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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Dejiny, teória umenia strana 28 z 45

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JR Can Art Change the World

The first major and in-depth retrospective monograph on JR, the enigmatic and anonymous Parisian photographer/street artist/activist behind some of the world's most provocative large-scale public photography projects. Created in close collaboration with JR, this book includes all bodies of his work, his collaborations with other artists and institutions such as the New York Ballet and previously unpublished behind-the-scenes documentation of his studios in Paris and New York, where he and his creative collaborators live and work. Introducing JR 's story is a specially commissioned graphic novel by comic artist Joseph Remnant, which charts his rise from graffiti roots and his decision to become a full-time artist. Features a survey essay by Nato Thompson, Chief Curator of Creative Time, New York.
61,75 € 65,00 €

Ars Sacra small

"Ars Sacra is an unique tribute to 2000 years of Christian art, architecture and spirituality. This glorious tome takes the reader on a tour through seventeen centuries of sacral art, architecture, and culture, from the late antiquity to the middle ages, renaissance, baroque, art nouveau to works by contemporary artists such as Marc Chagall and Gerhard Richter. "
94,05 € 99,00 €

XL Pompeii, Niccolini

When the excavations at Pompeii were first placed on a scholarly archaeological footing in the 19th century, brothers Fausto and Felice Niccolini were close at hand and ready to respond. Making use of the newly introduced technique of color lithography, they documented the buildings, frescos, statues, as well as the most ordinary everyday objects, of the city buried in just 24 hours by the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius and preserved for over 1,600 years under a mantle of volcanic ash. The Niccolinis' goal was to illustrate all aspects of life in the antique city. Their publication, Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei ("The Houses and Monuments of Pompeii"), which was issued in installments between 1854 and 1896 in Naples, presented over 400 color plates providing not only views, maps, and groundplans of the city and its public buildings, but also offered unprecedented access to Pompeii's private residences. They revealed the astonishing painted wall decorations that adorned these long-buried abodes, their intricate works of art, and the practical utensils of everyday use, conjuring up a vivid picture of each house as a real domestic space. In total, the plates illustrated more than 1,000 items, each extensively specified and located for the first time, making the publication a major reference in Pompeii research. In addition, "animated" representations visualized daily life in Pompeii's workshops, taverns, and shops, on its public squares, and in its temples, theaters, and baths. This meticulous facsimile revives the Niccolinis' extraordinary achievement with all color plates and two introductory essays setting the project in its contemporary context and presenting the historical protagonists of the Vesuvian excavations. In addition, we explore the remarkable influence exerted by Pompeian art-and by the haunting plaster casts made of victims of the eruption-on the visual arts. Across painting, sculpture, and interior design, we trace the Pompeii legacy in the work of Robert Adam, Anton Raphael Mengs, Angelika Kaufmann, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Pablo Picasso, and Giorgio de Chirico, right through to recent masters Duane Hanson and George Segal.
156,75 € 165,00 €

Van Eyck

Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck (c. 1390-1441) towered above his contemporaries. With his unprecedented technique, scientific knowledge and unparalleled powers of observation, Van Eyck lifted oil painting to previously unseen heights and helped determine the course of Western art. In 2020 the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent will host the largest ever exhibition of Van Eyck's work. An Optical Revolution includes artworks by Van Eyck, several pieces from his studio and international masterpieces from the late Middle Ages, which makes the world of Van Eyck more tangible than ever. This tie-in exhibition catalogue unravels some of the myths that surround Van Eyck and his technique while showing his complete oeuvre and his influence in a new perspective. Central to the exhibition are the eight restored exterior panels of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, a highly exceptional loan from St Bavo's Cathedral in Ghent. After the exhibition the panels will return to their original place in the cathedral and never again be shown elsewhere. Including essays by leading experts from around the world, this book will be an indispensable resource for Van Eyck fans and scholars alike.
71,25 € 75,00 €

Awakening the Night

Delving deep into the subjects of philosophy, psychology, and astronomy, this beautifully illustrated and wide-ranging volume offers a chronological approach to understanding how artists of all kinds have dealt with the subject of nighttime. It opens with the early nineteenth century, focusing on the tension between romanticism and enlightenment, idealism and realism, beauty and science. It then goes on to explore the introduction of electricity, the subsequent illumination of urban spaces, and light pollution. Finally, it investigates contemporary images of places that come alive in the darkness - subways, mines, theaters, movie houses, and nightclubs. Filled with the works of renowned painters, photographers, sculptors and filmmakers, this volume is enhanced by a series of insightful essays that help us understand how artists' depictions of nighttime have evolved in tandem with developments in technology, science, and philosophy.
52,25 € 55,00 €

