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Autonomous Vehicles

Elon Musk thought that his company Tesla will have fully autonomous cars ready by the end of 2020. "There are no fundamental challenges left," he said recently. "There are a number of minor issues. And then there's a struggle to solve all these little problems and bring the whole thing together."Although the technology to allow a car to complete a journey without human interference (what the industry calls "level 5 autonomy") can move quickly, the development of a vehicle that can do so safely and legally is another matter.The novelty of autonomous technology is intended to turn our legal and social ties into daily transport. Importantly, without a driver behind the wheel, autonomous vehicles raise concerns about the liability and responsibility for the conduct of the lane. Therefore, this book is structured to answer many questions about autonomous vehicles and make you not only understand all the aspects of this emerging technology, but master the discussions and debates about the following topics: Chapter One: The rise of autonomous vehiclesAutonomous vehicles become realityHistory of Autonomous vehiclesRoad Items WeightsSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE International) Chapter Two: Tesla AutopilotAutoPilot AIAdvanced Sensor CoverageWide, Main and Narrow Forward CamerasWideMainNarrowForward Looking Side CamerasRearward Looking Side CamerasRear View CameraRadarUltrasonic SensorsProcessing Power Increased 40xTesla VisionAutopilotNavigate on AutopilotAutosteer+Smart SummonFull Self-Driving CapabilityFrom HomeTo your Destination Chapter Three: A level-by-level explainer of autonomous vehiclesClassification System For The Development Of InnovationsThe J3016 GuidelinesSix SAE levelCriticism of SAE classificationLevel 0: No automationLevel 1: Driver assistanceLevel 2: Partial automationLevel 3: Conditional automationLevel 4: High automationLevel 5: Full automation Chapter Four: Main Connectivity Specifications Of Autonomous VehiclesVehicle-To-EverythingArchitectures must be both redundant and real-time.The demand for high-speed data would increase onlySecurity and other applications Include external connectivityAutonomous driving efficiency and reliability are non-negotiableMore and more electrified cars would need a new approach to safetyNext generation Car Design Would Need Miniaturized SolutionsCo-creation of the future of mobility Chapter Five: Building Passenger Trust Is KeyTechnology for self-driving cars is accelerating fast, but our driverless future isn't going anywhere if people don't trust it.rules of the roadimplicit laws are more challengingThe math-based AV safety modelWhat is Sensitive Protection Responsibility?RSS is compatible with other AV systemsHow are AVs safely sharing the road with human drivers?01 Safe distance: Don't hit the car in front of you02 Cutting in: Don't cut it in recklessly03 Right of Way: Right of way is given, not taken04 Limited Visibility: Be cautious in areas with limited visibility05 Avoid Crashes: If you can avoid a crash without causing another one, you mustMoving past the miles-drivenImproving road safety with RSS todayRSS to gain supportBaiduValeoChina ITS AllianceRAND Corp.The Arizona Institute for Automated MobilityJoint Research Institutes Chapter Six: The reasons Autonomous vehicles still aren’t on our roadsThe Gap Between the Invention and The ApplicationSensorsMachine LearningThe Open RoadRegulationsSocial Acceptability Chapter Seven: Legal frameworks and other national initiativesThe United StatesEuropean Union MembershipUnited Arab EmiratesJapanAustralia Chapter Eight: Liability, ethics and human rights implicationsThe novelty of autonomous vehiclesThe critical debateAutonomy Threats Chapter Nine: Leading opinions on an ethical rollout for autonomous vehiclesThe Three Laws of RoboticsThe Ethical Dilemmas of AutonomyThe Worst-Case ScenarioThe Trolley Issue Chapter Ten: Social and economic implicationsRoads SafetyVehicles Ownership and Vehicles InsuranceJobs Chapter Eleven: Ong
