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Najnovšie - Knihy - Vegetariánska kuchyňa strana 7 z 12

How to be Vegan and Keep Your Friends

You're being healthy, considerate to the planet and compassionate toward animals - so why is it so hard to navigate life as a vegan? From going out for dinner, to staying in with friends, it can be a challenge to cook, eat and socialise vegan in a world of carnivores. How to be Vegan and Keep Your Friends helps you to go about your life without compromises, excuses or apologies. Instead, you'll be armed with more than 50 incredible recipes you can cook for yourself, your friends and your family (without hearing any complaints!), as well as tips, tricks and hacks for being a better more easygoing and happy vegan. Your options will open up, you'll enjoy a whole new menu of food (from vegan cake to vegan chocolate breakfast bars), and your friends... well, they'll never have a bad word to say again!
15,68 € 16,50 €

Plant-Based Meats

Mock meats have progressed way beyond basic seitan, and reducing your meat consumption is easier than ever before with these realistic alternatives. With a handy guide to ingredients, cooking methods, and the basic flavor profiles behind what makes "meat" so tasty, this book is for meat lovers who still want an option that mimics the real thing, and vegetarians who don't want all the additives you get with processed, store- bought mock meats. From meat loaf to sausages, from pate to jerky, Robin Asbell has a plant- based answer for midweek suppers, weekend brunches, and holiday showstoppers. Recipes include: * Thai Meatballs in Red Curry * Smoky King Trumpet Mushroom Bacon * Cauliflower Buffalo Wings * Jackfruit Pulled Pork and Barbecue Sauce * Turkey Roll with Stuffing
42,75 € 45,00 €

The Green Kitchen: Lahodná a zdravá vegetariánská jídla pro každý den

Kniha The Green Kitchen je dílem Luise Vindahl a Davida Frenkiela – životních partnerů, rodičů tří malých dětí, kteří v ní představují více než stovku oblíbených receptů. Příznivci jejich blogu The Green Kitchen je tak najdou konečně i v češtině pěkně uspořádané a v knižní podobě. Luise a David ve svých receptech spojují běžné kuchyňské zásoby a čerstvou sezónní nabídku. Svými příběhy z kuchyně se snaží motivovat a přesvědčit, že každý den je možné uvařit zdravé, chutné a vyvážené jídlo. Zkuste si podle nich uvařit třeba bylinkovou frittatu s chřestem k snídani nebo zapečený falafel s divokou rýží a pistáciemi. Nebo třeba okouzlit přátele skvělou večeří v podobě sicilské cukety na parmazánu. Autoři ale rozhodně nezapomněli ani na dezerty – co třeba čokoládový koláč s řepou nebo lahodný mražený jahodový cheesecake na křupavém korpusu. Objevujte kuchařku plnou nádherných, barevných a velmi chutných receptů, které vás okouzlí i svojí lehkostí. Tato krásná kniha je navíc protkaná úžasnými fotkami, a velmi rychle se stane inspirací, jak se radovat z jídel, která jsou prospěšná pro tělo i duši.
22,28 € 23,45 €

Vegán szakácskönyv

Az ausztrál blogger szakácskönyvét lapozgatva még a született kételkedők is meggyőződhetnek arról, hogy a hús-, tejtermék- és tojásmentes vegán étrend változatos, izgalmas - és ami a lényeg - nagyon finom. A szerző száz, különböző nehézségi fokú receptet ajánl, s körutazásra invitál minket a gasztronómia világába. A hagyományos fogások mellett ínycsiklandozó marokkói, mexikói, thai, indiai és japán ételek közül válogatva új ízeket, illatokat, világokat ismerhetünk meg. A recepteknél piktogramok segítik az eligazodást, így azok is megtalálják a számukra megfelelő fogásokat, akiknek speciális étrendet kell követniük, vagy épp a nyers életmód hívei. A ritkábban előforduló vagy nehezebben beszerezhető hozzávalók mellett mindig feltüntettük, mivel helyettesíthetők. A könnyű, akár reggelire is fogyasztható fogásokból, a laktató levesekből és főételekből, valamint a különleges desszertekből összeállított menüsorral húsevő barátainkat is elkápráztathatjuk.
10,70 € 11,26 €

