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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Film - encyklopédie, ročenky strana 22 z 28

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - A színfalak mögött + Sylvester Stallone - A színfalak mögött - Könyvcsomag

"Ha huszonöt évvel ezelőtt valaki azt állította volna, hogy Arnold Schwarzenegger akkoriban a mozik ügyeletes izomhőse egyszer még a legfőbb politikai hivatalt tölti be Kaliforniában, biztosan kinevették volna. Két évtizeddel később a stájerországi tölgy valóban eljutott a csúcsig. A vagyontalan fiúról szóló történetek, aki tányérmosóból dolgozta fel magát milliomossá, alaposan hozzájárultak Amerikának, a határtalan lehetőségek országának mítoszteremtéséhez. Schwarzeneggernek minden nehézség ellenére sikerült az állhatatosság és szerencse megfelelő arányú elegyítésével a magasba törni. Ez a könyv a filmjein keresztül nyújt betekintést a Schwarzenegger életműbe, ami még a mai napig is folyamatosan bővül, állandóan újabb és újabb meglepetést okozva a világszerte hatalmas számú hálás közönségnek. " Sylvester Stallone maga a megtestesült amerikai álom: alacsony sorból jött, és a világ legjobban fizetett színésze lett. Azonban az üstökösszerű felemelkedése mellett lenyűgözőek a bukásai is, továbbá ahogy a rendkívül szimpatikus sztár a saját hibáit és az időnkénti visszaeséseit kezeli. Forgatókönyvet ír, rendez, és többnyire a főszerepet is maga játssza. Hány színészkollégája tudja elmondani magáról, hogy ennyire kézben tartja a filmjeit? Stallone nemcsak karizmatikus színész, hanem szenvedélyes filmkészítő is, világos víziókkal. Hatásos visszatérése, és az a mód, ahogy ez hatvan évesen sikerült neki, nem mindennapi történet, és egyben a Stallone-mítosz következetes folytatása. A szupersztár felemelkedése, hanyatlása és visszatérése a film több mint száz évének egyik legérdekesebb története, és még egyáltalán nincs vége. Ezen könyv időszakokra tagolva tárgyalja Stallone filmjeit, és azokhoz kötődve esik szó az életrajzi eseményekről.
40,71 € 42,85 €

The Pedro Almodovar Archives

One of the most prolific and influential auteurs at work over the past 40 years, cult Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar has beguiled audiences worldwide with his thrilling dissertations on desire, passion, and identity. Cast an eye over his long list of productions and you’re confronted with intoxicating tales of psychological melodrama, black comedy, familial feud, and violent lust. This edition of The Pedro Almodóvar Archives offers unique inside access to behind-the-scenes pictures and personal reminiscences as the director guides us through his journey, from his early days right through to I’m So Excited (2013) and Julieta (2016). Based on and expanded from the original TASCHEN XL volume produced in collaboration with Almodóvar himself, the book offers a fascinating insight into the creative process behind such cinematic tours de force as Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown and the Academy Award-winning All About My Mother and Talk To Her. Each film is featured with its original poster, full cast and crew listings, as well as an essay by a leading Spanish author. Almodóvar personally supplements the vivid photographic material, captioning each image with his own reflections and comments. As an overview of a true original’s creativity and a luminous era of cinema, this is an indispensable companion to the mighty Almodóvar canon created by the master himself.
78,38 € 82,50 €

The Walt Disney Film Archives: The Animated Movies 1921-1968

One of the most creative minds of the 20th century, Walt Disney created a unique and unrivaled imaginative universe. Like scarcely any other classics of cinema, his astonishing collection of animated cartoons revolutionized storytelling on screen and enchant to this day across geographies and generations. In TASCHEN's first volume of one of the most expansive illustrated publications on Disney animation, some 1,500 images and essays by eminent Disney experts take us to the beating heart of the studio's "Golden Age of Animation." This landmark book traces Disney's complete animation journey from the silent film era, through his first full-length feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and the pioneering artistic experiment Fantasia (1940), right up to his last masterpieces Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) and The Jungle Book (1967). With extensive research conducted through the historical collections of the Walt Disney Company, as well as private collections, editor Daniel Kothenschulte curates some of the most precious concept paintings and storyboards to reveal just how these animation masterpieces came to life. Masterful cel setups provide highly detailed illustrations of famous film scenes while rare pictures taken by Disney photographers and excerpts from story conferences between Walt and his staff bring a privileged insider's view to the studio's creative process. Each of the major animated features that were made during Walt's lifetime-including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and One Hundred and One Dalmatians-are given their own focus chapter, without forgetting less familiar gems such as the experimental short films of the Silly Symphonies series and underappreciated episodic musical films such as Make Mine Music and Melody Time, all of which receive the same meticulous research and attention. Many unfinished projects, among them the proposed sequels to the legendary musical Fantasia or a homage to Davy Crockett by painter Thomas Hart Benton, are also highlighted with rarely seen artworks, many of them previously unpublished. Throughout, contributions from leading Disney specialists detail the evolution of each respective film. Realizing the Disney style was a collective project and, as much as the master himself, The Walt Disney Film Archives acknowledges the outstanding animators and designers who influenced the style of the studio, among them Albert Hurter, Gustaf Tenggren, Kay Nielsen, Carl Barks, Mary Blair, Sylvia Holland, Tyrus Wong, Ken Anderson, Eyvind Earle, and Walt Peregoy. Copyright (c) 2021 by Disney Enterprises, Inc.
78,38 € 82,50 €