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Gehirn Computer Schnittstelle

Die Idee, Köpfe mit Computern zu verbinden, hat die menschliche Vorstellungskraft seit langem erweckt. Jüngste Entwicklungen in den Neurowissenschaften und Ingenieurwissenschaften haben dieses Konzept zu einer Möglichkeit gemacht und die Tür zur Wiederherstellung und potenziellen Steigerung der körperlichen und geistigen Fähigkeiten des Menschen geöffnet. Medizinische Anwendungen wie Cochlea-Implantate für gehörlose Patienten und Tiefenhirnstimulation bei Parkinson werden immer häufiger. Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen (BCIs) (auch als Gehirn-Maschinen-Schnittstellen oder BMIs bezeichnet) werden derzeit in so unterschiedlichen Anwendungen wie Verteidigung, Lügenerkennung, Wachsamkeitsüberwachung, Telepräsenz, Spielen, Bildung, Kunst und Verbesserung des Menschen untersucht. Am Ende des Lesens dieses Buches werden Sie die Diskussion über die folgenden Themen der Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle beherrschen: DefinitionenUCLA und DARPANeuroprothetische AnwendungenNeuromodulationAbkürzungen GeschichteElektroenzephalographie (EEG)BCI-Herausforderung (Brain Computer Interface)Projekt Gehirn / Neuronale Computerinteraktion (BNCI)Kontingente negative Variation (CNV)Die Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Gesellschaft BCI versus Neuroprothetik BCI-Forschung (Animal Brain Computer Interface)Phillip Kennedys ForschungYang Dans ForschungMiguel Nicolelis 'ForschungDonoghue, Schwartz, Andersen ResearchCarmena und Kollegen ForschungLebedev und Kollegen ResearchBCI-Forschungsrahmen (General-Purpose Brain Computer Interface)Brain Machine Interface (BMI)Passive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) sNicht angeborene Blindheit behandelnWiederherstellung der Mobilität bei behinderten Menschen Teilinvasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Elektrokortikographie (EKG)Light Reactive Imaging Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Nicht-invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) sNicht-Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) -basierte Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI)SchülergrößenoszillationFunktionelle NahinfrarotspektroskopieElektroenzephalographie (EEG) -basierte Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI)ÜberblickErweiterte funktionelle BildgebungTrockenes aktives ElektrodenarraySSVEP Mobile Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI)Cellular-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI)BCI-Geräte (Mobile Brain Computer Interface)EinschränkungenProthese und Regulation der WeltBrain Computer Interface (BCI) im MilitärMachen Sie es sich selbst und Open Source Brain Machine Interface (BCI)Open Brain Programming Interface (BCI)Rekonstruktion des menschlichen SehensStrategien zur Steuerung der Gehirncomputerschnittstelle (BCI) im NeurogamingMotorische BilderBio / Neurofeedback für Passive Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Visuell evoziertes Potenzial (VEP) Synthetische Telepathie / stille KommunikationDARPA Silent Talk ZielGehirnbasierte Kommunikation mit imaginärer SpracheErstes direktes elektronisches Kontaktexperiment zwischen zwei menschlichen NervensystemenErstellen Sie Morsecode mithilfe der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG)Übertragung von Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) -Signalen über das Internet Zellkultur-Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI) S.Caltech First NeurochipKünstlicher oder prothetischer Hippocampus NeurochipRattenhirnneuronen fliegen einen F-22 Fighter Jet Aircraft Simulator Ethische ÜberlegungenAktuelle Brain Machine Interfaces (BCIs) sind weit entfernt von ethischen ProblemenBrain Computer Interface (BCI) in der medizinischen und pharmazeutischen Forschung Kostengünstige Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Sony 2006NeuroSky 2007OCZ 2008Final Fantasy 2008Onkel Milton Industries 2009Emotiv 2009"Necomimi" 2012 von NeurowearSie werden 2014 gehenOpen-Source-Gehirncomputerschnittstelle (BCI) 2016Neuralink 2020 Zukünftige RichtungenBewusstseinsstörungen (DOC)MotorwiederherstellungFunktionelles Brain MappingFlexible GeräteNeuronaler Staub
