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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Krása, móda, kozmetika strana 8 z 14

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New York pro milovníky módy

Nechte se provést New Yorkem, jedním z nejrespektovanějších módních měst světa. Mezinárodně uznávaná ilustrátorka Megan Hess vám ukáže svá oblíbená místa na nakupování, zábavu, a odpočinek. Nechybí ani restaurace, kde si po celém dni procházení můžete dát něco dobrého. Vše je ilustrováno autorčiným jedinečným elegantním stylem. Od nepřekonatelných výhledů z Empire State Building až po proslavené dortíčky z Magnolia Bakery, tato kniha je nutností pro každého milovníka módy.
17,81 € 18,75 €

Jak být krásná za 21 dnů

Christel Vatassová si po dvaceti letech v hlavních pařížských modelingových agenturách, kde ji obklopovaly nejkrásnější ženy světa, uvědomila, že všechny touží po tomtéž – cítit se sebevědomé, krásné a atraktivní. Proto se za pomoci rad expertů z oblasti módy a kosmetiky rozhodla sestavit jednoduchý program, který vás naučí, jak předvést vaše největší přednosti a zdůraznit to, co vás činí vskutku jedinečnými. Podělí se s vámi o to, jak správně vybrat základní kusy oblečení, jak za 10 minut zvládnout make-up nebo účes, jaké doplňky zvolit, jak pořídit perfektní selfie a mnoho dalšího. Ke změně zvyku je potřeba jednadvacet dní, tak nečekejte a pusťte se do toho!
17,81 € 18,75 €

The Tattoo Dictionary

Discover the true meanings behind over 200 popular tattoos with this comprehensive book, illustrated with over 100 tattoo designs. From sailors' swallows and Mexican skulls to prisoners' barbed wire and intricate Maori patterns, tattoos have been used as a means of communication by cultures all over the world for thousands of years. Through meticulous research, The Tattoo Dictionary uncovers the fascinating origins of the most popular symbols in tattoo history, revealing their hidden meanings and the long-forgotten stories behind them. This beautifully packaged book is an inspiring look at tattoo culture, and an indispensable guide to choosing your own tattoo.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Eat Pretty Every Day

Breakout hit Eat Pretty continues to win over audiences of all ages with its groundbreaking and user-friendly exploration of beauty nutrition. The author's hotly anticipated new book welcomes existing fans and newcomers alike, presenting 365 bite-size daily readings that make it easy to put beauty nutrition know-how to use in everyday life. Organised by the four seasons, the readings explore every aspect of what it means to eat pretty, offering simplified nutritional science, seasonal recipes, motivating goals and challenges, self-care exercises, and uplifting "mealtime mantras." Providing the dedicated support of a personal wellness coach at a fraction of the cost, Eat Pretty Every Day is for women of all ages who want to learn the secrets to living well.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Fashionary Headwear

