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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Fotografia strana 12 z 133

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.


Nádherná a jedinečná kniha fotografií Karola Kállaya z ciest okolo sveta prináša netradične, fotografiami vyrozprávaný príbeh o našej planéte. Originálny fotoscenár histórie Zeme očami majstra Kállaya je jedným z najkrajších fotografických diel vydaných knižne. Nádherné zábery krajiny i ľudí sú doplnené citátmi zo zápiskov Franza Kafku o raji, hriechu a nádejí.
Na sklade 1Ks
31,50 € 33,16 €

No Signal

Between 2015 and 2020, photographer Brice Portolano travelled from the islands of Alaska to the Patagonian steppe and from the forests of Lapland to the highlands of Iran to capture the daily lives of 10 extraordinary people who made profound changes in their lives in order to live closer to nature. They consciously built a life away from the hustle and bustle of the city, usually without a phone signal or internet access. Their lives are arduous, but also full of a sense of personal freedom, self-determination, and fulfilment. These photographs present an inspiring vision of the joys of finding one's place in the world and the challenges of living off the grid. In these 10 vivid portraits of alternative lifestyles, we meet: Tinja, the dog sled driver in Lapland; Ali, the Persian horseman; Barny, the self-supporter in a circus wagon in Cumbria, England; Zaya, the reindeer herder in the Mongolian taiga; George, the hostel father in Tuscany; Sylwia, the artist on the Greek island of Lefkada; Sky, the Argentinean goucha; Ben, the hunter in Utah, USA; Jerry, the oyster farmer in Alaska; Elena, the lighthouse keeper in Norway. Text in English and German.
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39,85 € 41,95 €

Robert Capa

The volume collects a rich selection of photographs from the archives of the Magnum Photos agency, taken by Robert Capa, in a combination of emblematic shots of his work and images that have appeared more rarely. The intent is to hint at some facets of a passionate and ultimately elusive character as Capa was: a courageous witness of his time, a strong, insatiable and at the same time dissatisfied personality, with the traits of a gambler. Therefore, not only the war images that made him one of the most famous photojournalists of the 20th century, but also lesser-known shots that allow you to appreciate the very high formal quality of his photography and, together with it, his personality. Text in English, Italian and French.
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39,85 € 41,95 €

Združenie fotografov amatérov YMCA a Fotoskupiny KSTL Bratislava

Založenie a aktivity Združenia fotografov amatérov YMCA (Youn Menss Christian Association) a Fotoskupiny KSTL Bratislava (Klub slovenských lyžiarov a turistov) sa viažu najmä na obdobie 30. 40. rokov 20. storočia. Reprezentujú tvorivý potenciál slovenských fotoamatérov v medzivojnovom období prvej Československej republiky, ale aj inštitúcií Svazu československých fotografov amatérov v Prahe, medzinárodnej organizácie YMCA (YMCA Slovensko) a národnej organizácie Klubu slovenských turistov a lyžiarov. Z hľadiska vývoja a histórie slovenskej fotografie opisuje publikácia dôležité obdobie konštituovania organizačnej štruktúry hnutia fotoamatérov zakladanie prvých fotoklubov v rámci Československa, kryštalizáciu hnutia v rámci Slovenska, realizáciu výstav, mapových okruhov, kurzov, tvorivých výletov, participácií na medzinárodných súťažiach, výstavách a iných aktivitách súvisiacich s organizovanou činnosťou fotoamatérov. Knižná publikácia dokumentuje cez príbeh inštitúcií aj príbehy jednotlivcov osobností, ktoré vychovalo prostredie amatérskej fotografie. Mená ako Miloš Dohnány, Viliam Malík, Ladislav Kožehuba, František Král, Jaroslav Horák, sú fenoménom Československej amatérskej fotografie 30. rokov, zároveň svojimi progresívnymi názormi v rámci fotografickej tvorby prekročili hranice amatérskej fotografie. Súčasná história slovenskej fotografie ich zaradila medzi významných autorov dejín slovenskej fotografie.
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64,52 € 67,92 €


This 3rd edition of the groundbreaking survey of international photography has 16 additional pages, including new material from recent research on Victorian photography's relationship to painting, photography's involvement with German and Russian art movements between the World Wars and growing influence of vernacular photography alongside art and commercial photography. It documents the rise of digital photography and its impact on photographic history and contemporary practice, including worldwide use of digital cameras and phone cameras. This remains the only book to trace the entire history of photography in its cultural context, worldwide.
41,75 € 43,95 €


