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André Aciman strana 2 z 2


Nájdi si ma

André Aciman je majstrom jemnocitu, intímnych detailov a citových nuáns, čo sú podstatou vášne. Autor svetoznámeho bestsellera Daj mi tvoje meno sa v tejto knihe k svojim zložitým a podmanivým postavám vracia niekoľko desaťročí po tom, čo sa zoznámili. V románe Nájdi si ma Aciman predstavuje Eliovho otca Samuela, ktorý cestuje z Florencie do Ríma, aby navštívil syna, nadaného klaviristu. Náhodné stretnutie s krásnou mladou ženou vo vlaku mu však navždy zmení život. Elio sa onedlho presťahuje do Paríža, prežije tam ľúbostný vzťah, a Oliver, teraz vysokoškolský profesor, ktorý žije s rodinou v Novom Anglicku, zrazu uvažuje o ceste späť za Atlantik.
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8,99 €

Enigmatické variace

Nový román Andrého Acimana, kterého New York Magazine označil za „nejpozoruhodnějšího nového autora beletrie 21. století“, mapuje milostný život hrdiny, který v dospělosti prožívá lásku se stejnou intenzitou a náruživostí jako v dospívání. Sleduje jeho chlapecké vzplanutí k truhláři z italské rybářské vesnice, posedlost mladíkem, jehož pozná na tenisovém kurtu v Central Parku, i vášnivé občasné schůzky s vdanou ženou. Ve své čtvrté knize autor opět zkoumá všechny tajemné projevy a aspekty lásky, aby popsal, jak se trápíme, toužíme a váháme. A klade si otázku, proč někdy necháváme odejít právě ty, po kterých prahneme nejvíc. Za zmínku stojí, že k názvu autora inspirovala skladba Edwarda Elgara, tvořená čtrnácti krátkými hudebními portréty skladatelových přátel.
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11,49 €

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Call Me By Your Name

Never before available in hardback, this is a lavish edition of one of the greatest love stories of our time. The perfect gift for anyone captivated by Elio and Oliver. A sudden and powerful romance blossoms between Elio, an adolescent boy, and Oliver, his parents' guest, over the course of one summer. Each is unprepared for the consequences of their attraction, when, during the hot restless weeks, unrelenting currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion and test the charged ground between them. Recklessly, the two verge toward the one thing both fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy.
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18,95 € 19,95 €

Dej mi své jméno

Příběh nečekané a silné lásky mezi dospívajícím Eliem a o pár let starším Oliverem, odehrávající se ve vile na jednom útesu italské Riviéry. Ani jeden z nich není na následky vzájemné přitažlivosti připraven, oba proto nejdřív předstírají lhostejnost. Jenže v průběhu následujících neklidných letních dnů jejich vášeň nesená neúprosnými proudy posedlosti, strachu, fascinace a touhy vzrůstá a oba mladíci začínají opatrně prozkoumávat své pocity. V hloubi jejich duší se zrodí láska trvající šest týdnů a přinese jim zkušenost, která je poznamená na zbytek života. Ti dva totiž na Riviéře a během jednoho dusného večera v Římě objeví něco, co možná už nikdy znovu nenajdou: naprostou důvěrnost. André Aciman zachycuje ve své upřímné, nesentimentální a srdcervoucí elegii na lidskou vášeň psychologické manévry doprovázející přitažlivost tak bravurně jako málokdo. Román Dej mi své jméno se čtenářem nezachází v rukavičkách, nedělá si žádné iluze a je zcela nezapomenutelný.
12,01 € 12,64 €

Enigma Variations

From a youthful infatuation with a cabinet maker in a small Italian fishing village, to a passionate yet sporadic affair with a woman in New York, to an obsession with a man he meets at a tennis court, Enigma Variations charts one man's path through the great loves of his life. Paul's intense desires, losses and longings draw him closer, not to a defined orientation, but to an understanding that 'heartache, like love, like low-grade fevers, like the longing to reach out and touch a hand across the table, is easy enough to live down'. Andre Aciman casts a shimmering light over each facet of desire, to probe how we ache, want and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of the very ones we want the most. We may not know what we want. We may remain enigmas to ourselves and to others. But sooner or later we discover who we've always known we were.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Enigma Variations

From a youthful infatuation with a cabinet maker in a small Italian fishing village, to a passionate yet sporadic affair with a woman in New York, to an obsession with a man he meets at a tennis court, Enigma Variations charts one man's path through the great loves of his life. Paul's intense desires, losses and longings draw him closer, not to a defined orientation, but to an understanding that 'heartache, like love, like low-grade fevers, like the longing to reach out and touch a hand across the table, is easy enough to live down'. Andre Aciman casts a shimmering light over each facet of desire, to probe how we ache, want and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of the very ones we want the most. We may not know what we want. We may remain enigmas to ourselves and to others. But sooner or later we discover who we've always known we were.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Out Of Egypt

