíbený profesor mediků a vyhlášený diagnostik. Medicína pro něj byla posláním. Mohu velmi dobře sloužit Bohu i jako lékař, řekl jednou svým studentům, když se ho ptali, zda někdy uvažoval o tom stát se knězem. Jakožto hluboce věřící lékař se o své pacienty zajímal opravdu celostně; bylo pro něj samozřejmé, že duchovní a tělesná stránka se prolínají a navzájem ovlivňují. Kromě odborné pomoci neváhal lidem doporučit návrat k Bohu a ke svátostem obzvlášť v situacích, kdy bylo jasné, že medicína je v koncích. Jednomu mladému kolegovi napsal: Pamatujte si, že nemáte pečovat jen o těla, ale také o ztrápené duše lidí, kteří se k Vám utíkají. Kolika bolestem ulevíte spíše radou a sestoupením na rovinu ducha než neosobním receptem, s nímž je odešlete do lékárny! K jeho hrobu v kostele Gesu Nuovo v Neapoli nepřestávají proudit poutníci z celého světa a v archivu farnosti se množí záznamy o zázračných uzdraveních a obráceních na jeho přímluvu. V roce 1987 jej papež Jan Pavel II. zapsal do seznamu svatých.
11,12 € 11,70 €

A Dutiful Boy

A Dutiful Boy is Mohsin's personal journey from denial to acceptance: a revelatory memoir about the power of love, belonging, and living every part of your identity. Growing up in a devout Muslim household, it felt impossible for Mohsin to be gay. Unable to be open with his family, and with difficult conditions at school, he felt his opportunities closing around him. Despite the odds, Mohsin's perseverance led him to become the first person from his school to attend Oxford University, where new experiences and encounters helped him to discover who he truly wanted to be. Mohsin was confronted with the biggest decision he would ever make: to live the life that was expected of him or to live his truth.
10,93 € 11,50 €


Educated meets Nickel and Dimed in Stephanie Land's memoir about working as a maid. A beautiful and gritty exploration of poverty in the western world. Includes a foreword by international bestelling author Barbara Ehrenreich. 'My daughter learned to walk in a homeless shelter.' As a struggling single mum, determined to keep a roof over her daughter's head, Stephanie Land worked for years as a maid, working long hours in order to provide for her small family. In Maid, she reveals the dark truth of what it takes to survive and thrive in today's inequitable society. As she worked hard to climb her way out of poverty as a single parent, scrubbing the toilets of the wealthy, navigating domestic labour jobs as a cleaner whilst also juggling higher education, assisted housing, and a tangled web of government assistance, Stephanie wrote. She wrote the true stories that weren't being told. The stories of the overworked and underpaid. Written in honest, heart-rending prose and with great insight, Maid explores the underbelly of the upper-middle classes and the reality of what it's like to be in service to them. 'I'd become a nameless ghost,' Stephanie writes. With this book, she gives voice to the 'servant' worker, those who fight daily to scramble and scrape by for their own lives and the lives of their children.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Glass Castle

Now a major motion picture starring Brie Larson, Naomi Watts and Woody Harrelson. This is a startling memoir of a successful journalist's journey from the deserted and dusty mining towns of the American Southwest, to an antique filled apartment on Park Avenue. Jeanette Walls narrates her nomadic and adventurous childhood with her dreaming, 'brilliant' but alcoholic parents. At the age of seventeen she escapes on a Greyhound bus to New York with her older sister; her younger siblings follow later. After pursuing the education and civilisation her parents sought to escape, Jeanette eventually succeeds in her quest for the 'mundane, middle class existence' she had always craved. In her apartment, overlooked by 'a portrait of someone else's ancestor' she recounts poignant remembered images of star watching with her father, juxtaposed with recollections of irregular meals, accidents and police-car chases and reveals her complex feelings of shame, guilt, pity and pride toward her parents.
10,93 € 11,50 €


'Every page of this incredible memoir by Christie Tate had me thinking, "I wish I had read this book when I was 25. It would have helped me so much!"' Reese Witherspoon 'This unrestrained memoir is a transporting experience and one of the most startlingly hopeful books I have ever read. It will make you want to get better, whatever better means for you.' Lisa Taddeo, New York Times bestselling author of Three Women For fans of Three Women and Everything I Know About Love comes arefreshingly original memoir about self-discovery, loneliness and love. A guarded young lawyer reluctantly joins a psychotherapy group where she has to share her innermost thoughts with six complete strangers. In turn she finds human connection, and herself. "What's going to happen to me when I start group?" "All of your secrets are going to come out." Christie Tate has just been named the top student in her law school class and seems to finally have got her eating disorder under control. So why is she driving through Chicago fantasising about her own death? Desperate, she joins Dr Rosen's psychotherapy group, and through his unconventional methods, he challenges everything she thought she knew, about herself and others. In group, secrets are not allowed. This means telling a group of strangers everything - about her struggle with bulimia, her failed sex life, her overwhelming sense of loneliness and acute longing for a relationship. And as she keeps sharing her thoughts and feelings and listens to the others doing the same, her life slowly begins to change. This is a deliciously compelling read, and an intimate journey through the daring, exhilarating, painful, and hilarious journey that is group therapy - a process that breaks you down, and then reassembles you so that all the pieces finally fit. Praise for Group 'This book will remind you how to come back to yourself even when you want to give up, make you laugh, make you cry, help you breathe. This book will save lives' Lidia Yuknavitch 'Real transformation is not for the faint of heart, and in these pages Christie Tate captures her evolution in all its misery and hilarity, along with the beauty of bearing witness to one another as we grow.' Sarah Hepola
10,93 € 11,50 €

Kategória literatúry Biografie osobností je pútavým a vzrušujúcim žánrom, ktorý sa zaoberá životnými príbehmi významných osobností z rôznych oblastí. Tieto biografie nám ponúkajú hlboký vhľad do života, kariéry, úspechov, výziev a osobných príbehov týchto výnimočných jednotlivcov.

V tejto kategórii môžeme nájsť biografie umelcov, politikov, vedcov, spisovateľov, filozofov, vynálezcov a ďalších, ktorí zanechali nezmazateľnú stopu vo svojich oblastiach. Tieto príbehy nám umožňujú spoznať ich vnútorný svet, zdroje inšpirácie, rozhodujúce okamihy a významné rozhodnutia, ktoré ich formovali ako jednotlivcov.

Biografie osobností nám poskytujú pohľad na ich rast, vývoj a cestu k úspechu. Sledujeme ich profesionálny a osobný život, ich úspechy a neúspechy, ako aj ich príspevok k danej oblasti. Získavame vhľad do ich tvorivejho procesu, pracovných metód, filozofie a prístupu k životu.

Tieto biografie nám tiež umožňujú spoznať osobné výzvy, ktorým osobnosti museli čeliť, ako aj ich schopnosť prekonať prekážky.

Biografie osobností môžu byť inšpiratívne a motivačné pre čitateľov, ktorí hľadajú príklady úspechu, odhodlania a inovácie. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú vzory, ako sa postaviť výzvam, rozvinúť svoj potenciál a dosiahnuť vynikajúce výsledky vo svojej oblasti.