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"Have you lost your mind? They’ll kill you. Are you willing to literally bet your life on--" "On my own technical expertise? Yes. Always." It was supposed to be just another software job. It wasn't supposed to involve dodging bullets, igniting explosions, out-driving hit men, or bluffing his way through the dens of international crime lords. Danny's big brain has always served him well at a workstation or a soldering bench, but will he be smart enough to survive the engineering challenge of a lifetime? Danny, a onetime computer whiz-kid now in his late 30s, is still lamenting his latest dot-com failure when tech investor Jason Tuttle offers him a special assignment: hack into Tungsten Medical Technologies and steal their pharmaceutical research. At first, Danny and his team of semi-competent geeks relish the chance to play-act as cyber-criminals, but they soon discover they aren't the only ones interested in the secretive biotechnology firm. Their ill-timed computer shenanigans interrupt an armed break-in of the laboratory by the Russian mafia, and Danny lands squarely in the crosshairs of a local cocaine kingpin. He soon finds himself hunted by drug dealers and exploited by Machiavellian corporate moguls in a battle over a test tube of genetically engineered bacteria. With the help of Tina, an amateur microbiologist desperate for professional recognition, Danny must use his technical skills to elude his powerful pursuers - and, with luck, maybe even beat them at their own game. Dopamine is a present-day cyberpunk novel - and a celebration of the fact that such a thing as "a present-day cyberpunk novel" is even possible. Featuring some of the most accurate and accessible depictions of computer hacking and biotechnology ever to appear in a work of fiction, Dopamine is a wild ride for anyone who marvels at knowing that the real world we live in today was once strictly the realm of far-fetched fantasy.
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2,47 €

Frances & Gilbert

Gilbert Parsons’ life of privilege feels artificial, frivolous and empty.Frances Snowley shows him just how much when they meet for the first time.Frances’ life is turned upside down when both her parents die in a short period of time.She’s confronted by the bureaucracy of society when she’s required to take a husband.In each other they will have exactly what they both want and need.But conspiracy, social demands and time seem to have a different plan.Will they choose marriage-of-convenience or marriage-of-love?
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1,64 €

No More Quests

A comic fantasy novel from a bestselling Hungarian fantasy and science fiction author.In Karavan, capital of the Mongor Empire four adventurers sit around a table inside the Yellow Serpent, an inn of dubious reputation. They are Behemor, barbarian berserker, Weevil, goblin cleric, Zaislo the alcoholic tavern brawler and Yabbagabb the fighter-mage with a wild talent in psionics.Nothing shall disturb their pleasant conversation. The infectious plague, the army preparing to destroy them along with every other guest, the mysterious murders, the steadily growing pile of corpses, the undead monsters and the incoming demon lord all prove insufficient to stop them from having a tranquil evening of drinking and talking.But you wouldn't want to trade places with someone who has just spilled their drink...
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2,81 €

The Road to Hell

My name is Lucifer and I was first……and, yes, I am that Lucifer. Fall from Heaven, Prince of Darkness, ruler of Hell, Satan, the Devil, the Adversary, and a thousand other names.Your book leaves out some key elements. I think it’s time to tell my side of the story. From the very beginning. I should know: I was the beginning. Before me was the Father and before the Father there was nothing.Forget what you think you know. You’ve never heard this story before—not from me. Others have tried. None of them got it right. No one seems to understand my motivations.See, I don’t want you.I’ve never wanted you.I want Him.Everyone else is just in the way…
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1,69 €

Illustrated Yoga Anatomy

This is a book for yoga practitioners, whether teachers or students and irrespective of style. It is about the doing of yoga, not abstract theory. Stu's focus throughout the book is on providing useful insights into what influences movement, and stability in the human body, and the implementation of those ideas into a physical yoga practice. Many students can be put off the subject of anatomy because in the wrong hands it can be dry and hard to relate to, but that won't happen here. Drawing from his many years of teaching yoga anatomy in studios around the world, Stu has managed to determine the most relevant information and the best way to present it. His relaxed style and emphasis on useability make the book engaging and enlightening. All of the concepts are brought to life by the fantastic illustrator Bug, who conjures up a visual feast that combines detail where needed with plenty of humour to enhance the reading and learning experience. The book is crammed with illustrations, providing visually stimulating concepts, and many practical exercises to help transition from the page to the body. If you are looking for a book that helps you incorporate anatomical principles into the way you perform yoga postures, increase flexibility and build strength, then this one will definitely deliver.
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19,34 €

