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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda strana 88 z 93

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Lacná kniha Evropská architektura (-50%)

Dějiny evropské architektury od antických dob přes románský a gotický sloh, španělský islám, renesanci a manýrismus, baroko, klasicismus a secesi po současnost. Kniha pojednává o stavebních stylech sakrální architektury, hradů a paláců, měšťanských a veřejných budov i o vývoji měst. Praktická příručka určená laikům i odborníkům je doplněna podrobnými kresbami, mapkami, ilustrovaným slovníkem a cizojazyčnými slovníčky základních pojmů.
11,36 € 22,71 €

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Lacná kniha Endless Dweilling 10x100 I. II. III. IV. (-90%)

Volume One : Neoclassical Style Property, Mediterranean Style Property, Southeeast Asian Style Community, Chines Traditional Residence Volume Two : Exotic Style Town, International high-class Apartment, Courtyard-type Residence Volume Theree : New Ecological Home, High-Class Humane Community, Classical Single Villa Volume Four : Landscape Scenery Villa, Large-scale Compound Community, CBD Luxury House
14,90 € 149,00 €

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Lacná kniha Shabby Chic Interiors (-90%)

Rachel Ashwell created Shabby Chic: a peaceful, practical way of living that embraces a respect for the things in our lives we hold dear and keeps them at the heart of our homes. Romantic florals reclining against pure white linen, ruffles of muslin skirting a bed base against bleached floorboards, the deep comfort of a simple nest of fluffy towels - This is Rachel Ashwell's signature style that for the past 20 years has been a major influence in our modern lives. "Shabby Chic Interiors - My Rooms, Treasures and Trinkets", an eclectic book of quirky inspiration, falls into chapters according to location, and begins with Rachel's breathtaking Los Angeles residence. Next, we wander into a photographer's minimalist mountain-top home in the Hollywood hills before heading to the coast and a beautiful Malibu beach cottage. A truly bohemian hideout in southern California is next on the journey, followed by a peek at celebrity homes, including the house that once belonged to Marilyn Monroe. With rooms combining flea-market finds and objects of pure functionality - an elegant French mirror reflecting a painting, a bejewelled metallic candle holder sitting by a cluster of willow-patterned china, a single faded velvet pillow lounging under the twinkle of a vintage chandelier - this book celebrates all that is wonderfully Shabby Chic.
1,95 € 19,50 €

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Lacná kniha Ilustrovaná encyklopedie odívání (-90%)

Vyjímečná publikace, která provází čtenáře na vzrušující cestě poznání dějin odívání. Kniha představuje historické studie Augusta Racineta a Friedricha Hottenrotha, dvou významných autorů 19. století. Bohaté ilustrace doplňují texty odborníků z oblasti dějin odívání, které umožňují sledovat vývoj módy chronologicky i podle předmětu, a současně představují měnící se vývoj stylu odívání a vkusu lidí v mnoha koutech světa v průběhu staletí. Ojedinělý titul je určen nejen historikům, designerům či studentům různých uměleckých oborů, ale i všem, které zajímá, jak se oblékali naši předci.
3,33 € 33,30 €

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Lacná kniha The Impossible Collection of Design (-90%)

Chosen by design expert Frédéric Chambre, this selection of furniture designs unspools like the frames of a film, an epic picture composed of one hundred years of creative innovations in form, materials, and techniques. This hand-bound oversize luxury edition, presented in a linen clamshell case, traces the development of twentieth-century design from the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements through Bauhaus and Art Deco, Pop Art and the Memphis school, to today's digital age, illustrating the dynamic story of a groundbreaking century through the evolution of everyday human objects.
80,00 € 800,00 €

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Lacná kniha Interior Design Inspirations Volume 2 (-90%)

The book chapters based on room types follow the course around a home: hall, stairs, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, study, and finally, terrace, making it a reference guide for readers interested in taking ideas and adapting th em to their budget to create personalized spaces that maximize their home's potential
3,99 € 39,90 €

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Lacná kniha Gyöngy az úri és népi öltözködésben (-90%)

