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No Más Chico Bueno

?Alguna vez te has preguntado porqué algunos hombres son inexplicablemente magnéticos con los miembros del sexo opuesto? ?Porqué algunos individuos se ganan el respeto y la admiración de los demás con poco esfuerzo? ?Porqué estos mismos hombres tienden a tener muchas más oportunidades en la vida que el resto? Entonces sigue leyendo.. Todos conocemos a alguien que parece tener una personalidad extremadamente atractiva e irresistible. Las mujeres quieren estar con ellos, y los hombres tienden a admirarlos y a querer ser como ellos La mayoría de las personas piensan que tener un nivel de autoestima alto es una cualidad innata. Están convencidos que muy pocos son los que nacen con autoestima alta y niveles de autoconfianza saludables. Sin embargo, esto no podría estar más lejos de la verdad. Se han identificado los elementos clave en los hombres que demuestran atributos de los hombres alfa que han sido analizados para que estos puedan ser utilizados por el hombre promedio. El ser un macho alfa o un macho beta depende del tipo de comportamientos que uses día a día, y esto puede ser moldeado y modificado.  He aquí un poco de lo que aprenderás en este libro: -Descubre a detalle los atributos más importantes de un hombre alfa y cómo desarrollarlos con poco esfuerzo. -Cómo desarrollar un lenguaje corporal universalmente masculino y atractivo. -Cómo eliminar tus inseguridades para empezar a desarrollar un carácter inquebrantable. -Cómo comunicarse de manera masculina para que los demás te vean con ojos de respeto y escuchen lo que tienes que decir.. -Pequenos cambios en tu comportamiento te harán más deseado por las mujeres y que harán que estas se sientan biológicamente atraídas hacia ti. -Cómo tener una presencia magnética en cualquier situación social. -Y mucho más... Aparte de seguir los consejos incluidos en esta guía, no requieres de ningún conocimiento especial para empezar a desarrollar una autoestima más saludable y masculina. Olvídate de volver a sentirte excluido u olvidado por los miembros del sexo opuesto y deja una huella inolvidable en los demás. Empieza a desarrollar una personalidad completamente irresistible y cambia tu vida para siempre. !No esperes más, y conviértete en el alfa de tu círculo social hoy mismo!
Na stiahnutie
3,46 €

Rewrite Time

An artefact that can rewrite time itself, and cause the past to catch up to the altered past. Such a thing should not be used without careful planning. If you are not careful, you might end up changing more than intended. The ripple effects of one well-intentioned change ends up causing more changes than foreseen, and now it will be three days before the artefact can be used to change things back. Can 'Kiara' hide the fact that just yesterday everybody called her 'Sean'? Can she put things back to the way they were? Does she actually want to, or does she just feel that she should want to?
Na stiahnutie
17,34 €

Secretos de los Líderes

?Te has preguntado qué es lo que separa a los que pueden ser líderes de aquellos que no? ?Porqué algunos individuos se ganan el respeto y la admiración de los demás con poco esfuerzo? ?Te gustaría saber cómo reducir los costos de artículos de alto valor, obtener un mejor salario o puesto con facilidad, o pagar menos por la renta o al comprar una casa? Entonces necesitas seguir leyendo. “El liderazgo no se trata de títulos, posiciones o diagramas de flujo, sino de una vida que influye sobre otra” - John Maxwell "La diferencia entre la gente exitosa y la gente realmente exitosa es que la gente realmente exitosa dice que no a casi todo." - Warren Buffett Todos conocemos a alguien que parece tener una presencia irresistible, que hace que los demás los sigan con facilidad. Nos hacen sentir bien al tenerlos cerca y parece que hacen buenas decisiones constantemente. En otras palabras, tienen madera de líderes. Existen habilidades que pueden ayudar a la persona promedio a ser mejores líderes. El poder de conectar con las personas con facilidad, de ser respetados y poder negociar con facilidad, son habilidades que benefician a todos aquellos que desean ser más influyentes y a ser mejores líderes. En este libro descubrirás: -Consejos comprobados para aumentar tu sentido de confianza al interactuar con los demás. -Estrategias seguras para ser más asertivo en los negocios o en el lugar de trabajo para que puedas alcanzar tus metas profesionales más rápidamente. -Cómo crear una primera impresión inolvidable, para que las personas se queden pensando en ti varios días después de haber interactuado con ellas. -Cómo incrementar las posibilidades de éxito en una negociación, antes de que esta empiece. -Técnicas secretas de los negociadores más exitosos de todos los tiempos, y cómo puedes aplicarlas la próxima vez que estés en una negociación. -Los errores más comunes que hacen los novatos al intentar negociar y cómo evitarlos fácilmente. -Cómo lograr el éxito tratando con personas o situaciones difíciles. -Y mucho más... La vida es una serie de negociaciones, así que es buena idea estar bien preparado: negociando un salario, comprando un coche, acordando el costo de renta y muchos aspectos de las relaciones de pareja. No lo pienses más y empieza a cultivar tus atributos de líder pronto. !Haz clic en el botón de comprar y disfruta de los beneficios que esto traerá a tu vida hoy mismo!
Na stiahnutie
3,46 €

