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Cola Fountains & Splattering Paint Bombs

Cola Fountains & Splattering Paint Bombs
16,10 € 16,95 €

Evolution in Minutes

How did life begin? What is the theory of evolution and is it proven? Are we really descended from apes? And has evolution stalled or is humanity just a step on the way to more advanced forms of life? Through 200 mini-essays, expert palaeontologist Darren Naish answers these and many other fundamental questions on the most controversial topic of all. From the theories of Charles Darwin and the Survival of the Fittest to cutting-edge research on consciousness and artificial life, he explains where we came from, how we became human, and what might happen to us next. Immense in scope, and with 200 informative images and diagrams, Evolution in Minutes concisely covers the concepts, rival theories, history and politics of evolution, as well as explaining the development of life across deep time as revealed by the fossil record, from the earliest bacteria via dinosaurs and Neanderthals to humankind - and beyond.
12,83 € 13,50 €

The Glass Universe

AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEAR `A peerless intellectual biography. The Glass Universe shines and twinkles as brightly as the stars themselves' The Economist #1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science Before they even had the right to vote, a group of remarkable women were employed by Harvard College Observatory as `Human Computers' to interpret the observations made via telescope by their male counterparts each night. The author of Longitude, Galileo's Daughter and The Planets shines light on the hidden history of these extraordinary women who changed the burgeoning field of astronomy and our understanding of the stars and our place in the universe.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Star Wars a věda

Star Wars jsou vynikajícím dílem sci-fi a fantazie, které zaujalo představivost a srdce fanoušků po celém světě. Jsou překvapeni rozmanitostí tvorů a technologií a jsou udiveni tajemstvím Síly. Ptáte se kolik ze světa Star Wars má svoji oporu v realitě? Mohou se některé z mimořádných vynálezů objevit v našem světě? Tato kniha prochází filmový vesmír a prozkoumává padesát fascinujících témat včetně bojových technologií, mimozemského života, vesmírných cest, fyziky a podobně. Kniha obsahuje mnoho odpovědí na otázky jako jsou: Za jak dlouho odstartujeme s prvním spídrem jako ze Star Wars? Co je přesně Síla? Jak bychom mohli žít na plynném obru jako je Bespin? Jak je možné, že Kylo Ren dokáže zastavit střelu z blasteru během letu? Kolik by stálo postavit Hvězdu smrti? A mnoho dalšího. Nemusíte být Jedi ani vědec. Kniha je napsaná pro fanoušky, kteří chtějí zjistit fakta skrytá za jedním z nejoblíbenějších moderních eposů.
14,69 € 15,46 €

Story Of Innovation

From the structure of the atom to the jet engine, from the world's fossil record to the theory of relativity: here are the critical breakthroughs in technology, the paradigm shifts that led to modern science, and the discoveries and accomplishments that shape our world today and our future tomorrow. Organized by realm of science and tracing key concepts from origins to the most exciting ideas and advances on the horizon, this book documents the interconnectedness among the crucial milestones of our time. Written in clear, authoritative prose, illustrated with essential photography and diagrams, and laid out in an entertaining and browsable way, this is the go-to book for answers about the way the world works.
38,00 € 40,00 €

Science and the City

Cities are a big deal. More people now live in them than don't, and with a growing world population, the urban jungle is only going to get busier in the coming decades. But how often do we stop to think about what makes our cities work? Cities are built using some of the most creative and revolutionary science and engineering ideas - from steel structures that scrape the sky to glass cables that help us communicate at the speed of light - but most of us are too busy to notice. Science and the City is your guidebook to that hidden world, helping you to uncover some of the remarkable technologies that keep the world's great metropolises moving. Laurie Winkless takes us around cities in six continents to find out how they're dealing with the challenges of feeding, housing, powering and connecting more people than ever before. In this book, you'll meet urban pioneers from history, along with today's experts in everything from roads to time, and you will uncover the vital role science has played in shaping the city around you. But more than that, by exploring cutting-edge research from labs across the world, you'll build your own vision of the megacity of tomorrow, based on science fact rather than science fiction. Science and the City is the perfect read for anyone curious about the world they live in.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Big Data

Is the Brexit vote successful big data politics or the end of democracy? Why do airlines overbook, and why do banks get it wrong so often? How does big data enable Netflix to forecast a hit, CERN to find the Higgs boson and medics to discover if red wine really is good for you? And how are companies using big data to benefit from smart meters, use advertising that spies on you and develop the gig economy, where workers are managed by the whim of an algorithm? The volumes of data we now access can give unparalleled abilities to make predictions, respond to customer demand and solve problems. But Big Brother's shadow hovers over it. Though big data can set us free and enhance our lives, it has the potential to create an underclass and a totalitarian state. With big data ever-present, you can't afford to ignore it. Acclaimed science writer Brian Clegg - a habitual early adopter of new technology (and the owner of the second-ever copy of Windows in the UK) - brings big data to life.
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Universe Next Door

