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Knihy - Young adults strana 82 z 119

Lacná kniha Maličkosti (-70%)

Mia má sedemnásť, jedinú ozajstnú kamarátku, pohádaných rodičov, foťák na krku a nový účet na Instagrame. Od narodenia je takmer slepá. Túži však po normálnom živote. Chce študovať, fotiť, zamilovať sa a chce, aby ju mal niekto skutočne rád. A nie, rodičia sa nerátajú, i keď sú fajn. Dokáže Mia zistiť, kto v živote stojí za to a čo je naozaj dôležité?
3,90 € 13,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Love Curse Of Melody Mcintyre

It's easy not to fall in love, right? Melody McIntyre, stage manager extraordinaire, has a plan for everything. What she doesn't have? Success with love. Every time she falls for someone during a school performance, both the romance and the show end in catastrophe. So, Mel swears off love until their upcoming production of Les Mis is over. Of course, Mel didn't count on Odile Rose, rising star in the acting world, auditioning for the spring performance. And she definitely didn't expect Odile to be sweet, and funny and care as much about the play's success as Mel. Which means that Melody McIntyre's only plan now is trying desperately not to fall in love. A hilarious, heartwarming and empowering read, perfect for fans of Pitch Perfect, Love Simon and To All the Boys I've Loved Before.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Lacná kniha The Love Curse Of Melody Mcintyre (-70%)

It's easy not to fall in love, right? Melody McIntyre, stage manager extraordinaire, has a plan for everything. What she doesn't have? Success with love. Every time she falls for someone during a school performance, both the romance and the show end in catastrophe. So, Mel swears off love until their upcoming production of Les Mis is over. Of course, Mel didn't count on Odile Rose, rising star in the acting world, auditioning for the spring performance. And she definitely didn't expect Odile to be sweet, and funny and care as much about the play's success as Mel. Which means that Melody McIntyre's only plan now is trying desperately not to fall in love. A hilarious, heartwarming and empowering read, perfect for fans of Pitch Perfect, Love Simon and To All the Boys I've Loved Before.
3,15 € 10,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Instant Karma

In New York Times bestselling author Marissa Meyer's young adult contemporary romance, a girl is suddenly gifted with the ability to cast instant karma on those around her - both good and bad. Chronic overachiever Prudence Daniels is always quick to cast judgment on the lazy, rude, and arrogant residents of her coastal town. Her dreams of karmic justice are fulfilled when, after a night out with her friends, she wakes up with the sudden ability to cast instant karma on those around her. Pru giddily makes use of the power, punishing everyone from public vandals to mean gossips, but there is one person on whom her powers consistently backfire: Quint Erickson, her slacker of a lab partner. Quint is annoyingly cute and impressively noble, especially when it comes to his work with the rescue center for local sea animals. When Pru resigns herself to working at the rescue center for extra credit, she begins to uncover truths about baby otters, environmental upheaval, and romantic crossed signals-not necessarily in that order. Her newfound karmic insights reveal how thin the line is between virtue and vanity, generosity and greed . . . love and hate... and fate.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Historically Inaccurate

A witty and urgent #ownvoices romance, perfect for fans of The Sun is Also a Star and To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Soledad 'Sol' Gutierrez is struggling to keep her life together after her mother's deportation. Juggling schoolwork, a part time job and the pressure of her family slowly falling apart, she still decides to join The History Club at her college - an easy way to make her resume look good. Or so she thinks. When she's asked to steal a fork from the oldest house in her village as an 'initiation' into the club, it should have been straightforward - it's empty house and she's given the key. But Sol didn't account for Ethan Winston, who saw everything that happened in his grandparents' house and catches her red-handed. Soon, she finds herself embroiled in a number of madcap adventures that ultimately change the course of her life forever.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Lacná kniha Americká princezná (-70%)