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Interfaccia del Computer del Cervello

L'idea di interfacciare le menti con i computer ha catturato l'immaginazione umana per molto tempo. I recenti sviluppi nel campo delle neuroscienze e dell'ingegneria hanno reso possibile questo concetto, aprendo la porta al ripristino e alla crescita potenziale delle capacita fisiche e mentali umane. Le applicazioni mediche come gli impianti cocleari per i pazienti sordi e la stimolazione cerebrale profonda per il morbo di Parkinson stanno diventando sempre piu comuni. Le interfacce cervello-computer (BCIs) (note anche come interfacce cervello-macchina o BMI) sono attualmente esplorate in applicazioni diverse come difesa, rilevamento della menzogna, monitoraggio dello stato di allerta, telepresenza, giochi, istruzione, arte e miglioramento umano. Alla fine della lettura di questo libro, padroneggerai la discussione sui seguenti argomenti di Brain Computer Interface: DefinizioniUCLA e DARPAApplicazioni di neuro-protesiNeuromodulazioneAbbreviazioni StoriaElettroencefalografia (EEG)Sfida Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Progetto Brain / Neural Computer Interaction (BNCI)Variazione negativa contingente (CNV)La societa Brain Computer Interface (BCI) BCI contro protesi neuro Ricerca sull'Interfaccia Computer Cervello Animale (BCI)Phillip Kennedy's ResearchLa ricerca di Yang DanLa ricerca di Miguel NicolelisDonoghue, Schwartz, Andersen ResearchCarmena e colleghi ResearchLebedev e colleghi ResearchFramework di ricerca per uso generico Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Interfaccia Brain Machine (BMI)Passive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) sTratta la cecita non congenitaRipristinare la mobilita nelle persone disabili Interfaccia Brain Computer Interface (BCI) parzialmente invasivaElettrocorticografia (ECoG)Light Reactive Imaging Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Interfaccia Brain Computer (BCI) non invasiva sInterfaccia cervello-computer (BCI) non basata sull'elettroencefalografia (EEG)Oscillazione delle dimensioni della pupillaSpettroscopia funzionale del vicino infrarossoInterfaccia cervello-computer (BCI) basata sull'elettroencefalografia (EEG)PanoramicaNeuroimaging funzionale avanzatoArray di elettrodi attivi a seccoSSVEP Mobile Electroencephalography (EEG) Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Interfaccia Brain Computer (BCI) basata su cellulareDispositivi Mobile Brain Computer Interface (BCI)LimitazioniProtesi e regolazione del mondoBrain Computer Interface (BCI) in ambito militareFai da te e interfaccia open-source Brain Machine (BCI)Open Brain Programming Interface (BCI)Ricostruzione della visione umanaStrategie di controllo della Brain Computer Interface (BCI) nel neurogamingImmagini del motoreBio / Neurofeedback per Passive Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Potenziale evocato visivo (PEV) Telepatia sintetica / comunicazione silenziosaObiettivo DARPA Silent TalkComunicazione basata sul cervello mediante linguaggio immaginarioPrimo esperimento di contatto elettronico diretto condotto tra i sistemi nervosi di due umaniProdurre codice Morse utilizzando l'elettroencefalografia (EEG)Trasmissione dei segnali dell'elettroencefalografia (EEG) su Internet Interfaccia per la coltura cellulare del cervello (BCI) S.Caltech First NeurochipNeurochip dell'ippocampo artificiale o protesicoI neuroni del cervello di ratto pilotano un simulatore di aerei da caccia F-22 Considerazioni eticheLe attuali interfacce cervello macchina (BCI) sono lontane dai problemi eticiBrain Computer Interface (BCI) nella ricerca medica e farmaceutica Interfaccia Brain Computer (BCI) a basso costoSony 2006NeuroSky 2007OCZ 2008Final Fantasy 2008Zio Milton Industries 2009Emotiv 2009"Necomimi" 2012 di NeurowearCammineranno 2014Open-Source Brain Computer Interface (BCI) 2016Neuralink 2020 Direzioni futureDisturbi della coscienza (DOC)Ripristino del motoreMappatura funzionale del cervelloDispositivi flessibiliPolvere neurale
