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Knihy - Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda strana 1 z 91

Náklon v typografii a jeho autorské zpracování

Význam knihy spočívá v mnohosti srovnávaných písem a přístupů, čímž usiluje o kvalitní uvedení do zpracovávané tematiky. Konstrukce nakloněného písma závisí čistě na na autorovi abecedy a tato publikace zaznamenává, porovnává a poměřuje některá z možných řešení.
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24,75 € 27,50 €

Tattoo You

With nearly 700 images, Tattoo You: A New Generation of Artists showcases 75 rising stars who are redefining the industry. The first book of its kind, Tattoo You features artists curated by a global panel of experts, including some of tattooing’s most important names, such as Grace Neutral, Claudia De Sabe, Matt McCormick, Tamara Santibanez, Lal Hardy, Marisa Kakoulas, Matt Lodder, Tann Koga (Ink the Diaspora), and Jay Freestyle. Each artist is accompanied by a selection of images illustrating their work, alongside an in-depth profile that delves into their influences, creative process, and how they are transforming the tattoo world. From minimal, blackwork, and Neo-Traditional tattoos to stick-and-poke and cultural and Indigenous practices Tattoo You spans all styles and techniques, offering an inside look into how artists around the world work today, while simultaneously providing glimpses of tattooing’s future as an innovative, accessible, and revolutionary art form.
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46,76 € 51,95 €


A complete illustrated guide of style tribes and fashion subculture from 1900s-2020s Stylepedia uncovers global styles, exploring their origins, distinct features, and the cultural and historical contexts that shaped them. From historical trends to the latest buzz on social media, it is your essential guide, providing the knowledge and inspiration needed to understand different styles at their core. Stylepedia helps the designers to understand more about the style and facilitates the creation of meaningful design. It serves as a diverse style directory for stylists, provides a quick rundown of fashion history for fashion students, and presents a global fashion subculture panorama to all readers. From major trends The book addresses the key trends that have defined global fashion, ranging from the 20s' Flappers, the New Look, Ivy League styles, Hip Hop culture, to the Y2K era. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the fashion evolution over the past century. To lessor known subculture The book talks about lesser-known subcultures that have nonetheless shaped the currents of fashion evolution. From Pachucos and Leathermen, to Bogans, Takenoko Zoku, Sapeurs, and Riot Grrrl, it helps uncovering the hidden influencers of the style landscape. Diving deep into each style To truly capture a style, you need the full picture: its history, key pieces, influencers, and the hairstyles and makeup that defined it. Not to mention the tales that make each culture unique. Our book brings all of this together in a clean, easy-to-digest layout. Dive in and swiftly become an expert on any style and its culture, all at your fingertips. Over 1200 illustrations Through detailed illustrations, the book provides an instant understanding of diverse styles and subcultures. You will learn about styles and subcultures in a fun and easy way.
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35,06 € 38,95 €


Publikace formou fotografické dokumentace a podrobného komentáře zpřístupňuje nejvýznamnější ukázky funkcionalistické typografie ze soukromé sbírky pedagoga UMPRUM Karla Císaře. Autor tím navazuje na podobně koncipované předešlé monografie Zdeňka Primuse či Johna Vloemanse. Oproti nim se však soustřeďuje výhradně na funkcionalistickou typografii přelomu dvacátých a třicátých let 20. století, od slavného Rossmannova sborníku Fronta přes Teigovy architektonické publikace, Sutnarovy výstavní katalogy a Tschinkelovy didaktické příručky, až po méně známé soukromé tisky Antonína Jera. V katalogu pak zohledňuje především jejich – pro funkcionalismus charakteristické – spojení abstraktních forem s fotografiemi nové věcnosti, které měly vést k vytvoření „nového druhu obrazového písma“. Záměrem publikace není pouze prezentovat izolované knižní obálky, ale také srovnat grafické řešení souborů a sledovat užívání prázdného prostoru, redukci geometrických prvků, použití obrazové statistiky a fotomontážních postupů na obálkách. Kniha není určena jen odborníkům z oblasti dějin grafického designu či dějin moderního umění, ale i ostatním zájemcům o tuto problematiku. Grafika Petr Bosák, Robert Jansa.
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22,28 € 24,75 €

Dior do kabelky (CZ)

