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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Hobby, voľný čas strana 491 z 500

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Home Made Simple

Practical as well as pretty, these simple, stylish projects really will inspire you to make your life a little easier and a little brighter. Like many working mothers, Joanna knows that life is busy and finding time to be creative often ends up at the bottom of the priority list. That's why her motto is 'minimum effort, maximum return'. Making things for yourself and others means they can be more personal, unique, thoughtful and satisfying - and usually a fraction of the cost of buying something similar. The book is divided into three chapters: * Home - including stylish hanging bookshelves, simple curtains, magnetic spice jar storage and an oilcloth shopping bag. * Giving - including lace-printed clay tea-light covers, simple candles, a knitted Kindle cover, a charm bracelet and chocolate honeycomb. * Celebrations - including a golden chocolate egg for Easter, hanging firefly lanterns for Diwali, fabric-covered lanterns for Chinese New Year, salt-dough star garlands for Christmas. Some projects can be done in minutes, others take a bit longer to craft, but all are very simple. Live, give and celebrate in style.
24,69 € 25,99 €

A magyar hidegvérű ló

Hagyományos magyar lófajták
25,45 € 26,79 €

Magyar gyümölcsfajták

Ezt a művet csaknem 20 szerző írta meg azokról a gyümölcsfajtákról, amelyek Magyarországon, illetve a Kárpát-medencében keletkeztek szelekcióval vagy keresztezéses nemesítéssel. A könyv általános fejezeteiben hagsúlyozzák a biodiverzitás jelentőségét, a gyümölcs-génbankok kialakulását és feladatait, kitérnek a gyümölcsfaiskolák történetére és bemutatják a hazai pomológusok és fajtanemesítók elévülhetetlen munkásságát. A szerzők az egyes fajták származását, elterjedését, termesztési sajátosságait, morfológiai tulajdonságait és a gyümölcs külső és beltartalmi értékeit írják le. Így csaknem 70 almafajtát, majdnem 50 körtefajtát ismertetnek a szerzők, de sok a hazai szilva-, kajszi-, meggy-, cseresznyefajta is. Kevesebb hazai fajtája van a birsnek, a naspolyának, az őszibaracknak, a mandulának, a diónak, a gesztenyének, a mogyorónak. A bogyósgyümölcsűek között különösen a legújabb nemesítésű szamóca-, málna-, málnaszeder-, köszmétefajták emelkednek ki. A könyv nagy erénye, hogy nemcsak a fajták leírását találja meg az olvasó, hanem a színes fotókat is a magyar eredetű gyümölcsökről. Több mint 300 színes fotó illusztrálja a könyvet, reprezentálva azt a gazdag, változatos, sokféle formájú, színezetű gyümölcsfajtát, ami mind a mai napig rendelkezésünkre áll.
25,45 € 26,79 €

A méhek nagy könyve

Ember és méh több szállal kötődik egymáshoz, mint gondolnánk. Az embert lenyűgözi a méhtársadalom szervezettsége - hiszen ő maga is olyan lény, amely hierarchikus rendben és munkamegosztásban él. Emellett évezredek óta ismert a méz élvezeti értéke és gyógyító hatása. És amit kevesen tudnak: a méh beporzó teljesítménye óriási jelentőséggel bír környezetünk és a természet szempontjából. Ez a csodás képeskönyv a méhek lenyűgöző világába kínál betekintést: bemutatja a méhek felépítését és viselkedését, környezetükkel és az emberekkel való együttműködését. Ismerteti a legfontosabb méhfajokat a méhészet történetét és a méheket napjainkban fenyegető veszélyeket. Több mint 340 tetszetős kép és számos érdekes információ teszi ezt a könyvet egyszerre tanulságos és szórakoztató olvasmánnyá, az egész családnak izgalmas élményt nyújtva
25,45 € 26,79 €

Škoda – auta známá i neznámá

Druhé, upravené a rozšířené vydání výpravné fotografické publikace o technickém vývoji automobilů vyráběných v mladoboleslavské škodovce od roku 1934 do současnosti, je doplněno o poslední uzavřený model i o současné prototypy, reviduje také některé starší údaje. Kniha shromažďuje unikátní archivní obrázky a technická data škodovek, jejich prototypů, vývojových sérií a dalších modifikací.
25,45 € 26,79 €