Fashionary Headwear
18,95 € 19,95 €

Muži to rádi oblé

Jakkoliv hluboko se vrátíme do minulosti, nikde se nesetkáme s módou štíhlosti, ba hubenosti v podobě, která by se byť jen vzdáleně podobala dnešním trendům. Naše doba není pravidlem, nýbrž výjimkou. Jak je možné, že předchozích osmdesát tisíc pokolení oblé tvary zapáleně a vášnivě obdivovalo, muži na nich mohli oči i dlaně nechat, a pak přišlo pár generací, které si tento výdobytek dovolily zavrhnout? Jak je možné, že se naše civilizace nevědomky sklání před módním diktátem, který z mužů dělá zženštilce a z žen mužatky? Muže odnepaměti na ženách přitahovaly jejich oblé tvary, bujné křivky, zkrátka obliny. Zdaleka nejde jen o "ňadra dmoucí", ale i o magický kruh boků a stehen. Ano, "muži to rádi oblé", a není to jejich volba. Muži jsou takto přírodou "naprogramováni". Samčí příslušník našeho živočišného druhu tváří v tvář představitelce opačného pohlaví vnímá křivky jejích ňader, linii jejích očí a rtů, trojúhelník ohanbí a charakteristicky oblé tvary stehen a pánevní oblasti. Chce vdechovat vůni její kůže, šíje a podpaží a přímým dotykem se přesvědčit o pružné poddajnosti jejích boků a prsou. Všechny tyto signály jsou pro muže nepostradatelnými přísadami onoho čarovného biologického koktejlu, kterým je přirozená ženská krása. Oblé křivky jsou spouštěcím mechanismem a spínačem všeho, co dokáže u muže aktivovat libido. A nic se na tom nezmění ani tehdy, když si zvolí za svou partnerku ženu, která odpovídá současným představám o ideální ženské postavě: v tom případě se bude chovat jako náměsíčník, který sice nakrásně může trávit noc v objetí se svou "hubenou modelkou", ale vždy se od ní nevyhnutelně, zcela podvědomě a se zavřenýma očima a otevřenou náručí vydává na dostaveníčka s bujnějšími tvary. Oblé křivky a tvary tedy nejsou pouhou anatomickou zvláštností. Představují základní složku tělesné i duševní ženskosti a veškeré pokusy o jejich zdiskreditování nejenže jsou scestné, ale zároveň urážejí sexualitu, přírodu i její záměry. Kniha není jen obranou a rehabilitací ženskosti, obhajobou ryzích ženských tvarů, ale i pojednáním o dějinách sexuality. Přináší též obraz historického vývoje měřítek ženské krásy, popisuje proměny ženství v různých kulturách minulosti i současnosti a zasvěcuje čtenáře do tajů přitažlivosti a neverbální komunikace, které platí v říši zvířat i lidí. Kniha je ovšem i analýzou a vysvětlením toho, proč naše západní civilizace dělá už několik desítek let z oblých tvarů tabu, proč musely být ryze ženské rysy zdiskreditovány a na jakou křížovou výpravu se mnohé ženy a dívky nevědomky vydávají, jen aby dospěly až do bodu, kdy prahnou po něčem tak nepohodlném, jako je vyhublost, naprostá beztvarost a zmrzačená ženskost. Autor popisuje důsledky honby za hubeností, například mentální anorexie, a dokládá, jaké jsou dopady konfliktu mezi přirozeností a vnucenými módními diktáty. Věděli jste, že doposud všechny samičky přitahovaly samečky svým pozadím a že jsme jedinými živými tvory, kteří se milují zepředu? Víte, že žena, první představitelka primátů bez srsti, je jedinou partnerkou, jež je k dispozici "nonstop"? A že je jedinou partnerkou s "permanentními" prsy? Jedinou partnerkou zažívající orgasmus? Víte, že muži častěji opouštějí ženy hubené než plnoštíhlé, ba obézní? Pierre Dukan je francouzský lékař, nutriční specialista a známý obezitolog a dietolog. Je autorem řady knih z oblasti dietologie, jež byly přeloženy do desítky jazyků. Ve své čtyřicetileté praxi dokázal skloubit dvě na první pohled neslučitelná témata: vždy přesvědčivě upozorňoval na neblahé dopady nezdravé obezity a zároveň se angažoval v kampani za přirozenou ženskou krásu, jejímž předpokladem jsou odnepaměti typicky ženské oblé křivky a tvary.
11,56 € 12,17 €

Vaše znaménko krásy

Jak se z obyčejné dívky stane burleskní tanečnice a poté módní ikona, která se objevila na tisících fotografií, v prestižních magazínech i na přehlídkách slavných návrhářů? Vlastně jednoduše: musíte brát krásu jako umělecký obor. Dita Von Teese už jako malá obdivovala filmové hvězdy starého Hollywoodu, které ji později inspirovaly k vytvoření vlastního jedinečného stylu. Ať už zrovna ve třpytivém prádélku předvádí divákům své slavné číslo v obří sklence na martini nebo okouzluje na galavečeru v originální hedvábné róbě, vypadá vždycky dokonale. A co je nejzajímavější? Za její krásou nestojí tým stylistů a vizážistů – o ty perfektní rudé rty, svůdné oční linky, dramatické oblouky obočí a lesklé lokny se Dita stará zásadně sama! V knize Vaše znaménko krásy vás Dita a její dobrá přítelkyně a spoluatorka Rose Apodaca provedou každým krokem Ditina režimu i rituálů krásy. Dozvíte se, jak se Dita stravuje, jak cvičí, aby si udržela štíhlou postavu, jak pečuje o svou pleť a vlasy a jak vytváří své dokonalé stylové líčení. V knize najdete rady od profesionálních vizážistů a kadeřníků, ale také od Ditina dermatologa nebo od její maminky. Můžete si pořídit přesně tu samou kosmetiku jako má Dita a následovat krok za krokem její obrazové návody, nebo se jen volně inspirovat desítkami nádherných a dráždivých fotografií, které doprovázejí text.
35,63 € 37,51 €