Femxphotographers.org’s second publication Mind Over Matter focuses inward. Women’s bodies are frequently sexualized while their minds are vilified and their voices silenced. This is true throughout history and in different cultures worldwide. A book about female vision, the power of the mind, as well as dreams and fantasies, logic and intuition, Mind Over Matter is an exploration of inner strength, courage, determination, willpower, and support in complex and individual series. Edited by Roula Seikalyi and with contributions by photographers from the team as well as many guest artists and writers, the publication has the character of an illustrated reader.
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41,75 € 43,95 €

Fent és lent

Somlai Tibor belsőépítész legújabb kötete egy sorozat negyedik darabjának tekinthető. Az első három könyv a XX. századi belsőépítészet különböző irányzatait ismertette. A ,,Tér és idő" a két háború közötti modern lakásbelsőkkel foglalkozott, a ,,Távol és közel" 1945-től 1970-ig a belsőépítészeti irányzatokat vizsgálta, a ,,Volt és nincs" pedig 1900-től 1945-ig dolgozta fel a nagypolgári és arisztokrata enteriőröket. A mostani válogatás, a ,,Fent és lent" a legreprezentatívabb budapesti lépcsőházakat és előcsarnokokat mutatja be 1835-től 1945-ig - az egyszerű bérházakétól a pompás palotákéig. El-elhaladva egy-egy épület előtt sokszor nem is sejtjük, hogy már a kapun belépve milyen lenyűgöző látványban lehet részünk. Ezeknek a gyönyörű belső tereknek a világába nyújt bepillantást a kötet, ugyanabban a szubjektív hangnemben, mint a szerző előző kötetei. Székely Péter fotóművész nagyszerű felvételei és a fotókhoz fűzött oldott hangú elemezések csaknem száz budapesti lakóház lépcsőházával ismertetnek meg bennünket.
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33,59 € 35,36 €

The Anonymous Project

50 years ago, people used film cameras just as we use smartphones in the age of Instagram. They photographed their meals, holidays, loved ones, celebrations, and family reunions. Imagining the past lives of these strangers is the beauty and mystery of The Anonymous Project, which curates just under 300 images from this vast collection of 700,000+ Kodachrome slides. The places, dates, and people may be unknown, but the stories in these snapshots are universally familiar.
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42,70 € 44,95 €

Příběhy filmových fotografií

Příběhy filmových fotografií. Filmové studio Barrandov 1968 - 1990
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52,19 € 54,94 €

Rostislav Košťál: Fotografie 1963 – 2023

Rostislav Košťál patří k nejvýraznějším českým fotografům uplynulého půlstoletí, ačkoliv se fotografií nikdy neživil. Hvězdný start zažil jako člen skupiny Epos (s J. Horákem, F. Maršálkem a P. Sikulou), která na počátku normalizace udala styl české inscenované fotografii, nasáklé elegickou dobou. Od roku 1975 byl členem další fotogra?cké „super-skupiny“ Setkání, v níž se kolem Tarase Kuščynského sdružily nejvýraznější osobnosti poetizující fotogra?e. Koncem sedmdesátých let se Košťálova tvorba zcela přiklání k exteriérovému aktu, který nabývá stále silnější dynamiky, své modelky postupně zbavuje pevné identity, aby z nich zachovával jen obrys, tvar, neostrý vjem, vrcholící v soboru Tempi. Od devadesátých let se pak Košťál neustále vrací fotografovat na známá místa s novými modelkami, aby tím opěvoval jejich vzájemně rezonující krásu. Tato obsáhlá jubilejní publikace shrnuje Košťálovu tvorbu od počátků až do současnosti s doprovodem textů jeho souputníků, přátel i odborníků a ukazuje jeho celoživotní hluboký zájem o téma ženy a krajiny, kterým ovlivnil několik generací fotografů i diváků.
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52,19 € 54,94 €