A journey through 55 alternative realities, parallel worlds and possible futures.It's lucky you're here. But for a series of incredible coincidences and roads not taken, your life could be very different. The same goes for reality. We live in just one of many possible worlds. In others, dinosaurs still rule the Earth, the Russians got to the Moon first, time flows backwards and everyone is vegetarian.And that's just for starters. What if the laws of physics were different? If we really did live in a multiverse? If robots became smarter than us? If humans were wiped off the face of the planet?Join New Scientist on a thrilling journey through these and dozens of other incredible but perfectly possible alternative realities, thought experiments and counterfactual histories - each shining a surprising and unexpected spotlight on life as we know it.
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Runaway Species

Our relentless drive to create makes us unique among living creatures. What is special about the human brain that enables us to innovate? Why don't cows choreograph dances? Why don't squirrels build elevators to their treetops? Why don't alligators invent speedboats?Weaving together the arts and sciences, neuroscientist David Eagleman and composer Anthony Brandt explore the need for novelty, the simulation of possible futures, and the social components that drive the inventiveness of our species. Taking us on a tour of human creativity from Picasso to concept cars to umbrellas to lunar travel, Brandt and Eagleman explore the cognitive software that generates new ideas, and illuminate the key facets of a creative mentality. Through understanding our ability to innovate - our most profound, mysterious, and deeply human capacity - we can meet the challenge of remaking our constantly shifting world.
22,75 € 23,95 €

The Art of Dinosaur

This book is a collection of dinosaur illustrations by the most technically and aesthetically accomplished paleoartists working today. Paleoart is any original artistic manifestation that attempts to reconstruct or depict prehistoric life according to the latest knowledge and scientific evidence in paleontology today. Paleoart first became extremely popular during the 1990s following the megahit film Jurassic Park (1993) and has since been enhanced by advances in computer graphics technology. Since 2000, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology has awarded the Lanzendorf PaleoArt Prize for achievement in the field. The artists in this collection present an outstanding selection of their works (many are award-winning) that show not only the dynamism of this artistic genre, but also the great detail and individual technique of each art work itself. Informative captions include the name and time period of each dinosaur, along wih the media and software used in each art work. Dinosaur lovers, fantasy art fans as well as 3D art professionals and students will enjoy exploring the world of dinosaur art today with this beautiful full-color book.
40,38 € 42,50 €

Origin of Spieces

The publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species in 1859 marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought, but it also ignited a firestorm of controversy. More than two decades following his intercontinental voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, the English naturalist carefully advanced his theory of evolution by natural selection, offering coherent and highly readable views of adaptation, survival of the fittest, and other concepts that form the foundation of modern evolutionary theory. The first edition of the book sold out on the day of publication, and as it continues to spark heated debate 150 years later, the work's impact is undeniable. Launching modern biology and informing virtually all contemporary literary, philosophical, and religious thinking, this is a book that changed the world, and now it is available as a portable, elegantly designed clothbound edition with an elastic closure and a new introduction.
17,05 € 17,95 €

Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory

The third volume in Leonard Susskind's one-of-a-kind physics series cracks open Einstein's special relativity and field theory In the first two books in his wildly popular The Theoretical Minimum series, world-class physicist Leonard Susskind provided a brilliant first course in classical and quantum mechanics, offering readers not an oversimplified introduction, but the real thing - everything you need to start doing physics, and nothing more. Now, thankfully, Susskind and his former student Art Friedman are back, this time to introduce readers to special relativity and classical field theory. At last, waves, forces and particles will be demystified. Using their typical brand of relatively simple maths, enlightening sketches and the same fictional counterparts, Art and Lenny, Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory takes us on an enlightening journey through a world now governed by the laws of special relativity. Starting in their new watering hole, Hermann's Hideaway, with a lesson on relativity, Art and Lenny walk us through the complexities of Einstein's famous theory. Combining rigor with humour, Susskind and Friedman guarantee that Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory will become part of the reader's physics toolbox.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Lacná kniha Velké vymírání na konci křídy (-70%)