1001 Gardens 2012 Update

1001 Gardens is an extraordinary showcase of the best examples of man's artistic taming of nature from the world's most outstanding landscape gardeners. From the famous gardens of the Moorish Alhambra to hidden gems, such as the Leichtag family's Healing Garden, created for patients at the San Diego Children's Hospital, this lavishly illustrated guide will delight both lovers of natural beauty and gardeners alike. Covering the entire globe, the guide presents the very best example of every gardening style, whether it is the inspirational European floral display of impressionist painter Claude Monet's garden at Giverny in France or the exuberant diversity of the lush tropical gardens of Bali. Everywhere, gardens speak of the intimate relationship between man and the environment. Worldwide and from person to person our conceptions of beauty may differ, but gardeners are united in their desire to create visions of heaven on earth, places that stimulate the imagination and restore the spirit.
25,64 € 26,99 €

Beauty of Trees

This illustrated tour of the world's most extraordinary trees provides an insight into some of the natural world's most astonishing structures. Through 100 photographs, The Beauty of Trees tells the story of our relationship with trees throughout history. Each image is supported by information about the botany of the tree, along with the stories, traditions and legends associated with it. From the giant sequoias of California to the bonsai of Japan, the pink tulip tree of the Himalayas to the Scots pine - and even the humble acorn - award-standard photography and insightful text bring the majesty and mystery of the world's trees to life.
25,64 € 26,99 €

Sportovní geny

Stavba lidského těla a jeho energetické systémy vytvářejí fyziologické determinanty sportovní výkonnosti. Tu je možné regulovat vhodnými metodami vytrvalostního nebo silového tréninku. Překvapivě nezanedbatelný je však v možnostech sportovní výkonnosti podíl genetiky. Publikace Sportovní geny přináší poprvé unikátní srovnávací výzkum v dosud málo probádané oblasti „sportovní genetiky“. Srovnává anatomické rozdíly mezi bílými Evropany a Západoafričany, přináší studie o tajemství „zázračných“ Afričanů a o úspěších afrických běžců včetně studie sportovních předpokladů u ostatních populací. Kniha je doplněna srovnávacími informacemi antropometrie a fyziologie sportů a rozborem problematiky sportovního dopingu.
25,83 € 27,19 €

Umění čínských zahrad

Výpravná publikace pojednávající slovem i obrazem o čínském zahradním umění
26,02 € 27,39 €

Rachel Ashwells Shabby Chic : Inspiration & Beautiful Spaces

Welcome to Rachel Ashwell's world: as beautiful as it is comfortable, as inspiring and spontaneous as it is practical and personal. In this book, Rachel shares her inspirations and her humour, celebrates the charm of the old and battered, and demonstrates time and again how interiors touched with Rachel's magic transcend fashionable trends, extending a calming, personal welcome to all. In this new book, Rachel takes us to homes in the US - from a shabby shack on Malibu's oceanfront to a ranch on the wide, open spaces of Texas and to the wooded hills of the Catskills - and in the UK - from a houseboat and a city townhouse to a centuries-old manor house deep in the country, and Rachel's own London apartment. All the houses, regardless of their size or location, embody Rachel's ethos and share the same qualities: a respect for beautiful objects from the past, an extravagant sense of comfort, an eye for the unexpected and that signature touch of bling. All are inviting, artistic, soulful, inspired and inspiring, beautiful, gentle, considered and, in their own way, perfectly imperfect.
26,59 € 27,99 €