"Könyvünkben a gyöngy sokféle alkalmazását korszakonként, egységes szempontok szerint ismertetjük. Érintjük a jellemző gyöngyféléket, a folyamatosan bővülő beszerzési forrásokat, valamint az egyes technikai sajátosságokat. Foglalkozunk a jellemző gyöngyfelhasználási módokkal: az önálló gyöngyékszerekkel, továbbá a ruházathoz szorosan kapcsolódó gyöngyös díszítőelemekkel. A gazdag műtárgyanyag lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy végigkísérjük a gyöngyök szerepét az egyes korszakok divatjában, a főurak, a köznemesek, a városi polgárok és a jobbágyok/parasztok öltözködésében. Ezt tartjuk könyvünk egyik különlegességének, hiszen ritkán kerülnek így egymás mellé ezeknek a társadalmi osztályoknak a viseletei, kiegészítői. E vezérfonal mellett tárgyaljuk a gyöngyök különböző funkcióit. Munkánk nem törekedhet a teljességre, csupán felvillantja egyes korszakok főbb jellemzőit, a változások irányvonalát. Különösen igaz ez a köznépre, amelynek 17. század előtti gyöngyfelhasználásáról csupán szórványos adatok állnak rendelkezésre, a 19-20. századi kultúrájának gazdagságából pedig a válogatás elkerülhetetlen. Könyvünk anyagát a Néprajzi Múzeum, a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum és az Iparművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményének műtárgyaiból válogattuk, amelyet néhány esetben vidéki múzeumok anyaga, a Győri Egyházmegyei Kincstár műtárgya és az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár tulajdonát képező viseletábrázolások egészítenek ki." (a Kiadó) A kiadvány tartalma: - A gyöngy - Az igazgyöngy - Az édesvízi kagylógyöngy - Az üveggyöngy készítésének felfedezése - A gyöngy funkciói - Értékmérő funkció - Az árucsere eszköze a gyarmatosítás során - A mágikus szerep - A gyöngy szerepe a vallásban, az olvasó - Legkorábbi leletek - A borostyán és a borostyánkő út - A honfoglaló és letelepedő magyarok emlékei - Középkor és reneszánsz, a 11-15. század kincsei - Igazgyöngy a főrend számára - Gyöngy a közrendűek öltözködésében - A 16-17. század emlékei - Főúri öltözetek - Gyöngy a közrendűek öltözködésében - A 18. század emlékei - Divat és tradíció az öltözködésben - Gyöngy a közrendűek öltözködésében - A 19. század emlékei - A polgárság gyöngymunkái - Gyöngy a népviseletekben - Az üveggyöngy világhódító útja - A 20. század emlékei - Az elit estélyi öltözetei - Gyöngy a népviseletekben - Napjaink gyöngymunkái - Függelék - Technikák - Képjegyzék - Irodalomjegyzék
3,57 € 35,70 €

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Lacná kniha Vogue The Gown (-90%)

Illustrated with fabulous images from VOGUE's archive of more than a million pictures, VOGUE: The Gown is destined to become the ultimate must-have visual sourcebook for all those who love fashion. Something about a gown's intricate construction, unashamed opulence and sheer feminine romance ignites in us the promise of fairy-tale adventure and unparalleled glamour. The magical gowns featured here give full reign to those fantasies, be they the sublime yet simple classical creations of Madame Gres, the heavenly bodies sculpted by Azzedine Alaia, the lean seductive lines of a Deco-inspired silhouette or huge tulle pouffs fit for a princess. In Vogue: The Gown Jo Ellison has curated a collection of more than 300 fabulous images and grouped them into five thematic chapters: Classical, Fantasy, Drama, Decorative and Modernist. The book provides both an evocative celebration of almost a century of fashion history while also showcasing the work of the very best photographers including Tim Walker, Mario Testino, Nick Knight, David Bailey, Herb Ritts, Norman Parkinson, Corinne Day, Cecil Beaton and Horst.
10,30 € 103,00 €

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Lacná kniha Retro Home (-90%)

Retro is back - if it ever went away - and more and more of us are finding inspiration in the homes of the twentieth century. Whether your preferred style is elegant Art Deco, streamlined mid-century modern or the chrome-laden decor of the classic American diner, Retro Home shows you how to re-create the look you love without having to break the bank or spend days scavenging junk shops and attics. Interiors expert Katherine Sorrell surveys the highly polished and lacquered glamour that characterized the homes of the 1920s and '30s, the bright colours and Scandinavian sleek of the '50s, and the funky plastic furnishings of the '60s and early '70s. She explains how to select a style that works for you; explores iconic designs that are crucial to getting the right look; and presents over 20 case studies of stunning retro rooms in contemporary homes. Whichever room you're decorating, in whichever style, Retro Home guides you through the colour schemes, furniture (whether vintage or reproduction), soft furnishings and accessories that will create an authentic, individual interior.
3,40 € 33,99 €

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Lacná kniha Embroidered Books (-90%)

Embroidered books are enjoying a huge surge in popularity, and these precious items can be works of art in themselves. This beautiful guide by the acclaimed author of Bags with Paper and Stitch contains all the techniques for making a wide range of book styles, including books with sewn spines, wrap-up books, zig-zag books and wallet-style books, with both soft and hard backings and intricately constructed bindings. The books are then embellished with exquisite embroidery in many different styles - from a Wild West-influenced wallet book to a sewn book scattered with delicate flower petals. A wide range of materials is used, including all the latest specialist fabrics such as Lutradur and Extravorganza, plus hand-made paper and unusual found objects including seashells and driftwood.
2,70 € 26,99 €