Vývoj života na Zemi nebyl pouhým sledem předurčených dějů a událostí. Život se v rozporu s některými názory nevyvíjel přímočaře a nesměřoval ke stále větší složitosti a dokonalosti. Místo toho se v geologickém a fosilním záznamu setkáváme s nečekanými zvraty a změnami, které někdy postihly a přerušily dlouhodobé evoluční trendy, a dokonce mohly změnit i samotný směr vývoje organického světa na naší planetě. Snad nejlepším a nejintenzivněji zkoumaným příkladem takové velké a dramatické změny je hromadné vymírání druhů, ke kterému došlo na konci křídy přibližně před 66 miliony let. Tehdy do oblasti budoucího Mexického zálivu narazila asi deset kilometrů velká planetka, což následně vedlo k celé smršti katastrofických událostí, jejichž výsledkem bylo vyhynutí asi tří čtvrtin všech druhů na naší planetě. O dějinách výzkumu této události, jeho pozadí, okolnostech a nejnovějších výsledcích pojednává tato kniha.
4,77 € 15,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Velké vymírání na konci křídy (-90%)

Vývoj života na Zemi nebyl pouhým sledem předurčených dějů a událostí. Život se v rozporu s některými názory nevyvíjel přímočaře a nesměřoval ke stále větší složitosti a dokonalosti. Místo toho se v geologickém a fosilním záznamu setkáváme s nečekanými zvraty a změnami, které někdy postihly a přerušily dlouhodobé evoluční trendy, a dokonce mohly změnit i samotný směr vývoje organického světa na naší planetě. Snad nejlepším a nejintenzivněji zkoumaným příkladem takové velké a dramatické změny je hromadné vymírání druhů, ke kterému došlo na konci křídy přibližně před 66 miliony let. Tehdy do oblasti budoucího Mexického zálivu narazila asi deset kilometrů velká planetka, což následně vedlo k celé smršti katastrofických událostí, jejichž výsledkem bylo vyhynutí asi tří čtvrtin všech druhů na naší planetě. O dějinách výzkumu této události, jeho pozadí, okolnostech a nejnovějších výsledcích pojednává tato kniha.
1,59 € 15,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Why Dinosaurs Matter

What can long-dead dinosaurs teach us about our future? Plenty, according to world-renowned paleontologist and recent star of BBC show The Day the Dinosaurs Died Dr Kenneth Lacovara, who has discovered some of the largest creatures to ever walk the Earth, including the super-massive Dreadnoughtus. 'Majestic, awe-inspiring and deeply humbling. Kenneth Lacovara reveals how dinosaurs have changed how we understand time, the world and ourselves' DR ALICE ROBERTS, anatomist and anthropologist, television presenter, author and professor `This is a dinosaur book with a difference. In lyrical prose Kenneth Lacovara shows how an understanding of the past helps to understand the present. The dinosaurs played no role in the great extinction that ended their era: we, on the other hand, are playing a major part in the extinction that is taking place today. And unless we change our ways, if we continue destroying the natural world, this will lead inevitably to our own extinction. But unlike the dinosaurs we have the power to turn things around.' DR JANE GOODALL, DBE, conservationist, founder of the Jane Goodaal Institute and UN Messenger of Peace `Kenneth Lacovara LOVES Dinosaurs, LOVES science and truly LOVES telling you about it. Few non-fiction writers wield words with more poetic and potent affection for their subject. Ken's deep scholarship and clear enjoyment of his subject always makes ME feel smarter. A man obsessed not just with his subject matter, but with showing us how looking into our deep past can illuminate our future.' ADAM SAVAGE of THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL By tapping into the wonder that dinosaurs inspire, Dr Lacovara weaves together the stories of our geological awakening, of humanity's epic struggle to understand the nature of deep time, the meaning of fossils, and our own place on the vast and bountiful tree of life. Go on a journey, back to when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, to discover how dinosaurs achieved feats unparalleled by any other group of animals. Learn the secrets of how paleontologists find fossils, and explore quirky, but fascinating questions, such as: Is a penguin a dinosaur? How are the tiny arms of T. rex the key to its power and ferocity? In this revealing book, Dr Lacovara offers the latest ideas about the shocking and calamitous death of the dinosaurs and ties their vulnerabilities to our own. Why Dinosaurs Matter is compelling and engaging - a reminder that our place on this planet is both precarious and potentially fleeting. As we move into an uncertain environmental future, it has never been more important to understand the past.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Ends of the World Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans and Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions

Five times our world has stood on the brink of Armageddon. It's been scorched, frozen, poison-gassed, smothered and pelted by asteroids. We are very lucky to be alive... Over the past decade there has been a revolution in our understanding of global apocalypses. Armed with new technology, scientists have uncovered a myriad of clues in the fossil record about what caused these catastrophes - a record rife with weird and wonderful creatures like dragonflies the size of seagulls and fishes with guillotines for mouths. Diving into deep time, The Ends of the World reveals how these near extinctions gave rise to our modern world and gives us a terrifying glimpse of what may lie ahead.
19,48 € 20,50 €


