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Packeta - Doručenie na adresu

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19. 12.

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19. 12.

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19. 12.

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23. 12.

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19. 12.

Aravind Adiga



A Guardian, Financial Times, The Millions, Vulture, and Buzzfeed's Most Anticipated of 2020 'An immigrant's view conveyed with authority and wit . . . Adiga is a startlingly fine observer, and a complicator, in the manner of V.S. Naipaul.' New York Times From the bestselling, Man Booker Prize-winning author of The White Tiger and Selection Day, Aravind Adiga, comes the story of an undocumented immigrant who becomes the only witness to a crime and must face an impossible moral dilemma. Danny - Dhananjaya Rajaratnam - is an undocumented immigrant in Sydney, denied refugee status after he has fled from his native Sri Lanka. Working as a cleaner, living out of a grocery storeroom, for three years he's been trying to create a new identity for himself. And now, with his beloved vegan girlfriend, Sonja, with his hidden accent and highlights in his hair, he is as close as he has ever come to living a normal Australian life. But then one morning, Danny learns a female client of his has been murdered. When Danny recognizes a jacket left at the murder scene, he believes it belongs to another of his clients - a doctor with whom he knows the woman was having an affair. Suddenly Danny is confronted with a choice: come forward with his knowledge about the crime and risk being deported, or say nothing, and let justice go undone? Over the course of a single day, evaluating the weight of his past, his dreams for the future, and the unpredictable, often absurd reality of living invisibly and undocumented, he must wrestle with his conscience and decide if a person without rights still has responsibilities. Suspenseful, propulsive, and full of Aravind Adiga's signature wit and magic, Amnesty is both a timeless moral struggle and a universal story with particular urgency today.
U dodávateľa darček
18,95 €

Between the Assassinations

Nestling on India's southern coast lies the town of Kittur. Ranging through the city's streets and schoolyards, bedrooms and businesses, its inner workings and its outer limits, through the myriad and distinctive voices of its inhabitants, Aravind Adiga brings an entire world vividly and unforgettably to life.
U dodávateľa darček
11,99 €

The White Tiger

WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2008Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tables. But Balram gets his break when a rich man hires him as a chauffeur, and takes him to live in Delhi. The city is a revelation. As he drives his master to shopping malls and call centres, Balram becomes increasingly aware of immense wealth and opportunity all around him, while knowing that he will never be able to gain access to that world. As Balram broods over his situation, he realizes that there is only one way he can become part of this glamorous new India - by murdering his master. The White Tiger presents a raw and unromanticised India, both thrilling and shocking - from the desperate, almost lawless villages along the Ganges, to the booming Wild South of Bangalore and its technology and outsourcing centres. The first-person confession of a murderer, The White Tiger is as compelling for its subject matter as for the voice of its narrator - amoral, cynical, unrepentant, yet deeply endearing.
U dodávateľa darček
11,50 €

Lacná kniha Biely tiger (-50%)

Rozprávač a hlavný protagonista románu Balrám Halváí sa ako dieťa zúčastní na pohrebe vlastnej matky, ktorá zomrela v rodine za záhadných okolností, ktoré sa nikdy neobjasnia. Neskôr je svedkom, ako jeho otec, rikša, príslušník beznádejnej kasty biednych, kdesi na indickom vidieku, ktorý nazývajú Temnotou, sa vlastnou krvou udusí a zomiera bez lekárskej pomoci na tuberkulózu v štátnej nemocnici. Tá je výsmechom oslavovaného indického zdravotníctva. Osirotený Balrám sa rozhodne ujsť pred osudom. Uteká pred vlastnou rodinou a zločinom sa zmocní väčšej sumy peňazí. Začne si prosperujúci podnik s taxislužbou. Neprenasledujú ho výčitky svedomia, nezmocňuje sa ho macbethovská hrôza zo zločinu, ktorý spáchal. Šokuje ho predstava, že by sa k tomu činu nebol nikdy odvážil a nestal sa tým, čím je teraz. Balrám Halváí je komplexná postava. Ako malého chlapca ho v škole nazvali Bielym tigrom, vzácnym druhom šelmy, ktorý sa v džungli objaví iba raz za čas. Z Balráma sa stane sluha, filozof, zločinec a nakoniec i úspešný podnikateľ. I on však je len „nedopečeným“ mladým mužom, tak ako väčšina novozbohatlíkov tohto storočia. Jeho postupná zmena z nevinného vidieckeho chlapca na chladnokrvného zločinca je fascinujúco vierohodná.
Na sklade 1Ks darček
1,25 € 2,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Bílý tygr (-90%)

