




Rezervácia na predajni

Design A Healthy Home

Create a healthy, happy home with 100 design ideas to support your physical and mental wellbeing. Using the latest evidence and research in wellbeing and Biophilic Design, learn how to transform every space in your home to create a restorative and nurturing environment. Discover the many benefits of connecting to nature, maximising natural light, improving air quality, and the right way to add colour, texture, and pattern to create spaces that improve relaxation, recuperation, social connections, and sleep. Together with the research team at Oliver Heath Design, including sustainability expert Victoria Jackson, psychologist Eden Goode, and designer Jo Baston, Oliver has devised each solution with easy implementation in mind. Whatever your budget and whether you rent or own your property you can use these stylish fun and affordable ideas to make your home a sanctuary.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Jungalow: Decorate Wild: The Life and Style Guide

From Justina Blakeney, the ultimate guide to designing wildly creative interiors that are free-spirited, layered, and deeply personal. Justina Blakeney's new book is her biggest, boldest, and most beautiful volume yet, filled with irresistible style, original patterns, and artwork-lushly photographed by Dabito. In each chapter, Justina shares her distinctive point of view on everything design fans want to know-how to make bold choices with color and pattern, how to take cues from nature, how to authentically glean inspiration from their heritage and travels, how to break rules, and all the other paths to truly begin to decorate wild. Along the way, Justina also shares personal narratives, practical advice, and nuanced insight into how she lives in her own space-how she reconnects with nature, how she plays and stays inspired, how she gives herself permission to feel free and wild, and how readers can do the same. Jungalow is the term coined by Justina for the brand that embodies her wild, but cozy and homey, style. Copycats abound, but there is no other book like this one-offering Justina's authentic, encouraging voice and approachable, signature style.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Home Stories

Learn how to create rooms filled with warmth, meaning, and your own unique story of home Kim Leggett's first book, City Farmhouse Style, was a big hit. Now Kim is back with the welcoming interiors her fans crave and a no-rules approach that is all about using what you love to create rooms that tell your personal story. Everyone has a story worth telling, and every room can become part of that story-whether you decorate it with heirlooms, flea market finds, simple mementos, or a mix. In Home Stories, Leggett shows readers how to use all these treasures to design very special rooms filled with interest and meaning. She begins by asking readers what it is that attracts them to a certain piece: "Thinking hard about what really speaks to you, and then using it as the basis for design, is the secret behind all of the best, most interesting rooms." Each chapter presents fascinating spaces and the stories behind the accessories, furnishings, and mementos that fill them. There are plenty of projects, too, plus practical design guidance and design inspiration for refreshing decor as the seasons change.
28,45 € 29,95 €

High Grade Living

In an increasingly frenetic and fractured world, we have lost the essence of ourselves. This book is a guide to stripping away artifice in your life to discover your 'broad place', where you come into contact with your higher self as a creative and conscious human. High-Grade Living demonstrates how a strong foundation of meditation can benefit all areas of your life, from the home to relationships, creativity and happiness. The book examines how to audit, edit and refine your home through considered exercises on assessing excess and determining how well your possessions reflect who you are. Other prompts will help your creativity flow and establish how your words and actions embody who you want to be. Author Jacqui Lewis is a long-time practitioner of Integrated Meditation and founder of multiple businesses who has lived life at the extremes of stress and anxiety, and now teaches others the grounded, innovative and resilient approach that brought her back to herself.
30,35 € 31,95 €

Lacná kniha High Grade Living (-50%)

In an increasingly frenetic and fractured world, we have lost the essence of ourselves. This book is a guide to stripping away artifice in your life to discover your 'broad place', where you come into contact with your higher self as a creative and conscious human. High-Grade Living demonstrates how a strong foundation of meditation can benefit all areas of your life, from the home to relationships, creativity and happiness. The book examines how to audit, edit and refine your home through considered exercises on assessing excess and determining how well your possessions reflect who you are. Other prompts will help your creativity flow and establish how your words and actions embody who you want to be. Author Jacqui Lewis is a long-time practitioner of Integrated Meditation and founder of multiple businesses who has lived life at the extremes of stress and anxiety, and now teaches others the grounded, innovative and resilient approach that brought her back to herself.
15,98 € 31,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Miért ott van a szék?