Raketový vzestup Christiana Diora do nejvyšších pater pařížského módního světa tvoří jeden z nejúžasnějších příběhů v dějinách módy. Dior - se zkušenostmi galeristy, moderní vizí a respektem k tradicím francouzské haute couture - vstoupil na scénu v roce 1947 jako tvůrce siluety new look a přinesl revoluční proměny do způsobů, jimiž se ženy oblékají, nakupují a vnímají samy sebe. ***** Kniha Dior do kabelky vypráví o mládí Christiana Diora, vzniku značky, která nese jeho jméno, triumfech sklízených na přehlídkových molech i na červených kobercích a vývoji, jímž firma prošla po smrti svého zakladatele. Odborně sestavený výběr fotografií, doplněný zasvěceným textem uznávané módní žurnalistky Karen Homerové, provází čtenáře po cestě, kterou dosud urazila značka symbolizující nádheru, vzrušení a ženskost.
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18,24 € 19,20 €

Lea Fekete

Reprezentatívna obrazová publikácia poprednej slovenskej textilnej výtvarníčky a módnej návrhárky Ley Fekete. V slovenskom kontexte ide o prvú monografiu o módnej návrhárke. Fekete svojou multižánrovosťou prekračuje hranice voľnej autorskej tvorby od odevnej, textilnej k šperku, od zákazkovej modelovej tvorby k produktovému dizajnu, od módy ku kostýmu. Predstaviť čitateľom jej tvorbu si preto vyžadovalo spoluautorský tím. Publikáciu otvára veľmi osobný príhovor režisérky, scenáristky a spisovateľky Evy Borušovičovej, ktorá s Leou Fekete opakovane spolupracovala. Nástup Ley na módnu scénu v turbulentných 90. rokoch predstavili historička umenia Katarína Hubová a módna teoretička a publicistka Dana Lapšanská. Historička módy Eva Hasalová analyzuje odevnú tvorbu Ley Fekete a Viera Kleinová, historička umenia a kurátorka niektorých Leiných výstav, sa v dvoch samostatných textoch vyjadrila k tvorbe šperkov a bytových textílií. Leu Fekete ako kostýmovú výtvarníčku predstavila historička umenia a divadelná teoretička Zuzana Gašpar Koblišková. Knihu dopĺňa rozhovor so známym slovenským violončelistom Jozefom Luptákom, ktorý si na vystúpenia oblieka už takmer 20 rokov košele od Ley Fekete. V závere nechýba prehľadne spracované podrobné curriculum vitae. Táto mimoriadne pútavá a vizuálne impozantná monografia uspokojí nielen odbornú verejnosť, ale aj všetkých milovníkov módy a krásna. Publikácia je dvojjazyčná – slovensko-anglická. The representative illustrated publication by the leading Slovak textile artist and fashion designer Lea Fekete. It is the first monograph on a fashion designer in the Slovak context. Fekete's multi-genre work crosses the boundaries of free authorial creation from clothing, textile to jewellery, from custom model making to product design, from fashion to costume. Presenting her work to readers therefore required a team of co-authors. The publication opens with a very personal introduction by the director, screenwriter, and writer Eva Borušovičová, who has collaborated with Lea Fekete on numerous occasions. Lea's emergence on the fashion scene in the turbulent 1990s is presented by the art historian Katarína Hubová and the fashion theorist and publicist Dana Lapšanská. The fashion historian Eva Hasalová analyses Lea Fekete's clothing production and Viera Kleinová, art historian and curator of some of Lea's exhibitions, comments on the creation of jewellery and home textiles in two separate texts. Lea Fekete as a costume designer was introduced by the art historian and theatre theorist Zuzana Gašpar Koblišková. The book is accompanied by an interview with the well-known Slovak cellist Jozef Lupták, who has been wearing Lea Fekete's shirts for his performances for almost 20 years. A clearly detailed curriculum vitae is included at the end. This extremely engaging and visually impressive monograph will satisfy not only the professional public, but also all lovers of fashion and beauty. The publication is bilingual: in Slovak and English.
Na sklade > 5Ks
94,05 € 99,00 €


Despite realizing that life is short and that we should enjoy it to the fullest, it has become increasingly hard for people to find a moment of peace in the restlessness and hubbub of the modern world. Nevertheless, there is still beauty and happiness to be found in even the smallest things — from a fresh breeze in the morning, to a warm cup of coffee in the afternoon, or just a beautiful sunset. Life Stills invites readers to become present, submerge themselves in the serene illustrations within, and to never hold back from accentuating the positive in life. A collection of tranquil scenes of nature, domesticity and daily life to evoke feelings of serenity and calm. Illustrations are categorized chronologically from dawn to moonrise to mimic the passing of a day.
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39,85 € 41,95 €