Clothes... and other things that matter

'Clothes is the perfect isolation read - clever, emotionally intelligent, revelling in style without making us yearn to shop' - Hannah Betts, The Times'Self-deprecating and stylish, this is sure to become a classic.' - Vanity Fair'A life beyond Moss, mwahs and Manolo Blahniks - by the fashionista that really knows [...] a wry and candid part-memoir, part-fashion history, part-social commentary.' - Mail on SundayChosen as 'book of the week' by the Observer -'Its jacket of bubblegum pink letters on grown-up navy certainly suggested to me that it might just be the perfect lockdown pick-me-up [...] among its pages, there are some lovely, resonant set pieces.''Shulman can craft a good story and has an eye for great pictures [...] it will make perfect lockdown reading, an opportunity to shut out the real world and meander through the Arcadian years of fashion.' - The Sunday Times'She has written about her clothes, and given us some scintillating reading. [...] hugely engaging memoir.' - Emily Bearn, The Spectator'I really loved this book - it's warm, thought-provoking and honest. In the end, I had to ration myself because I didn't want to finish. In these frankly strange times it was wonderful and comforting.' - Victoria Hislop'I loved this book. It's great company and a Corona comfort. Alexandra Shulman's style is unaffected, immediate and hilariously dry. She's brilliant at observing everyday feelings in a joy-sparking turn of phrase - but better still she has made me feel so much better about owning too many clothes. Instead of doing a ruthless edit I find myself curating my own private exhibition - inside my wardrobe hang not just clothes, not just stories but my own autobiography.' - Helena Bonham Carter'From the hat that went to the a Royal wedding to a life-changing bathrobe, Alexandra Shulman tells her life story in clothes ... in her hotly anticipated memoir' -You magazine 'Such a great read - so open and honest and funny. I devoured it in one sitting.' - Kirsty Wark'It's so wonderful, and has kept me beautiful, nostalgic, wry, clever company during this time. I love it.' - Sophie Dahl'For those to whom clothes are a source of happiness this book is possibly the perfect lockdown pick-me-up. It is the chance to meander quietly through the golden years of fashion, accompanied by the one woman who has been there, done that and definitely worn the t-shirt.' - A Little BirdChosen by Evening Standard as one of the best books to look forward to in 2020 - 'a must-read memoir for even those beyond the fashion set.' Chosen by Stylist as one of 2020's best non-fiction books -'In the funny and opinionated Clothes... and other things that matter, former Vogue UK editor Alexandra Shulman explores the meaning of clothes and how we wear them. From the little black dress to the white shirt and the bikini, she takes pieces of clothes and examines their role in her own life and the lives of women in general, touching on issues including sexual identity, motherhood, ambition, power and body image. A must-read for anyone, like Miranda Priestly, who knows that clothes might not maketh the woman, but they certainly help.' 'Clothes... and other things that matter is a book not only about clothes but about the way we live our lives. From childhood onwards, the way we dress is a result of our personal history. In a mix of memoir, fashion history and social observation I am writing about the person our clothes allows us to be and sometimes the person they turn us into.' - Alexandra ShulmanIn Clothes... and other things that matter, Alexandra Shulman delves into her own life to look at the emotions, ambitions, expectations and meanings behind the way we dress. From the bra to the bikini, the trench coat to trainers, the slip dress to the suit, she explores their meaning in women's lives and how our wardrobes intersect with the larger world - the career ladder, motherhood, romance, sexual identity, ambition, failure, body image and celebrity. By turns funny, refreshingly self-deprecating and often very moving, this startlingly honest memoir from the ex-Editor of British Vogue will encourage women of all ages to consider what their own clothes mean to them, the life they live in them and the stories they tell.
19,90 € 20,95 €

The Curated Closet

Get the wardrobe you've always wanted, filled with only those pieces that you love to put on and that make you look and feel amazing. Berlin-based style blogger Anuschka Rees will change your attitude and approach to clothes and shopping with her new minimal method. She rejects the cliched fashion rules and instead encourages you to look in your wardrobe and at your life, as well as in the mirror. Using interactive prompts, infographic-style questionnaires and helpful check lists, all beautifully illustrated with photography and mood boards, create you own individual style guidelines that truly speak to you. A must-have guide that will help you discover and develop a strong sense of personal style.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Costume and Fashion

