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Knihy - Matematika, logika strana 9 z 20

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Autor poodhaluje úžasný svět nekonečných šachových partií, zářících světlušek a samozřejmě řeší, jak nejefektivněji nakrájet dort. Na jednoduchých příkladech s tkaničkami od bot a mýdlovými bublinami až po Sierpinského trojúhelník ukazuje rozmanitost souč
13,31 € 14,01 €

Problémy pro třetí tisíciletí

V roce 1900 se konal v Paříži mezinárodní matematický kongres, akce kolosálního významu, která předurčila směry vývoje matematiky a příbuzných věd v celém dvacátém století. Na kongresu vystoupil jeden z největších matematiků té doby, David Hilbert, který přednesl seznam dvaceti tří podle jeho názoru nejdůležitějších matematických problémů, jejichž řešení nebylo v té době známo.
12,88 € 13,56 €

Jazyk matematiky

"Ve velké knize přírody může číst jen ten, kdo zná jazyk, v němž je napsána," řekl kdysi Galileo, "a tímto jazykem je matematika." V této často a neprávem obávané vědní disciplíně nejde jen o pouhé studium čísel: matematika nám umožňuje pronikat ke skrytým kořenům světa kolem nás. Devlinova kniha podává přehledný obraz současné matematiky a historického vývoje jejích nejzajímavějších oblastí, zároveň vyzdvihuje její základní rysy, jimiž je jednoduchost, čistota, přesnost a elegance, zdařile však předkládá i její mnohdy opomíjenou stránku - estetickou působivost intelektuální, vizuální i akustickou.
15,13 € 15,93 €

General Relativity

He taught us classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind, assisted by a new collaborator, Andre Cabannes, returns to tackle Einstein's general theory of relativity. Starting from the equivalence principle and covering the necessary mathematics of Riemannian spaces and tensor calculus, Susskind and Cabannes explain the link between gravity and geometry.They delve into black holes, establish Einstein field equations, and solve them to describe gravity waves. The authors provide vivid explanations that, to borrow a phrase from Einstein himself, are as simple as possible (but no simpler). An approachable yet rigorous introduction to one of the most important topics in physics, General Relativity is a must-read for anyone who wants a deeper knowledge of the universe's real structure.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Escape from Model Land

How do mathematical models shape our world - and how can we harness their power for good? Models are at the centre of everything we do. Whether we use them or are simply affected by them, they act as metaphors that help us better understand the increasingly complex problems facing us in the modern world. Without models, we couldn't begin to tackle three of the major challenges facing modern society: regulation of the economy, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet in recent years, the validity of the models we use has been hotly debated and there has been renewed awareness of the disastrous consequences when the makers and interpreters of models get things wrong. Drawing on contemporary examples from finance, climate and health policy, Erica Thompson explores what models are, why we need them, how they work and what happens when they go wrong. This is not a book that argues we should do away with models, but rather, that we need to properly understand how they are constructed - and how some of the assumptions that underlie the models we use can have significant unintended consequences. Unexpectedly humorous, thought-provoking and passionate, this is essential reading for everyone.
18,53 € 19,50 €


Uncover the language of our universe - numbers - in this wide-ranging whistle-stop tour of the history and majesty of mathematics. Our world simply wouldn't function if we didn't have numbers. But where do they come from? Why do we cut cake the wrong way? How can there be different sizes of infinity? All these questions and more are answered in this engaging romp through the history of numbers by acclaimed science writer, Colin Stuart. From the mathematicians who have (and haven't) shouted 'Eureka!' to the theories that affect and inform our everyday lives; Numbers shows us that maths was never boring - we were just being taught it in the wrong way. Consisting of ten bite-sized essays, there's no better guide to this fundamental science.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Mathematics for Beginners

This book WON'T test your mental maths or teach you countless ways to find x. It WILL show you just how fascinating maths can be. Can maths make people rich? Can formulas predict which sports teams will win more games? Can equations explain the mysteries of the universe? The short answer to all these is YES. This book explores and explains the ways that the tools of mathematics help people make sense of the world around them, predict the future and, just maybe, how to make life itself better.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Oliver Byrne. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid

