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How We'll Live On Mars

Part of the TED series: How We'll Live on Mars It sounds like science fiction, but award-winning journalist Stephen Petranek considers it fact: within 20 years, humans will live on Mars. We'll need to. In this sweeping, provocative book that mixes business, science and human reporting, Petranek makes the case that living on Mars is an essential back-up plan for humanity, and explains in fascinating detail just how it will happen. It's clear that the race is on. Private companies (driven by iconoclastic entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Sir Richard Branson); Dutch reality show/space mission Mars One; NASA and the Chinese government are among the many groups competing to plant the first stake on Mars and open the door for human habitation. For Elon Musk, it's the "ultimate awesome thing." For other entrepreneurs, it's about competition and opportunity. For NASA, the Chinese government and the leagues of other private companies and foreign nationals racing to get to Mars, there are more urgent reasons as well: life on Mars has potential life-saving possibilities for us on earth. Depleting water supplies, overwhelming climate change and a host of other disasters - from terrorist attacks to meteor strikes - all loom large. We must become a space-faring species to survive. In this close-up narrative chronicle, Petranek introduces the circus of lively characters all engaged in a big-money, big-drama effort to expand the limits of human knowledge - and life - by being the first to settle on the Red Planet.How We'll Live on Marsbrings first-hand reporting, interviews with key players and extensive research to bear on the question of how we can best, and most plausibly, expect to see life on Mars - within the next 20 years. Petranek can also be seen discussing his fascinating ideas in his TEDTalk 10 Ways The World Could End.
11,35 € 11,95 €


'A THOUGHTFUL, CAREFULLY ARGUED AND MORALLY PERSUASIVE CASE FOR DOING MORE' FINANCIAL TIMES 'PART CALL TO ARMS, PART COLLECTION OF STORIES (INCLUDING HIS OWN), IT IS A POWERFUL INVITATION TO CARE ABOUT REFUGEES, TO SEE THEM AS HUMANS, JUST LIKE YOU OR ME, WHO DESPERATELY NEED OUR HELP' RED We are in the midst of a global refugee crisis. Sixty five million people are fleeing for their lives. The choices are urgent, not just for them but for all of us. What can we possibly do to help? With compassion and clarity, David Miliband shows why we should care and how we can make a difference. He takes us from war zones in the Middle East to the heart of Europe to explain the crisis and show what can be done, not just by governments with the power to change policy but by citizens with the urge to change lives. His innovative and practical call to action shows that the crisis need not overwhelm us. Miliband says this is a fight to uphold the best of human nature in the face of rhetoric and policy that humour the worst. He defends the international order built by western leaders out of the ashes of the Second World War, but says now is the time for reform. Describing his family story as the son of refugees, and drawing revealing lessons from his life in politics, David Miliband shows that if we fail refugees then we betray our own history, values and interests. The message is simple: rescue refugees and we rescue ourselves.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Boiling River

Part of the TED series: The Boiling River This fantastical tale - which sent scores of Spanish conquistadores to their death during the great age of discovery - paints an intoxicating image of shamans and spells, forest-dwelling creatures and a river so hot it can boil your tea - or cook you alive. Ruzo relays the thrill of scientific discovery, the challenge of ecological conservation and the exuberant knowledge that natural wonders still holds many secrets. Ruzo's underlying message is one that will resonate deeply with readers around the world. He makes the compelling case that there are still extraordinary natural wonders to be discovered, but the chance of finding them is in jeopardy if we don't actively protect the environment. A National Geographic Young Explorer, Ruzo's fresh and exciting voice brings to life the Peruvian legend of the river, deep in the Amazon, that boils as if a fire burns below. The story haunted Ruzo throughout his childhood; until twenty years on, Ruzo - now a geologist - heard his aunt mention visiting this strange and mysterious river. Determined to prove it a legend, Ruzo set out on a journey deep, the results of which would astound him and lead him to a new obsession, discovering the secret behind this boiling river. Ultimately, The Boiling River is more than a quest for scientific discovery - it's the journey of a young man trying to understand his moral obligation to protect a sacred site from misuse, neglect, and even from his own discovery.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Hot Young Widows Club