Strategie Forex Testate

Impara le tecniche utilizzate dai trader professionisti e di successo. Questi concetti sono stati testati e supportati dai clienti che hanno partecipato alle sue lezioni. Contenuto Bonus: Strategie di Trading di Notizie Forex, Concetti delta e Altre Tattiche per gli Addetti ai Lavori.
Na stiahnutie
2,59 €

Super Learning

Make learning: painless, exciting, habitual, and self-motivating. Absorb info like a human sponge. We’ve never been taught how to learn, and that’s a shame. This book is the key to reversing all the misconceptions you have and making learning fun again. Scientifically-proven, step-by-step methods for effective learning. Smart Learning is not a textbook - it’s a guidebook for your journeys in learning. It will show you the most effective methods, the pitfalls we must avoid, and the habits we must cultivate. This book is highly organized and addresses all phases of the learning process, from creating a positive environment, to the biological basis of memory, to learning theories, and more. It borrows from multiple scientific disciplines to present comprehensive techniques to simply learn more, faster. Master your approach and save countless hours. Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Smarter, faster, and better ways to achieve expertise. •The physical and psychological pre-conditions to effective learning.•How our memory works and how to make it work for you.•The learning techniques that work - with evidence.•How to never need to cram again.•Why Einstein loved to play violin while working.•The learning mistakes you are probably committing right now. Outpace others, beat the competition, and get where you want to go in record time.
Na stiahnutie
3,46 €

Trucos para Leer la Mente de los Demás

?Te has preguntado si es posible saber si alguien está diciendo o no la verdad con tan solo ver lo que están haciendo con sus caras y cuerpos? ?Te gustaría saber poder leer a las personas como si fueran libros con solo ver lo que hacen? ?Qué debilidades y fortalezas senalan las expresiones faciales y postura de las personas? Si respondiste "sí" a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces sigue leyendo… "En la Tierra no hay superficie más interesante que el rostro humano." – Georg Lichtenberg A veces, es difícil conocer los deseos de alguien sólo a partir de sus palabras. Mientras entendemos una cosa, la persona con la que hablamos puede estar queriendo decir otra. Nosotros también lo hacemos: ?cuántas veces la gente que te rodea ha creído que estás de mal humor cuando, en realidad, estás contento? Además de las palabras, el lenguaje corporal es un medio de comunicación entre seres humanos. Por medio de él expresamos nuestros pensamientos y emociones a través del rostro, de nuestros gestos, nuestra postura, manera de caminar e incluso el espacio físico que guardamos con otros. Debido a ello, comprender cómo funciona el lenguaje corporal es clave para entender las motivaciones que se encuentran detrás de las palabras de las personas. En esta guía descubrirás: -Cómo entender fácilmente lo que senalan los gestos y movimientos corporales de las personas. -Cómo "programar" nuestras mentes para enviarnos senales de alerta cada vez que alguien intenta utilizar técnicas de manipulación en nosotros. -Qué es exactamente la manipulación psicológica y cómo se usa para controlar a las personas. -Cómo obtener el poder de "leer mentes" con tan solo ver el lenguaje corporal de las personas. -Las senales más fuertes que emiten los mentirosos y cómo captarlas instantáneamente. -Las diferencias claves al mentir entre hombres y mujeres. -Y mucho más… Saber cuando alguien miente y cómo funciona el lenguaje corporal es una habilidad muy útil que está al alcance de la mano de cualquiera que tenga curiosidad. Incluso si te consideras un individuo que no sabe cómo leer los rostros de los demás, tienes el poder de cambiar tu vida y forma de relacionarte con las personas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. !No lo dudes más! Si te gustaría saber exactamente cuando alguien está siendo enganoso o mentiroso, !este libro es para ti!  !Desplázate hacia arriba y anade esta guía al carrito ahora!
Na stiahnutie
3,46 €