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Interface Ordinateur Cerveau

L'idée d'interfacer les esprits avec les ordinateurs a capturé l'imagination humaine depuis longtemps. Les développements récents en neurosciences et en ingénierie ont fait de ce concept une possibilité, ouvrant la porte a la restauration et potentiellement a l'augmentation des capacités physiques et mentales humaines. Les applications médicales telles que les implants cochléaires pour les patients sourds et la stimulation cérébrale profonde pour la maladie de Parkinson sont de plus en plus courantes. Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) (également appelées interfaces cerveau-machine ou IMC) sont actuellement explorées dans des applications aussi diverses que la défense, la détection de mensonges, la surveillance de la vigilance, la téléprésence, les jeux, l'éducation, l'art et l'amélioration humaine. A la fin de la lecture de ce livre, vous maîtriserez la discussion sur les sujets suivants de l'interface cerveau-ordinateur: DéfinitionsUCLA et DARPAApplications neuro-prothétiquesNeuromodulationAbréviations L'histoireÉlectroencéphalographie (EEG)Défi Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Projet d'interaction cerveau-ordinateur neuronal (BNCI)Variation négative conditionnelle (CNV)Société de l'interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) BCI et neuroprotheses Recherche sur l'interface ordinateur cerveau animal (BCI)Recherche de Phillip KennedyRecherche de Yang DanRecherche de Miguel NicolelisDonoghue, Schwartz, Andersen ResearchCarmena et ses collegues RechercheLebedev et ses collegues RechercheCadre de recherche sur l'interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) a usage généralInterface cerveau-machine (IMC)Interface cerveau-ordinateur passif (BCI) Interface cerveau-ordinateur invasive (BCI)Traiter la cécité non congénitaleRestaurer la mobilité des personnes handicapées Interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) partiellement invasivesÉlectrocorticographie (ECoG)Interface cerveau-ordinateur d'imagerie réactive a la lumiere (BCI) Interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) non invasiveInterface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) non électroencéphalographique (EEG)Oscillation de la taille de la pupilleSpectroscopie fonctionnelle proche infrarougeInterface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) basée sur l'électroencéphalographie (EEG)AperçuNeuroimagerie fonctionnelle avancéeRéseau d'électrodes actives sechesInterface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) d'électroencéphalographie mobile SSVEP (EEG)Interface cerveau-ordinateur cellulaire (BCI)Dispositifs d'Interface Mobile Cerveau (BCI)LimitesProthese et régulation du mondeInterface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) dans l'arméeFaites-le vous-meme et interface Open-Source Brain Machine (BCI)Interface de programmation ouverte du cerveau (BCI)Reconstruction de la vision humaineStratégies de contrôle de l'interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) en NeurogamingImagerie moteurBio / Neurofeedback pour l'interface passive cerveau-ordinateur (BCI)Potentiel évoqué visuel (VEP) Télépathie synthétique / communication silencieuseObjectif de conversation silencieuse DARPACommunication basée sur le cerveau a l'aide de la parole imaginéePremiere expérience de contact électronique direct menée entre les systemes nerveux de deux humainsProduire du code Morse a l'aide de l'électroencéphalographie (EEG)Transmission de signaux d'électroencéphalographie (EEG) sur Internet Interface ordinateur cerveau-culture (BCI) SCaltech First NeurochipNeurochip d'hippocampe artificiel ou prothétiqueLes neurones du cerveau de rat pilotent un simulateur d'avion de chasse F-22 Considérations éthiquesLes interfaces cerveau-machine (BCI) actuelles sont loin des problemes éthiquesInterface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) dans la recherche médicale et pharmaceutique Interface cerveau-ordinateur (BCI) a faible coutSony 2006NeuroSky 2007OCZ 2008Final Fantasy 2008Oncle Milton Industries 2009Emotiv 2009"Necomimi" de Neurowear 2012Ils marcheront 2014Interface cerveau-ordinateur open-source (BCI) 2016Neuralink 2020 Directions futuresTroubles de la conscience