Kuchařka nejen pro vegetariány

Ať jste vegetariánem či ne, dobrý vegetariánský oběd je zárukou dobré nálady. Připravili jsme pro vás 50 lahodných, lákavých a jednoduchých receptů. Na každé straně najdete jeden zdravý pokrm doplněný krásnou fotografií. Připravit si můžete netradiční vegetariánské saláty, polévky lahodící tělu i duši, nebo plnohodnotná jídla. Součástí vegetariánské kuchyně je také příprava domácích náhražek masa a ryb. Naučíte se připravovat sekanou z tempehu, knedlíčky z červené řepy s pastou tahini a avokádové chlebíčky se smaženou kukuřicí. Nechybí ani vegetariánské chuťovky jako slanorožcová tempura nebo samosy.
13,35 € 14,05 €

Vegánska raw kuchárka

Keď začala Taline Gabrielian, exotická kráska s arménskymi koreňmi a zároveň mama dvoch detí, trpieť potravinovými intoleranciami, rozhodla sa, že svoje problémy zoberie ako výzvu. Založila si projekt Hippie Lane, v rámci ktorého pravidelne zverejňuje svoje dych vyrážajúce jedlá a chutné zdravé koláčiky bez cukru. Ako sama priznáva, odmalička bola vášnivou kuchárkou a rodina je pre ňu všetkým. Možno aj preto sú jej recepty plné nádherných farieb a tvarov, ktoré fascinujú deti aj dospelých. Netrvalo dlho a Taline si získala na sociálnych sieťach 2 milióny fanúšikov z celého sveta. Jej jedlá sú totiž nielen mimoriadne chutné, ale aj vizuálne fascinujúce a zároveň zdravé. Na ich prípravu používa len organické suroviny, všetky jej pokrmy sú rastlinné, vegánske, bez lepku, rafinovaného cukru či geneticky upravovaných surovín. A na čom si môžete vďaka jej vegánskej raw kuchárke pochutnať? Taline si pre vás pripravila napríklad recepty na neapolský chia puding, vegánske burgery, chrumkavé plnené papriky, šošovicovú bolonsku omáčku, raw donutky či čokoládovo-karamelovú zmrzlinu. Tak objavte čaro zdravého varenia s Hippie Lane! Sľubujeme, že to bude stáť za to.
9,90 € 19,90 €

Deliciously Ella: Plant Power

100 all-new plant-based recipes - by bestselling author Deliciously Ella. Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Deliciously Ella's world as Ella continues to bring simple, wholesome food to the masses. Now with a thriving cafe-deli in London, Ella's latest book features the most popular dishes and shows just how fun and delicious natural foods can be. From laid-back lunches to simple weeknight suppers and grab-and-go snacks, these are the recipes that Ella's thousands of customers have been asking for since the deli first launched in 2015, in one beautiful illustrated book. In addition to over 100 plant-based recipes, for the first time we are treated to a personal insight into Ella's journey - how she grew her blog, which she began writing to help get herself well while suffering from illness, into a wellbeing brand - and all that she has learnt along the way, as well as what drives the Deliciously Ella philosophy and her team's passion for creating delicious healthy food. With diary excerpts that document the incredible journey that Deliciously Ella has taken and over 100 tried-and-tested irresistible recipes for every day, using simple, nourishing ingredients, this stunning book will be a must-have for fans and food-lovers alike.
30,35 € 31,95 €