From the momentus invention of the needle some 40,000 years ago to the development of blue denim, from Neolithic weavers to the biggest names in the fashion industry today - this classic guide covers the landmarks of costume history, the forms and materials used through the ages, the underlying motives of fashion and the ways in which clothes have been used to protect, to express identity, and to attract or to influence others. This sixth edition features a new foreword and concluding chapter by Amy de la Haye. The book is brought right up to date with a discussion about the major political shifts within the fashion industry, highlighting how it has responded to issues surrounding racism and sexism; LGBTQI rights; mental health awareness; body and age diversity and global sustainability.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Suave in Every Situation - A Rakish Style Guide for Men

A duo of men's fashion and contemporary culture experts present a witty, entertaining account of the modern gentleman through vivid illustrations. Two confirmed men's style specialists have crafted a humorous guide for navigating the perilous waters of modern life. This style bible offers wry and witty advice for every situation imaginable and keys to understanding masculine style a la francaise. Men today are faced with myriad choices that reflect on their personal style, and it can be baffling to know what to do. What role should you take on at a barbecue? Would Marcello Mastroianni have puffed on an electronic cigarette? What can you steal from Kurt Cobain's style? Why does wearing a turtleneck exude such masculinity? Should you hit the sidewalk on a hoverboard? What should you wear to cast your vote on election day? How to Be Suave in Every Situation is the ultimate guide to a tasteful and sophisticated life. Laying down the law on style and proper decorum for men of the twenty-first century, this volume enlightens the male population with the secrets to becoming a cultured, contemporary gentleman. The ultimate sartorial and etiquette guide, illustrated by Jean-Philippe Delhomme, this book is required reading for men of all ages.
20,85 € 21,95 €

20th-Century Fashion

The way we wore: The story of modern fashion from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition. For women, House of Worthcrinolines gave way to Vionnet s bias-cut gowns, Dior s New Look toQuant s Chelsea Look, Halston s white suit toFrankie B. s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts or skinny jeans entered the fore.20th-Century Fashionoffers a retrospective of the last hundred years of style via400 fashion advertisementsfrom the Jim Heimann Collection. Theimages trace not only the changing trends but also the evolution in their marketing and audience, as fashion was adopted into popular culture and the mass market, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction and illustrated time line detail the style-makers and trendsetters and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed then and now. About the series: Bibliotheca Universalis Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing.Bibliotheca Universalisbrings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.Bookworm s delight never bore, always excite! Text in English, French, and German "
20,85 € 21,95 €

The Tattoorialist

Once the mark of an underground subculture, tattoos have well and truly stepped out of the shadows and into the streets. Join photographer Nicolas Brulez as he searches Paris, Berlin and beyond for the most innovative and stylish tattoos in the world. Showcasing over 300 photographs of diverse people and their unique designs, from nautical themes to video game style and everything in between, this is an inspirational anthology of modern tattoo culture.
21,80 € 22,95 €

Clean Beauty

Join the clean beauty revolution that’s taking the nation by storm and discover the delights of making your own beauty products in the comfort of your own home. Gone are the days of paying a premium for fancy-pants moisturizers and toners, whose ingredients read like a chemistry lesson. The Clean Beauty girls challenge you to take control over what you put on your skin and hair by making it yourself! Green and clean beauty is growing up, and the London-based Clean Beauty Co are leading the way with luxury beauty recipes packed full of only the good stuff. Scrub that bad day away with a coffee body scrub, or take a long restorative bath with a coconut milk soak. Perhaps you fancy fixing those split ends with a banana split hair mask. Whatever the problem, the Clean Beauty girls have a homemade recipe that you can whip up in no time. So what are you waiting for? Join the revolution today!
21,80 € 22,95 €

Tokyo Street Style

Tokyo Street Style explores Japan's renowned street fashion through photographs, interviews, and profiles of some of the most influential figures who are working in Tokyo's creative industries. Fashion journalists Tomoko and Yoko introduce the exciting style trends that can be seen on the city streets of Tokyo, covering an eclectic range of styles, suited for a wide range of budgets and occasions. Designers, editors, artists, photographers, models, stylists, and other influential personalities in the Tokyo fashion scene share their individual approach to style in interviews, which are interspersed with commentary from journalists and other experts. The work of up-and-coming local designers is shown *alongside that of larger brands with an international presence, and specific examples of significant women's clothing, shoes, and bags are featured, with an emphasis on craftsmanship and thoughtful design. Moving from a glimpse of the outrageous fashion found on the streets of Harajuku to everyday, chic work attire, this richly illustrated guide offers a colorful overview of an extraordinary urban culture with inspirational photographs and practical guidance for building a wardrobe, no matter where you live. Concluding with a curated selection of the best Tokyo boutiques and vintage stores, along with some of the most fashionable places to eat and drink, Tokyo Street Style is a vibrant lookbook and travel guide, filled with substantive insight from Japan's most fascinating tastemakers.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Men and Manners

