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Lacná kniha The Movie Book of Answers (-70%)

An updated, repackaged edition of the bestselling divination tool and party favorite - ask a yes or no question, open the book, and discover your answer in the form of quotations from the world's most iconic films. Still looking for a way to know what tomorrow will bring? Here's where you'll find the answers that only Hollywood could provide. A party favorite, this fun, weirdly wise little book is for you. The Movie Book of Answers contains answers from over 150 films, including advice from classics such as Casablanca ("Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon."), and pithy gems from modern blockbusters like Fargo ("You're darned tootin'!"). So what are you waiting for?... Go ahead-ask your question.
Na sklade 1Ks
6,89 € 22,95 €

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Punk Paradox: A Memoir

From the legendary singer-songwriter of Bad Religion comes a historical memoir and cultural criticism of punk rock’s evolution. Greg Graffin is the lead vocalist and songwriter of Bad Religion, recently described as “America's most significant punk band.” Since its inception in Los Angeles in 1980, Bad Religion has produced 18 studio albums, become a long-running global touring powerhouse, and has established a durable legacy as one of the most influential punk rock bands of all time. Punk Paradox is Graffin's life narrative before and during L.A. punk's early years, detailing his observations on the genre's explosive growth and his band's steady rise in importance. The book begins by exploring Graffin’s Midwestern roots and his life-changing move to Southern California in the mid-’70s. Swept up into the burgeoning punk scene in the exhilarating and often-violent streets of Los Angeles, Graffin and his friends formed Bad Religion, built a fanbase, and became a touring institution. All these activities took place in parallel with Graffin's never ceasing quest for intellectual enlightenment. Despite the demands of global tours, recording sessions, and dedication to songwriting, the author also balanced a budding academic career. In so doing, he managed to reconcile an improbable double-life as an iconic punk rock front man and University Lecturer in evolution. Graffin’s unique experiences mirror the paradoxical elements that define the punk genre—the pop influence, the quest for society’s betterment, music’s unifying power—all of which are prime ingredients in its surprising endurance. Fittingly, this book argues against the traditional narrative of the popular perception of punk. As Bad Religion changed from year to year, the spirit of punk—and its sonic significance—lived on while Graffin was ever willing to challenge convention, debunk mythology, and liberate listeners from the chains of indoctrination. As insightful as it is exciting, this thought-provoking memoir provides both a fly on the wall history of the punk scene and astute commentary on its endurance and evolution.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Lacná kniha The Movie Book of Answers (-50%)

An updated, repackaged edition of the bestselling divination tool and party favorite - ask a yes or no question, open the book, and discover your answer in the form of quotations from the world's most iconic films. Still looking for a way to know what tomorrow will bring? Here's where you'll find the answers that only Hollywood could provide. A party favorite, this fun, weirdly wise little book is for you. The Movie Book of Answers contains answers from over 150 films, including advice from classics such as Casablanca ("Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon."), and pithy gems from modern blockbusters like Fargo ("You're darned tootin'!"). So what are you waiting for?... Go ahead-ask your question.
Na sklade 1Ks
11,48 € 22,95 €

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Lacná kniha Le Pendule de Foucault (-50%)

Aprs l'immense succs du Nom de la rose, voici le second grand roman d'un géant incontesté de la littérature mondiale. A Paris, au Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers o oscille le pendule de Foucault, Casaubon, le narrateur, attend le rendez-vous qui lui révélera pourquoi son ami Belbo se croit en danger de mort. A Milan, trois amis passionnés d'ésotérisme et d'occultisme ont imaginé par jeu un gigantesque complot ourdi au cours des sicles pour la domination mondiale. Et voici qu'apparaissent en chair et en os les chevaliers de la vengeance... Telles sont les données initiales de ce fabuleux thriller planétaire, incroyablement érudit et follement romanesque, regorgeant de passions et d'énigmes, qui est aussi une fascinante traversée de l'Histoire et de la culture occidentales, des parchemins aux computers, de Descartes aux nazis, de la kabbale la science. Un de ces romans que l'on n'oublie plus jamais. Et assurément un classique.
6,28 € 12,55 €

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Lacná kniha Cujo (-50%)

Cujo est un saint-bernard de cent kilos, le meilleur ami de Brett Camber, qui a dix ans. Un jour, Cujo chasse un lapin qui se réfugie dans une sorte de petite grotte souterraine habitée par des chauves-souris. Ce qui va arriver Cujo et ceux qui auront le malheur de l'approcher constitue le sujet du roman le plus terrifiant que Stephen King ait jamais écrit. Brett et ses parents, leur voisin Vic Trenton et sa femme Donna, un couple en crise, Tad, leur petit garçon, en proie depuis des semaines des terreurs nocturnes : tous vont tre précipités dans un véritable typhon d'épouvante, un cauchemar nommé Cujo... Publié il y a vingt-cinq ans, Cujo reste une des oeuvres majeures de Stephen King, et un classique de l'épouvante.
7,26 € 14,51 €

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