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Knihy - Cudzojazyčná literatúra - Druhá šanca -90% - Druhá šanca -95% - Druhá šanca -70% - Druhá šanca -50% - Druhá šanca -25% strana 198 z 216

Lacná kniha The Water Horse

Catherine Carreg has grown up a tomboy, spending her days racing her ponies with Deio, the drover's son, in a small Welsh village. But Catherine is consumed by a longing to escape the monotony of village life and, with Deio's help, runs away to London. Alone in the unfamiliar bustle of the city, Catherine finds a position in a rest home for sick governesses in Harley Street, run by Miss Florence Nightingale. Then, as the nation is gripped by reports of the war in the Crimea, Catherine volunteers as a nurse - and her life changes beyond all recognition. Arriving in Scutari, she is pitched into a living nightmare and, against the passion and heroism of one of the most traumatic wars in history, she is forced to grow up quickly and painfully, and learn the hardest lessons of love and war.
0,42 € 8,40 €

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Lacná kniha Legend of Deathwalker

For centuries the tribes of the Nadir have suffered under the tyranny of their Gothir overlords. Distrustful of one another the tribes await the coming of a Messianic warlord, who will unite them. Into this swirling, chaotic landscape come three men who will change the fate of the continent.
0,38 € 7,60 €

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Lacná kniha Ceux Qui Vont Mourir te Saluent

A priori, tous les dessins de Michel-Ange ont été répertoriés. Et lorsque l'un d'eux fait une apparition discrte sur le marché, il y a tout lieu de supposer qu'il a été volé. Le plus incroyable, c'est que celui qui est proposé Henri Valhubert, célbre expert parisien, provient probablement du Vatican ! Qui se risquerait subtiliser les trésors des, archives papales ? L'affaire se complique lorsque Valhubert est assassiné, un soir de fte, devant le palais Farnse. Instantanément, les soupçons se portent sur le fils de la victime. Ce dernier fait partie d'un curieux triumvirat d'étudiants, aux surnoms d'empereurs : Claude, Néron et Tibre. En résidence Rome depuis plusieurs années, tous trois entretiennent des liens singuliers avec la veuve de Valhubert. Une femme au charme envotant...
0,48 € 9,60 €

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Lacná kniha Uroki Frantsuzskogo

Imja Valentina Grigorevicha Rasputina izvestno vsemu miru, ego knigi perevedeny na desjatki inostrannyh jazykov. Tragizm i gorkaja pravda ego proizvedenij porazili chitatelej - nedarom ego povesti i rasskazy ekranizirovany i postavleny na mnogih teatralny
1,20 € 24,00 €

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Lacná kniha Edward S. Curtis

For over thirty years, photographer Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952) traveled the length and breadth of North America, seeking to record in words and images the traditional life of its vanishing indigenous inhabitants. Like a man possessed, he strove to realize his life’s work, which culminated in the publication of his encyclopedia “The North American Indian.” In the end, this monumental work comprised twenty textual volumes and twenty portfolios with over 2000 illustrations. No other photographer has created a larger oeuvre on this theme, and it is Curtis, more than any other, who has crucially molded our conception of Native Americans. This book shows the photographer’s most impressive pictures and vividly details his journey through life, which led him not only into the prairies but also into the film studios of Hollywood.
1,16 € 23,20 €

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Lacná kniha Pot-Bouille

Ils restaient, la main dans la main, face face, sans pouvoir détourner les yeux ; et leurs mains se glaçaient, et leurs yeux s'avouaient l'ordure de leur liaison, l'infirmité des maîtres étalée dans la haine de la domesticité. C'était ça leurs amours, cette fornication sous une pluie battante de viande gâtée et de légumes aigres! ""
0,43 € 8,60 €

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Lacná kniha Contemporary Living In Paris

Paris is one of the most iconic and recognisable capitals in the world - both for its legendary reputation as the city of romance and for its indomitable sense of style. This book beautifully presents the high-level private mansions, houses and apartments in La Ville Lumiere.
2,95 € 59,00 €

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Lacná kniha Midnight Falcon

An epic story begins with a young man's avowal: 'Tell him that one day I shall cut his vile heart out.' The speaker is Bane the Bastard, a Wolfshead living outside the law. Born of treachery, his name a curse, he grew up among the warriors of the Rigante. They valued his skills in war, but they feared the violence in his heart.
0,38 € 7,60 €

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Lacná kniha Tri Sestry

V nastojaschem izdanii publikujutsja pesy A.P.CHehova Djadja Vanja, Tri sestry, Vishnevyj sad, a takzhe statja izvestnogo issledovatelja chehovskoj dramaturgii
0,32 € 6,40 €

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Lacná kniha Le Charretier de la Providence

