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Academic Press


Physics in Biology and Medicine

The fourth edition of Physics for Biology and Medicine, covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields. This concise introductory paperback surveys and relates basic physics to living systems, encompassing solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, sound, electricity, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. The new edition has been updated with a discussion of atomic force microscopy, use of lasers in medical diagnostics and the applications of nanotechnology in biology and medicine. Applied health workers, even with little formal background in physics, will learn how biological systems can be analyzed quantitatively, how physical and engineering analysis techniques have helped advance the life sciences, and also the limits of quantitative analysis as applied to living systems. End-of-chapter exercises and extensive reference sections add to the book's value in academic and clinical settings. It provides practical techniques for applying knowledge of physics to the study of living systems. It presents material in a straight forward manner requiring very little background in physics or biology. It includes many figures, examples and illustrative problems and appendices which provide convenient access to the most important concepts of mechanics, electricity, and optics.
47,22 € 49,71 €

Českí lekári na Slovensku

Predkladáme skromné dielo, ktoré mapuje pôsobenie českých lekárov na Slovensku po roku 1918. K jeho príprave nás priviedla historická skutočnosť, že po vytvorení Československej republiky bolo potrebné vychovávať nových lekárov na Slovensku a hlavne bolo nevyhnutné zlepšiť zdravotnú starostlivosť.
10,78 € 11,35 €

Creativity, 2nd Edition

An integrative introduction to the theories and themes in research on creativity, the second edition of Creativity is both a reference work and text for courses in this burgeoning area of research. The book begins with a discussion of the theories of creativity (Person, Product, Process, Place), the general question of whether creativity is influenced by nature or nurture, what research has indicated of the personality and style of creative individuals from a personality analysis standpoint, and how social context affects creativity. This wide-ranging work then proceeds to coverage of issues such as gender differences, whether creativity can be enhanced, if creativity is related to poor mental or physical health, and much more. The book contains boxes covering special interest items, including one-page biographies of famous creative individuals, and activities for a group or individual to test or encourage creativity, as well as references to Internet sites relating to creativity. * Includes all major theories and perspectives on creativity* Consolidates recent research into a single source* Includes key terms defined and text boxes with interesting related material* Single authored for clarity and consistency of presentation.
55,96 € 58,91 €

If This Is a Woman

The present volume contains thirteen articles based on work presented at the "XX. Century Conference: If This Is A Woman" at Comenius University Bratislava in January 2019. The conference was organized against anti-gender narratives and related attacks on academic freedom and women's rights currently all too prevalent in East-Central Europe. The papers presented at the conference and in this volume focus, to a significant extent, on this region. They touch upon numerous points concerning gendered experiences of World War II and the Holocaust. By purposely emphasizing the female experience in the title, we encourage to fill the lacunae that still, four decades after the enrichment of Holocaust studies with a gendered lens, exist when it comes to female experiences.
102,60 € 108,00 €

Lacná kniha Českí lekári na Slovensku (-90%)

Predkladáme skromné dielo, ktoré mapuje pôsobenie českých lekárov na Slovensku po roku 1918. K jeho príprave nás priviedla historická skutočnosť, že po vytvorení Československej republiky bolo potrebné vychovávať nových lekárov na Slovensku a hlavne bolo nevyhnutné zlepšiť zdravotnú starostlivosť.
1,14 € 11,35 €

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