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Interfaz de Ordenador del Cerebro

La idea de conectar las mentes con las computadoras ha capturado la imaginación humana durante mucho tiempo. Los desarrollos recientes en neurociencia e ingeniería han hecho de este concepto una posibilidad, abriendo la puerta a la restauración y potencial crecimiento de las capacidades físicas y mentales humanas. Las aplicaciones médicas como los implantes cocleares para pacientes sordos y la estimulación cerebral profunda para la enfermedad de Parkinson son cada vez más comunes. Las interfaces cerebro-computadora (BCI) (también conocidas como interfaces cerebro-máquina o BMI) se están explorando actualmente en aplicaciones tan diversas como defensa, detección de mentiras, monitoreo de alerta, telepresencia, juegos, educación, arte y mejora humana. Al final de la lectura de este libro, dominará la discusión sobre los siguientes temas de Interfaz cerebro-computadora: DefinicionesUCLA y DARPAAplicaciones de neuroprótesisNeuromodulacionAbreviaturas HistoriaElectroencefalografía (EEG)Desafío Brain Computer Interface (BCI)Proyecto de interacción cerebro / ordenador neuronal (BNCI)Variación Contingente Negativa (CNV)Sociedad de Interfaz Cerebro Computadora (BCI) BCI versus neuroprótesis Investigación de interfaz de computadora de cerebro animal (BCI)Investigación de Phillip KennedyInvestigación de Yang DanInvestigación de Miguel NicolelisDonoghue, Schwartz, Andersen ResearchInvestigación de Carmena y colegasInvestigación de Lebedev y colegasMarco de investigación de interfaz cerebro-computadora de propósito general (BCI)Interfaz cerebro-máquina (BMI)Interfaz de computadora de cerebro pasivo (BCI) Interfaces Invasivas de Computadora Cerebral (BCI)Tratar la ceguera no congénitaRestaurar la movilidad en personas discapacitadas Interfaces cerebro-computadora (BCI) parcialmente invasivasElectrocorticografía (ECoG)Interfaz de computadora cerebral de imágenes reactivas a la luz (BCI) Interfaces cerebro-computadora no invasivas (BCI)Interfaz cerebro-computadora (BCI) no basada en electroencefalografía (EEG)Oscilación del tamano de la pupilaEspectroscopia funcional del infrarrojo cercanoInterfaz cerebro-computadora (BCI) basada en electroencefalografía (EEG)Visión generalNeuroimagen funcional avanzadaMatriz de electrodos activos secosSSVEP Electroencefalografía móvil (EEG) Interfaz de computadora cerebral (BCI)Interfaz de computadora cerebral basada en celular (BCI)Dispositivos de interfaz de computadora cerebral móvil (BCI)LimitacionesPrótesis y Regulación del MundoInterfaz cerebro-computadora (BCI) en militaresHágalo usted mismo y la interfaz de máquina cerebral de código abierto (BCI)Interfaz de programación cerebral abierta (BCI)Reconstrucción de la visión humanaEstrategias de control de Brain Computer Interface (BCI) en NeurogamingImágenes del motorBio / Neurofeedback para interfaz de computadora de cerebro pasivo (BCI)Potencial evocado visual (VEP) Telepatía sintética / comunicación silenciosaObjetivo de DARPA Silent TalkComunicación basada en el cerebro mediante el habla imaginadaPrimer experimento de contacto electrónico directo realizado entre los sistemas nerviosos de dos humanosProducir código Morse mediante electroencefalografía (EEG)Transmisión de senales de electroencefalografía (EEG) a través de Internet Interfaz de computadora cerebral de cultivo celular (BCI) SPrimer neurochip de CaltechNeurochip artificial o protésico del hipocampoLas neuronas del cerebro de rata vuelan en un simulador de avión de combate F-22 Consideraciones éticasLas interfaces cerebro-máquina actuales (BCI) están lejos de los problemas éticosInterfaz cerebro-computadora (BCI) en investigación médica y farmacéutica Interfaz cerebro-computadora de bajo costo (BCI)Sony 2006NeuroSky 2007OCZ 2008Final Fantasy 2008Tío Milton Industries 2009Emotiv 2009"Necomimi" de Neurowear 2012Ellos caminarán 2014Interfaz de computadora cerebral de código abierto (BCI) 2016Neuralink 2020 Direcciones futurasTrastornos de la conciencia (DOC)Recuperación del motorMapeo funciona