Nearly a century before Mondrian made geometrical red, yellow, and blue lines famous, 19th-century mathematician Oliver Byrne employed the color scheme for his 1847 edition of Euclid's mathematical and geometric treatise Elements. Byrne's idea was to use color to make learning easier and "diffuse permanent knowledge." The result has been described as one of the oddest and most beautiful books of the 19th century. The facsimile of Byrne's vivid publication is now available in a beautiful new edition. A masterwork of art and science, it is as beautiful in the boldness of its red, yellow, and blue figures and diagrams as it is in the mathematical precision of its theories. In the simplicity of forms and colors, the pages anticipate the vigor of De Stijl and Bauhaus design. In making complex information at once accessible and aesthetically engaging, this work is a forerunner to the information graphics that today define much of our data consumption.
41,75 € 43,95 €

Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them

What are the mysterious numbers that unlock the secrets of the universe? In Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them, leading theoretical physicist and YouTube star Tony Padilla takes us on an irreverent cosmic tour of the most extraordinary numbers in physics, using them to build a picture of how the universe works. These include Graham's number, which is so large that if you thought about it in the wrong way, your head would collapse into a singularity; TREE(3) and the mathematical games that could carry on until the universe reset itself; and 10^{-120}, which measures the desperately unlikely balance of energy the universe, and you, need to exist. Leading us down the rabbit hole to the inner workings of reality, Padilla demonstrates how these unusual numbers-big, small and worryingly infinite-are the key to unlocking such mind-bending phenomena as black holes, the holographic truth and the problem of the cosmological constant, where our two best theories of the universe come together with embarrassing consequences. Combining cutting-edge science with an entertaining cosmic quest, Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them is an electrifying, head-twisting guide to the most fundamental truths of the universe.
30,35 € 31,95 €


The international bestseller - a whip-smart, entertaining exploration of the geometry that underlies our world, from the author of How Not to Be Wrong How should a democracy choose its representatives? How can you stop a pandemic from sweeping the world? How do computers learn to play chess? Can ancient Greek proportions predict the stock market? (Sorry, no.) What should your kids learn in school if they really want to learn to think? The answers to all these questions can be found in geometry. If you're like most people, geometry is a dimly-remembered exercise, handed down from the ancients, that you gladly left behind in school. It seemed to be a tortuous way of proving some fact about triangles that was obvious to you in the first place. That's not geometry. OK, it is geometry, but only a tiny part, that has as much to do with the modern, fast-moving discipline as conjugating a verb has to do with a great novel. In Shape, Sunday Times-bestselling author Jordan Ellenberg reveals the geometry underneath some of the most important scientific, political, and philosophical problems we face, from the spread of coronavirus to rise of machine learning. The word 'geometry,' from the Greek, means 'measuring the world.' But geometry doesn't just measure the world - it explains it. Shape shows us how.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Mathematical Intelligence

There's so much talk about the threat posed by intelligent machines that it sometimes seems as though we should surrender to our robot overlords now. But Junaid Mubeen isn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. As far as he is concerned, we have the edge over machines because of a remarkable system of thought developed over the millennia. It's familiar to us all, but often badly taught and misrepresented in popular discourse - maths. Computers are brilliant at totting up sums, pattern-seeking and performing, well, computation. For all things calculation, machines reign supreme. But Junaid identifies seven areas of intelligence where humans can retain a crucial edge. And in exploring these areas, he opens up a fascinating world where we can develop our uniquely human mathematical superpowers.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Maths Tricks to Blow Your Mind

What is 4% of 75? Can you calculate 60 + 60 x 0 + 1? Which is bigger, an 18-inch pizza or two 12-inch pizzas? Join award-winning maths presenter Kyle D Evans on an entertaining tour of viral maths problems that have gone wild on social media in recent years. From the infamous 'Hannah's sweets' exam question to percentages 'life-hacks', viral maths problems seem to capture the public's imagination without fail. In Maths Tricks to Blow Your Mind, Kyle presents over 50 viral maths problems with background information, explanations and solutions to similar problems, all in a humorous, accessible and inclusive manner. Want to dazzle and delight your friends and family? This book shows you how!
13,25 € 13,95 €