The Gorillaz Art Book

The Gorillaz Art Book is here! Featuring brand new artwork by Jamie Hewlett, who has invited more than 40 creators to offer new interpretations of 2D, Murdoc Niccals, Noodle, and Russel Hobbs in one expansive volume of original artwork. Contributing artists include Ruff Mercy, Kim Jung Gi, Robert Smith, Kerbscrawler Ghost, Robert Valley, Craig McCracken and Tim McCourt & Max Taylor. Celebrating 20 years of Gorillaz, this latest Z2 partnership sees Hewlett expand the band's collaborative vision to fellow visual artists in The Gorillaz Art Book, a stunning visual feast of 306 pages.
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85,45 € 89,95 €

Zsolnay aranykora. Gyugyi László gyűjteménye

Ez a könyv a világ egyik legszebb, leggazdagabb Zsolnay-gyűjteményét mutatja be, amelyet a Magyarországon született, Amerikában élő egykori tulajdonosa évtizedeken át gyűjtött kiváló ízléssel, szakértelemmel és szeretettel a világ különböző pontjain. Gyugyi László úgy döntött, hogy az egykor világhódító útjukra indult műveket visszajuttatja "szülővárosukba". Így vált lehetővé, hogy a Zsolnay Kulturális Negyed díszeként, a Sikorski-házban 2010-ben megnyílt állandó kiállításon a nagyközönség is megismerkedhetett az igényes kerámiákkal. A nagy siker és a szeretetteljes fogadtatás a gyűjtőt arra ösztönözte, hogy az évek során a kiállított alkotások számát évről évre gyarapítsa, sőt példája másokat is erre inspirált. Kötetünk - a gyűjteményt és a kiállítást bemutató albumok sorában immár ötödikként - ezt a kibővített anyagot tárja az érdeklődők elé eddig még nem publikált 34 új műtárggyal, a maga teljességében. A jelenleg 710 mesterműből álló gyűjtemény a historizmus, a millennium és a szecesszió időszakából a Zsolnay-gyár csúcsalkotásait foglalja magában, amelyek valaha világkiállításokra vagy külföldi piacokra készültek. A legújabb kutatásokat is feldolgozó, szakértői tanulmányok a gyűjtők számára, az igényes felvételek pedig a művészi tárgyak szerelmeseinek kínálnak meglepetéseket. A bemutatott vázák, tálak, korsók, lámpák, szobrok vagy faliképek egyszerre sugározzák a régmúlt varázsos hangulatát, és közvetítik a művészet időtlen ragyogását.
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53,49 € 56,31 €

I can't believe I still have to protest this shit

For more than a century, the fight for women’s equality has been waged in the public sphere. Posters have often been the only available means of communication when others were denied. In this book, artist Jessica Hallbäck has collected 20 fantastic posters from times passed up until today, all related to the fight for gender equality. The posters in this inspirational book can be pulled out and put up on the wall. Each poster comes with a short accompanying text about its history. The posters in the book come from many different countries but the main message is universal – everyone is entitled to equal rights, without discrimination.
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31,30 € 32,95 €

Little Book of Balmain

One of the original big Parisian couture houses, alongside the likes of Dior and Chanel, Pierre Balmain reigned supreme over the 1950s fashion world with his spectacular and intricate evening wear. Now, in the twenty-first century, Balmain's ultra-modern look – still with the spirit of Pierre – is worn by the likes of Beyoncé, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner. Heavily embellished, dazzling detail meets futuristic silhouettes for an instantly recognisable look. Known for their strong social media presence driven by their "Balmain army" of fans, Balmain holds a unique position among the top couture houses today.
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18,00 € 18,95 €