TÉR-LÉLEK-TAN című sikerkönyve után Trom Kata ezúttal a fizikai és lelki tereink közötti átjárásról árul el számunkra izgalmas összefüggéseket. Mit mesél az otthonunk? Miért épp oda tettük a bútorokat, ahol most vannak? Milyen a különböző helyiségek alaprajza, berendezése, és milyen e helyiségekben a mozgásterünk? Mi alakítjuk ki a tereinket, vagy azok is alakítanak minket? A tér-lélek-tan szemléletének segítségével a csupasz falak, az üres sarkok színekkel, formákkal, áramló energiával és élettel telnek meg. A könyvből inspirációt kaphatunk arra, mitől válik a személyes terünk harmóniát árasztó, szeretettel teli, velünk lélegző otthonná. Végül pedig saját magunk adhatjuk meg a választ a kérdésre:,,Miért ott van a szék?" ,,Trom Kata azt látja, amihez mi, többiek vakok vagyunk." BOJÁR IVÁN ANDRÁS / művészettörténész, építészkritikus ,,Kata nem a szokványos módon kalauzol minket a lakberendezés berkeiben, egy elvarázsolt világba repíti az olvasót, ahol minden lakás, bútor és tárgy életre kel." KRIVARICS DITTA / az Otthonkommandó bloggere ,,Kata könyve jókor talált meg... Választ adott a kérdéseimre, megerősítette a kétségeimet és szabadságot adott olyan döntések meghozatalára, amelyekre azelőtt nem lettem volna képes." SCHÄFFER ERZSÉBET / Pulitzer-díjas író, újságíró
10,70 € 11,26 €

Útulný a zdravý domov

Po úspešnom prvom vydaní, sme vydali druhé, rozšírené o 50 strán s technickými informáciami o zdravých stavbách. Nové rozšírené vydanie je pre teba aj pre ňu. Teda ženám je adresovaná prvá časť o zdravom interiérovom dizajne a druhá technická časť mužom, ktorý sa chcú dozvedieť viac o alternatívnych, prírodných a inovatívnych stavebných postupoch, materiáloch a technológiách. Napríklad sa dočítate, že postaviť sa dá aj dom z konope, teda konopného betónu. Ako funguje koreňová čistička odpadových vôd a kedy sa oplatí investovať do obnoviteľných zdrojov, akými sú fotovoltaické panely. V časti interiérového dizajnu sa dočítate, ktorá dispozícia je vhodná pre introverta a ktorá pre extroverta. Aký vplyv má prostredie na naše konanie, myslenie, zdravie a hodnoty. Preto nie je jedno, čo nás obklopuje a v čom bývame. Takmer 160 strán inšpirácií, fotografií a informácií, ako z priestoru vykúzliť zdravý domov od tvorcov LifeReset. K tomu veľa vychytávok ako i s malým rozpočtom dosiahnuť obrovský efekt pri rekonštrukcii, v novostavbe a rovnako aj v byte, do ktorého nechceme veľa investovať, no túžime po zmene. Je vhodná pre každého, komu na zdraví a bývaní záleží. Pretože zdravie to je zdravá strava, pohyb, zdravé vzťahy ale aj domov, v ktorom sa cítime bezpečne a uvoľnene.
13,21 € 13,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Domov jako talíř

Domov je jako talíř a záleží jen na vás, co si nandáte. Není to u vás doma úplně ono? V této knize najdete jednoduché a věcné rady k tomu, jak udělat z bytu či domku funkční, útulný a harmonický domov. Autorka Olga Bušková, terapeutka a designerka Feng-šuej, vás přehledně provede každým koutem a poradí vám čeho dát špetku a čeho více do jednotlivých místností, aby vám domov chutnal. Sice vám doma neuklidí, ale dá vám recepty, jak si bydlení zútulnit s vtipem a elegancí. V knize najdete krásné ilustrace Báry z Nikolajky, které vás nakopnou ke kreativitě. Uvidíte, že budete chtít hned proměnit svůj domov.
14,57 € 15,34 €