Woody Allen - Film za filmem

Film za filmem obsahuje úvodní rozhovor s Woodym Allenem Všichni jsme už asi slyšeli jméno Woody Allen. Jenže co se nám ve spojení s ním vybaví? Komedie? Milostný skandál? New York? Neurotická postava s typickými brýlemi? Jason Solomons se z pozice vlivného znalce a kritika filmové tvorby pokouší propojit všechny představy, které o Woodym Allenovi máme, a porovnat je s mnohdy odlišnou realitou. Ale kde vlastně ve světě tohoto režiséra a scénáristy končí skutečnost a začíná fikce? Autor nás krok za krokem provádí takřka nekonečnou řadou Allenových filmů. Každý z nich hodnotí, v každém z nich se nenásilně snaží najít důvody, pro které se máme na snímek podívat, ale nijak nepopírá nedostatky – naopak nás nabádá k tomu, abychom si udělali vlastní úsudek. Psychoanalýza, výchova v židovské rodině, komplikované vztahy, životní styl ve velkoměstě, obava ze smrti – nejenom tato témata jsou pro Allena typická a nejeden fanoušek si jeho tvorbu právě kvůli nim oblíbil. Solomons nám jako odborník odkrývá důvody, proč nikdy nebude možné Woodyho Allena vymazat z historie kinematografie, ale ani z populární kultury obecně. Svým čtivým a poutavým textem i rozhovorem, který pořídil s Woodym v Cannes, čtenáře téměř nutí se ponořit hlouběji do komplikované mysli umělce, jenž o sobě a svých blízkých ve filmech možná prozrazuje víc, než kolik by si sám přál…
36,53 € 38,45 €


Příběh Stana Leeho, který toužil po slávě a získal ji díky Spider-Manovi, Avengers, Fantastické čtyřce nebo X-Menům. Příběh Jacka Kirbyho, o němž jste nikdy neslyšeli, přestože v kině fandíte i jeho hrdinům. Příběh o autorských právech, kdo na nich vydělal a kdo ostrouhal. Příběh o proměně kreslených superhrdinů ve figurky, reklamní předměty, videohry, televizní seriály a velkorozpočtové filmy. Příběh o budování značky i kultu osobnosti. Příběh o tom, že komerční úspěch je pěkná věc, ale někdy vás přinutí dělat dost ošklivé věci nejlepším kamarádům. Tohle je skutečný a srdcervoucí příběh vydavatelství Marvel. Sean Howe napsal fascinující dějiny slavné společnosti a zachytil její přerod od skromných začátků po současnou nadvládu nad Hollywoodem. Obnažil pravdu skrytou za červenobílým logem a spoustě z nás vzal veškeré iluze. Na základě ohromujícího množství výzkumů, rozhovorů a rešerší vznikl poctivý portrét Marvelu, který se mnohým z těch, o nichž se v knize píše, nelíbí. Ale čtenářům rozhodně ano.
21,88 € 23,03 €

Dune: Exposures

Explore the creation of Denis Villeneuve's Dune through this evocative fusion of star Josh Brolin's sublime writing and cinematographer Greig Fraser's candid set photography. During the shooting of Dune, director Denis Villeneuve asked Fraser if he would document the filming process using still photography. This unusual request led the cinematographer on an unexpected creative journey that yielded an electrifying gallery of photographs that were candid, spontaneous, abstract, and wholly evocative. Meanwhile, Brolin, a natural writer, was so moved by the experience of shooting Dune-in which he plays warmaster Gurney Halleck-that he captured his experiences in vivid, poignant prose. Close friends, Brolin and Fraser bonded further during production, solidifying a connection that led to this remarkable collaboration that seamlessly juxtaposes the actor's enthralling writing with the cinematographer's stunning images. A unique new way to experience life on the set of Villeneuve's Dune, this thrilling ode to the art of filmmaking from two of the most revered artists in the industry is an unmissable publishing event.
61,28 € 64,50 €