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Lacná kniha Affordable Couture (-90%)

From Paris to Peoria, couture is a hot topic. Almost before a designer's runway show is finished, images of the current season's offerings are posted on the internet. Fashion magazines not only present designer clothes in fashion layouts, but also show the readers how to get the look for less. 'Affordable Couture' is not about how to recreate the look with what are commonly referred to as knock-offs. This practical guide book will give collectors and enthusiasts a better understanding of the high end designer fashion market, specifically how and where to look for affordable couture, resale couture and high end vintage pieces. The authors offer practical advice about key pieces every wardrobe should have, how to take care of your couture garments and an international directory of where to find couture at a discount in major cities around the world. Affordable Couture is a quick study on how to immerse oneself in the couture world and build up a fabulous collection to wear or to archive. This guide is aimed at anyone who is interested in designer fashion and fashion as art, as well as individuals who want to know and understand more about buying and collecting high quality designer and vintage pieces.
2,50 € 24,99 €

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Lacná kniha The Illustrator (-90%)

For all those who thought digital heralded the end of an era: illustration is alive and kicking, and new tools have given the art renewed vigor and the illustrator greater stamina. Steven Hellerand Julius Wiedemannpresent a snapshot of “the new golden age of illustration,” rounding up 100 of the most talented artists around the world. We dare you to pick your favorites. For the last ten years, Steven Heller and Julius Wiedemannhave traced the latest developments in illustration across the globe—and for all those who thought digital heralded the end of an era, they’re here to set the record straight. There were extraordinary eras before mass media changed our viewing habits, back in the day when illustration was the most primary means of illuminating the word on paper, to today when we get our words and images on screens as small as a watch face. And in this environment, today’s designers and artists are holding their own brilliantly. Illustration is more free and varied than ever, and it is ubiquitous in all kinds of media from paper to screen, books, packages, clothing, cars, and restaurants. This book celebrates the sheer quality, diversity, intensity, comedy, vivacity, and exceptionality of the work being created by illustrators right now. From veteran artists like Brad Holland, whose oblique and metaphorical paintings for the New York Times’ op-ed section revolutionized illustrative content in the 1970s, to up-and-coming stars like Robin Eisenberg, her pastel-skinned alien belles cruising in spaceships on indie-rock album covers, the 100 artists in this collection are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, but they represent a compelling snapshot of the styles, techniques, and use of color by artists across the world. We dare you to pick your favorites. Includes: an introduction and foreword by editors Julius Wiedemann and Steven Heller 600 pagesof brilliantly reproduced works a biography for each artistdetailing their background, philosophy, motivations, and contact details an index of illustration agencies The editors Steven Helleris the co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program. For 33 years he was an art director for The New York Times, and currently writes the “Visuals” column for The New York Times Book Review. He is the author of 120 books on graphic design, illustration, and satiric art. Julius Wiedemannstudied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design magazines in Tokyo before joining TASCHEN in 2001. His titles include the Illustration Now!and Record Coversseries, as well as the infographics collection and books about advertising and visual culture.
5,50 € 54,95 €

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Lacná kniha Harrachovská sklárna Nový Svět v první polovině 19. století (-90%)

První rozsáhlejší zmapování činnosti sklářské huti hrabat Harrachů v Novém Světě v Krkonoších v první polovině 19. století - v této době byla zdejší sklářská výroba na světové úrovni. Mapuje produkci sklárny v období uměleckých stylů klasicismu, empiru a především biedermeieru a druhého rokoka.
3,27 € 32,67 €

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Lacná kniha Asian Design Destination (-90%)

Luxury resorts on stilts, a bar that looks like a UFO on the streets of Bangkok, and an underground museum. What do these places have in common? They are establishing trends in architecture and design. Asian Design Destinations is an experience for the senses, transporting readers to some of the most fascinating places in Asia and the Far East. Is it art? Architecture? A style? Will it leave a permanent mark on our time? No one can say for sure today, but one thing is clear already. It is all of that: electrifying, zany, exciting, bold, fairy-tale dreamy - grandiose. These are places that visibly testify to the tremendous power of the symbiosis between nature and human genius. Architects, designers and artists from all over the world combine the increasing demands and standards of a booming Asia with innovative materials and original ideas to create fascinating objects.
5,00 € 49,95 €

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Lacná kniha Typokniha (-90%)