Here is one important thing we all have in common: literally everyone we know and love will die. That one uplifting and crowd-pleasing fact is not enough to make it easier when it actually happens. Other bad things happen, too, and sometimes they happen in quick succession, as they did to Nora McInerny. In the span of a few weeks, thirty-something Nora lost her husband, her unborn baby, and her father. Her life fell apart. What Nora discovered was that, when you're in these hard moments, it can feel nearly impossible to feel even a shadow of the person you once were. People will give you all sorts of advice of how to hold onto your sanity and sense of self. But how exactly? How do you find that person again? Welcome to The Hot Young Widows Club. This is not a book with all of the answers, but it is a book with some of the answers to help you navigate life's biggest struggles. This is a book that will help you do your best when you're faced with the worst. Not because you're perfect, but because you care enough to try. The Hot Young Widows Club isn't just a book for people who have lost a spouse, but a book for anyone who has gone through a major life blow and is eager to learn how to regain their sense of self. Calling from her own experiences and those of her dedicated listeners, Nora will offer wise, heartfelt, and often humorous advice to any reader navigating a painful period in their lives. Full of practical guidance, Nora will also explore how readers can educate the people around them on what to do, what to say, and how to best support. Ultimately, this book is a space for people to recognise that they aren't alone, and to learn how to get through life's hardest moments with grace and humour.
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Misfit's Manifesto

'If the road you came in on led through several hells and you walked it more alone than you'd ever want anyone to be, if you were a wolf who chewed off her own leg to escape where you started out, if you paved the road with broken things and crawled in on your knees, this is your book, full of your people. Welcome home.' REBECCA SOLNIT, author of Men Explain Things to Me 'Quite frankly, everyone should read The Misfit's Manifesto. Inspired by her TED talk, Yuknavitch (who has truly been through the worst life can throw at someone) argues that the things which mark you out as different don't need to be bad thing: they're what make you, you. She's a privilege to read.' Emerald Street 'It's filled with stories of how our differences might unite us rather than divide us. We could use the misfit know-how just now, as the world has become pretty chaotic.' Metro A manifesto that makes a powerful case for not fitting in - for recognizing the beauty, and difficulty, in forging an original path from Lidia Yuknavitch, one of the most celebrated TED speakers and a writer heralded for her brave and experimental writing. A misfit is a person who missed fitting in, a person who fits in badly, or this: a person who is poorly adapted to new situations and environments. It's a shameful word, a word no one typically tries to own. Until now. Lidia Yuknavitch is a proud misfit. That wasn't always the case. It took Lidia a long time to not simply accept, but appreciate, her misfit status. Having flunked out of college twice, with two epic divorces under her belt, an episode of rehab for drug use, and two stints in jail, she felt like she would never fit in. She was a hopeless misfit. She'd failed as daughter, wife, mother, scholar - and yet the dream of being a writer was stuck like `a small sad stone' in her throat. The feeling of not fitting in is universal. The Misfit's Manifesto is for misfits around the world - the rebels, the eccentrics, the oddballs, and anyone who has ever felt like she was messing up. It's Lidia's love letter to all those who can't ever seem to find the `right' path. She won't tell you how to stop being a misfit - quite the opposite. In her charming, poetic, funny, and frank style, Lidia will reveal why being a misfit is not something to overcome, but something to embrace. Lidia also encourages her fellow misfits not to be afraid of pursuing goals, how to stand up, how to ask for the things they want most. Misfits belong in the room, too, she reminds us, even if their path to that room is bumpy and winding. An important idea that transcends all cultures and countries, this book has created a brave and compassionate community for misfits, a place where everyone can belong. The Misfit's Manifesto is an inspiring read that will captivate readers as much as Brene Brown's Daring Greatly and Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic. 'I cried when I read Lidia Yuknavitch's The Misfit's Manifesto. Lidia has created a safe space for those of us that have never fit in, for whom the world often seems an impossible place. This remarkable book is a house for people that didn't believe they had a home.' STEPHEN ELLIOTT, author of The Adderall Diaries 'This book will save lives.' CHELSEA CAIN, New York Times bestselling author 'The best characters are misfits. Lidia Yuknavitch is a conduit for these voices. The ultimate misfit, she's a seer and a seed, brave and tender, humble and humanitarian, a poet in the ancient sense of the word. Thank the stars for her. And this book.' SARAH GERARD, author of Sunshine State 'This book is nothing less than a life-changer. Lidia Yuknavitch is a miracle of a writer who makes you see the messes we make as a deeper, richer, more ravishing way of being alive together.' CAROLINE LEAVITT, author of Cruel Beautiful World and the New York Times bestseller Pictures of You 'A beautifully written field guide to being weird.' Kirkus Reviews
11,35 € 11,95 €