Encounters With Euclid

'An astonishingly readable and informative history of the greatest mathematical bestseller of all time ... The writing is vivid and the stories are gripping. Highly recommended ' IAN STEWART, AUTHOR OF SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Euclid's Elements of Geometry was a book that changed the world. In this sweeping history, Benjamin Wardhaugh traces how the ancient Greek text on mathematics - often hailed as the world's first textbook - shaped two thousand years of art, philosophy and literature, as well as science and maths. With stories of influence on every continent, and encounters with the likes of Ptolemy and Isaac Newton, Hobbes and Lewis Carroll, Wardhaugh gives dramatic life to the evolution of mathematics.
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Maths of Life and Death

Maths is the story of the world around us, and the wisdom it gives us can be the difference between success and disaster. We are all doing maths all the time, from the way we communicate with each other to the way we travel, from how we work to how we relax. Many of us are aware of this. But few of us really appreciate the full power of maths - the extent to which its influence is not only in every office and every home, but also in every courtroom and hospital ward. In this eye-opening and extraordinary book, Yates explores the true stories of life-changing events in which the application - or misapplication - of mathematics has played a critical role: patients crippled by faulty genes and entrepreneurs bankrupted by faulty algorithms; innocent victims of miscarriages of justice and the unwitting victims of software glitches. We follow stories of investors who have lost fortunes and parents who have lost children, all because of mathematical misunderstandings. Along the way, Yates arms us with simple mathematical rules and tools that can help us make better decisions in our increasingly quantitative society. You will discover why it's always sensible to question a statistic, often vital to ask for a second opinion and sometimes surprisingly handy to stick to the 37% rule... "This is an exquisitely interesting book. It's a deeply serious one too and, for those like me who have little maths, it's delightfully readable" - IAN MCEWAN "Kit Yates is a natural storyteller. Through fascinating stories and examples, he shows how maths is the beating heart of so much of modern life. An exciting new voice in the world of science communication" - MARCUS DU SAUTOY "Used wisely, mathematics can save your life. Used unwisely, it can ruin it. A lucid and enthralling account of why maths matters in everyone's life. A real eye-opener." - Prof Ian Stewart FRS, author of Do Dice Play God?
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men

Is mathematics a discovery or an invention? Do numbers truly exist? What sort of reality do formulas describe? The complexity of mathematics - its abstract rules and obscure symbols - can seem very distant from the everyday. There are those things that are real and present, it is supposed, and then there are mathematical concepts: creations of our mind, mysterious tools for those unengaged with the world. Yet, from its most remote history and deepest purpose, mathematics has served not just as a way to understand and order, but also as a foundation for the reality it describes. In this elegant book, mathematician and philosopher Paolo Zellini offers a brief cultural and intellectual history of mathematics, ranging widely from the paradoxes of ancient Greece to the sacred altars of India, from Mesopotamian calculus to our own contemporary obsession with algorithms. Masterful and illuminating, The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men transforms our understanding of mathematical thinking, showing that it is inextricably linked with the philosophical and the religious as well as the mundane - and, indeed, with our own very human experience of the universe.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Maths Lab

Explore the exciting world of numbers Whether you're a maths geek or prefer practical hands-on projects, this book combines creativity with calculations. You don't have to be a genius or even need a calculator - each of the super-fun make-and-do projects in this book comes with simple step-by-step photographs and instructions that will help you whip up a cool maths creation. Perfect for kids who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths), Maths Lab features activities that cover many aspects of maths, including numbers, measurement, and geometry. You'll combine art and maths by drawing impossible objects, create beautiful patterns to make a times-table dreamcatcher, and perfect the ratio for making refreshing fruit drinks. Throughout the book, explanatory boxes show you how the maths works and how the skills you've learned can be used in the real world. Maths Lab is the perfect package for curious kids who are interested in taking the mystery out of maths.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Mathematics for Human Flourishing