Jak vytvořit domov elegantně a udržitelně podle Lucie Volfové

Lucie Volfová ve své knize nabízí čtenářům návod, jak navrhnout bydlení s nadčasovým a udržitelným designem, které se jen tak neokouká. Díky mnohaletým zkus?enostem a praxi interie?rove? designe?rky pr?ina?s?i? ves?kere? informace, ktere? k plánování a rekonstrukci domova potr?ebujete. Důraz klade na využívání starého nábytku a úctu k tradičnímu řemeslu, které dokáže propojit s moderními prvky, tak aby výsledné řešení bylo nejen luxusní a dokonale vyladěné, ale také aby dlouho vydrželo. Lucie Volfová je interie?rova? designe?rka, inovativni? na?vrha?r?ka a mali?r?ka abstraktni?ch obrazu?, ktera? mimo jiné tvor?i? udrz?itelne? interie?ry propojeni?m zrestaurovane?ho na?bytku s vlastni? origina?lni? tvorbou. S její prací se můžete seznámit např. v TV bydleni?, c?asopisech Marianne bydleni?, Venkov a styl, na internetových stra?nkách o bydleni? Living.cz apod. Stala se také designe?rkou por?adu televize Prima Jak se stavi? sen. A jako uznávaná mali?r?ka, nabi?zi? svy?m klientu?m namalova?ni? origina?lni?ho di?la, ktere? bude v novém interiéru odrazem jejich osobnosti a neopakovatelného pr?i?be?hu. Řídí se mottem: Nepřizpůsobujte se vy prostoru, prostor se přizpůsobí vám. Vy?sledky její pra?ce tak pr?ispi?vají k pohode? a harmonii každého domova, jak v barevne?m slade?ni? cele?ho prostoru, tak i v jeho uspor?a?da?ni?.
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91,39 € 96,20 €

Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed

Mad for Ads Advertising for the space age Gleaned from thousands of images, this book offers the best of American print advertising in the age of the “Big Idea.” From the height of American consumerism, bold and colorful campaigns paint a fascinating portrait of the 1950s and ’60s, as concerns about the Cold War gave way to the carefree booze-and-cigarettes capitalism of the Mad Men era. Digitally remastered for optimum reproduction quality, the ads burst with crisp fonts and colors, as well as a sexy sense of possibility, beguiling their audience to buy everything from guns to girdles, cars to toothpaste, air travel to home appliances. At turns startling, amusing and inspiring, this panorama of midcentury marketing is at once an evocative period piece and a showcase of design innovation and advertising wit.
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26,13 € 27,50 €

Timeless Treasures

In a 2021 study, McKinsey describes Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) within the watch market as 'the industry's fastest-growing segment'. The trade in pre-owned watches is expected to overtake that in new watches by the middle of the decade. 'Certified Pre-Owned' is thus a booming trend. Pre-owned watches are becoming increasingly popular for various reasons: CPO makes classic watches and exclusive rarities accessible to connoisseurs, but also to new customers. Since the fine pieces are authenticated by experts, the market offers security. Above all, however, the CPO business enables an emotional approach: buyers get watches with a history that they can perpetuate themselves and then pass on to the next generation. Dive into the fascinating world of watches and watch collecting with Timeless Treasures. Does a good watch really have to be expensive? What factors determine the condition of a watch? What should I look for when buying? Are CPO watches a good investment? These and many other questions are answered here by leading experts in the field. But you will not only find useful information for building your own high-quality collection. You will feel the passion for elegant timepieces on every page of this book. Discover first-class photographs of classic and current watch models from the major brands, of celebrities professing their passion for this accessory, or of legendary film scenes in which special watch models play supporting and leading roles. The reading is rounded off with a 'style guide', which offers watch lovers inspiration on how to perfectly stage their favorite pieces in every situation or also answers the question: What type of watch am I? The result is an emotional all-round portrait of the impressive world of CPO watches, perfectly attuned to an ever larger and more diverse fan community. It's time to let a little luxury into your life with this book! Text in English and German.
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73,10 € 76,95 €

The World According to Yves Saint Laurent

Legendary designer Yves Saint Laurent’s maxims on haute couture, women, style, and elegance, presented in an attractive gift format. Founded by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé in 1962, shortly after the young couturier left his post at the helm of Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent would soon become one of the most successful and influential haute couture houses in Paris. Introducing Le Smoking, the first tuxedo suit for women, in 1966, Saint Laurent also presented iconic, art-inspired creations, from Mondrian dresses to precious Van Gogh embroidery and the famous Ballets Russes collection. The designer put the women who wore his clothes first (“What’s most important in couture is the body we dress, the woman we dress, more so than the ideas we might have”) and was determined to change attitudes of the era (“Fashion’s purpose is not only to make women look beautiful, but also to reassure them and to give them confidence”). He could be critical of the fashion industry (“I adore clothes but I hate fashion”), and he saw himself as a craftsman who perfectly understood his customer (“I think there are three kinds of designers. The great ones, the true ones, and the ones who know how to delight a woman just by making a very simple dress, or a very simple suit”). Presented in a beautiful package and accessible format, The World According to Yves Saint Laurent is the perfect gift for fashion fans, capturing the essence of a true visionary. 40 color illustrations.
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18,00 € 18,95 €