When Strangers Meet

Part of the TED series: When Strangers Meet Our lives are increasingly insular. We are in a hurry, our heads are down, minds elsewhere, we hear only the voices we already recognize and rarely take the effort to experience something or someone new. When Strangers Meet argues for the pleasures and transformative possibilities of talking to people you don't know. Talking to a stranger pulls you into a shared humanity, it's a source of creative energy, it opens your world, it cements your relationship to the places you live and work and play, it's a beautiful interruption in the steady routines of our lives. Talking to strangers wakes you up. But who is a stranger? Many of us have a deep-seated belief that strangers are dangerous. That idea cripples us and prevents us from connecting with the wider world. Exploring the rich meanings that are conjured up in these experiences of fleeting intimacy, Stark renders visible the hidden processes by which we decide who to trust in passing, and the unwritten rules by which these encounters operate. When Strangers Meet teaches readers how to start talking to strangers, and includes adventurous challenges for those who dare.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Why Dinosaurs Matter

What can long-dead dinosaurs teach us about our future? Plenty, according to world-renowned paleontologist and recent star of BBC show The Day the Dinosaurs Died Dr Kenneth Lacovara, who has discovered some of the largest creatures to ever walk the Earth, including the super-massive Dreadnoughtus. 'Majestic, awe-inspiring and deeply humbling. Kenneth Lacovara reveals how dinosaurs have changed how we understand time, the world and ourselves' DR ALICE ROBERTS, anatomist and anthropologist, television presenter, author and professor `This is a dinosaur book with a difference. In lyrical prose Kenneth Lacovara shows how an understanding of the past helps to understand the present. The dinosaurs played no role in the great extinction that ended their era: we, on the other hand, are playing a major part in the extinction that is taking place today. And unless we change our ways, if we continue destroying the natural world, this will lead inevitably to our own extinction. But unlike the dinosaurs we have the power to turn things around.' DR JANE GOODALL, DBE, conservationist, founder of the Jane Goodaal Institute and UN Messenger of Peace `Kenneth Lacovara LOVES Dinosaurs, LOVES science and truly LOVES telling you about it. Few non-fiction writers wield words with more poetic and potent affection for their subject. Ken's deep scholarship and clear enjoyment of his subject always makes ME feel smarter. A man obsessed not just with his subject matter, but with showing us how looking into our deep past can illuminate our future.' ADAM SAVAGE of THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL By tapping into the wonder that dinosaurs inspire, Dr Lacovara weaves together the stories of our geological awakening, of humanity's epic struggle to understand the nature of deep time, the meaning of fossils, and our own place on the vast and bountiful tree of life. Go on a journey, back to when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, to discover how dinosaurs achieved feats unparalleled by any other group of animals. Learn the secrets of how paleontologists find fossils, and explore quirky, but fascinating questions, such as: Is a penguin a dinosaur? How are the tiny arms of T. rex the key to its power and ferocity? In this revealing book, Dr Lacovara offers the latest ideas about the shocking and calamitous death of the dinosaurs and ties their vulnerabilities to our own. Why Dinosaurs Matter is compelling and engaging - a reminder that our place on this planet is both precarious and potentially fleeting. As we move into an uncertain environmental future, it has never been more important to understand the past.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Thanks A Thousand - A Gratitude Journey