Dinosaurs Are Forever A pictorial history of paleoart It was 1830 when an English scientist named Henry De la Beche painted the first piece of paleoart, a dazzling, deliciously macabre vision of prehistoric reptiles battling underwater. Since then, artists the world over have conjured up visions of dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, cavemen, and other creatures, shaping our understanding of the primeval past through their exhilarating images. In this unprecedented new book, writer Zoe Lescaze and artist Walton Ford present the astonishing history of paleoart from 1830 to 1990. These are not cave paintings produced thousands of years ago, but modern visions of the prehistory: stunning paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures, mosaics, and murals that mingle scientific fact with unbridled fantasy. The collection provides an in-depth look at this neglected niche of art history, and shows the artists charged with imagining these extinct creatures projected their own aesthetic whims onto prehistory, rendering the primordial past with dashes of Romanticism, Impressionism, Japonisme, Fauvism, and Art Nouveau, among other influences. With incisive essays from Lescaze, a preface by Ford, five fold-outs, and dozens of details, the book showcases a stunning collection of artworks plucked from major natural history museums, obscure archives, and private collections, and includes new photography of key works, including Charles R. Knight's seminal dinosaur paintings in Chicago and little-known masterpieces such as A. M. Belashova's monumental mosaic in Moscow. From the fearsome to the fantastical, Paleoart: Visions of a Prehistoric Past 1830-1990 is a celebration of prehistoric animals in art, and a novel chance to understand our favorite extinct beasts through a new art historical lens.
90,25 € 95,00 €

Inheritors of the Earth

It is accepted wisdom today that human beings have irrevocably damaged the natural world. Yet what if this narrative obscures a more hopeful truth?In Inheritors of the Earth, renowned ecologist and environmentalist Chris D. Thomas overturns the accepted story, revealing how nature is fighting back.Many animals and plants actually benefit from our presence, raising biological diversity in most parts of the world and increasing the rate at which new species are formed, perhaps to the highest level in Earth's history. From Costa Rican tropical forests to the thoroughly transformed British landscape, nature is coping surprisingly well in the human epoch.Chris Thomas takes us on a gripping round-the-world journey to meet the enterprising creatures that are thriving in the Anthropocene, from York's ochre-coloured comma butterfly to hybrid bison in North America, scarlet-beaked pukekos in New Zealand, and Asian palms forming thickets in the European Alps. In so doing, he questions our irrational persecution of so-called 'invasive species', and shows us that we should not treat the Earth as a faded masterpiece that we need to restore. After all, if life can recover from the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs, might it not be able to survive the onslaughts of a technological ape?Combining a naturalist's eye for wildlife with an ecologist's wide lens, Chris Thomas forces us to re-examine humanity's relationship with nature, and reminds us that the story of life is the story of change.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Beyond the Aquila Rift

This is an amazing collection of some of the best short fiction ever written in the SF genre, by an author acclaimed as 'the mastersinger of space opera' THE TIMES.With an introduction by noted SF critic Johnathan Strahan, this collection of twenty short stories, novellettes and novellas includes MINLA'S FLOWERS, SIGNAL TO NOISE, TROIKA, and seven previous uncollected stories, including TRAUMA POD, THE WATER THIEF and IN BABELSBERG.Alastair Reynolds has won the Sidewise Award and been nominated for The Hugo Awards for his short fiction. One of the most thought-provoking and accomplished short-fiction writers of our time, this collection is a delight for all SF readers
18,00 € 18,95 €

Kategória  literatúry Prírodné vedy ponúka široký výber kníh a textov, ktoré sa zaoberajú vedeckým skúmaním prírody a jej procesov. Táto kategória literatúry je zameraná na objavovanie a pochopenie fyzikálnych, chemických, biologických a iných prírodných javov.

Prírodné vedy sú dôležité pre porozumenie sveta, okolia a života. Tieto knihy nám umožňujú objavovať zázraky prírody a získavať hlbšie pochopenie vesmíru, evolúcie, fyzikálnych a chémických zákonov, štruktúry a funkcií biologických systémov a ďalších zaujímavých tém.

Ak máte záujem o prírodné vedy a chcete sa dozvedieť viac, kategória literatúry Prírodné vedy vám poskytne široký výber kníh, ktoré vám pomôžu lepšie porozumieť prírode, jej zákonom a interakciám.