The Stars' Share / La part des etoiles

Sir Paul Smith, with a wry grin in front of a bookshelf. Javier Bardem, utterly relaxed, in sneakers in a sunny field. Rasmus Kofoed, chef at Geranium in Copenhagen, one of the best restaurants in the world, atop an ivy-covered wall. What all these portraits have in common - along with a sense of closeness and privacy - is a glass. For this is how Gerard-Philippe Mabillard photographs his friends and acquaintances, all celebrities from the world of film, art, fashion, design, and culture. Mabillard himself worked as a creative professional before taking the position of director of the Vin du Valais non-profit association. For him, the glass, filled with wine or water, is the link between the people he portrays: a symbol of friendship and community. Through his photography project, Mabillard is supporting the NGO Fondation Moi pour Toit in Colombia. Text in English and French.
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43,65 € 45,95 €

Robert Doisneau: Paris

This seminal volume—produced in close collaboration with his estate—is the official, most comprehensive reference of Robert Doisneau’s photographs of Paris. Robert Doisneau infused images of daily life with poetic nuance. This unique portrait of Paris in 560 photographs is reissued in hardcover with red-tipped pages. This entrancing tour through the gardens of Paris, along the Seine, and among crowds of Parisians includes children scrambling to cross rue de Rivoli, fresh-faced accordionists, elegant dog walkers, brave resistance fighters, exuberant roller skaters, the indelible kiss in front of the Hôtel de Ville, and cyclists beneath the Eiffel Tower. The magic of Paris in black and white is timeless. Photographs curated by Doisneau’s daughters and complemented by Doisneau’s own commentary reveal his profound fascination with the city where he lived and worked.
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43,65 € 45,95 €

Make Believe

The photographer and visual artist Erik Johansson creates surreal worlds through his own unique method. It often takes him months just to make one image, in a process where his photographs are combined so that an original place emerges. The result is often humorous, sometimes even scary, but always mind-blowing. Erik Johansson has become world-famous through his captivating and detailed images. This is his biggest book so far, presenting almost a hundred of his best images in large format. He also reveals the secrets of his methods and shares many of the original sketches that work both as a concept and as a road map to his art.
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43,65 € 45,95 €


Archivum shows for the first time in book form over 50 black-and-white prints by leading photographer Kevin Cummins of the band Joy Division. Cummins, as a young, aspiring photographer from Manchester, had unique access to the band in their very early days, from when they were known as Warsaw to when they later became New Order, after Ian Curtis’ death. Many of these photographs were reproduced by NME and other music magazines in the late 1970s and they helped cement Cummins’ reputation as the greatest music photographer of his generation – subsequently he was made NME’s chief photographer for over ten years. Archivum includes an exclusive interview with the photographer, Kevin Cummins, which reveals new information about Joy Division, the photographer’s relationship with the band, and Kevin’s techniques for photographing. The photographic prints (all 10 x 8 inches black-and-whites) are reproduced full size, both front and back, with the photograph’s notes and marks as well as stamps from the music magazines. This is a unique record of an important archive collection of original photographs of one of the world’s most iconic bands.
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43,65 € 45,95 €


This lavish coffee-table book traces the history of photography from the first black and white images to celebrated examples of 21st-century digital photography. Photography celebrates the most iconic photographs of the past 200 years and includes more than 50 biographies of the most famous photographers, explaining how they pushed the bounds of the medium. It also showcases examples of the extraordinary cameras that photographers experimented with, from the daguerreotype to the latest camera phones! Charting the influence of social and cultural change, as well as the impact of science and technology, this beautiful book follows the history of photographs from the first grainy attempts at portrait and landscape photography to gritty photojournalism, street photography, and digital photography, with special features delving into the stories behind photographic images that changed how people saw the world. This fantastic photography book promises: - A selection of the most important "lost" cultural artefacts from ancient times to the present day - Features images of the artworks where available, or specially commissioned illustrations of them based on written accounts - Includes details of the ongoing debate about whether looted art should be returned to its country of origin Packed with information and full of inspiration, Photography is the perfect reference for budding photographers, seasoned professionals, and anyone with an interest in the subject. Whether you're looking for a riveting reference book to display on your coffee table or gift to a friend, or you're a life-longer learner with a thirst for knowledge - Photography is sure to delight!
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43,65 € 45,95 €