Bestselling author A.J. Jacobs has undergone a life-changing and entertaining journey. The idea is deceptively simple: he takes one of our greatest pleasures- our morning cup of coffee - and tries to thank every single person involved in making it, from the barista to the coffee farmer and all those in between. This turns out to be a stunningly large number, including artists, chemists, presidents, mechanics, biologists, miners, smugglers and goatherds. Hundreds of people. Thousands. Maybe more. Through this seemingly straightforward quest, Jacobs reveals inspiring truths. The book is a reminder of the amazing interconnectedness of our world. It shows us how much we take for granted. It teaches us how gratitude can make our lives happier, kinder and more impactful. And it will inspire readers to follow their own "Gratitude Trails." Gratitude was not an emotion that came easily to Jacobs. His innate disposition is more Larry David than Tom Hanks. But he knew that gratitude is perhaps the most important key to human happiness, the chief of all virtues, as Cicero said. Science has shown gratitude's benefits are legion: it helps you sleep, improves your diet, and makes you more likely to recover from illnesses. Jacobs wanted to inspire his kids to embrace gratitude, so he decided to commit himself to a radical experiment. Over the course of several months, Jacobs went on a journey that took him across continents and up and down the social ladder. He experienced joy, wonder, guilt and depression. He met great characters. He learned just how far-flung are those involved - from the Minnesota miners who get the iron that makes the steel that makes the coffee roasters, to the Madison Avenue marketers who captured his wandering attention for a moment. His adventures include: A trip to a remote farm in Colombia, where he experienced first-hand how challenging it is to pick the coffee fruits. Several days with a coffee taster who taught Jacobs the secrets of the trade, and schooled him in the vocabulary that rivals wine sommeliers. (The taster doesn't just detect notes of apple in his coffee. He says what kind of apple -- Gala? Honeycrisp?) Because coffee is 98.4 percent water, Jacobs visited the vast upstate reservoirs that supply New York City, and thanked the folks whose homes were destroyed to make way for the lakes. Jacobs devotes a chapter on the cup-makers, including the rags-to-riches inventor of the "Java Jacket," that underappreciated cardboard ring you slip over your cup. It has saved millions of fingers and thumbs from burning discomfort, but we never give it a second thought. The food safety inspectors, who keep our coffee free from an alarming number of diseases and creatures. Along with entertaining tales, the book is filled with wonderful insights and useful tips. Readers learn how to focus on the hundreds of things that go right every day instead of the handful that go wrong. They read about our culture's dangerous overemphasis on individuals instead of teams. They learn the art of "savouring meditation". They learn the pros and cons of globalism. They learn to appreciate the astounding work it takes to create even the most simple items in our lives. There's even a gratitude hack to help them fall asleep.
11,35 € 11,95 €

All Eyes on Us

Pretty Little Liars meets People Like Us in this taut, tense thriller... "If you like your YA thrillers smart, suspenseful, and full of complex characters, then you'll love All Eyes on Us" Karen M. McManus, author of One of Us Is Lying and Two Can Keep a Secret PRIVATE NUMBER: Wouldn't you look better without a cheater on your arm? AMANDA: Who is this? The daughter of small town social climbers, Amanda Kelly is deeply invested in her boyfriend, real estate heir Carter Shaw. He's kind, ambitious, the town golden boy - but he's far from perfect. Because behind Amanda's back, Carter is also dating Rosalie. PRIVATE NUMBER: I'm watching you, Sweetheart. ROSALIE: Who IS this? Rosalie Bell is fighting to remain true to herself and her girlfriend - while concealing her identity from her Christian fundamentalist parents. After years spent in and out of conversion "therapy" her own safety is her top priority. But maintaining a fake, straight relationship is killing her from the inside. When an anonymous texter ropes Amanda and Rosalie into a bid to take Carter down, the girls become collateral damage - and unlikely allies in a fight to unmask their stalker before Private uproots their lives. PRIVATE NUMBER: You shouldn't have ignored me. Now look what you made me do...
10,40 € 10,95 €