Keď v 18. storočí Američania získali nezávislosť, nezvolili si Georgea Washingtona za prvého amerického prezidenta, ale vymenovali ho za amerického kráľa. Vitajte v súčasnosti. Korunná princezná Beatrice odjakživa rozumela svojej úlohe vo svete – je nástupníčkou amerického kráľovského trónu a život má naplánovaný do poslednej bodky. Vždy musí byť dokonalá, vždy usmiata, vždy vzorom Ameriky. S týmto osudom by sa zmierila, keby sa šialene nezamilovala do niekoho, s kým nikdy nebude môcť byť.
4,50 € 14,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow

Seven for a secret, never to be told . . . Illumen Hall is a boarding school of tradition and achievement. But tragedy strikes when the body of a girl, a student, is discovered - on her back is an elaborate tattoo of a magpie. For new student Audrey, it is just another unsettling thing about her new surroundings. And for her roommate Ivy, well, she's just annoyed she has to share with the new girl from America. As an unlikely friendship develops, the two are drawn deeper into the mystery of this strange and terrible murder. They will discover that something dangerous is at the heart of their school. Welcome to The Magpie Society.
13,25 € 13,95 €
  • 5 /5

Knihovníčka z Auschwitzu

V jednom z najtemnejších období v histórii ľudstva sa zrodil jedinečný príbeh mladého dievčaťa z Prahy, ktoré prejavilo obrovskú odvahu, keď sa rozhodlo vlastným životom chrániť cenné židovské knihy priamo v jednom z najbrutálnejších koncentračných táborov. Písal sa rok 1939, keď Ditu Krausovú s rodinou zajali nacisti a uväznili ich najprv v Terezíne a neskôr v koncentračnom tábore Auschwitz. Dita sa zo všetkých síl snažila prispôsobiť svojmu novému životu v brutálnych podmienkach a dokonca aj uprostred všetkých hrôz prejavovala neskonalú ľudskú silu a húževnatosť. Aj preto ju židovský vodca Fredy Hirsch požiadal, aby u seba uschovala vzácne knižné zväzky, ktoré sa väzňom podarilo prepašovať do tábora. Dita sa tejto úlohy chopila celým svojím srdcom a stala sa tajnou knihovníčkou Auschwitzu. Dnes je len ťažko uveriteľné, že vďaka štrnásťročnému dievčaťu existovala v tábore plnom krutostí maličká tajná knižnica, ktorá obsahovala len osem zväzkov kníh. Napriek všetkému však dokázala zapáliť plameň vedomia a nádeje v dušiach tých najmenších a najzraniteľnejších – detí uväznených v Auschwitzi.
15,19 € 15,99 €

V šedých tónech (brož.)

Píše se rok 1941. Lině je patnáct let a těší se, že po prázdninách půjde na uměleckou školu. Jednoho večera ale k nim domů vrazí sovětská tajná policie a společně s její matkou a malým bráškou ji odvlečou pryč. Čeká je deportace do pracovních táborů na Sibiři. Lina se musí naučit bojovat o život, přijímat obtížná rozhodnutí, spolknout ponižování a bití a hlavně nenechat se zlomit, udržet si vlastní lidství. Linin pohnutý příběh je plný lidské krutosti a nenávisti, ale zároveň lásky a naděje.
9,49 € 9,99 €

The Key to the Fear

For fans of Vox, The Power and The Handmaid's Tale comes a dystopian novel set in a world where touching is forbidden, books are banned and The Key governs. Elodie obeys The Key. Elodie obeys the rules. Elodie trusts in the system. At least, Elodie used to... Aidan is a rebel. Aidan doesn't do what he's told. Aidan just wants to be free. Aidan is on his last chance... After a pandemic wiped out most of the human race, The Key took power. The Key dictate the rules. They govern in order to keep people safe. But as Elodie and Aidan begin to discover there is another side to The Key, they realise not everything is as it seems. Rather than playing protector, The Key are playing God.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Počkám na teba + Čitateľský zápisník Knižkomila

