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Všem klukům, které jsem milovala

Co by se stalo, kdyby všem klukům, kteří se ti líbili, někdo najednou sdělil, že ses do nich zamilovala…?
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8,02 €

The Usher - erotic short story (EN)

It has been a long time since the divorce, and it doesn't feel wrong as such to be so intoxicated by a student. Not when you know it can never lead to anything. After all, not a lot can happen when you only see him in the company of his classmates, and you have all the distancing authority that comes with being a university lecturer.
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5,99 €

The Watcher - erotic short story (EN)

A young female artist is enticed by a strange man observing her intently during a life-drawing course. His gaze awakens an erotic side of her she was unaware she had. It makes her sign up to be a nude model so that the watcher can see her even better. Maybe that can raise her desires to a new level.
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5,99 €

The Invite - erotic short story (EN)

When she moves into her new flat, she is merely relieved to have found such a lovely and cheap place to live. But when she looks out of the window the next morning, she notices that the place has even more to offer. In the window across from her, she can see a beautiful young couple having hot sex, and they clearly don't mind being watched while they do.
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5,99 €

The Ski-Flirt - Erotic Short Story (EN)

In the past, Anya was the adventurous type who was always seeking fun and trouble. But since the breakup with Jonas, she has found herself in a dark place and she spends most of the time in bed. In order to put an end to her misery, Anya’s friend Maria persuades her to go on a ski-trip in the mountains outside of Barcelona.
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5,99 €

Abys věděla

Seznámili se na dovolené u moře. Léta k sobě patřili, nebo si to aspoň mysleli. Pendlovali mezi Gentem, kde žil on, a Antverpami, kde bydlela ona. Pak to skončilo.
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10,95 €

The Artist's Muse - erotic short story (EN)

Charlotte has only been working at Lothar's renowned art gallery for about a week when he asks her to go to an exhibition as a representative of the gallery. It is both an honour and a scary experience to mingle with so many talented people, especially when one is a recently graduated Art History student, and also a woman in a male-dominated world.
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5,99 €

The Woman and the Fisherman - Erotic Short Story (EN)

Louisa loves the early summer on the Costa Brava. She has been coming there for many years, and there is something about the lonely beaches before the high season that she just cannot do without. She walks slowly down the gorge toward her favorite lagoon where she spreads out her towel and finds her book.
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5,99 €

The Parking Attendant - erotic short story (EN)

When you work from home, sometimes you spend a bit too much time staring out of the window. Especially when your sister has directed your attention to the cheeky young parking attendant who patrols the street. After having observed him for a while and gotten to know his devious scheme, she decides to confront him.
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5,99 €

Obdivuhodný svět vín 2

Již druhou částí pokračuje edice o základech vinařské abecedy, určena všem milovníkům a obdivovatelům vína. Informace, které posluchač získá mu poslouží k snadné orientaci při nákupu vína ve vinotéce či obchodní síti, ale také k objednávce v restauraci či besedě s přáteli. V druhé části se seznámíte s etiketou tuzemského vína a jejími předepsanými náležitostmi, jakostním rozlišením vín v České republice, označením sladkosti u tichých a šumivých vín v České republice, modely vinařství v Evropě, rozdělením České republiky na vinařské oblasti a podoblasti a dozvíte se o nejvýznamnějších odrůdách vinné révy u nás ošetřovaných.
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3,66 €

The Riding Lesson - Erotic Short Story (EN)

Ellen is bored to death in her parents' house in the country. She is on her summer vacation and is looking forward to going back to the city in August. Fortunately, her beautiful and mysterious childhood friend Kay is also at home for the holidays, and lately she has begun to show Ellen more attention.
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5,99 €

The Rider - Erotic Short Story (EN)

"Rides him hard, fast and furious. He grabs hold of her hips and meets her in every pounding thrust. Cecilia's fingers dig into his chest, she is desperately trying to hold on to something steady. She cannot restrain herself, cannot hold it off any longer, cannot remain silent. Their groaning and moaning seem to be amplified in the quiet room, and when she moans louder, it is as though he does too.
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5,99 €

Fáma (audiokniha)

Svobodná matka Joanna se z Londýna přestěhovala do přímořského městečka, kde chce začít nanovo. Aby se lépe seznámila s místními, rozhodne se přihlásit do čtenářského kroužku. A právě zde bez nějakého rozmyslu vypustí, co se doslechla: že prý zde žije žena, která jako mladá zabila malého chlapce. Pro ospalé městečko je to velké sousto a jeho obyvatelé začnou okamžitě spekulovat, o koho se jedná. A brzy se také začnou navzájem obviňovat… Mimořádně vyzrálý a do poslední stránky napínavý debut plný falešných stop pro všechny fanoušky Liane Moriarty, Pauly Hawkins a Shary Lapeny. Čte: Jana Stryková, Milena Steinmasslová Hudba: Needles - Jonáš Rosůlek Režie: Alexandra Bauerová Délka nahrávky: 10 h 26 min 1 mp3 CD
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15,58 € 16,40 €

dostupné aj ako:

Džínová generace

Faktograficky laděný román Džínová generace vypráví o tragické události ne tak dávné gruzínské historie. Dne 18. listopadu 1983 se skupina mladých lidí pokusila unést letadlo společnosti Aeroflot mířící z Tbilisi do Leningradu. Jejich cílem bylo vynutit si prˇistání v Turecku a uniknout tak bezvýchodnému životu v Sovětském svazu.
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10,95 €


Nine steps have led us to the final stage – right into the heart of the Darkness. Aptly enough, the iconic author from Ireland is on the doorstep; Bram Stoker – and with his Dracula to boot. Well, wait a second – not exactly, to be honest. Dracula’s Guest is one of the stories published only after Stoker’s death, and even though Dracula is in the title, he will not make it into the story.
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3,63 €

Jako zázrakem, Ze vzpomínek na dětství

Původní EP album 0 39 9809 "Jacques Prévert Jako zázrakem, Ze vzpomínek na dětství" vydal Supraphon ve spolupráci s Klubem přátel poezie v roce 1972 - nyní titul vydáváme v této sestavě poprvé digitálně. LP album 0 18 1216 "Jacques Prévert Lyrika", z něhož byla čerpána 1. strana EP, vyšel již digitálně pod kat.
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1,43 €

Smrt kouzelného džina

Audiokniha Smrt kouzelného džina, kterou napsala Ilka Pacovská. Druhý díl série Sedmý smysl, který navazuje na Ostrov zasvěcení. Studovat na magické škole, za bratra mít draka a za nepřítele jeho dračího bratra, to není snadné. Ani kouzelný džin to nemá jednoduché, když se má postavit proti rodině svého pána.
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7,14 €

Sounds in the Dark

The third step into the Darkness is called Sounds in the Dark. It begins with a short story written in 1921 by American master horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft called The Music of Erich Zann. The author himself considered the story to be one of his masterpieces, and it is often deservedly included in various horror-story collections.
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3,63 €


The second step into the Darkness is called Illusion, and the pioneer of modern-era horror stories, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, meets another of his “gurus” – Edgar Allan Poe (Lovecraft himself is sometimes referred to as E. A. Poe’s direct successor). William Wilson is a typical specimen of Poe’s fantastic, even mystic style that won him world renown.
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3,63 €