Tajemná Afrika

Poznejte kořeny daleké Afriky:kolébky člověka, kde stále přetrvává původní pouto k přírodě a kde se skutečný a magický svět nepřetržitě překrývá. Prostřednictvím fotoaparátu a pera e seznamte s nejzajímavějšími lidmi etnických skupin žijících v Africe. Dohromady s mnoha mimořádnými fotografiemi tvoří kniha jakoby reportáž z okraje světa. Kniha získala ocenění "Fotografická publikace roku 2005" v kategorii místopis.
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44,60 € 46,95 €

Recording Icons / Creative Spaces

Visual portraits of the iconic spaces where your favorite records were recorded Mark Howard has worked with Bob Dylan, Neil Young, R.E.M., Willie Nelson, U2, the Neville Brothers, Tom Waits, Lucinda Williams, Emmylou Harris, Marianne Faithfull, and the Tragically Hip Producer Mark Howard has always made unique records. For Howard, it's not just about the recording process — making great music is also about creating unique, comfortable environments designed to bring out the best in the artist. To this end, he's spent a career seeking out architecturally remarkable spaces in which to make albums. In Recording Icons / Creative Spaces, you're invited behind the curtain to watch these music industry legends create. Using a non-invasive photographic approach, employing a Nikon time-lapse camera to capture these in-studio moments, Howard captures the hits as they happened, in a treasure trove of non-posed, natural images. You're invited to travel the world with him and watch as he creates the beautiful spaces and inspiring atmosphere where the magic of classics by Bob Dylan, U2, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and many more actually happened.
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44,60 € 46,95 €

Rusové / Russians

Kniha představuje určitý esej o životě ruského národa, kterému se přední česká humanistická fotografka věnovala téměř 40 let. Pohled na národ, který má potřebu ikon, svatých či politických. Renesance pravoslaví po odvržení komunistické ideologie. Ruský mesianismus, patos i velikášství. První část knihy je věnována období Sovětského svazu, nicméně stěžejní část tvoří fotografie ze současného Ruska, kdy se po rozpadu sovětského impéria Rusům opět navrací národní sebevědomí. Kniha obsahuje 230 fotografií a detailní popisky s vysvětlením reálií na konci knihy.
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44,60 € 46,95 €

Extreme Like a Girl

Whether it's diving off a cliff, cross-country skiing in Antarctica, or free climbing the Picos de Europe in Northern Spain, women in extreme sports are proving every bit as strong, determined and ambitious as their male peers. As in her extremely popular previous books, Surf Like a Girl and Skate Like a Girl, Carolina Amell has compiled spectacular photography that evokes the thrill and beauty of female nontraditional sports in every corner of the world. There's Lynn Jung tackling a parkour course with exquisite grace; Anna von Boetticher skimming the ocean floor hundreds of feet below the surface; Heather Larsen slacklining across a canyon wall; Ashley Fiolek, the world's only deaf professional motocross racer, kicking up dirt on her BMX bike; and other female wakeboarders, Pro-Base jumpers, aerobatic pilots, wingsuit pilots, and, ironically, Ironman champions. Each of the athletes contributes her own motivating words of encouragement that will inspire girls of every age and from every culture to chase their dreams, shatter every glass ceiling, kick down the men's clubhouse door-and have fun doing it all.
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44,60 € 46,95 €

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretáva umenie s technológiou, a výsledkom sú zaujímavé, výrazné a často aj dojímavé obrazy. Fotografia je médiom, ktoré umožňuje zachytiť okamihy, emócie, krásu a príbehy pomocou objektívu.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rozmanité oblasti fotografie, od portrétov a krajín cez dokumentárne fotografovanie až po umenie experimentovať s rôznymi technikami a efektmi. Tu sa dozviete o technických aspektoch, ako je použitie svetla, kompozícia a aké sú základné nástroje fotografa.

Fotografia nie je iba o zachytení obrazu, ale aj o vyjadrení tvorivosti a vlastného pohľadu na svet. V tejto kategórii sa budeme venovať aj umeniu spracovania fotografií, rôznym štýlom a postupom, ktoré umožňujú vytvoriť jedinečné vizuálne zážitky.

Či ste profesionálny fotograf, nadšenec alebo začiatočník, táto kategória vám ponúka možnosť hlbšie sa ponoriť do sveta fotografie. Budete mať príležitosť objaviť nové perspektívy, techniky a inšpirácie, ktoré vám pomôžu rozvíjať vašu fotografickú zručnosť.