Pre devätnásťročnú Avery je štúdium na univerzite vzdialenej tisíce kilometrov od domova jediný spôsob, ako uniknúť pred udalosťami spred piatich rokov. V ten osudný halloweensky večer sa jej život zmenil od základov. Teraz netúži po inom, ako stíhať prednášky, nepútať pozornosť, za žiadnych okolností si nesnímať náramok zo zápästia a pri troche šťastia si nájsť nových priateľov. Hneď v prvý deň sa však na chodbe zrazí s vychýreným krásavcom Camom a ten jej plány naštrbí. Cam je stelesním dievčenských snov – príťažlivý modrooký študent s pozoruhodnou schopnosťou vyvolať u Avery túžbu po tom, čoho sa už dávno zriekla. Vie, že by sa ho mala strániť, ale šarmantnému, vtipnému Camovi nemožno odolať. Lenže kde to iskrí, hrozí aj vzplanutie. Avery sa už raz škaredo popálila a následky si nesie dodnes. Ani diaľka ju neuchránila. Niekomu zrazu veľmi záleží na tom, aby Avery na incident z onej noci nezabudla, a začne jej posielať zvláštne výhražné e-maily a esemesky. Teraz už Avery nemá na výber.
13,21 € 13,90 €

Lacná kniha Průsvitní (-50%)

Co dělat, když jste poslední svého druhu na celém světě? Nesnášíte město, ze kterého se nemůžete hnout, s nikým si nerozumíte a marně hledáte spřízněnou duši. Alan pracuje v podzemním klubu, Zaira v obřím nákupním středisku a oba se od svého okolí výrazně odlišují. Žijí v jednom městě, jsou si souzeni, a přesto k sobě nemůžou. Dva ztracenci, kteří nikam nezapadají, avšak osud celého lidstva je spjat s jejich existencí.
5,40 € 10,79 €

dostupné aj ako:

Take Me Home : An Activity Journal for Young Explorers

Take Me Home is the latest book in an exciting series of guided journals for young explorers. Crammed with facts, lively illustrations and inspiring activities, it's perfect for spending creative time at home – just the thing for completing after school or on a rainy day. With this book as your guide, you don't even need to go out of your own front door to discover new things! Each chapter of Take Me Home is filled with activities that encourage children to explore the place where they live, jot down their ideas and draw what they see. As they complete lists, create pictures and answer questions they are prompted to look at their own home in new ways – observing its different spaces and the objects that fill it. Fun, quirky and bursting with information about homes throughout history; architecture and design; the way things work; and the artists and writers who have been inspired by the idea of home, this book is a perfect gift for curious and creative children. Take Me Home follows the popular format of Take Me To Museums, Take Me On Holiday, Take Me To School and Take Me Outdoors.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Jizvy jako křídla

Šestnáctiletá Ava Leeová přišla o všechno: o rodiče, nejlepší kamarádku, domov a dokonce i o tvář. Nepotřebuje zrcadlo, aby viděla, jak vypadá svůj odraz vidí v očích všech, kteří se na ni dívají. Rok po požáru, který zničil její svět, stojí před návratem do normálního života. Pro popálenou dívku jako ona už ale žádný normální život neexistuje. Teprve setkání se stejně postiženou spolužačkou Piper v ní probouzí naděje, že na svou noční můru již nebude sama. Piper vytlačí Avu z její komfortní zóny a přinutí ji dělat věci, které by nikdy nepovažovala za možné. Ava však netuší, že Piper bojuje i svou vlastní bitvu a již brzy se bude muset rozhodnout, jestli svým jizvám dovolí, aby ji stáhly zpět nebo umožní těm, kteří ji mají rádi, aby jí pomohli létat.
15,58 € 16,40 €


Your first love, your first time, your first heartbreak. The new novel from Jennifer Niven, author of All the Bright Places. You were my first. Not just sex, although that was part of it, but the first to look past everything else into me. Some of the names and places have been changed, but the story is true. Claudine Henry was not supposed to spend her summer on this remote island off the coast of Georgia. She was supposed to be on a road trip with her best friend, spending every last minute together before they go to college. But after her father makes a shock announcement, she is exiled with her shaken mother, with no phone service and no one she knows. She is completely cut off. Until she meets Jeremiah. Free spirited, mysterious and beautiful, their chemistry is immediate and irresistible. They both know that whatever they have can only last the summer, but maybe one summer is enough...
12,30 € 12,95 €