Dojemný, hněvivý, hořce humorný příběh o dvou Indiích Balrám alias Bílý tygr, sluha, filozof, podnikatel, vrah v průběhu sedmi nocí, pod mihotavým světlem okázalého lustru, vypráví svůj neobyčejný příběh… Narodil se ve vesnici v temném srdci Indie jako syn rikši. Rodina ho brzy vzala ze školy a poslala pracovat do čajovny. Tam drtí uhlí, utírá stoly a přitom sní o úniku - o tom, že se odtrhne od břehů Matky Gangy, do jejíchž kalných hlubin byly odevzdány ostatky stovky generací. Balrámova velká šance přichází, když ho bohatý venkovský statkář najme jako šoféra pro svého syna, snachu a jejich dva malé špice. Za volantem hondy poprvé spatří Dillí. To město je jako zjevení. Mezi šváby a call-centry, 36 000 004 bohy, slumy, nákupními centry a ochromujícími dopravními zácpami začíná Balrámova proměna. V srdci nové Indie se učí nové morálce a rozhoduje se mezi svým instinktem být loajálním synem a sluhou a mezi touhou se pozvednout. Zatímco ostatní sluhové listují stránkami bulvárního čas
Na sklade 1Ks darček
1,37 € 13,73 €

dostupné aj ako:

White Tiger

Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tables. But Balram gets his break when a rich man hires him as a chauffeur, and takes him to live in Delhi. The city is a revelation. As he drives his master to shopping malls and call centres, Balram becomes increasingly aware of immense wealth and opportunity all around him, while knowing that he will never be able to gain access to that world. As Balram broods over his situation, he realizes that there is only one way he can become part of this glamorous new India - by murdering his master."The White Tiger" presents a raw and unromanticised India, both thrilling and shocking - from the desperate, almost lawless villages along the Ganges, to the booming Wild South of Bangalore and its technology and outsourcing centres. The first-person confession of a murderer, "The White Tiger" is as compelling for its subject matter as for the voice of its narrator - amoral, cynical, unrepentant, yet deeply endearing.
U dodávateľa darček
7,79 € 7,95 €

The White Tiger

Here's a strange fact: murder a man, and you feel responsible for his life - possessive, even. You know more about him than his father and mother; they knew his foetus, but you know his corpse. Meet Balram Halwai, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur... murderer. Balram was born in a backwater village on the River Ganges, the son of a rickshaw-puller. He works in a teashop, crushing coal and wiping tables, but nurses a dream of escape. When he learns that a rich village landlord needs a chauffeur, he takes his opportunity, and is soon on his way to Delhi at the wheel of a Honda. Amid cockroaches, call-centres, thirtysix-million gods, slums, shopping malls, and crippling traffic jams, Balram comes to see how the Tiger might slip the bars of his cage.
12,95 €

Last Man in Tower

21st Century Mumbai is a city of new money and soaring real estate, and property kingpin Dharmen Shah has grand plans for its future. His offer to buy and tear down a weathered tower block, making way for luxury apartments, will make each of its residents rich - if all agree to sell. But not everyone wants to leave, many of the residents have lived there for a lifetime, many of them are no longer young. As tensions rise among the once civil neighbours, one by one those who oppose the offer give way to the majority, until only one man stands in Shah's way: Masterji, a retired schoolteacher, once the most respected man in the building. Shah is a dangerous man to refuse, but as the demolition deadline looms, Masterji's neighbours - friends who have become enemies, acquaintances turned co-conspirators - may stop at nothing to score their payday...
10,99 €

The White Tiger

Meet Balram Halwai, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, murderer. Balram was born in a backwater village on the River Ganges, the son of a rickshaw-puller. He works in a teashop, crushing coal and wiping tables, but nurses a dream of escape. When he learns that a rich village landlord needs a chauffeur, he takes his opportunity, and is soon on his way to Delhi at the wheel of a Honda. Amid today's India's cockroaches and call-centres, its 36,000,004 gods, slums, shopping malls, and crippling traffic jams, Balram learns of a new morality at the heart of a new India. Driven by desire to better himself, he comes to see how the Tiger might escape his cage ... through murder.
Iba v predajni
10,73 € 10,95 €