River Cottage Veg Every Day

Why don't we eat more veg? They're healthy, cost-effective and, above all, delicious. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall believes that we should all be eating more of the good stuff, as he explains in this brilliant book. He's come up with an abundance of veg-tastic recipes, including a warm salad of grilled courgettes, lemon, garlic, mint and mozzarella, a winter giant couscous salad with herbs and walnuts, radishes with butter and salt, lemony guacamole, linguine with mint and almond pesto and cherry tomatoes, baby carrot risotto, new potato gnocchi, a summer stir-fry with green veg, ginger, garlic and sesame, a winter stir-fry with Brussels sprouts, shiitake mushrooms and five-spice, a cheesy tomato tart, a spring onion gallette, roast jacket chips with merguez spices and spiced yoghurt, curried bubble and squeak, scrambled eggs and asparagus with lemon, tomato gazpacho, pea and parsley soup, roast squash wedges, baba ganoush, beetroot houmous, spinach pasties and barbecued corn on the cob. With over 200 recipes and vibrant photography from Simon Wheeler, River Cottage Veg Every Day is a timely eulogy to the glorious green stuff.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Happy Food

In Happy Food, Bettina Campolucci Bordi shares a collection of easy and delicious plant-based recipes that anyone can incorporate into their busy life. Whether you're looking to eat more veggies or have decided to turn vegan but don't want to compromise on taste, this is the book for you. Bettina's philosophies are simple: she believes that food is meant to make you happy! Whether it's love at first sight because a dish looks so colourful and delicious, or at the first hit of flavours when they burst into your mouth, everything you eat should put a smile on your face. With recipes including Hearty Buckwheat Waffles, a tasty Korean Pancake, a delicious yet quick One Pot Curry in a Hurry, and the decadent Hazelnut Bites, Bettina proves that nutritious food doesn't have to be restrictive. Happy Food is designed to take you through your busy day by including ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, meals for one, desserts and snacks, and will easily meet the needs of any modern household. Bettina is also a firm believer that meat-free food doesn't have to cost the earth - you'll find recipes containing ingredients that can easily be sourced from your local supermarket, and she even uses white potatoes! Her passion and expertise lies in how to use everyday ingredients, and she makes them tasty in the simplest possible way. There's an opening chapter on plant-based building blocks - such as nut milks, basic methods, and home-made bread - but the joy of Bettina's cooking is that if you are time-poor, she encourages you to buy a good-quality store-bought versions of these instead: her message is that you can still have a nutritious and tasty meal, even if you do incorporate a few shortcuts. Inspired by food from the countries where Bettina has lived and worked - Tanzania, Sweden, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria - this is vegan food to make you smile!
23,28 € 24,50 €

Receptek vegán étkezőknek

Ajánlom ezeket a recepteket a vegánoknak, hogy étrendjüket változatosabbá, színesebbé tegyék, valamint ajánlom nem vegánoknak is hogy néha iktassák be étrendjükbe, egészségük megóvása érdekében.
3,03 € 3,19 €

Vegán konyha - Hagyományos ízek új alapokon

Célunk e füzettel segíteni mindazoknak, akik étrendjüket a természetes életmód elveinek megfelelően szeretnék kialakítani. Igyekeztünk a gyűjteménybe kipróbált, jól bevált recepteket összegyűjteni, melyek a különböző ételféleségek széles skáláját fedik le. Ezekből válogatva a mindennapi étkezésünkhöz, valamint különleges alkalmakra egyaránt készíthetünk változatos, egészséges és ízletes ételeket. A gyűjteményben található receptek tiszta növényi alapanyagokat tartalmaznak, vagyis gabona- és zöldségféléket, olajos magvakat, növényi olajat, aszalt gyümölcsöket, fűszereket stb. Nem tartalmaznak semmilyen állati eredetű összetevőt (húst, tojást, tejterméket). Azok is számos ínycsiklandozó étel receptjét találhatják meg e kiadványban, akik a megszokotthoz minél hasonlóbb ételeket kívánnak készíteni, és a hagyományos konyha ízvilágáról sem szeretnének lemondani. Kívánjuk, hogy mindenki találja meg benne az ízlésének megfelelő recepteket, melyek segítségével ízletes és egészséges ételeket készíthet saját maga és családja, vagy éppen vendégei számára a különleges alkalmakra és a mindennapokra egyaránt!
4,08 € 4,29 €