Cemetery Boys

Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can't get rid of him. When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his true gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. However, the ghost he summons is actually Julian Diaz, the school's resident bad boy, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He's determined to find out what happened and tie off some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave.
17,58 € 18,50 €

K-Pop Confidential

Big dreams, rivalries and romance collide in this must-read YA novel for K-pop fans everywhere! 'I'm still giddy over this electrifying, big-hearted, all-kill smash of a debut. I couldn't put it down.' BECKY ALBERTALLI, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. The delectable K-pop confessional we've all been waiting for ... frothy bubble tea of a book.' NEW YORK TIMES '[A] riveting tale of friendship, love, and passion' TEEN VOGUE Candace is your average Korean-American teen - who can't believe her luck when she's picked from thousands of auditionees to travel to Seoul and train to become a K-pop star. There's only one problem: she's really not cut out for it. The language is hard, the girls are mean, and the number-one rule is NO DATING - which proves impossible after she meets superstar idol One.J and fellow trainee YoungBae. In the battle to debut, Candace must decide whether a spot in the most hyped K-pop girl group of all time is really worth risking everything ... A YA romantic coming-of-age novel about big dreams, rivalries and friendship, set against the vibrant landscape of Seoul, South Korea. * A must for any K-pop fan: a behind-the-scenes look at the Korean pop industry, whilst exploring themes of expectations, female empowerment and determination. * Stephan Lee is a Korean-American writer, YA enthusiast and ardent K-pop fan!
10,93 € 11,50 €

86 - EIGHTY SIX, Vol. 5: Death, Be Not Proud (light novel)

Desperate for more information on Legion Developer Zelene Birkenbaum, the Eighty Sixth Strike Package sets its sights on the United Kingdom of Roa Gracia. Little do they know, their hunt for answers is about to yield far more information than they bargained for. Within the United Kingdom, a Legion strategy crazy enough to terrify even the Eighty-Six is already well underway...
17,58 € 18,50 €

Elena: Největší vítězství

Co se to jen s Timem děje? Od Elenina návratu z Ameriky je jako vyměněný a ona už vůbec neví, na čem vlastně je. Když Elena na posledním turnaji v sezoně spadne z koně a těžce se zraní, není to Tim, kdo ji navštíví v nemocnici, nýbrž Farid. Ovšem proč by se měl tento krásný kluk, navíc vycházející fotbalová hvězda, zamilovat zrovna do ní? Když jednoho večera zmizí Timova malá sestra, vydává se Elena na cestu do nebezpečí…
11,39 € 11,99 €

V knižnej kategórii Young Adults objavíte fascinujúci svet literatúry pre mladých, ktorá kombinuje dobrodružstvo, emocionálnu hĺbku a osobnostný rast.Tieto knihy sú určené pre mladých čitateľov, ktorí hľadajú príbehy, ktoré ich oslovia, inšpirujú a pomáhajú im porozumieť svetu a sebe samým.

Kategória kníh Young Adults je plná rozmanitých žánrov, vrátane romantiky. Prinášame vám silné a autentické postavy, ktoré čelia výzvam, objavujú svoju identitu a nachádzajú svoje miesto vo svete.Knihy z kategórie Young Adults ponúkajú dobrodružstvo, napätie, lásku a komplexné témy, ktoré sa týkajú tém, ktoré sú pre dospievajúcich dôležité a udalostí, ktorými v tomto veku prechádzajú.

Teenageri nájdu v knihách príbehy, ktoré sa ich dotýkajú a otvárajú diskusiu o dôležitých témach, ako je sebaprijatie, priateľstvo, láska, rast, utváranie hodnôt a nájdenie svojho miesta vo svete. Tieto knihy ponúkajú nielen zábavu, ale aj príležitosť na sebarozvoj a porozumenie komplexnosti dospievania.