The Green Edit: Home

Create a happy, beautiful and eco-friendly home Having a happy, healthy home is a key part of our wellbeing, but how do we ensure the pursuit of our perfect living space doesn't negatively impact on the environment? Blogger and low-waste expert Kezia Neusch provides simple swaps and genius hacks to help you reduce your household's ecological footprint, covering everything from how to break up with your tumble dryer and why your mid-morning snack might be harming the planet. This book contains everything you need to know to create a sustainable home for you and your family.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Home Edit Life

Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin are back again to bring both function and beauty to your everyday life. In The Home Edit Life they show you how to contain the chaos when it comes to absolutely everything: your work, travel, kids, pets and more. Because the truth is, you don't have to live like a minimalist to feel happy and calm. The Home Edit mentality is all about embracing your life, whether you're a busy mum, a jetsetter - or both! You simply need to know how to set up a system that works for you so you'll maintain it for the long run. Get to know your organizing style, learn how to tailor it to your habits and, best of all, leave the guilt behind when it comes to owning things. With The Home Edit Life, you'll be corralling cords, archiving photos, packing your suitcase like a pro, and arranging your phone apps by colour in no time.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Charles Rennie Mackintosh: The Complete Furniture, Furniture Drawings & Interior Designs

Roger Billcliffe's groundbreaking catalogue raisonne of the furniture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh first appeared over four decades ago. This fourth edition has been completely revised and updated to take account of the host of discoveries and developments in Mackintosh scholarship that have taken place since the book's first publication. Among the 900 illustrations, many items that were previously shown in black and white now appear in colour. An impressive and stimulating work of scholarship, this is the only comprehensive work on the furniture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the most important British designer and architect since Robert Adam. This is essential reading and a crucial reference for anyone with an interest in twentieth-century design, this is the definitive work on a designer of world renown and influence.
171,00 € 180,00 €

Spark Joy

The classic illustrated guide to living a clutter-free life, from tidying expert and Netflix show host Marie Kondo. Marie Kondo's first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, transformed the homes and lives of millions of people around the world. Spark Joy is her in-depth tidying masterclass, a line-illustrated, room-by-room guide to decluttering and organising your home. It covers every room in the house - from the bedroom and kitchen to the bathroom and living room - as well as all the items that occupy their spaces. Charming line drawings explain how to organise your house and apply Marie Kondo's unique folding method to all your clothes, including shirts, trousers, jackets, skirts, socks and bras. The secret to Marie Kondo's unique and simple KonMari tidying method is to tidy by category and to focus on what you want to keep, not what you want to get rid of. Ask yourself if something 'sparks joy' and suddenly it becomes so much easier to understand if you really need it in your home and your life. Except tidying up is not just about transforming your home: when you surround yourself with things you love, you will find that your whole life begins to change.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Interior Design Since 1900

From the 19th-century Arts and Crafts movement to the present day, and from Art Nouveau and Bauhaus to hi-tech and green design, every style of interior design since 1900 is charted in this wide-ranging survey. Design in the 20th century saw an extraordinary evolution, with the emergence of professional interior designers and the growing appetite to redesign homes at frequent intervals. In recent decades the focus has been on sustainable design in public spaces such as offices, factories and ships. Anne Massey explores these developments in social, political, economic and cultural contexts. More than 200 illustrations of interiors from around the world, from William Morris's drawing room to a 21st-century aircraft, reveal the fundamental changes in taste and style from Art Deco to Pop and from the Streamline Moderne to Post-Modernism. The new, fourth edition is brought up to date with a chapter on transnational design, encompassing mid-century modernist work in Singapore and Sri Lanka as well as very recent interiors for spaces as varied as luxury hotels in Dubai and a contemporary art museum in Cape Town. Anne Massey shows how a shared language of design and cutting-edge technology are reshaping interiors around the globe.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Creating the French Look