Today's man may know how to dress with style, but does he know how to behave? Though the rules of civility have changed along with the world, Men and Manners: Essays, Advice and Considerations believes in manners. This book doesn't tell you which fork to use or how to write a thank you note. But it is going to remind you of basic, respectful rules you may have forgotten or have chosen to ignore. Comprised of short essays, shorter interviews, and lists of guidelines for men of all ages, this provides an honest, playful, and humorous look at the conflicted state of manners today. Interviews with fashionable men reveal their hard and fast rules, pet peeves and grievances, personal fiascos, and lingering doubts about etiquette. Subjects that may fluster today's man-such as tipping, toasting, texting, grooming, dating, dressing for air travel, office behavior, and home decor-are explored with the trademark combination of dry wit and self-deprecating attitude that has made David Coggins one of the most well-respected men's style writers today. With humorous illustrations and contributions from modern male style icons, Men and Manners makes the case for being the man who offers the best seat to his companion, who knows when to pick up the tab, and who remembers to do what's right even if it isn't always rewarded.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Front Roe

Louise Roe--internationally renowned fashion journalist, TV host, and makeover guru--knows style. It's not about trends but about being your own person and sharing the things you love in your appearance, your home, and your personality. In Front Roe, Louise shares her expertise on cultivating personal style and feeling like a confident leading lady in your own life. In her first book, Louise has compiled the practical tips and secret tricks that she's picked up through years of working in the fashion industry with magazine editors, stylists, celebrities, and most importantly, real women. Front Roe helps a woman discover her personal style through looks she loves--images in magazines that speak to her, quotes that inspire her, fashion or styles she is taken with, and family photos. Once the foundation is laid, Louise expands into the specifics of fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, offering helpful advice from today and yesteryear on everything from finding the right underwear and buying vintage clothing, to picking the best perfume for you, and making your home a sanctuary. As Louise says, "With a little nudging and direction, everybody can develop their own personal style, no matter their shape, age, or wallet size. In my view, fashion should be aspirational, but attainable and definitely something to have a sense of humor about. It's worth living every single day as the most confident, happy, and glamorous version of yourself. Here's how!" Front Roe is the perfect distillation of this philosophy. Louise shares stories, information, and ideas from around the world to help women feel educated, uplifted, inspired, and considerably more positive about their mind, body, closet, and home.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Skincare: The Ultimate No-Nonsense Guide

Straight-talking advice from the Skincare Queen Caroline Hirons is the authority in skincare - and for the first time, she's sharing her knowledge with the world. With over 100 million views of her blog and over 13 million views of her YouTube videos, she cuts out the jargon, tells you want you do and don't need, and is finally going to get the nation off face wipes for good! skinCARE is the go-to book for people of all ages and skin types who want to feel and look fantastic. It explains the facts, the myths and the best way to get good skin - on any budget. With everything from Caroline's signature cheat sheets, simple tips and tricks to glow (inside and out!) understanding ingredients lists, and advice on how to choose the products that are right for you, this is the ultimate guide to healthier, brighter skin.
23,70 € 24,95 €

The Luxe Life

Every girl deserves a little bit of luxe in her life and top beauty and fashion vlogger Fleur de Force - Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glam Guide - knows exactly how to get it. "Luxe living is all about becoming your best self - the one you've always wanted to be - and making it look effortless. It's about making every day feel special and knowing that a little bit of extra effort in any aspect of your life goes a long way. This is my lifestyle bible for girls who want to make The Luxe Life a reality, regardless of budget or time constraints." Packed with: - Inspiring fashion and beauty advice - Budget-friendly hosting hacks - Lifestyle tips to make your home a sanctuary - Creative and thoughtful DIY gift ideas - Over 30 must-have recipes to take you from brunch to dinner party The Luxe Life is the essential guide to wowing at every special occasion, and making every day special
23,70 € 24,95 €

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