A kastély

A II. világháború után minden kastély új funkciót kapott Magyarországon. Sokukban gyermekotthon létesült, ahol felnőttek és gyerekek, dolgozók és lakók külön kis világa, közössége működött. Ebben a könyvben bepillantást nyerhetünk az egyik ilyen nevelőotthon életébe különböző kalandokon keresztül.
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3,35 €


„Tisztán emlékszem arra, amikor először találkoztam Summer Westonnal. Szigorúan konzervatív és kőgazdag család tagja volt, aki mellettem bontogatta szárnyait, amit én nem mellesleg rohadtul élveztem is. Legalábbis addig, amíg rajta nem kaptak minket… Ennek már egy éve, most pedig itt áll a verandámon, hogy elmagyarázza, miért lépett le minden szó nélkül, egy kicseszett levelet hagyva maga után…”
Na stiahnutie
4,08 €

Mentsd meg magad és a Földet

Megjelent az Évszázad Könyve! Mentsd Meg Magad és a Földet!   Tények és összefüggések. Az alternatív élet eddig sokak számára ismeretlen oldalával ismerkedhet meg az olvasó. A jelen kor betegségeinek kialakulása és annak feltárása, valamint  természetes módszerekkel való kezelési lehetőségeinek bemutatása. A legaktuálisabb információk mindenki számára, közérthető és olvasmányos módon. Csak az információ hiányos embereket lehet megtéveszteni.                          Ne legyen köztük! Ne szenvedjen! Védekezzen! Erre a könyvre minden családnak szüksége van! Csak magán múlik, hogy meddig él kétségek között. Ne habozzon, inkább lapozzon! A könyv árának sok ezerszeresét spórolhatja meg, ha megismeri a lehetőségeket.
Na stiahnutie
26,76 €

Muskóczi történetei

Talán nehéz elképzelni mint szülő, hogy gyermekünk nem egy szuperhős. Megveszünk mindenféle kelléket hozzá és bebeszéljük neki, hogy szuperhős. Azt hisszük, ha ilyen formán megnő az önbizalma, az életben is szuperhősként fog viselkedni és sikeres lesz mindenben.Talán elég csak hagyni a gyermekünket kérdezni. És ha arra válaszolunk, amire kíváncsi, lehet, hogy hamarabb megtalálja az utat a boldogsága felé.Talán elég csak hagyni gyermekünket játszani és nem siettetni felnőni, mert lehet, hogy valami olyasmit tudnak még a gyerekek, amit mi már elfelejtettünk: csupán önfeledten létezni.Muskóczi történeteiben tetten érhetjük az őszinte rácsodálkozást, játékot és bizony néha a tapasztalatot, hogy sajnos az élet nem fenékig tejfel.A Muskóczi történetei füzetes sorozatként szeretne világra jönni, talán az ifjakat akarja megszólítani, de meglehet felnőttként is átgondolhatjuk, hogy mit is felejtettünk el a gyermek korunkból?Minden történethez jár egy karikatúra jellegű rajz, és ha netán bárkinek kedve támad színezni, kifesteni, a könyv végén levő email címre írva, baráti alapon letölthető rajzokhoz juttatom, hogy ezáltal élvezetesebb legyen Muskóczi világa.
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1,41 €

Ahogy a szálak összeérnek

Hogyan lesz a világ egyik leghíresebb hadvezéréből pár ezer év alatt pacifista vámpír? Miért „gyűjtenek” a mágusok gyerekeket? A tündérek mindig megtalálják a helyes utat? Képesek-e néha-néha a vérfarkasok és a vámpírok megférni egymás mellett?Lehet, ezeket a kérdéseket még soha nem tetted fel magadnak, de most már érdekel a válasz. Huszonöt novella vezet be a Fajháborúk kora világába, ahol ezek nagyon is valós kérdések és problémák. Sokféle fajú és vérmérsékletű természetfeletti lény próbál megférni egymás mellett a Földön több-kevesebb sikerrel, miközben izgalmas kalandokat élnek át, melyek mind egy irányba mutatnak. Mert végül a szálak mindig összeérnek.
Na stiahnutie
7,04 €