The French interior evokes a way of life to aspire to, with its good food, unhurried pace and, above all, its past for which many people feel nostalgia. Developed over hundreds of years, the French look reflects all tastes, from the cultivated grandeur of the chateau to the simplicity of rural living, and can be adapted to every home. Creating the French Look is divided into four styles: 'Chateau', 'Country', 'Provencal' and 'Parisian', and each "look" is applied to living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms plus outdoor living spaces. As well as describing each overall style, focusing on colours and fabrics, Annie Sloan emphasizes the details and accents required by each one, and, aided by 25 clearly explained step-by-step projects, shows how to achieve it. Among other things, she explains how to paint and distress furniture, and describes how to cover an armoire door with embroidered voile. Whatever interior you desire, this book will guide your choices from the grand statement of the painted armoire to the finishing touch of a little posy of lavender.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Near & Far

Textile designer Lisa Fine shares the many sources of inspiration for her coveted hand-printed linens and her personal interior design aesthetic In Near & Far, Lisa Fine invites us into her homes in Dallas, New York, and Paris and then takes us along as she visits the places and people who have been her greatest sources of inspiration. Among her favored treasures are the Mughal palaces and gardens of India, the 18th-century home of Carl Linnaeus in Sweden, the whitewashed retreat of interior designer John Stefanidis on Patmos, the idyllic country house and garden of London-based designer Penny Morrison, and the storied house in the Tangier Casbah belonging to collectors Jamie Creel and Marco Scarani. Evocatively photographed by Miguel Flores-Vianna and with a foreword by style editor Deborah Needleman, Near & Far not only provides a trove of design ideas, but also offers advice for anyone interested in giving full expression to their personal style.
71,25 € 75,00 €

The New Glamour

Kourtney Kardashian. Kris Jenner. Kaley Cuoco. These Hollywood stars and more have turned to Jeff Andrews to deliver his trademark high style to their homes. In his first book, Jeff Andrews guides us through the bold spaces he has created for his celebrity clients, while sharing his philosophy on design, exploring topics such as creating a vision and keeping unexpected choices elegant and cohesive; cultivating cinematic style with sweeping staircases and a feeling of extravagance, while never insisting on buttoned-up formality. Throughout, Andrews reminds us that interiors must be balanced whether it s making sure that even the most sophisticated house has a sense of welcome, or adding an element of rusticity, like grass cloth walls, to an otherwise sleek modern space. Captivating light fixtures, luxe-yet-comfortable furniture, and carefully curated collections come together for a modern take on old Hollywood glamour that will inspire and instruct. Colourful and fun, this is a sourcebook of cool California living at its best.
37,95 € 39,95 €

Do Inhabit

There s no how-to road map to style. It s about self-expression and, above all, attitude. Iris Apfel. Home is where we make space for our senses to come alive and come to rest. Somewhere that is both restorative when we need to be, and inspiring when we need to do. Yet so often, we settle into a place without considering how the things around us affect our mood and ability to get things done. Do Inhabit will help you to create a home (and work space) that invites connection and creativity. With room-by-room guides and an emphasis on nature as a source of inspiration regardless of the size of your space, you will discover: -A few simple rules of interior design -The importance of evoking all five senses -Lessons from the Japanese art of forest bathing -How to style your objects, hang art and lay a supper table Styling those places you inhabit is not about trends, it is about . creating a space that is meaningful to you. Less noise, more Earth. Less house, more home.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Vintage Industrial Interiors

Old factory spaces are often characterized by their spaciousness, high ceilings, large windows, and special finishes. This book sets out to convey the atmosphere of the vintage industrial style and the history and development of industrial furniture design.
18,95 € 19,95 €

City Houses

The City Houses illustrated book shows in more than 450 images the variety of houses in the city.
23,66 € 24,90 €

V kategórii "Domov, zariaďovanie" nájdete široký výber kníh a príručiek určených pre všetkých, ktorí chcú vytvoriť z domova útulné a funkčné miesto. Táto kategória je ideálna pre všetkých, ktorí majú záujem o interiérový dizajn, dekorácie, zariaďovanie bytu či domu alebo hľadajú inšpiráciu a tipy na zlepšenie svojho bývania.

Naše knihy ponúkajú množstvo nápadov a rád na zariaďovanie interiéru, výber nábytku, farieb a materiálov, osvetlenie, dekorácie a mnoho iného. Ako bonus nájdete v našej ponuke aj knihy zamerané na zlepšenie organizácie a poriadku v domácnosti.