Jak se točí Cizinka - Oficiální průvodce sériemi 1 a 2

Nahlédněte do zákulisí prvních dvou řad seriálu Cizinka, natočeného podle bestsellerů Diany Gabaldon, s tímto oficiálním ilustrovaným průvodcem televizní společnosti Starz. Bylo jen otázkou času, kdy podle bestsellerů Diana Gabaldon vznikne televizní seriál, neboť příběhy Claire Beauchamp Randall a Jamieho Frasera dychtivě hltají miliony čtenářů po celém světě. Nyní přichází průvodce tímto seriálem, kterého se musíte přečíst. Přeneste se do vesnice ve Skotsku, která je kulisou k příběhu Cizinky. Kniha vás zavede jak do zákulisí, tak přímo do děje. Herci, scénáristé, producenti, hudebníci, kostýmní výtvarníci, technici a mnozí další se s vámi podělí a své zážitky a výzvy, kterým čelili, než se tato vzrušující sága objevila na obrazovce. V exkluzivních rozhovorech, včetně Caitriony Balfe (Claire), Sama Heughana (Jamie) a Tobiase Menziese (Frank Randall / Black Jack Randall), se dočtete o jejich o nelehkém úkolu věrně ztělesnit nejoblíbenější postavy románů. Výkonný producent a Ronald D. Moore se svěří s tím, jak pracoval tým scénáristů, jak objížděli vytipované lokality pro natáčení i kolik energie stála výroba kostýmů a staveb, aby vše bylo dokonalé. Kniha také zkoumá všechny epizody seriálu prostřednictvím exkluzivních rozhovorů s jejími autory a režiséry, kteří se s vámi podělí o fascinující fakta z natáčení díl po dílu. Nejlepší ze všeho je, že The Making of Outlander nabízí spoustu fotografií, včetně portrétů všech hvězd seriálu ve vší vznešenosti svých postav. Na výrobu knihy dohlížela sama Diana Gabaldon, takže všichni fanoušci seriálu se při čtení této knihy budou cítit, jakoby stáli po jejím boku.
26,08 € 27,45 €

Ultimate Star Wars

This is your ultimate guide to the Star Wars[trademark] universe. Open this ultimate visual feast and explore the iconic characters and storylines from the Star Wars galaxy. Beautifully illustrated, Ultimate Star Wars is packed with information about every single character from Mace Windu to Darth Maul through detailed analyses of their stories throughout the saga. Explore the Star Wars universe in chronological order to follow the whole story or dive in and out to relive your favourite moments, key battles and iconic characters. This book is a must-have for Star Wars fans, Ultimate Star Wars will enhance your knowledge of the characters and storylines before the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Including characters from the Star Wars movie saga, Star Wars Rebels and the Clone Wars, this is the only guide that explores the entire Star Wars universe in such detail. Includes concept art, wire frame images, props and behind-the-scenes shots of cast and crew from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, plus two beautiful behind-the-scenes prints.
49,88 € 52,50 €

The History of Animation

Maureen Furniss surveys the cultural, political and economic context of how this dynamic industry evolved, emphasizing both artistic and technical achievements from around the world – from Hollywood to Tokyo, from Moscow to Sydney. Featuring a timeline for each of its six parts, Animation: The Global History provides readers with a clear and accessible chronology of events. A ‘Global Storyline’, highlighting the major themes of the era, opens each chapter, and an end-of-book glossary defines key terms used throughout the book.
48,93 € 51,50 €

Assassin's Creed - Into the Animus

Become a part of history in this visually stunning exploration of the art and creation of the Assassin s Creed film. Almost a decade after the release of Ubisoft s massively popular action-adventure game, the world of Assassins and Templars now comes to the big screen with Assassin s Creed, directed by Justin Kurzel. With two protagonists separated by centuries of history yet linked by their DNA, the film represents a uniquely intricate filmmaking experience, necessitating the re-creation of a historically accurate fifteenth-century Spain and a technologically advanced present. Assassin s Creed: Into the Animus tells the full story behind the filmmaking journey, from the in-depth research into the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition to the intense shooting process in present-day Spain. Featuring the vivid concept art that helped bring the film to life, this deluxe volume also includes comprehensive imagery of the Assassins signature weapons, behind-the-scenes details on the creation of the Animus, and photography of the death-defying stunts that are a hallmark of the franchise. Also featuring exclusive interviews with Kurzel, the films incredible stunt and creative team, and key cast members including Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard Assassin s Creed: Into the Animus captures the enthusiasm and vivid detail that Kurzel and his team brought to every stage of the film. Complete with removable artifacts such as parkour stunt schematics and Callum Lynch s Animus Report, Assassin s Creed: Into the Animus is the ultimate companion to this historic movie event. "
47,03 € 49,50 €