Training for Climbing

Increase your strength, power, skill, and focus to maximize your climbing performance. Praise for Training for Climbing "Training for Climbing is a great resource. Whether you're just starting out or already ticking 5.13, you'll find valuable information here to help you climb harder. This is the most complete and up-to-date training guide available." -Rock and Ice magazine Drawing on the latest climbing research, this third edition of the international best-selling Training for Climbing presents a comprehensive, evidence-based program for improving climbing performance. With the unique perspective of a veteran climber, researcher, and coach, Eric Hoerst blends leading edge sport science with his decades of climbing and coaching experience to create a content-rich text packed with practical how-to and what-to-do information. A few of the new topics explored include: * Energy system training to develop greater strength, power-endurance, and aerobic endurance. * Recalibrating the brain's central governor for higher power output and stamina. * Daily Undulating Periodization as an effective method of on-season programming. * "Training zones" for rock climbers-the secret to truly effective training! * Stabilizer training to improve arm power and reduce risk of shoulder injury. Also included are expanded chapters on developing strength, power, and endurance in the crucial finger flexor and pulling muscles, as well as a must-read chapter on developing exceptional core strength. Hoerst completes his coaching with dedicated chapters on technique and mental training, performance nutrition, accelerating recovery, and injury prevention. The book's 300-plus pages of expert instruction make for the most advanced and complete book of its type! Eric Hoerst is an internationally renowned author and a climber of forty years. As a researcher and coach, Hoerst has written hundreds of articles and coached thousands of climbers from around the world. He owns the popular website Training4Climbing.com.
26,59 € 27,99 €

RSVP: Simple Sophistication

Fusing understated elegance and relaxed chic, fashion designer Marie France van Damme reveals the secrets of successful, sophisticated and stress-free entertainment on a budget. Five chapters Flowers, Candles, The Table, Food and Art explore how to create a sense of occasion, a relaxed mood, simple pleasures and food without worry. Each chapter finishes with actual events: a winter birthday at home, with plain black plates, flowers in a single colour, and sushi from a local Japanese restaurant; a Belgian celebration in a greenhouse with a wood-burning stove, transformed in two hours at minimal cost into what looks like a page from an event at Versailles; and a stylish working lunch with takeaway curry. Perfectly attuned to the desires and realities of todays living, this book will be welcome anywhere on the planet.
27,54 € 28,99 €


"The sign of the white and blue propeller circle has signified BMW since the 1930s: sporty, dynamic, radiating brilliance, with timeless elegance. The mention of BMW brings to mind legendary cars like the pre-war 328, the 507 from the 1950s, or the M1 of the 1970s. But the name BMW also stands for attempts to lend mobility to a wide class of buyers, for example with the Isetta and the 700. In an historical overview, this book first tells the legendary history of the Bavarian automobile firm and goes back to its beginning, the traces of which are lost in the darkness of the First World War. Following this, the new creations of the firm, are introduced along with the old models by means of articles and excellent color photography."
28,49 € 29,99 €

110 rokov trenčianskeho futbalu

K oslavám 110-teho výročia trenčianskeho futbalu pripravil a vydal kolektív autorov hodnotnú publikáciu pod týmto názvom v rozsahu 528 strán . Do slovenskej športovej literatúry tým pribudol exkluzívny futbalový dokument, ktorý mapuje športové a futbalové dejiny Trenčína od roku 1891 až po súčasnosť. Pätnásť častí v 42 kapitolách oživuje dávnu futbalovú minulosť, ako aj aktuálne dianie na štadiónoch pod hradom Matúša Čáka. Nájdete tu defilé generácií, pozadie víťazstiev, ale i športových prehier, v kombinácii so silou priateľstva a radosti z pohybu na zelenom trávniku. Kniha obsahuje veľa cenných a dosiaľ nepublikovaných historických dokumentov vrátane množstva fotografií zo štátnych archívnych i súkromných zdrojov. Z obsahu knihy zavanie úcta k tým, ktorí tvorili históriu futbalu v Trenčíne. Náležitého uznania sa však dostáva jednotlivcom i kolektívom vo vytvorenej Sieni slávy trenčianskeho futbalu. História sa nepísala iba na hlavných štadiónoch. Jej súčasťou bolo a je aj futbalové dianie v jednotlivých častiach Trenčína a v blízkom okolí. Preto sa v nej môžete dočítať aj o trenčianskych malokluboch a o tom, že práve Trenčín je kolískou "Malého futbalu" na Slovensku. Publikáciu uzatvára prehľadná tabuľková časť od prvých súťaží Trenčína v roku 1919 až po súčasnosť. Listovanie v publikácii 110 rokov trenčianskeho futbalu, plnenie trenčianskych futbalových snov vám prinesie násobne silnejšiu emóciu v súvislosti so súčasnými úspechmi trenčianskych futbalistov: dvojnásobný zisk titulu Majster Slovenska a víťaz Slovenského pohára. Kniha môže byť tiež zaujímavým darčekom z Trenčína, keďže resumé je v šiestich jazykoch vrátane holandčiny. Komu urobíte touto knihou radosť? Každému, kto miluje futbal. Hráčom, fanúšikom i odbornej verejnosti. Na takýto ucelený dokument o trenčianskom futbale sa čakalo vyše päťdesiat rokov. Vďačíme zaň kolektívu autorov: Jozef Hankoci, Peter Martinák, Roman Kohút a Martin Galajda.
28,49 € 29,99 €