Des faits le plus minutieusement reconstitués, il ne dégageait rien, sinon que la découverte des deux charretiers de Dizy était pour ainsi dire impossible. Le dimanche - c'était le 4 avril -, la pluie s'était mise tomber verse ds trois heures de l'aprs-midi. A ce moment, il y avait dans le port, au-dessus de l'écluse 14, qui fait la jonction entre la Marne et le canal latéral. deux péniches moteur avalantes, un bateau de déchargement et une vidange. Un peu avant sept heures, alors que commençait le crépuscule, un bateau-citerne, l'Eco-III, s'était annoncé et avait pénétré dans le sas.
0,44 € 8,80 €

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Lacná kniha Les Quatre

Une enqute sur les Quatre ? Quels Quatre ? S'agit-il d'un Quatuor musical, des quatre grands, du Pacte quatre ? Cela ne saurait constituer matire enqute pour l'illustrissime Hercule Poirot... Et les Quatre en question sont des adversaires sa mesure : un quatuor meurtrier! Une bande de criminels internationaux dont le but n'est rien moins que de s'assurer la domination du monde... Des ennemis comme le célbre détective n'aurait osé en rver...
0,43 € 8,60 €

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Lacná kniha The Bricklayer

A blockbusting new thriller introducing maverick FBI agent Steve Vail. “Move over Jack Reacher, here comes The Bricklayer.” James Patterson STEVE VAIL IS A MAVERICK. A trained killer and former agent, Vail despises authority and he's never met a rule h
0,36 € 7,20 €

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Lacná kniha Come Ascoltare

1,00 € 20,00 €

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Lacná kniha Nicholas Again

NICHOLAS AGAIN is the second in the acclaimed Nicholas children's book series, featuring the adventures of a young French schoolboy who is always getting into trouble.With text by Ren+ Goscinny, the beloved author of the Asterix the Gaul series, and with illustrations by the New Yorker cover artist Jean-Jacques Semp+, NICHOLAS AGAIN is available in English for the first time for an American audience. The first book in the series, Nicholas, won The 2006 Batchelder Honor Award for outstanding children's books originally published in a foreign language.NICHOLAS AGAIN is the charming second title in this well-loved series of books, bringing to life the adventures and exploits of Nicholas and his friends who include Alec, Matthew, Eddie, Rufus and Cuthbert.Whether at school or at home, the children are caught up in a series of hilarious escapades that always result in confusion - at least for their teachers and parents.Each of the seventeen funny short stories featured in the book celebrate an aspect of this archetypal lad's childhood.
1,41 € 28,18 €

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Lacná kniha Toys for Chefs

If the materials make the artist, then the right cooking toysA" can be the making of the chef. Chefs are as passionate about using the best tools for their craft as they are about the perfect ingredients used in their cuisine. This latest title in Tectum's acclaimed Toys series showcases incredible examples of technical innovation and modern technological aids for both the amateur and professional chef. Each spread unveils a beautiful array of high-tech appliances, stylish gadgets and cooking tools, dream kitchens and sci-fi cookers that have been influenced by cutting-edge product designers.
3,00 € 59,95 €

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Lacná kniha New Concepts in Apartment Buildings

This book is proof positive that, in the hands of a creative architect, even the most tightly "trapped" buildings can be "set free" via a skilful reworking of floor space, windows, stairwells or facades. Limited space doesn't mean limited solutions! This inspiring work is exhaustively documented with textual information provided by the architects themselves, floor plans and gorgeous full-colour photographs.
3,14 € 62,74 €

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Ak nie ste stratení v preklade a jazyk sa vám nepletie ani v angličtine, nemčine, češtine, francúzštine, španielčine, maďarčine či ruštine - potom ste v tej správnej sekcii nášho eshopu. Vyberte si z kníh v originálnom jazyku, či ich rôzne jazykové mutácie. Na výber máte Harry Potter v angličtine, Games of Thrones, nemecký Vinnetou, či Der Kleine Prinz,...  

Táto kategória je určená pre všetkých, ktorí sa radi ponárajú do sveta literatúry v cudzom jazyku. Nájdete tu knihy v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť nové príbehy, rozšíriť svoje jazykové schopnosti a ponoriť sa do iných kultúr.

Kategória "Cudzojazyčná literatúra" je plná kníh v rôznych jazykoch, ktoré vám umožnia objaviť literárne poklady a príbehy z celého sveta. Nájdete tu knihy vo vašom obľúbenom cudzom jazyku alebo sa môžete pustiť do objavovania nových jazykov a kultúr prostredníctvom literatúry.

Knihy v cudzojazyčnej literatúre vám umožňujú rozširovať svoje jazykové schopnosti, objavovať nové kultúry a zažiť literatúru v pôvodnom jazyku. Bez ohľadu na vaše jazykové zručnosti, nájdete tu knihy, ktoré vám umožnia ponoriť sa do iných svetov, rozšíriť svoje literárne obzory a cítiť sa ako súčasť globálnej knižnej komunity.