The Indian Vegetarian Cookbook

Fresh, delicious, easy Indian vegetarian dishes from the author of Phaidon's global bestseller, India: The Cookbook Vegetables are an integral part of Indian cuisine - and this collection of 150 healthy and approachable vegetarian recipes showcases an array of delicious breakfasts and drinks, salads, vegetables and legumes, grains, and desserts. Drawing inspiration from India's myriad regions and culinary traditions, Pushpesh Pant simplifies this hugely popular cuisine with easily achievable, nourishing, and authentic dishes so tasty and satisfying that they are suitable for vegetarians, meat-eaters, and those simply wishing to reduce the amount of meat in their diet.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Bosh! - The Cookbook

The vegan Jamie Olivers' The Times Want to cook ridiculously good plant-based food from scratch but have no idea where to start? With over 140 incredibly easy and outrageously tasty all plants meals, BOSH! The Cookbook will be your guide. Henry Firth and Ian Theasby, creators of the world's biggest and fastest-growing plant-based platform, BOSH!, are the new faces of the food revolution. Their online channels have well over 1.8 million fans and constantly inspire people to cook ultra-tasty & super simple recipes at home. Always ensuring they stick to fresh, supermarket-friendly ingredients, BOSH! truly is "plant-based food for everyone". In BOSH! The Cookbook, Ian and Henry share over 140 of their favourite go-to breakfasts, crowd-pleasing party pieces, hearty dinners, sumptuous desserts & incredible sharing cocktails. The book is jam-packed with fun, unpretentious and mega satisfying recipes, including Creamy Mac and Greens, Burrito Samosas, the Big Bhaji Burger, the World's Best Pesto Lasagne, Satay Sweet Potato BOSH! Bowl, Spanish Beach Churros, Gooey PBJ Brownies and Salted Caramel Chocolate Crunch Tart, all easy enough to be rustled up any night of the week. It's enough to convince the staunchest of carnivores to give plants a whirl. Whether you're already sold on the plant-based lifestyle or you simply want to incorporate more meat, dairy and egg-free meals into your week, BOSH! The Cookbook is your plant-based bible. BOSH!
23,70 € 24,95 €

Cook Share Eat Vegan

Delicious plant-based recipes that everyone will love, with this latest book from the UK's bestselling vegan author, Áine Carlin. With an emphasis on great flavours and fresh, seasonal dishes that don't rely on substitutes or hard-to-source ingredients, Áine's style of cooking will appeal to everyone, from vegan-cooking enthusiasts to those simply wanting to dabble now and then. In Cook Share Eat Vegan, Áine has created the ultimate vegan bible, with more than 125 recipes that prove there's a place for plant-based food at every table. Delight your friends with Crispy Cinnamon Potato Tacos, enjoy a warming bowl of Turmeric & Sweet Potato Soup, or indulge in a delicious Vanilla Panna Cotta. Discover recipes for every occasion and for all times of year - that just happen to be vegan. 'Finding the balance between health and indulgence, this book has a little bit of everything, from full-on comfort food to zen-inducing bowls to nourish from within. Discover the beauty of plant-based food and leave your preconceived notions at the door - it's time to cook, eat, smile (repeat)' - Áine Carlin
24,65 € 25,95 €


“Elevates salads from the quotidian to the thrilling.” —The New York Times A “saladish” recipe is like a salad, and yet so much more. It starts with an unexpectedly wide range of ingredients, such as Japanese eggplants, broccoli rabe, shirataki noodles, Bosc pears, and chrysanthemum leaves. It emphasizes contrasting textures—toothsome, fluffy, crunchy, crispy, hefty. And marries contrasting flavors—rich, sharp, sweet, and salty. Toss all together and voila: an irresistible symphony that’s at once healthy and utterly delicious. Cooking the saladish way has been Ilene Rosen’s genius since she unveiled the first kale salad at New York’s City Bakery almost two decades ago, and now she shares 100 fresh and creative recipes, organized seasonally, from the intoxicatingly aromatic (Toasty Broccoli with Curry Leaves and Coconut) to the colorfully hearty (Red Potatoes with Chorizo and Roasted Grapes). Each chapter includes a fun party menu, a timeline of preparation, and an illustrated tablescape to turn a saladish meal into an impressive dinner party spread.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Plants Taste Better