Ars sacra

Ez a 800 oldalas, monumentális kötet a nyugati keresztény képzőművészetet és építészetet mutatja be a késő antikvitástól a reneszánszon, a barokkon és a klasszicizmuson át a modern korig. A keresztény múlt máig meghatározó kulturális és művészettörténeti örökségünk. Az "Ars sacra" minden tekintetben igyekszik méltónak bizonyulni a nemes témához: formátumában, kialakításában, a szöveg és a képek minőségében. Az egyes stílustörténeti koroknak szentelt fejezetekben neves szakemberek mutatják be a legnagyszerűbb műalkotásokat az építészet, a festészet, a szobrászat és a díszítőművészet köréből. A részletes leírások új történelmi és kultúrtörténeti összefüggésbe helyezik a műveket. A rendkívül informatív leírásokat páratlanul gazdag képanyag kíséri. A lenyűgöző felvételek segítségével a műalkotások megfogható közelségbe kerülnek, s olyan részletek is láthatóvá válnak, amelyek a valóságban gyakran rejtve maradnak. A könyvet kartondobozos csomagolás védi, és ajándék vászontáskát adunk hozzá.
189,05 € 199,00 €

Gótikus művészet

A kötet a gótikus művészettel foglalkozik, megszületésétől (amely Franciaországhoz köthető) kibontakozásáig és Európa-szerte való elterjedéséig. A könyv bemutatja a legnevezetesebb, Franciaországban, Olaszországban és Spanyolországban található építészeti emlékeket (katedrálisokat, templomokat, világi épületeket). Emellett szemléletes képet kapunk a XII-XIV. század festészetéről, szobrászatáról és iparművészetéről, valamint a kor fontosabb művészeinek gazdag életpályájáról is.
23,75 € 25,00 €


Obsiahla publikácia Renesancia z cyklu Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia je prvým uceleným pohľadom na umenie „dlhého storočia“, od konca 15. do polovice 17. storočia. Renesančné umenie na Slovensku zanechalo výraznú stopu v architektúre. Námestia viace-rých miest, napríklad Levoče či Prešova si podnes zachovali svoj historický ráz, významnú skupinu tvoria radnice a spišské zvonice, rovnako ako po celom Slovensku „rozosiate“ rene-sančné kaštiele. V mnohých gotických kostoloch sa dochovalo množstvo renesančných ná-hrobkov, sochárskych i maliarskych epitafov a poskromne sa v kostoloch objavujú už aj manieristické oltáre. Domáci i zahraniční autori zhromaždili v publikácii všetky relevantné pamiatky tohto obdobia, analyzujú známe, menej známe i neznáme diela, podávajú vyčerpá-vajúci a komplexný obraz v širšom kultúrnom kontexte a stredoeurópskych súvislostiach. Kniha Renesancia je určená širokej kultúrnej obci, jej bohatú textovú a obrazovú časť (takmer 800 reprodukcií) dopĺňa poznámkový aparát, bibliografia, tabuľky, mapy a registre. Po predchádzajúcich publikáciách – Barok, 20. storočie a Gotika – je Renesancia ďalším, v poradí už štvrtým zväzkom obsiahleho cyklu Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia, ktoré pripravuje Slovenská národná galéria v spolupráci s Vydavateľstvom SLOVART.
75,05 € 79,00 €

Biennials and Beyond : Exhibitions That Made Art History:1962-2002

The most comprehensive reference book on the exhibitions that have changed contemporary art history.
80,75 € 85,00 €

A liliomos herceg

A tragikus sorsú trónörökös életével és halálával évszázadokon keresztül formálója volt a magyarok kulturális önképének. Úgy is mint „örök királyfi” a magyar szent királyok közt, úgy is mint a magyar tragikum,: a túlvilágnak élő, szűzi, tiszta keresztény ifjú megtestesítője, a „liliomos herceg”.
5,70 € 6,00 €

Art and Fashion

A volume of magnificent proportions, Art + Fashion is as exciting and elegant as the creative partnerships it celebrates. Spanning numerous eras, men and women's fashion, and a wide range of art mediums, these 25 collaborative projects reveal the astonishing work that results when luminaries from the art world (such as Pollock, Haring, and Hirst) come together with icons of the fashion world (including Saint Laurent, Westwood, McQueen). From 20th-century legends such as Elsa Schiaperelli and her famous lobster dress painted by Salvador Dali to 21st-century trailblazers such as Cindy Sherman and her self-portraits in vintage Chanel, these electric and provocative pairings--represented in lavish visuals and thoughtful essays reflecting on the history of each project--brim with the energy and possibility of powerful forces uniting.
85,50 € 90,00 €