The cult brand and the "Made in Germany" cars have stood for the perfect balance of power and elegance--and rightly so: about 70 percent of all Porsches ever built are still on the road today, and to this day, all the generations of those striking cars are still eyecatchers in the streets of the world. The small corporation has been defending its pole position with a great sense of quality and passion. They do not build sports cars in order to win races; rather, they participate in races in order to improve their sports cars. Porsche has won the world's toughest race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, more often than any other manufacturer. This book portrays both Porsche's unique success stories in the motor sports arena and their boldly innovative design and style. The plentiful highquality illustrations by renowned photographer Rainer W. Schlegelmilch and the informative texts by Hartmut Lehbrink will fascinate any fan of cars and motor sports.
28,49 € 29,99 €

Aston Martin

"With understatement, high-class individuality, and conservative reliability, the Aston Martin takes its place among the ranks of the most exclusive sports cars. Only an illustrated book of the highest quality can do justice to the charm and elegance of this exclusive British car, making this volume an absolute must-have for every Aston Martin fan. Aston Martin is a feast for the eyes in the truest sense of the word. Lavishly illustrated with more than 400 color photographs, which were shot especially for this book, it covers the entire history of this automobile - a history full of passion. With 312 pages and an abundance of information, the exciting text consolidates the total picture. "
28,49 € 29,99 €

Mercedes slipcase

In the galaxy of automobile makers, the star in Stuttgart shines brightly. Arising from the accumulation of technology, design, and sports, a firm was created in 1886 whose economic force has made it a player of international significance. The concise and compelling texts shed light on manifold aspects of Mercedes history, from engineering to the economic-political power exerted by this world-wide concern. Throughout the book, naturally, one thing stands out: the vehicle itself. Rainer W. Schlegelmilch's photographs veritably pay homage to the embodiment of the German dream car. The revised edition presents the long series of models in chronological order.
28,49 € 29,99 €


"It all began in Maranello, a small town south of Modena, Italy, where Enzo Ferrari created a make of car that would conquer the realm of automobile enthusiasts for a long time to come. A love for Ferrari lasts a lifetime: anyone who has entered the magic triangle of power, speed, and beauty under the sign of the prancing horse remains captivated. Ferrari fascination: the aim of this updated edition is to convey a little of its allure to the reader and the viewer, and to introduce the most recent luxury cars of the family. The LehbrinkvonOsterrothSchlegelmilch team pairs the competence of accomplished motor sport journalists with a kindred view through the lens of a camera. This makes Ferrari a singular experience, both in terms of content and visually. More than 500 illustrations and impressive photography convey unforgettable insight into the fascination of Ferrari-- suspended between technology, sport, and passion."
28,49 € 29,99 €

Place Called Home

Acclaimed interior stylist Jason Grant knows a thing or two about styling gorgeous rooms, but he believes a house doesn't need to be perfect to be beautiful - instead, it should reflect who we are and what we love. In A Place Called Home Jason Grant shows you how to create beautiful spaces by looking for inspiration around you, being clever about where you spend your money, embracing colour and being creative with what you already have. Jason leads you, room by room, through inspiring real-life homes, sharing his tips and insights on styling spaces to call your own. A Place Called Home is a gorgeously photographed, creative guide on how to create beautiful spaces to call our own.
30,39 € 31,99 €

Pýtate sa, čo s voľným časom? Potom Vás táto kategória určite inšpiruje. Skúsili ste už fotografovať, prípadne sa chcete naučiť fotografie upravovať digitálne? Pre tých, ktorí milujú autá je tu skvelý výber auto-moto titulov a pravidiel cestnej premávky. Hlavu si môžete precvičiť nad krížovkami, alebo vo voľnom čase pestovať záhony v záhradke. Všetky užitočné rady z chovateľstva, stavby, rybolovu, ručných prác či remesiel nájdete práve tu.