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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 7

On the road to Kimluck headquarters, Orphen’s group is distracted by a sudden scream piercing the night. They discover the Kamisunda Theater, ancient Celestial ruins where those deemed worthy may discover the truth of the world. But is Orphen worthy?
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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 8

With the aid of a Death Instructor he met at the Kamisunda Theater, Orphen disguises himself as one of the Kimluck Church faithful and infiltrates the city. On the way to the holy grounds, they find themselves surrounded by Kimluck believers, and a sorcerer intelligence operative comes to their rescue, taking them to an underground waterway he says leads to the holy grounds. But can he really be trusted?
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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 9

After defeating the Death Instructor Name Only in the underground waterway, Orphen meets up with Salua Solude and finally infiltrates the Yggdrasil Cathedral. But the shock of taking a life for the first time proves to be too much for Orphen to handle, and he finds he's completely unable to use his sorcery. A sorcerer unable to use his magic, his situation is dire enough without the Church's ultimate assassin, Quo Vadis Pater, waiting for him in the depths of the Cathedral.
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5,86 €

The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 1

Rentt Faina, a twenty-five-year-old adventurer, has been hacking away at monsters for a decade. However, without much talent for the job, Rentt finds himself stuck hunting slimes and goblins for meager amounts of coin every day. Little does he know, all this is about to change when he comes across a seemingly undiscovered path in the Water Moon Dungeon.What awaits him at the end of the path, however, is neither treasure nor riches, but a legendary dragon that wastes no time swallowing him whole! Waking up a short time later, Rentt finds himself not quite dead, but not very alive either— He is nothing more than a pile of bones! Armed with nothing but his trusty sword, tool belt, and ghoulish new looks, Rentt sets off on his quest as a newly reborn skeleton to achieve Existential Evolution, hoping to one day return to civilization with a more human form. Will Rentt succeed, or will the labyrinth consume him for the rest of his un-death...?
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 2

Rentt Faina has achieved Existential Evolution, evolving from a skeleton into a ghoul. His next objective: rising the ranks and becoming a Copper-class adventurer! But to do so, Rentt must face his next greatest challenge... A written test?!Using his years of wisdom and the help of two companions, Rentt tackles the challenge head-on. But the worst is yet to come as Rentt finds himself in yet another pickle as he tries to prove his innocence to none other than trusted guild member, Sheila, as she raises concerns over his potential involvement in a recent string of adventurer disappearances.On his journey, he accepts a new quest, leading him to a new area that pits him face-to-face with a mighty monster of the bog! Will Rentt make it out alive to prove his uninvolvment in the disappearances and retrieve a highly-valued medicinal herb? Or is this the second end to the fate of our hero as we know him?
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5,86 €

The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 3

Rentt Faina has successfully overcome the menacing tarasque standing between him and the Dragon Blood Blossoms he seeks. But then, in the depths of the Swamp of Tarasque, a well-dressed man appears before Rentt, proffering a quest of his own on behalf of the highly-revered Latuule family...Offered an exceptional reward for the collection of Dragon Blood Blossoms, Rentt visits the Latuules, only to find himself trapped in a maze! Seeking a way through to reach the Latuule family manor, he stumbles across an opening with beautiful roses and...a table with teacups?"Are you giving up?"Will Rennt make it out undead enough to achieve his objective of becoming a Mithril-class adventurer?! A young girl's invitation to tea-time may be Rentt's only means of escape!
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 4

By drinking a vial of vampire blood, Rentt Faina, undead adventurer, successfully achieved his next stage of Existential Evolution and has become a lesser vampire!Rentt, now short on funds, sets off on a journey to retrieve items required to craft equipment and weapons for his discple, Alize. With his faithful mouse familiar, Edel, Rentt sets off to the New Moon Dungeon, slaying his share of forest wolves and lizardmen. But is he prepared for the legendary monster that's appeared in the dungeon's boss chamber in place of the usual earth dragon...?Meanwhile, a priestess-saint and Gold-class vampire hunter shows up at the doors of the Stheno Trading Company, where the sale of the tarasque is to be negotiated. But they're here for one reason: the suspicion that a certain adventurer is actually a vampire in hiding...An undead with a dream, eternally striving toward the rank of Platinum-class, even in undeath! All this and much more in the fourth volume of Rentt's undead adventures!
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 5

Vampire hunter Nive Maris had rained Holy Fire down upon Rentt, the undead adventurer, to prove he was a vampire. But her plan only proved that he wasn’t a vampire at all! When Lorraine suggested that Rentt's divinity may have been the reason the Holy Fire didn’t work, they decided to travel to his hometown of Hathara to visit the shrine where he obtained his divinity.Rentt and Lorraine plan to leave Maalt for a couple weeks, but first they need to create wands and equipment for their disciple, Alize, before they depart. And in order to avoid trouble with people like Nive, Rentt needs to get his double registration at the guild officially approved by negotiating with the Guildmaster, Wolf Hermann. But as the man who oversees countless ruffians, Wolf is a force to be reckoned with!An undead with a dream, eternally striving toward the rank of Mithril-class! All this and much more in the fifth volume of Rentt's undead adventures!
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 6