Elder Scrolls Online : Tales of Tamriel The Land v

For the first time in print, step into the fantasy world of The Elder Scrolls Online. Tales of Tamriel - Vol. I: The Land takes readers on an adventure throughout the war-torn landscapes and battlefields of Tamriel, featuring a horde of in-game texts and exclusive artwork. Lavishly bound and produced, this series of books is the definitive guide to lore from the Elder Scrolls Online.
38,00 € 40,00 €

Ars Sacra (CZ)

Na 800 stranách jsou popsány dějiny křesťanského umění od počátků až do dneška. Představeny jsou všechny epochy od pozdní antiky přes středověk, renesanci a baroko po klasicismus a moderní umění. Renomovaní odborníci nabízejí čtenáři možnost porozumět kulturněhistorickému kontextu umění ve fundovaných textech. Tito znalci představují díla architektury, sochařství, malířství a uměleckého řemesla. Text je doprovázen velkoformátovými ilustracemi a detaily, které jsou ve skutečnosti oku návštěvníka často nepřístupné. Zvolená perspektiva navádí pozorovatele na důležité prvky. Křesťanství je nejrozšířenější náboženství na světě. ARS SACRA je poctou jeho umění a architektuře. Tato luxusní publikace, pastva pro oči, zaujme podrobnými záběry volenými speciálně s ohledem na formát knihy. Pozorovatel se přibližuje na dosah zobrazeným předmětům, často blíže než ve skutečnosti, a může zevrubně studovat detaily. Texty podložené rozsáhlým výzkumem zvou čtenáře na cestu historií a zdůrazňují významné změny v posvátném umění, architektuře a kultuře.
189,05 € 199,00 €

Art in Time: A World History of Styles and Movemen

An up-to-date and comprehensive guide to 150 of the most significant styles and movements that have shaped art history through time. All art is of its time, and this book is the first survey that explicitly embeds styles, schools and movements within the politics and culture in which they arose, by means of timelines, textual references and the unique present-to-past arrangement of the book. An essential guide to art styles and movements and a history of world art from the present day to Greek antiquity, this book places the reader in the art historian's seat, offering an opportunity to work backwards from our own time and reconnect the dots, or even find new dots to connect. It revives art history, for both the specialist and the general reader coming to the subject with limited knowledge - it shows graphically that art history is a living thing, not dead.
64,60 € 68,00 €

Alphonse Mucha

Alphonse Mucha is known largely for having originated Art Nouveau, when his poster of the actress Sarah Bernhardt became a legendary icon of the movement. Mucha went on to design hundreds of pieces in the decorative arts field, but later distanced himself from the style he pioneered, devoting his time and energy to painting. This book presents the full array of Mucha's artistic contributions - not only his posters and jewellery designs but also his design for the pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 1900 world's fair. The book also contains his works on canvas, which include pastels and frescoes and his magnum opus, The Slavic Epic, a series of 20 paintings depicting the history of his native people. A stunning selection of 700 colour illustrations is accompanied with essays that explore Mucha's style and inspirations, his transition away from the decorative arts and his forays into photography. Fans of Art Nouveau will treasure this dazzling and unique study of the artist and his contributions to design and illustration.
57,00 € 60,00 €

David Downton Portraits of the Worlds Most Stylish Women

This is the first monograph on the internationally renowned fashion artist David Downton. With a Foreword by Christian Lacroix, and an Afterword by Dita Von Teese, this book showcases more than 150 of David's drawings of celebrated women from the worlds of film, fashion and style. The illustrations are enlivened by fascinating anecdotes revealing behind-thescenes stories, and by specially commissioned photographs documenting the glamour of portrait sittings in London, Paris and New York.
57,00 € 60,00 €

Andy Warhol: The Complete Commissioned Posters

Published for the first time in a single volume, this definitive collection of original posters produced by Andy Warhol reveals the artist's remarkable contribution to the art of poster design. Throughout his career, Andy Warhol easily crossed the boundaries between fine art and graphic design; in fact, he made no distinction between art and advertising. Posters were a natural medium for this talented artist, and he was much in demand to promote some of the most renowned celebrities, causes, and brands of his time. This richly illustrated catalogue raisonné surveys every Warhol poster commissioned for a specific purpose and featuring original artwork. Arranged chronologically, they present a fascinating array of subjects, including cultural events, musicians, politics, and iconic brands. Each of the posters is exquisitely reproduced, including some with multiple variations, and accompanied by informative texts and comparative illustrations. The author's introductory essay offers a brief history of poster art and contextualizes Warhol's output against masters of the form such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Keith Haring. Seen in their entirety, these posters--bearing all the hallmarks of the artist's finest work--both reflect and reveal the cultural zeitgeist that drove Warhol's innovative practice.
49,40 € 52,00 €