Bruce Lee - A Life

A Sunday Times Book of the Year 'For anyone interested in Lee's legacy, this is a roundhouse kick of a biography' - Sunday Times 'At last, Bruce Lee has the powerful biography he deserves... It will thrill Lee's fans and fascinate the unfamiliar' - Jonathan Eig, author of Ali: A Life and Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig 'Meticulously researched' - Jimmy McDonough, author of Shakey: Neil Young's Biography and Soul Survivor: A Biography of Al Green 'You won't find a better match for a biographer with his subject than Matthew Polly and Bruce Lee... A definitive biography, told with passion and punch' - Brian Jay Jones, author George Lucas: A Life and Jim Henson: The Biography. More than forty years after Bruce Lee's sudden death at age 32, journalist and author Matthew Polly has written the definitive account of Lee's life. It's also one of the only accounts; incredibly, there has never been an authoritative biography of Lee. Following a decade of research that included conducting more than one hundred interviews with Lee's family, friends, business associates and even the mistress in whose bed Lee died, Polly has constructed a complex, humane portrait of the icon. There are his early years as a child star in Hong Kong cinema; his actor father's struggles with opium addiction and how that turned Bruce into a troublemaking teenager who was kicked out of high school and eventually sent to America to shape up; his beginnings as a martial arts teacher, eventually becoming personal instructor to movie stars like Steve McQueen; his struggles as an Asian-American actor in Hollywood and frustration seeing role after role he auditioned for go to white actors in eye makeup; his eventual triumph as a leading man; his challenges juggling a sky-rocketing career with his duties as a father and husband; and his shocking end that to this day is still shrouded in mystery. Polly breaks down the myth of Bruce Lee and argues that, contrary to popular belief, he was an ambitious actor who was obsessed with martial arts-not a great kung-fu master who just so happened to make a couple of movies. The book offers an honest look at an impressive yet flawed man whose personal story was even more entertaining and inspiring than any fictional role he played on-screen. Praise for Matthew Polly 'Hypnotic...Tapped Out manages to humanize a sport once demonized as "human cockfighting" by deconstructing the stereotype of the martial-arts tough guy.' - New York Times 'Tapped Out is a knockout for MMA fans, who will laugh at the intimate portraits Polly sketches of some of the sport's most famous personalities. But it also works for those not familiar with the sport...You won't be disappointed.' - 'A delight to read.' - 'Polly's self-deprecation in the painful learning process stands out as much as the witty prose. His delivery is Plimpton-esque.' - 'Smoothly written . . . Polly has a good eye for characters.' - Publishers Weekly
13,78 € 14,50 €

Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings

This book has found a special place in my heart. It's as strange, beautiful and unexpected, as precise and exquisite in its movings, as bees in a hive. I loved it' HELEN MACDONALD, author of H IS FOR HAWK `Everyone should own A Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings, which moved and delighted me more than a book about insects had any right to ... Jukes is a gloriously gifted writer and her book ought to become a key text of this bright moment in our history of nature writing' Observer `Written finely and insightful' Guardian A fascinating, insightful and inspiring account of a novice beekeeper's year of keeping honeybees, which will appeal to readers of H is For Hawk and The Outrun Entering her thirties, Helen Jukes feels trapped in an urban grind of office politics and temporary addresses - disconnected, stressed. Struggling to settle into her latest job and home in Oxford, she realises she needs to effect a change if she's to create a meaningful life for herself, one that can accommodate comfort and labour and love. Then friends give her the gift of a colony of honeybees - according to folklore, bees freely given bring luck - and Helen embarks on her first full year of beekeeping. But what does it mean to `keep' wild creatures? In learning about the bees, what can she learn of herself? And can travelling inside the hive free her outside it? As Helen grapples with her role in the delicate, awe-inspiring ecosystem of the hive, the very act of keeping seems to open up new perspectives, deepen friendships old and new, and make her world come alive. A Honeybee Heart Has Five Openings is at once a fascinating exploration of the honeybee and the hive, the practices of honey-gathering and the history of our observation of bees; and a beautifully wrought meditation on responsibility and care, on vulnerability and trust, on forging bonds and breaking new ground. 'This is classic modern nature-writing; a synthesis of scientific learning, observation and the author's response. If you care for the wellbeing of bees and the planet and for the state of the human heart, then this book, with its deft and beautiful prose, is for you... And like all good nature writing, it also - quietly, clearly and insistently - requires us, too, to respond' Countryfile Magazine `An intimate exploration of the heart and home, and a tantalising glimpse into an alien culture. A brave and delicate book, rich and fascinating' Nick Hunt, author of Where the Wild Winds Are `Subtly wrought personal journey into the art and science of beekeeping. Helen Jukes evokes both the practical minutiae of the work, and the findings of researchers who have illuminated bee ethology over the centuries' nature 'A mesmeric, lovely, quietly powerful book. A gentle but compelling account of the redemption that comes from relationship and attention' Charles Foster, author of Being a Beast 'A profound, funny and sometimes deeply moving book that describes a year of inner city bee keeping, while dancing between the history of bees and us and what it means to be human in our modern world' Julia Blackburn, author of Threads: The Delicate Life of John Craske 'A very human story about the aliens gathering in her back garden - bees, fascinating but almost unknowable. Their wildness and her duty to them help open up a desk rat's uninspiring life to all the possibilities of love, care, connection and sheer wonder. It is a lovely, entirely personal journey into the very heart of the hive' Michael Pye `I raced through this really terrific, down-to-earth read. The existential threat to our entire ecosystem posed by the problems facing bees can be hard to grasp, but Helen manages to make this a very personal, human story that, hopefully, might inspire others to action' Luke Turner, The Quietus
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10,93 € 11,50 €