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Swarm Intelligence

- Traders deciding on the next big market bet.- A navigation app quickly mapping out a less-explored area.- Fashion brands choosing the hottest color of the season.- An airport managing fight delays. What do these scenarios have in common? In each one, swarm intelligence blends global and local insight to improve how businesses make decisions. Swarm intelligence is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) inspired by the insect kingdom. In nature, it describes how honeybees migrate, how ants form perfect trails, and how birds flock. In the world of AI, swarm systems draw input from individual people or machine sensors and then use algorithms to optimize the overall performance of the group or system in real time. Consider Waze, the popular road navigation app that uses swarm intelligence to create and modify maps. Starting with limited digital maps, it began making tweaks based on its users’ GPS data along with manual map modifications by registered users. Entire cities have been mapped using this method, as was the case in Costa Rica’s capital, San José. And just as ants signal danger to their counterparts, so too do Waze users contribute live information from accident locations and traffic jams. Swarm intelligence is now being used to predict everything from the outcome of the Super Bowl to fashion trends to major political events. Using swarm intelligence, investors can better predict market movements, and retailers can more accurately forecast sales. By the end of reading this book, you will have the answers to the public top 100 questions, queries, issues, doubts, problems and inquiries. Most importantly, you will be able master the discussion about the following topics in Swarm Intelligence, and explore the new ways of thinking about life and business: 01 - Fundamental Concepts: Definition, Systems, Nature 02 - Models of Swarm Behavior: Boids, Self-Propelled Particles 03 - Optimization Problem: Elements, Formulations, and Search Solutions 04 - Meta-Heuristic Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms Inspired by Swarm Intelligence 05 - Meta-Heuristic and Monkeys Problems: Infinite, Finite, and the difference 06 - Common Algorithmic Characteristics and Comparisons: Ant Colony Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization, Bat Algorithm, Cuckoo Search, Particle Swarm Optimization, Firefly Algorithm, Flower Pollination Algorithm, Swarm Intelligence Application Areas, Travelling Salesman Problem, Telecommunication, Image Processing, Engineering Design, Vehicle Routing 07 - Swarm Intelligence Systems: Taxonomy, Natural vs. Artificial, Scientific vs. Engineering 08 - Examples of Swarm Intelligence Systems: Foraging Behavior of Ants, Clustering by a Swarm of Robots, Exploitation of Collective Behaviors of Animal Societies, Swarm-based Data Analysis 09 - Properties of Swarm Intelligence Systems: Individual, Homogeneous, Interaction, Self-Organized 10 - Studies and Applications of Swarm Intelligence Systems: Clustering Behavior of Ants, Nest Building Behavior of Wasp and Termites, Flocking and Schooling in Birds and Fish, Any Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Swarm-based Network Management, Cooperative Behavior in Swarm of Robots. 11- Swarm Intelligence as a Whole New Way of Thinking About Business: Perspective and Advantages 12 - Swarm Intelligence Foraging for Solutions in Telecommunication, Information Technology, Logistics, Manufacturing. 13 - Advantages of Swarm Intelligence for Organizations: Simple Rules Rule, Raiding New Markets, A swarm of Possibilities.
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