Graphic Design School

An essential foundation course for graphic designers working in digital media, print and moving image. Regularly revised and in print for over twenty years, this practical resource for students is used in graphic design classes in Europe, the UK and the USA. Graphic Design School is organized into two main sections, ‘principles’ and ‘practice’. The first section deals with the fundamentals of design, such as composition, hierarchy, layout, typography, grid structure, colour and so on. The second section puts these basics into practice, and gives information about studio techniques and production issues relevant to a number of different graphic design disciplines. The second section closes with an overview of some of the different career choices open to students entering the graphic design field. This new edition features over forty new images, updated reading lists and expert voices referencing a more diverse set of practitioners, and is as packed as ever with exercises, tutorials, and real-world graphic design briefs. Examples are taken from all media – digital media, websites, magazines, books and corporate brand identities. It remains a must-have book for anyone starting in graphic design.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Blue and White Done Right

The legendary Schumacher design house presents an inspiring interiors survey exploring the versatile and transformative use of blue and white Divided by style (charming, modern, boho, traditional, etc.), Schumacher will take you on a tour of the best of blue and white decorating, featuring interiors that show just how versatile this color combination can be. The book features a guide to iconic blue and white colors (from robin’s egg to sky, to cerulean and oyster, to alabaster to porcelain) as well as a roundup of best-in-class product from tabletop to fabrics and wallcoverings.
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49,35 € 51,95 €


Now repackaged in an attractive and great value-for-money format, this overview of twentieth-century horology combines stunning pictures of the most covetable time-pieces with the unparalleled expertise of a world-renowned vintage watch dealer. This impeccably researched and lavishly illustrated book traces the evolution of the watch across the twentieth century. It charts the early rise of the wristwatch, shows how the cataclysmic events of the 1929 Wall Street Crash unexpectedly led to a golden age of watch production, and demonstrates how the electronic watch, which almost destroyed the traditional industry, led to a mechanical watch renaissance in the last part of the century. Each chapter focuses on a specific decade, opening with an introduction to the era’s stylistic and design highlights and then examines the development of specific genres of watches. Hundreds of color photographs include full-page close ups that reveal intricate details of form, texture, and design. Alexander Barter’s vast knowledge informs his gripping texts, which discuss the major achievements in watch technology and design. This book also includes vintage advertisements and other promotional materials, helping to give a sense of the eras in which they were created. The perfect gift for watch aficionados, this beautiful and informative volume presents the world’s finest watches with an elegance and depth befitting its subject.
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43,23 € 45,50 €

Príručka bytového dizajnu

Na čo je dôležité myslieť, keď sa chystáte kupovať nábytok alebo zariadiť si bývanie? Na ktoré detaily sa zameriavajú dizajnéri a výrobcovia nábytku? Čo odlišuje kvalitu od kvantity a na aké bežné reklamácie si dávať pozor, ak sa chcete vyhnúť drahej a chybnej kúpe? Po medzinárodnom bestselleri Príručka interiérového dizajnu sa môžete tešiť na ďalšiu príručku od renomovanej švédskej interiérovej dizajnérky Fridy Ramstedtovej. Čitateľom ponúka svoje znalosti o nábytku, ktoré by mal poznať každý a to bez ohľadu na štýl zariaďovania. V knihe dáva konkrétne tipy a triky, ktoré sa vám zídu pri kúpe nábytku, či už nového, alebo z druhej ruky. Pomôžu vám však pochopiť a lepšie využiť aj nábytok, ktorý už doma máte.
Na sklade 2Ks
32,46 € 34,90 €

V kategórii Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda sa stretávajú tvorivosť, funkčnosť a krása, aby vytvorili prepojenie medzi umením a každodenným životom. V tejto kategórii nájdete rôznorodé formy dizajnu.

Tu objavíte svet úžitkového umenia, kde sa dizajn stretáva s praktickými potrebami. Od nábytku a domácich doplnkov po unikátne dizajnové produkty, táto kategória vám poskytne inšpiráciu pre spríjemnenie vášho domova a každodenného života.

Móda je ďalším dôležitým aspektom tejto kategórie. Nájdete tu informácie o módnych trendoch, dizajne odevov, príbehoch módnych návrhárov a ich vplyve na kultúru. Od historických šatníkov až po súčasné módne kolekcie, táto kategória vám umožní ponoriť sa do sveta módy a výrazu cez odev.

Nezáleží na tom, či máte záujem o dizajn domácnosti, výrobky s funkčným návrhom alebo ste módnym nadšencom, táto kategória vám poskytne pohľad na umenie, ktoré ovplyvňuje a obohacuje váš životný štýl.