Plants take centre stage in this beautiful book from award-winning chef Richard Buckley, proprietor of the critically acclaimed vegetarian Acorn Restaurant in Bath. With over 70 delicious, thoughtful and mouth-watering vegan and vegetarian recipes, ranging from the simple to the stand-out, it will guide and inspire you to make even the most knobbly and overlooked of ingredients shine - and persuade even the most carnivorous that plants can, and should, be at the centre of our plates. It's amazing what you can accomplish in your kitchen when you combine centre-staging vegetables alongside a deeper understanding of the techniques required to make the ingredients shine - move aside meat, it's time to give plants the spotlight in the kitchen!
29,93 € 31,50 €

Vegan Comfort Classics

Feed your face with satisfying, delicious food. Vegan Comfort Classics is a collection of 101 mouth-watering recipes that combine innovative plant-based cooking with flavoursome comfort food. YouTube sensation Lauren Toyota of the hit vegan channel, Hot for Food, offers indulgent, crave-worthy dishes such as Courgette-Onion Bhajis, Mac `n Cheese Onion Rings, Herb-loaded Sausage Rolls, Spicy Peanut Noodles, Waffle-topped Cottage Pie, Stuffed Crust Pizza, Raspberry Funfetti Pop Tarts, Fudgy Brownies as well as a whole chapter of delicious melty, stacked sandwiches and essential sauces to make any meal awesome. Each and every tempting recipe is photographed. This is modern, tasty food made for weeknights, sharing with friends at the weekend, late-night munchies and beyond.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Green Burgers

Whether you're vegetarian, vegan, or just trying to cut down on meat, veggie burgers make a tempting, filling meal. And as Martin Nordin explains, they're far from boring - in fact, because there are no rules or blueprint, you're free to push the burger boundaries. In Green Burgers, Martin shares recipes packed full of flavour and nutrition - from the classic BBQ Portobello Burger to the Courgette Burger with Wild Garlic. Experiment with unexpected flavours such as Courgette Kimchi and Deep-Fried Plantain. The delicious patties are just the beginning - try making your own Charcoal Burger Buns, top your burgers with Purple Cabbage and Apple Sauerkraut, and serve with Roasted Sweet-Potato Chips. With chapters on burgers, buns, sides, pickles and sauces, Green Burgers has all you need to make the perfect plant-based burgers and sides at home.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Moderní vegetariánská kuchařka

Tato kniha s čistě zeleninovými jídly je provoněná kořením a přináší vyladěné recepty a dennodenní inspiraci pro každé roční období. Ať už máte chuť na chřest, lilek nebo dýni, více než 200 lahodných jídel vám představí oblíbenou zeleninu ve zcela novém světle. Zelenina nikdy nechutnala lépe!
17,81 € 18,75 €

Vegetariánska kuchyňa je kategória literatúry, ktorá sa zameriava na recepty, tipy a techniky na prípravu chutných a zdravých jedál bez mäsa. Tieto knihy sú určené pre tých, ktorí sa rozhodli nasledovať vegetariánsky životný štýl alebo jednoducho túžia objaviť nové a kreatívne možnosti varenia.

V literatúre o vegetariánskej kuchyni nájdete pestré recepty, od jednoduchých a rýchlych jedál po pokročilé kombinácie prísad a techniky. Knihy sa často zaoberajú zdravými a výživnými ingredienciami, ako sú zelenina, ovocie, obilniny, strukoviny, orechy a semienka.

Okrem receptov sa v týchto knihách často nachádzajú aj informácie o výžive, zdravotných výhodách vegetariánskej stravy a tipy na správne zostavenie jedálnička pre vegetariánov. Môžete sa tiež dozvedieť o rôznych alternatívach pre mäso, ako napríklad tofu, tempeh, seitan a rôzne náhrady za mliečne výrobky.

Vegetariánska kuchyňa ponúka široké spektrum jedál, od tradičných vegetariánskych jedál po moderné a inovatívne recepty. Tieto knihy vám môžu poskytnúť inšpiráciu na vytváranie chutných jedál pre celú rodinu a priateľov bez potreby mäsa.