Publikace je určena studentům a začínajícím grafickým designérům, které provede základními principy tvorby tiskovin brožur, knih, časopisů, katalogů, plakátů ad. Příručka se zaměřuje na efektivní sazbu a zlom, přináší přehled typografických pravidel, nabízí chytré postupy a rady usnadňující práci a věnuje se i korektuře a přípravě tiskových dat. Součástí projektu je web www.typokniha.cz, kde čtenáři najdou jak ukázky doporučeného nastavení aplikací, tak soubory usnadňující vytváření bezchybných podkladů pro tisk. Tento bestseller vychází v grafické úpravě autora, jenž za ni získal v soutěži Nejkrásnější české knihy roku 2020 Cenu Ministerstva kultury ČR (1. místo) v kategorii Učebnice a další didaktické pomůcky.
2,81 € 28,05 €

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Lacná kniha Scandinavian Design (-90%)

Scandtastic! Scandinavians are exceptionally gifted in design. They are world-famous for their inimitable, democratic designs which bridge the gap between crafts and industrial production. The marriage of beautiful, organic forms with everyday functionality is one of the primary strengths of Scandinavian design and one of the reasons why Scandinavian creations are so cherished and sought after. This all-you-need guide includes a detailed look at Scandinavian furniture, glass, ceramics, textiles, jewelry, metalware and industrial design from 1900 to the present day, with in-depth entries on over 200 designers and design-led companies, plus essays on the similarities and differences in approach between Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. Also included is a list of important design-related places to visit for readers planning to travel to Scandinavia. It includes: designers- Verner Panton, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto, Timo Sarpaneva, Hans Wegner, Tapio Wirkkala, Sigvard Bernadotte, Stig Lindberg, Ingeborg Lundin, Finn Juhl...It also includes: companies - Fritz Hansen, Artek, Le Klint, Gustavsberg, Iittala, Fiskars, Volvo, Saab, Orrefors, Royal Copenhagen, Holmegaard, Arabia, Marimekko, George Jensen.
2,20 € 21,95 €

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Lacná kniha Crazy Design (-90%)

Crazy Design showcases the work of our leading product designers, picking out the most inventive, contemporary and fun work around and presenting it in an accessible, engrossing guide. Well-known designers, such as Marcel Wanders with his delicate, beautiful Crochet Chair, are included amidst exciting new figures; designers like Joao Sabino, creator of the Keyboard Bag, which breathes ingenious new life into the computer keyboard. Each product is illustrated alongside a description that brings insight into the work, the creator and the story behind its design. From the functional to the inventive, the recycled to the dreamlike, Crazy Design features objects for all tastes and surrounds, whether ordinary or outlandish. Website listings gui de you toward more information on the designers and their products. The top hat light, the boat bathtub, the mutant vase, the knee mug... you'll wonder how you ever lived without this stuff!
2,00 € 19,95 €

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Lacná kniha A szőnyeg (-90%)

Az emberiség kultúrtörténetében kiemelkedő helye van az eredetileg csak használati tárgyként szolgáló szőnyegnek. A nomád törzsek sátrainak fő berendezési darabjaiból - fekvőhely, ülőhely, takaró, falat és padlót borító kárpit - hosszú fejlődés eredményeként lett művészi kivitelű fényűzési tárgy. A gazdagon illusztrált kötet a keleti szőnyeg művészetéről nyújt történeti áttekintést. Az olvasó megismerheti a különböző csomózási és szövési technikákat, festési eljárásokat. A jellegzetes díszítő motívumok rajzos ábrázolásával a könyv segítséget nyújt a tájékozódni vágyó műbarátok számára. Műgyűjtőknek és az érdeklődő nagyközönségnek egyaránt szól a könyv.
1,54 € 15,35 €

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V kategórii Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda sa stretávajú tvorivosť, funkčnosť a krása, aby vytvorili prepojenie medzi umením a každodenným životom. V tejto kategórii nájdete rôznorodé formy dizajnu.

Tu objavíte svet úžitkového umenia, kde sa dizajn stretáva s praktickými potrebami. Od nábytku a domácich doplnkov po unikátne dizajnové produkty, táto kategória vám poskytne inšpiráciu pre spríjemnenie vášho domova a každodenného života.

Móda je ďalším dôležitým aspektom tejto kategórie. Nájdete tu informácie o módnych trendoch, dizajne odevov, príbehoch módnych návrhárov a ich vplyve na kultúru. Od historických šatníkov až po súčasné módne kolekcie, táto kategória vám umožní ponoriť sa do sveta módy a výrazu cez odev.

Nezáleží na tom, či máte záujem o dizajn domácnosti, výrobky s funkčným návrhom alebo ste módnym nadšencom, táto kategória vám poskytne pohľad na umenie, ktoré ovplyvňuje a obohacuje váš životný štýl.