Prisse d'Avennes. Egyptian Art

Symmetry and opulence. Art and architecture of ancient Egypt. An ardent admirer of the superb skills of the ancient Egyptian and Oriental artisans, the French Orientalist, author, and artist Emile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879) made enormous contributions to the field of Egyptology. As a youth he dreamed of exploring the Orient, and at 19 began his travels, by visiting Greece, Palestine, and India. Over the next 40 years he travelled to Syria. Arabia, Persia, and lived for some time in Egypt and Algeria. Prisse d'Avennes explored Egypt disguised as an Arab, using the name Edris Effendi. A student of ancient Egyptian and Islamic cultures, he later wrote in his History of Egyptian Art: "I have selected the most elegant models, those whose shape gives a very exact idea of the taste and luxury of this period, when Egyptian artistry was at its most brilliant." In 1844 Prisse d'Avennes travelled from Alexandria to France, where, three years later, he published Les Monuments egyptiens. The volume contains 51 plates - mainly chromolithographs, but also some color plates - based on drawings made during his years in Egypt. After again visiting North Africa, he returned to Paris in 1860 with the fruits of his numerous journeys - hundreds of folio drawings, photographs, sketches, plans, and 400 meters of bas-reliefs. Fascinated by the symmetry, complexity and opulence of Egyptian and Arabic art, he drew from his vast collection to create compilations of art and architecture, based on his study of original documents and historical, social, and religious context. His beautiful album of Egyptian art was published in its entirety in Paris in 1878 as L'Histoire de l'art egyptien containing 159 stunning plates. For this publication, these splendid illustrations of architecture, sculpture, paintings, and industrial arts, brilliantly conveying the history and variety of ancient Egypt's art and culture, are reproduced in facsimile and for the first time published together.
128,25 € 135,00 €

Velázquez. Complete Works

The painter's painter. Light, color and penetrating portraits from Spain's Golden Age luminary. Manet called him "the greatest painter of all." Picasso was so inspired by his masterpiece Las Meninas that he painted 44 variations of it. Monet, Renoir, and Degas were heavily influenced by the paintings of Philip IV's grand chamberlain. Francis Bacon famously painted a study of his portrait of Pope Innocent X. Indeed, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez (1599-1660) was more than the most important painter of the Spanish Golden Age. He is one of the most admired European painters who ever lived, and an authority and influence for generations of artists to come. This catalog raisonne brings together Velazquez's complete works, jaw-droppingly reproduced in extra-large format, with a selection of enlarged details and brand new photography of recently restored paintings, brought about by the joint initative of TASCHEN and Wildenstein. The book's dazzling images are accompanied by insightful commentary from Jose Lopez-Rey on Velazquez's interest in human liveliness and equal attention to all subjects, from an old woman frying eggs to a pope or a king, as well as his commitment to color and light, which would influence the Impressionists over two centuries later.
128,25 € 135,00 €

V kategórii Dejiny a teória umenia nájdete analýzu vývoja umenia a jeho význam pre spoločnosť. Dejiny umenia nám umožňujú rozlúštiť tajomstvá za nespočetnými umeleckými dielami a poodhaliť, ako sa umelecké prúdy formovali a ovplyvnili kultúru a spoločnosť.

Tu sa dozviete o jednotlivých umeleckých obdobiach, školách a prúdoch, ktoré formovali tvorbu umelcov. Od staroveku cez renesanciu, barok, romantizmus až po moderné umenie, budete mať príležitosť pochopiť, ako sa menil vkus, štýly a techniky v priebehu času.

V kategórii "Dejiny, teória umenia" nájdete nielen pohľad na minulosť, ale aj analýzu umeleckého vývoja v kontexte kultúry, spoločenských udalostí a politických zmien. Táto kategória vás pozýva na filozofické a analytické hľadanie významov, symboliky a inšpirácie, ktoré sa skrývajú za obrazmi, sochami a inými umeleckými dielami.

Či ste študent umenia, nadšenec histórie alebo jednoducho túžite hlbšie porozumieť vývoju a kontextu umeleckých diel, táto kategória vám poskytne pohľad na cenný svet dejín a teórie umenia.