'[A] mesmerizing portrait of a now vanished world. Aciman's story of Alexandria is the story of his own family, a Jewish family with Italian and Turkish roots that tied its future to Egypt and made its home there for three generations, only to find itself peremptorily expelled by the Government in the early 1960's. It is the story of a fractious clan of dreamers and con men and the emotional price they would pay for exile, the story of a young boy's coming of age and his memories of the city he loved in his youth. Writing in lucid, lyrical prose, Mr. Aciman does an exquisite job of conjuring up the daily rhythms and rituals of his family's life: their weekly trips to the movies, their daily jaunts to the beach, their internecine squabbles over everything from religion to money to the pronunciation of words. There are some wonderfully vivid scenes here, as strange and marvelous as something in Garcia Marquez, as comical and surprising as something in Chekhov.' Michiko Kakutani, New York Times
13,25 € 13,95 €

Find Me

In Find Me, Aciman shows us Elio's father, Samuel, on a trip from Florence to Rome to visit Elio, now a gifted classical pianist. A chance encounter on the train upends Sami's visit and changes his life forever. Elio soon moves to Paris, where he, too, has a consequential affair, while Oliver, a New England college professor with a family, suddenly finds himself contemplating a return trip across the Atlantic. Aciman is a master of sensibility, of the intimate details and the nuances of emotion that are the substance of passion. Find Me brings us back inside the world of one of our greatest contemporary romances to show us that in fact true love never dies.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Daj mi tvoje meno

Môže vás pártýždňový vzťah poznačiť na celý život? Čo ak v sedemnástich rokoch prežijete tú najintenzívnejšiu skúsenosť, ktorá sa už nikdy nezopakuje? Daj mi tvoje meno je strhujúcim príbehom lásky, ktorá vzplanie medzi 17-ročným Eliom a 24-ročným Oliverom, hosťom Elieho rodičov, počas jedného leta na slnečnej talianskej riviére. Obaja najskôr predstierajú ľahostajnosť, ale postupne ich čoraz viac pohlcuje vzájomná príťažlivosť – prerastajúca do posadnutosti aj strachu, fascinácie i túžby. Úprimná, nesentimentálna pocta ľudskej vášni od oceňovaného autora Andrého Acimana sa stala predlohou pre rovnomenný film, ktorý získal Oscara za adaptovaný scenár a bol nominovaný na Zlatý Glóbus vo viacerých kategóriách vrátane ocenenia za najlepší film roku 2017.
10,40 € 10,95 €

Homo Irrealis

The bestselling author of Find Me and Call Me by Your Name returns to the essay form with this collection of thoughts on time, the creative mind, and great lives and works. The irrealis mood knows no boundaries between what is and what isn't, between what happened and what won't. In more ways than one, the essay about the artists, writers, and great minds gathered in this volume have nothing to do with who I am, or who they were, and my reading of them may be entirely erroneous. But I misread them the better to read myself. From meditations on subway poetry and the temporal resonances of an empty Italian street, to considerations of the lives and work of Sigmund Freud, Constantine Cavafy, W. G. Sebald, John Sloan, Eric Rohmer, Marcel Proust, and Fernando Pessoa, and portraits of cities such as Alexandria and St. Petersburg, Homo Irrealis is a deep reflection of the imagination's power to shape our memories under time's seemingly intractable hold
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Passenger

BERLIN, NOVEMBER 1938. With storm troopers battering against his door, Otto Silbermann must flee out the back of his own home. He emerges onto streets thrumming with violence: it is Kristallnacht, and synagogues are being burnt, Jews rounded up and their businesses destroyed. Turned away from establishments he had long patronised, betrayed by friends and colleagues, Otto finds his life as a respected businessman has dissolved overnight. Desperately trying to conceal his Jewish identity, he takes train after train across Germany in a race to escape this homeland that is no longer home. Twenty-three-year-old Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz wrote The Passenger at breakneck speed in 1938, fresh in the wake of the Kristallnacht pogroms, and his prose flies at the same pace. Shot through with Hitckcockian tension, The Passenger is a blisteringly immediate story of flight and survival in Nazi Germany.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Lacná kniha Find Me (-90%)

In Find Me, Aciman shows us Elio's father, Samuel, on a trip from Florence to Rome to visit Elio, now a gifted classical pianist. A chance encounter on the train upends Sami's visit and changes his life forever. Elio soon moves to Paris, where he, too, has a consequential affair, while Oliver, a New England college professor with a family, suddenly finds himself contemplating a return trip across the Atlantic. Aciman is a master of sensibility, of the intimate details and the nuances of emotion that are the substance of passion. Find Me brings us back inside the world of one of our greatest contemporary romances to show us that in fact true love never dies.
1,65 € 16,50 €

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