Labyrinth: The Ultimate Visual History is the definitive thirtieth-anniversary exploration of the beloved Jim Henson classic, featuring rare artwork, interviews, and on-set photos. Journey back to Jim Henson's Labyrinth in this visually stunning celebration of the enchanting fantasy classic. Three decades after its release, Labyrinth, starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly, continues to enthrall audiences with its winning mixture of fairy-tale magic, fantastical creatures, and unforgettable music. Filled with a wealth of rare and unseen behind-the-scenes imagery, this book explores the creation of the film as seen through the eyes of the artists, costume designers, and creature creators who gave Labyrinth its distinctive look. Featuring in-depth commentary from the talented crew and cast—including exclusive new interviews with Jennifer Connelly, Brian Henson, Brian Froud, and George Lucas—this deluxe book brings together a wealth of rare sketches, concept art, and candid set photography to form and incredible treasure trove for Labyrinth fans. With stunning visuals and unparalleled insight into the creation of a true modern classic, Labyrinth: The Ultimate Visual History is the perfect companion piece to one of the best-loved fantasy films of all time.
47,03 € 49,50 €

Alien Covenant: Davids Drawings

Before Alien Covenant, David was stranded alone on the Engineers' planet and - left to his own dark devices - he began to push the boundaries of creation. Delve into this exclusive collection, containing two books, to gain an insight into the android's descent into madness. The in-universe sketchbook contains over two hundred illustrations from the set and will take you inside the mind of David. It features the complete arc of his journey from the studies of flora and fauna, to his more sinister experiments on creatures, and the disturbing demise of Dr Elizabeth Shaw. The companion book, Developing the Art of an Android, holds an interview with Dane Hallett and Matt Hatton - the artists behind all of the beautifully grotesque sketches. Alien Covenant: David's Drawings will satisfy every serious fan's hunger for details of the most intriguing character from the Alien prequels.
43,23 € 45,50 €

Studio Ghibli: The Complete Works

A must have for Studio Ghibli fans to experience all the classic works and look into the future of one of the most renowned animation studios from Japan! From classics like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind to the latest work, Earwig and the Witch, this beautiful art book introduces all 26 acclaimed Studio Ghibli films. Take a deep look into Ghibli's first 3D feature film, Earwig and the Witch, with an exclusive interview with director Goro Miyazaki.
41,33 € 43,50 €

Ultimate Star Wars New Edition

Every significant Star Wars character, creature, location, battle, droid and vehicle: one ultimate encyclopedia. Packed full of information, stunning images, and now fully updated to include The Last Jedi, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Resistance, plus an exclusive look at The Rise of Skywalker. All the saga's iconic characters are here, from Darth Vader to Ponda Baba and Leia to Luminara Unduli. Amazing vehicles are explored, such as the Millennium Falcon and Ghost. Extraordinary technology is explained, including all your favourite lightsabers, and key events in the epic Star Wars story are richly unpacked, with behind-the-scenes insights. Ultimate Star Wars New Edition is the ideal go-to resource for fans who wish to brush up on their Star Wars knowledge, and for a new generation of fans eager to start their journey into a galaxy far, far away.... (c) & TM 2019 LUCASFILM LTD.
41,33 € 43,50 €

Game of Thrones

Covering all eight seasons, this remarkable volume offers a unique and exciting visual exploration of the world of Game of Thrones. In two parts, the book follows the story of the South, where kings and queens battle for the Iron Throne, and of the North, where the White Walkers and their army of the dead gather. Filled with bold infographics, illuminating timelines, stunning photography and insightful essays and timed to release the holiday season after the show ends, this definitive guide is a must-have companion for every Game of Thrones fan. (c)2019 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. Game of Thrones and related trademarks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc.
41,33 € 43,50 €

Art of Star Wars

The official behind-the-scenes concept, production, and post-production art for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Go inside the creative process behind the most anticipated film of the century. The latest trilogy in the Star Wars film series brings the Skywalker Saga to a close and The Art of The Rise of Skywalker will take readers into the creative process behind visualizing the epic worlds, creatures, characters, costumes, weapons and vehicles of the landmark conclusion more than 40 years in the making.
34,68 € 36,50 €

Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The ultimate celebration of the final Hobbit movie reveals the full creative vision of the art and design teams, with almost 2,000 exclusive images, including designs and concepts that never made it to the big screen. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles - Art & Design is packed to bursting with more than 1,800 pieces of conceptual artwork created for the epic final instalment of Peter Jackson's film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Learn how the battle for the Lonely Mountain was plotted, its armies designed and its landscapes shaped, through detailed commentary by the films' Academy Award(R)-winning creative team members at 3Foot7, Weta Digital and Weta Workshop. From Lake-town and Dol Guldur to Dale and Ravenhill, each section is richly illustrated with concept art depicting creatures, costumes, armour, props and environment design hand-picked by the artists themselves from the Dragon's hoard of artwork generated for the film. Also included as a bonus feature, unique to this book, is a stunning full-colour, removable art print by Gus Hunter depicting a key moment in the trilogy. Compiled by Weta Workshop senior concept designer Daniel Falconer, with a foreword by Costume Designer, Bob Buck, and introduction by Concept Art Director and renowned Tolkien artist, John Howe, this fifth volume in The Hobbit: Chronicles series has been created in full collaboration with key members of the production's creative team to ensure the most comprehensive and authentic film companion possible.
34,68 € 36,50 €

The Method

On stage and screen, we know a great performance when we see it. But how do actors draw from their bodies and minds to turn their selves into art? What is the craft of being an authentic fake? More than a century ago, amid tsarist Russia's crushing repression, one of the most talented actors ever, Konstantin Stanislavski, asked these very questions, reached deep into himself, and emerged with an answer. How his "system" remade itself into the Method and forever transformed American theater and film is an unlikely saga that has never before been fully told. Now, critic and theater director Isaac Butler chronicles the history of the Method in a narrative that transports readers from Moscow to New York to Los Angeles, from The Seagull to A Streetcar Named Desire to Raging Bull. He traces how a cohort of American mavericks—including Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg, and the storied Group Theatre—refashioned Stanislavski's ideas for a Depression-plagued nation that had yet to find its place as an artistic powerhouse. The Group's feuds and rivalries would, in turn, shape generations of actors who enabled Hollywood to become the global dream-factory it is today. Some of these performers the Method would uplift; others, it would destroy. Long after its midcentury heyday, the Method lives on as one of the most influential—and misunderstood—ideas in American culture. Studded with marquee names—from Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, and Elia Kazan, to James Baldwin, Ellen Burstyn, and Dustin Hoffman—The Method is a spirited history of ideas and a must-read for any fan of Broadway or American film.
32,78 € 34,50 €

The Coen Brothers - The iconic filmmakers and their work

Through in-depth and informative text written by film journalist Ian Nathan, The Coen Brothers Archive re-examines the brothers' most famous work including Raising Arizona, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, No Country for Old Men and True Grit. Plus, some of their cult films, like The Evil Dead, Paris je t'aime, and A Serious Man. Packed with stunning images from the Kobal archives, this book will also highlight their surprising involvement in recent films like Bridge of Spies and Unbroken, as well as looking at those who they frequently collaborate with.
32,78 € 34,50 €

V kategórii "Film - encyklopédie, ročenky" sa otvárajú brány do fascinujúceho sveta filmového umenia. Táto kategória je zasvätená všetkým filmovým nadšencom, ktorí túžia objaviť hĺbku a šírku kinematografického vesmíru.

V tejto kategórii nájdete encyklopédie, ktoré vám poskytnú komplexný prehľad o filmovom svete. Od historických pohľadov až po detailné informácie o filmových tvorcoch, režiséroch, hereckých obsadeniach a filmových štúdiách. Ročenky vám poskytnú aktuálne informácie o filmových udalostiach, nových projektoch a trendy v kinematografii.

Budete mať prístup k rozsiahlym zoznamom filmov z rôznych žánrov, období a krajín. Objavíte diela, ktoré sú považované za klasiky filmového umenia, rovnako ako aj moderné hity, ktoré zaujímajú dnešnú filmovú scénu.

Či ste študent filmových štúdií, nadšenec do filmu alebo jednoducho chcete objaviť nové tituly na svojom zozname pre sledovanie, táto kategória vám umožní hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta filmu, jeho histórie a aktuálnych trendov. Prechádzajte stránkami a objavujte nekonečné možnosti, ktoré filmové umenie ponúka.