For mathematician Francis Su, a society without mathematical affection is like a city without concerts, parks, or museums. To miss out on mathematics is to live without experiencing some of humanity's most beautiful ideas. In this profound book, written for a wide audience but especially for those disenchanted by their past experiences, an award-winning mathematician and educator weaves parables, puzzles, and personal reflections to show how mathematics meets basic human desires-such as for play, beauty, freedom, justice, and love-and cultivates virtues essential for human flourishing. These desires and virtues, and the stories told here, reveal how mathematics is intimately tied to being human. Some lessons emerge from those who have struggled, including philosopher Simone Weil, whose own mathematical contributions were overshadowed by her brother's, and Christopher Jackson, who discovered mathematics as an inmate in a federal prison. Christopher's letters to the author appear throughout the book and show how this intellectual pursuit can-and must-be open to all.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Universe Speaks in Numbers

A groundbreaking exploration of how the interplay of physics and mathematics has enriched our understanding of the universe - essential reading for anyone who wants to grasp how physicists are attempting, in Stephen Hawking's words, to 'know the mind of God'. Searching for the fundamental laws of the universe, physicists have found themselves developing ambitious mathematical ideas. But without observation and experiment as their guide, are they now doing 'fairy-tale physics' as their detractors claim? In The Universe Speaks in Numbers, Graham Farmelo argues that today's greatest scientific minds are working in a tradition that dates back to Newton. He takes us on an adventure, from the Enlightenment to the breakthroughs of Einstein and Dirac, to the work of modern physicists and mathematicians shedding light on each other's disciplines, to their mutual surprise and excitement. This blossoming relationship is responsible for huge advances in our understanding of space and time - and as Farmelo explains, could redefine reality as we know it.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Ten Equations that Rule the World

They know something you don't know. They work inside investment banks, betting companies and social media giants. What are the secrets held by mathematicians and what can everyone else learn from them? Their advantage can be reduced to a small number of equations. Ten of them. And, surprisingly, it isn't their technical details that give them an edge. It is the way these equations allow them to view problems from a different angle -- a way of seeing the world that anyone can learn. In this eye-opening book, mathematician David Sumpter reveals the formulas that make the modern world go round, and how we can use them to better our chances of success, solidify friendships and live healthier lives, to guard against failure and financial ruin, and to see through scaremongering. Writing with clarity and wit, Sumpter explains how the same equations that are integral to Facebook can help you to work out how long to persist with a difficult task or how many episodes of a new Netflix series to watch before giving up. Empowering and enlightening, The Ten Equations shows how maths can truly change our way of understanding the world.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Kategória literatúry Matematika a logika vám otvára dvere do fascinujúceho sveta čísel, vzorcov, dôkazov a abstraktného myslenia. Tieto knihy a texty prinášajú hlbšie porozumenie matematickým konceptom, logickým princípom a ich aplikáciám v rôznych oblastiach.

V tejto kategórii nájdete diela, ktoré sa zaoberajú rôznymi aspektmi matematiky a logiky. Niektoré knihy sa môžu zamerať na konkrétne matematické disciplíny, ako sú algebra, geometria, teória čísel, analýza a pravdepodobnosť. Iné knihy môžu skúmať logiku, dôkazové metódy a formálne systémy.

Tieto knihy vám umožňujú objaviť krásu a eleganciu matematiky, ako aj logické postupy, ktoré jej ležia v základe. Budete mať možnosť preskúmať rôzne matematické koncepty, pravidlá a vzťahy, a uvidíte, ako sa matematika uplatňuje v rôznych oblastiach, ako je fyzika, informatika, ekonómia a iné.

Tieto knihy často obsahujú matematické dôkazy, vysvetlenia a príklady, ktoré vám pomáhajú lepšie pochopiť matematické myšlienky a techniky. Poskytujú návod na riešenie matematických problémov a rozvíjajú vaše logické myslenie a analytické schopnosti.

Kategória literatúry Matematika a logika je určená pre všetkých, ktorí majú záujem o matematické koncepty, dôkazové metódy a logické myslenie. Tieto knihy vás inšpirujú k objavovaniu nových matematických pravidiel, teórií a aplikácií a rozvíjajú váš matematický a logický intelekt.