Tartaria - Ókori Egyiptom

Sok műemlék hamis a világon?A kutatók olyan bizonyítékokat találtak, amelyek azt mutatják, hogy sok ősi műemlék nem több ezer éves - hanem az elmúlt 200 évben épült.Ez a könyv megpróbálja megmutatni az igazságot a piramisokról és a világ többi ókori emlékéről - a kutatók által talált bizonyítékok alapján.
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12,08 €


418: I Am a Teapot is a near-future dystopian science fiction novel that explores a world where people by choice, birth, or punishment, relinquish the rights to their physical body. Their brains exist in a constantly-connected virtual interface where they enjoy a fantasy world of endless indulgences. However, while their minds have fun, their bodies are controlled by implants doing the filthiest and most dangerous jobs known to humanity. Stripped of their identities, these dredges of society are simply called staff and they are disposable. But what happens when a staff becomes cognizant of its situation and tries to break free? When staff number 418’s physical body is broken, he must come to terms with reality, and defend himself in a trial for his life. Will an unlikely friendship save him from permanent retirement?
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0,84 €

A New World Order

A fast-paced, action-packed roller-coaster of a ride through a crisis of hubris and an apocalypse of rebalancing. It is a journey through humanity's moral will and strength of character to fight back and survive. In 2087 humanity is faced with a global crisis of monumental proportions. The destruction of human society and humanity itself is on the brink of being fulfilled. What is one man to do? A changing reality threatens to overwhelm Earth. Where can humanity go? Witness the reaction of individuals, groups, and nations as they try to cope with a global pandemic of radical change. A change that will forever impact how men and women live on Earth and cope with the monumental affliction of day to day survival among billions of people, animals, and plants radically evolving into something completely different.
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2,53 €

Spell Bound

She’s negotiated a supernatural agreement. Will the terms turn fatal? Sunshine Townsende doesn’t want to succumb to her werewolf fate, but may not have a choice. With the next full moon close at hand, keeping her vow to save her comatose cousin forces her into a desperate deal with a ruthless vampire overlord. She’s tasked with breaking three dangerous high spells, and the last time she attempted that, it nearly killed her. Bonded by magic to an aloof boss who demands half of their days together, she attempts to fulfill her end of the bargain with the vampire. But when she barely survives breaking the first spell, she discovers her so-called partner and the overlord have their own sinister agendas that threaten everything she believes in… Can Sunshine live long enough to rescue her cousin and avoid transforming into a beast?
Na stiahnutie
1,72 €

The Legend of Wudang

Based on true events and authentic Taoist teachings. What are the hidden secrets of internal martial arts? What forgotten wisdom does the philosophy of Taoism hold? How can ancient knowledge be applied to better our mental, physical and spiritual health in a modern-day world? 'The Legend of Wudang: A Tale of Taiji, Taoism and Wellness' explores these questions by taking the reader on an adventure through rural China. The Wudang Mountains have been a home to Taoism for over 2000 years but in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution the Taoist culture there is left decimated. The fate of Wudang is entrusted to three young Taoists, who must venture forth, searching for the timeless lessons of Wudang Taiji, Taoist Wellness and Philosophy. Will they be able to find the great Masters of the past and reignite Taoism in the Wudang Mountains? Based on true events and authentic Taoist teachings; embark on a journey to learn the hidden wisdom of the Tao (?). “Unbelievably Interesting.” – Master Gu Shi Ning (Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy)
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12,08 €

There is Money in Your House

Chinedum Azuh has achieved amazing success against all odds. In this book, he reveals that you don't need more talents, money, intelligence, good looks or anything else for you to become prosperous and successful in life. "There is Money in Your House" is written with the goal to end your financial challenges and usher you into the realms of unlimited riches. The Book itself takes an unusual and holistic approach to the subject of making money and creating wealth. In this eBook, you will: ? How to create wealth with what you already have, from where you are. ? How to change your life with the power of focus. ? How to enjoy ever-increasing prosperity. ? How to sell and grow rich. ? The power of action. ? How to use leverage to your advantage. The message of this book has been presented on 400+ platforms and it has helped thousands of people to discover the untapped wealth within their reach. Grab This e-Book Now and Hit Your Financial Goals with Mathematical Accuracy!
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8,61 €