Rentt the undead adventurer arrives at his hometown of Hathara along with Lorraine, a scholar and sorcerer. It’s his first visit in some time, and the village celebrates with a welcoming banquet. However, during the banquet, Rentt disappears. Lorraine finds him at a graveyard, where he reveals the incident that made him want to become a Mithril-class adventurer, and much more. Fighting powerful monsters and unraveling many mysteries, Rentt keeps climbing the ranks even in death!
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 7

Now that they can travel by teleportation circle, Rentt and Lorraine visit Vistelya, the capital of the Kingdom of Yaaran. Using Lorraine's magic to hide his identity, Rentt decides to check out the guild headquarters. While viewing the job board there, a Silver-class adventurer from Maalt named Augurey requests that he accept a job. They agree, but Rentt and Lorraine's fighting styles end up giving away their identities. They form a magic contract to keep their visit a secret, but then the God of Contracts appears! Once they’re able to return to Hathara, Rentt senses that something is wrong with his vampiric servant, Edel, back in Maalt...
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5,86 €

The Holy Knight's Dark Road: Volume 1

Young Sain Forth has it made; as the famed Holy Knight, he has the people’s love, the respect of kings, and the blessings of a literal goddess. His aspirations lie elsewhere, though. With his assistant Melia at his side, he leaves for an academy in a foreign kingdom, where he is treated as a deviant by his peers.It’s his own fault, mind you—his stubborn insistance on wearing a custom, all-black uniform makes him stick out. He isn’t the only outcast in his class: Alicia, born into the Clan of Light but unable to use anything but fire magic, faces similar struggles, and the two quickly become allies.Alicia proposes that they enter the labyrinth below the school in search of a holy sword, but Sain has other plans in mind: a doom sword. And so, with his friends in tow, Sain ventures into the perilous unknown, driven by a wish to become the coolest, edgiest, most awesome thing in existence: a Dark Knight.There’s just one problem. He can’t use dark magic. Like, at all.
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The Holy Knight's Dark Road: Volume 2

After trekking through a labyrinth and coming back in one piece — with a new friend, to boot — Sain finally has time to actually study at Jenifa. In its hallowed chambers of learning, he applies himself to the acquisition of dark magic. A month later, he emerges......Still utterly worthless at dark magic.On top of that, his teachers have given up on him, and his classmates are calling him the Darkness Dork.Just when despair begins to set in, a chance encounter with an enigmatic girl brings him new hope. Her features are unmistakably those of a dark elf — known for their natural affinity for dark magic. He immediately asks to be her apprentice, only to be coldly rejected.This is Sain, though, and “giving up” just isn't in his vocabulary. Through his tireless — and arguably obnoxious — efforts, he chips away at her armor of indifference. Little does he know, though, that an upcoming school event will put their budding friendship to the ultimate test.
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The Holy Knight's Dark Road: Volume 3

Summer is upon Jenifa, which means it’s time for the academy’s most well-known event — the magic battle expo. Though the numerous stalls and attractions filling the school grounds offer plenty of excitement, the greatest draw of the event is undoubtedly the one-on-one tournament between students. People come from far and wide every year to watch Jenifa’s best go at it against each other. What better chance, then, for Sain to put his burgeoning dark magic skills to the test?So, the strongest holy knight in history takes another step toward becoming the antithesis of everything he’s supposed to stand for and joins the tournament. With his faithful friends at his side and his dark magic actually starting to shape up, he was set to have a blast at the battle expo... until he runs into the student council president, Cain Theresia, whose attitude toward him has been growing increasingly suspicious and hostile. With both of them participating in the tournament and vying for the top, the stage is set for a fierce clash of words and swords.“You know what you need to do, Cain? Lose. Just once. Then, you’d realize that you’re not fighting on your own.”
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Slayers: Volume 7

Sheesh, when did adventuring get so complicated? All I’m after is the teensiest bit of ultimate power from the legendary Claire Bible in the Kingdom of Dils... but now I’ve got secrets I’m keeping from Xellos AND secrets I’m keeping from the rest of the group. And that’s not even touching on the fact that Dils appears to be gearing up for war. Yes, Amelia, I know it looks shifty, and I’ll admit that a demon COULD be behind it... But I’ve seriously got enough on my plate! Can’t we just mind our own business for once?!
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5,97 €

When the Clock Strikes Z: Volume 1

When hardcore FPS enthusiast Hiroaki Dewa pulls off his VR headset and steps outside for the first time in ages, he realizes that the whole world is in ruins! Soon after, he coincidentally runs into horror junkie Otoha Judou, and the two of them team up to endure the zombie apocalypse. One fateful night, a VR AI known as “Raven” leaves them a cryptic message: “Survive, and humanity may flourish once again.” Follow these ragtag oddballs as they cling to hope in a hopeless world!
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When the Clock Strikes Z: Volume 2

Hiroaki and the gang roam the city, gathering all sorts of supplies in order to survive in their zombie-infested world. Along the way, they stumble across a wheelchair-bound girl by the name of Shiiko, and she informs them that there’s a way for humanity to flourish once again. Zombie origins, humanity’s salvation, and the AI known as Raven—find out how all these plot points intertwine as the happiest of happy endings creeps over the horizon!
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