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Inšpirovaní Talianskom

Taliansko pútalo pozornosť európskych umelcov niekoľko posledných storočí vďaka mimoriadne bohatej kombinácii podnetov. Vďaka svojim antickým pamiatkam predstavovalo krajinu kultúrnej pamäti Európy. Výtvarníci ale aj spisovatelia ho vnímali ako krajinu umenia s nezabudnuteľnými epochami renesancie a baroka. Pre operných spevákov a hudobníkov bolo Taliansko kolískou opery. V neposlednom rade fascinovalo ako krajina s obdivuhodnou stredomorskou prírodou a úchvatnými vidieckymi i mestskými panorámami a stavbami. Častým zdrojom inšpirácie bol aj taliansky ľud so špecifickými vlastnosťami a fyziognómiou. Fascinácia Talianskom neobišla ani slovenských umelcov z radov výtvarníkov, spisovateľov a operných spevákov. Autor sa v predkladanej publikácii zameriava na 20. storočie a usiluje sa na reprezentatívnej vzorke slovenských umelcov (Mitrovský, Hrušovský, Blaho, Blühová, Hoza, Rolko, Beniak, Jégé, Benka, Petrašovič, Žáry, Dilong, Vesnin, Strmeň, Pudiš, Zmeták, Turčány a ďalší) zdokumentovať, že Taliansko bolo pre slovenských umelcov nezanedbateľnou inšpiračnou studnicou aj v tomto období.
16,06 € 16,90 €

My Friend Van Gogh

An intimate testament to the power of friendship between two creative forces The painter and poet Émile Bernard’s firsthand account of the beloved painter Vincent van Gogh’s life offers deep perspective into the Dutch artist’s process, artistic preoccupations, and difficulties. In the 1890s, Bernard penned prefaces for collections of letters from Van Gogh, some of which were published while others were not. In 1911, Bernard gathered together these prefaces for a new publication, to which he also contributed a new introductory text, of the artist’s letters and sketches which he enclosed in his correspondence. This volume comprises these prefaces, published in English for the first time, as well as a selection of letters from Van Gogh to Bernard. In addition to including biographical details and reflections on art and friendship, Bernard chronicles his attempts to have Van Gogh’s work recognized after his death. Shedding light on the artistic community they inhabited, he also discusses notable figures such as Claude Monet and Paul Gauguin. Letters written by Van Gogh to a young Bernard further highlight the significance of the friendship between the two men. Van Gogh’s words of advice to Bernard as well as ruminations on his own practice, inspirations, and creative struggles are revealed in these pages. Introduced by Van Gogh specialist Martin Bailey, these texts present a sensitive and discerning portrait of the artist that goes beyond his reputation as a troubled genius.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure (c)

This landmark volume tells the story of Jean-Michel Basquiat from the intimate perspective of his family, intertwining his artistic endeavors with his personal life, influences, and the times in which he lived, and features for the first time work from the Estate’s largely unseen and significant collection of paintings, drawings, sketches, and ephemera. Organized by the family of Basquiat, the exhibition and accompanying catalogue feature over 200 never before and rarely seen paintings, drawings, ephemera, and artifacts. The artist’s contributions to the history of art and his exploration into our multi-faceted culture—incorporating music, the Black experience, pop culture, African American sports figures, literature, and other sources—are showcased alongside personal reminiscences and firsthand accounts providing unique insight into Basquiat’s creative life and his singular voice that propelled the social and cultural narrative that continues to this day. Structured around key periods in his life, from his childhood and formative years, his meteoric rise in the art world and beyond, to his untimely death, the book features in-depth interviews with his surviving family members.
50,30 € 52,95 €

V kategórii životopisov osobností z oblasti umenia nájdete široký výber kvalitných biografických kníh, ktoré vám umožnia hlbšie sa ponoriť do životov a tvorby umelcov zo všetkých oblastí umenia.

Biografie sú starostlivo vybrané, aby sme vám priniesli príbehy a príklady života umelcov, ktorí sa stali ikonami a inšpiráciou pre iných. Snažíme sa zachytiť ich cesty, od ich skromných začiatkov, cez všetky prekážky až po ich úspechy. Všetky naše knihy sú prevedené s láskou a starostlivosťou, s využitím bohatej zbierky fotografického materiálu, ktorý dodáva život a autenticitu týmto príbehom.

Naším cieľom je priniesť vám príbehy umelcov, ktorí vytvárajú umenie rôznymi spôsobmi - od maľby a sochárstva po hudbu, tanec a divadlo. Veríme, že tieto príbehy sú cenným zdrojom inšpirácie pre každého, kto sa zaujíma o umenie a jeho tvorcov.