10 Top 10s From A 10 Percenter

Whether you're just starting out in the entertainment industry or are a seasoned pro, this book has valuable information every actor should know to help them level up their career, along with essential tips on how to navigate relationships with representation. With over 20 years of experience as a highly respected talent agent, Brianna Ancel has helped nurture the careers of countless successful actors for both TV and film. If you want to take more control of your career, then this book is essential. Learn: - How to get an agent - The elements of your perfect pitch - How to maintain a strong relationship with your agent - Common industry myths - What makes a great demo reel - And dozens more pro-active career tips... "Actors, rejoice! This is the one book you need to navigate your Hollywood career. Top talent agent Brianna Ancel pulls back the curtain to reveal how successful actors mastermind their careers - and shows you exactly how you can do it yourself. Read it before you call your agent!" - Adam Leipzig, CEO and Founder, MediaU "Brianna is one of the best in the biz! She has a keen eye for talent and is an expert at molding and shaping the careers of her actors. Her knowledge and experience in the industry is second to none." - Mike Page, Casting Director/Casting Executive "Not only does Brianna have an incredible depth and breadth of knowledge concerning the ins and outs of this ever changing industry, she also possesses a beautifully generous well of empathy and understanding for humans and human behavior, which makes her an absolutely invaluable resource for actors. Her book is such a blessing for performers of all levels!" - Andrea Bordeaux, Series Regular (Run The World)
Na stiahnutie
8,68 €

Welcome to the Club

How to raise consciously aware kids without wasting countless hours at parenting courses, even if you aren’t part of THE CLUB yet. Are you questioning the way you’re raising your little ones? Perhaps you’re wondering how you can help your child understand their emotions and heal from trauma? Or maybe you’re curious about how to guide your kids towards a self-accomplished and successful life of abundance and free flow? According to the US National Institute of Health, 91% of adults have to deal with childhood traumas. Every person has their own emotions, moods, needs, and demands. And there’s nothing wrong with that, because we are still only human after all. We are all in the same pot: adults of emotionally triggered parents, whose parents had to deal with problems of their era, whose parents had to go through other rough situations, and the story goes on to the very beginning of our species’ evolution. Every generation has had their strengths and weaknesses, and every single parent gave for sure the best they possibly could to their kids at that time. However, now the time for a bigger emotional change is just around the corner... With this revolutionary approach of powerful parenting, you can help your kids to understand their emotions, needs, and desires. This way, they are naturally going to find their talents and purpose in life. And as a result, they’ll be blessed with infinite abundance, success, and happiness. In Welcome to THE CLUB, you’ll discover: Groundbreaking insight into the most powerful way of parenting to raise emotionally aware kids, free from dogmas and traumas The surprising benefits of simply tweaking the words you use in everyday situations that will increase your kids’ emotional awareness What conscious parents know about their little ones that kids of “traditional parents” would never open up about A step-by-step practical guide to the top 5 faults parents often make and how you can avoid them Parenting History 101: the most frequent mistakes generations have made for centuries, and how you can steer clear of them The importance of opening up about specific topics with your children to naturally increase their desire to stay close to you as they grow older The surprising results for families who joined THE CLUB and decided to introduce these simple, yet powerful parenting tools into their lives And much more. If you still think you have to teach your kids how to live life -- think again. This is not some kind of voodoo magic. It’s much simpler than you think it is -- with a few straightforward adjustments, you can change the dynamic of your family and the future life of your grown-up kids to the best version they can possibly be. Even if you are already a mum of one, two, three, or even ten kids, it’s never too late to make a change. If you are ready to raise emotionally intelligent children while living and enjoying your life to the fullest, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.
Na stiahnutie
6,06 €