Check Mates

'Funny and heartfelt with a cunning twist. Stewart Foster is a grandmaster' - ROSS WELFORD 'An inspirational underdog story and a chilling mystery! A winning combination' - DAVID SOLOMONS Some people think that I'm a problem child, that I'm lazy and never pay attention in lessons. But the thing is, I'm not a problem child at all. I'm just a child with a problem. Felix is struggling at school. His ADHD makes it hard for him to concentrate and his grades are slipping. Everyone keeps telling him to try harder, but no one seems to understand just how hard he finds it. When Mum suggests Felix spends time with his grandfather, Felix can't think of anything worse. Granddad hasn't been the same since Grandma died. Plus he's always trying to teach Felix boring chess. But sometimes the best lessons come in the most unexpected of places, and Granddad soon shows Felix that there's everything to play for.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Lady Midnight

The Shadowhunters of Los Angeles star in the first novel in Cassandra Clare's newest series, The Dark Artifices, a sequel to the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series. Lady Midnight is a Shadowhunters novel. It's been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering what killed her parents and avenging her losses. Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn't lead her in treacherous directions...Making things even more complicated, Julian's brother Mark-who was captured by the faeries five years ago-has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind-and they need the Shadowhunters' help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn't recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it? Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare's Dark Artifices series.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Stars Now Unclaimed

In an effort to save the universe, she just might destroy it. THE STARS NOW UNCLAIMED is the incredible debut by a brilliant new voice in science fiction, perfect for everyone who loves READY PLAYER ONE, STAR WARS, MASS EFFECT or just a really huge battle... AN IMPOSSIBLE MISSION A century ago, a mysterious pulse of energy spread across the universe. Meant to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, it instead destroyed technology indiscriminately, leaving some worlds untouched and throwing others into total chaos. AN UNSTOPPABLE ENEMY The Justified, a mysterious group of super-soldiers, have spent a hundred years trying to find a way to restore order to the universe. Their greatest asset is the feared mercenary Kamali, who travels from planet to planet searching for gifted young people and bringing them to the secret world she calls home. Kamali hopes that those she rescues will be able to find a way to reverse the damage the pulse wreaked, and ensure that it never returns. THE END OF THE UNIVERSE But Kamali isn't the only person looking for answers to unimaginable questions. And when her mission to rescue a grumpy teenaged girl named Esa goes off the rails, Kamali suddenly finds herself smack in the centre of an intergalactic war... that she started.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Still Alice

When Alice finds herself in the rapidly downward spiral of Alzheimer's Disease she is just fifty years old. A university professor, wife, and mother of three, she still has so much more to do - books to write, places to see, grandchildren to meet. But when she can't remember how to make her famous Christmas pudding, when she gets lost in her own back yard, when she fails to recognise her actress daughter after a superb performance, she comes up with a desperate plan. But can she see it through? Should she see it through? Losing her yesterdays, living for each day, her short-term memory is hanging on by a couple of frayed threads. But she is still Alice.
10,40 € 10,95 €

I am Pusheen the Cat

Who is Pusheen? This collection of oh-so-cute kitty comics-featuring the chubby, tubby tabby who has taken the Internet by storm-will fill you in on all the basics. Things you should know about Pusheen. Birthday: February 18 Sex: Female Where she lives: In the house, on the couch, underfoot Her favorite pastime: Blogging, sleeping Her best feature: Her toe beans Her favorite food: All of them Pusheen is a pleasantly plump cat who has warmed hearts and tickled funny bones of millions worldwide with her signature GIF animated bops, bounces, and tail wiggles. Now, Pusheen is ready to make the leap from digital to print in her first comic collection! Learn what makes her purr and find out why millions of people have already fallen in love with this naughty, adorable kitty. Featuring some of the most popular stories from Pusheen's Tumblr and Facebook pages (plus a healthy serving of never-before-seen material), I Am Pusheen the Cat is a treat for cat lovers and comics fans alike.
13,29 € 13,99 €