Rapid Knowledge Absorption

Foster understanding, retention, and participation using scientific evidence-based teaching methods. Teaching others is a huge responsibility. Delivering knowledge in a way to reach everybody is challenging. Deciphering the needs of diverse learners is perplexing. Effective teaching is an art based on rigorous scientific research. Yet, impactful education can be reduced to a set of straightforward, actionable steps that you, coming from many walks of life, can master! How? I tell you in this book. Are you a parent, teacher, student, or autodidact? This book can help you to teach and learn smarter. Rapid Knowledge Absorption helps you discover your teaching style and your students’ learning style. Implant information with the highest impact, consider individual needs, and double down on your strengths. Promote knowledge acquisition that lasts. -Discover the most effective, evidence-based teaching methods.-Learn about the best practices of other teachers.-Familiarize with effective crisis-management tools. -Navigate the intricate world of online teaching. Smoothly.-Specific tips on how to teach reading comprehension, mathematics, and science. -Find a fitting teaching style for any group size and of any age. Increase engagement. Spark curiosity and a thirst for more knowledge. Gunnar Stevenson—a recently retired teacher, lecturer, and avid social science researcher—gives hands-on advice to learn the best teaching practices tailored for today’s needs and beyond. During his academic career, he has helped many students to discover their excellence and paved their path towards a successful, fulfilled and meaningful life. His books tap into the well of his academic and research experience. ‘A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops.’ –Henry Adams All of us are teachers and students at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you’re learning how to teach or teaching how to learn; you will have an impact on those around you – and the world. Use the information provided in this book to maximize your positive influence.
Na stiahnutie
3,35 €

Before You Doubt Yourself

Why do people doubt their abilities?  Is self-confidence pride? Why do most people think they are not good enough? Why do a majority of students hate school?  Why is earning a degree such a big deal? Do students know why they are in school? Why are some schoolteachers hard to deal with? Before You Doubt Yourself is filled with succinct, meaningful and accurate statements that provides the answer, in the most funniest way, to these and other important questions.
Na stiahnutie
4,36 €

Stop Overthinking

Overcome negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and live a worry-free life. Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. Don't get stuck in a never-ending thought loop. Stay present and keep your mind off things that don't matter, and never will. Break free of your self-imposed mental prison. Stop Overthinking is a book that understands where you’ve been through,the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of anxiety and stress. Acclaimed author Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.What’s more, the book will provide you scientific approaches to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself by ending the vicious thought patterns. Stop agonizing over the past and trying to predict the future. Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology. Powerful ways to stop ruminating and dwelling on negative thoughts. -How to be aware of your negative spiral triggers-Identify and recognize your inner anxieties-How to keep the focus on relaxation and action-Proven methods to overcome stress attacks-Learn to declutter your mind and find focus Unleash your unlimited potential and start living.
Na stiahnutie
3,35 €

30 Days to Self-Discipline

A true guide for procrastinators, slackers, couch potatoes. In 30 days, you won't be one anymore! Want to get somewhere worth going? It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to be comfortable. This book holds the answers. You will gain scientifically-proven new perspectives and tips to manage your day, energy, motivation, and self-discipline. You'll learn how to deal with the tangled, contradictory mess that is the human psyche, and use it to your advantage for once! Unlock the secrets of how top performers consistently exercise self-discipline.Don't glide through life leaving things unfinished or unstarted. Change your habits in 30 days! Overcome the barriers that actually lead to "laziness". Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Adjust your psychology to master discomfort and master your impulses. •3 simple formulas for getting things done and evaluating yourself.•A timebox, an unschedule, and a calendar: what they can do for you.•Construct the most helpful to-do list that will also motivate you and organize your life.•Why you should actually read less, read Homer's Odysseus, and slice your life into categories. Daily self-discipline will fundamentally change your life.
Na stiahnutie
3,35 €

Musings of a Broken Heart

We all suffer a broken heart in life. It could be romantic or even just emotional. Usually, at that time we can't even begin to express how we feel. This book will do that for you. 
Na stiahnutie
1,70 €

Tartaria - Coronavirus

Coronavirus - what is it all about? What does it have to do to with the history of the world and the future? To understand the future, we need to understand history. Are there any secrets in history that can tell us about the future? This book will examine some secrets in world events that may change your future. The author David Ewing Jr has travelled to over 2500 cities and places worldwide and has done much historical research over 20 years and has great knowledge of world history.
Na stiahnutie
12,08 €

Tartaria - History Is a Lie

Is World History A Lie? it's time to decide There are many people all over the world - who question world history and many researchers have made the claim that history is a total lie. This book will try to make it easy for you to decide if history is a lie or not. This book will show some of the research that Anatoly Fomenko and others have done regarding world history - and will make a summary of what they have found - to make it easy for you to decide - is History a Lie?
Na stiahnutie
12,08 €

Tartaria - Mud Flood

This book shows the evidence that researchers show about the subject of Tartaria and the Mud Flood. This book will discuss many important great secrets of Great Tartaria that maybe you never knew and they could blow your mind away. This book will show some of the research that Anatoly Fomenko and others have done regarding Tartaria - and will show some of the evidence that researchers point out. Are you ready to accept the truth?
Na stiahnutie
11,24 €