Last Man in Tower

Twenty-first century Mumbai is a city of new money and soaring real estate, and property kingpin Dharmen Shah has grand plans for its future. His offer to buy and tear down a weathered tower block, making way for luxury apartments, will make each of its residents rich - if all agree to sell. But not everyone wants to leave; many of the residents have lived there for a lifetime, many of them are no longer young. As tensions rise among the once civil neighbours, one by one those who oppose the off er give way to the majority, until only one man stands in Shah's way: Masterji, a retired schoolteacher, once the most respected man in the building. Shah is a dangerous man to refuse, but as the demolition deadline looms, Masterji's neighbours - fri ends who have become enemies, acquaintances turned co-conspirators - may stop at nothing to score their payday...
21,99 €

Biely tiger

Rozprávač a hlavný protagonista románu Balrám Halváí sa ako dieťa zúčastní na pohrebe vlastnej matky, ktorá zomrela v rodine za záhadných okolností, ktoré sa nikdy neobjasnia. Neskôr je svedkom, ako jeho otec, rikša, príslušník beznádejnej kasty biednych, kdesi na indickom vidieku, ktorý nazývajú Temnotou, sa vlastnou krvou udusí a zomiera bez lekárskej pomoci na tuberkulózu v štátnej nemocnici. Tá je výsmechom oslavovaného indického zdravotníctva. Osirotený Balrám sa rozhodne ujsť pred osudom. Uteká pred vlastnou rodinou a zločinom sa zmocní väčšej sumy peňazí. Začne si prosperujúci podnik s taxislužbou. Neprenasledujú ho výčitky svedomia, nezmocňuje sa ho macbethovská hrôza zo zločinu, ktorý spáchal. Šokuje ho predstava, že by sa k tomu činu nebol nikdy odvážil a nestal sa tým, čím je teraz. Balrám Halváí je komplexná postava. Ako malého chlapca ho v škole nazvali Bielym tigrom, vzácnym druhom šelmy, ktorý sa v džungli objaví iba raz za čas. Z Balráma sa stane sluha, filozof, zločinec a nakoniec i úspešný podnikateľ. I on však je len „nedopečeným“ mladým mužom, tak ako väčšina novozbohatlíkov tohto storočia. Jeho postupná zmena z nevinného vidieckeho chlapca na chladnokrvného zločinca je fascinujúco vierohodná.
2,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Biely tiger (-90%)

Rozprávač a hlavný protagonista románu Balrám Halváí sa ako dieťa zúčastní na pohrebe vlastnej matky, ktorá zomrela v rodine za záhadných okolností, ktoré sa nikdy neobjasnia. Neskôr je svedkom, ako jeho otec, rikša, príslušník beznádejnej kasty biednych, kdesi na indickom vidieku, ktorý nazývajú Temnotou, sa vlastnou krvou udusí a zomiera bez lekárskej pomoci na tuberkulózu v štátnej nemocnici. Tá je výsmechom oslavovaného indického zdravotníctva. Osirotený Balrám sa rozhodne ujsť pred osudom. Uteká pred vlastnou rodinou a zločinom sa zmocní väčšej sumy peňazí. Začne si prosperujúci podnik s taxislužbou. Neprenasledujú ho výčitky svedomia, nezmocňuje sa ho macbethovská hrôza zo zločinu, ktorý spáchal. Šokuje ho predstava, že by sa k tomu činu nebol nikdy odvážil a nestal sa tým, čím je teraz. Balrám Halváí je komplexná postava. Ako malého chlapca ho v škole nazvali Bielym tigrom, vzácnym druhom šelmy, ktorý sa v džungli objaví iba raz za čas. Z Balráma sa stane sluha, filozof, zločinec a nakoniec i úspešný podnikateľ. I on však je len „nedopečeným“ mladým mužom, tak ako väčšina novozbohatlíkov tohto storočia. Jeho postupná zmena z nevinného vidieckeho chlapca na chladnokrvného zločinca je fascinujúco vierohodná.
0,25 € 2,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Bílý tygr

Dojemný, hněvivý, hořce humorný příběh o dvou Indiích Balrám alias Bílý tygr, sluha, filozof, podnikatel, vrah v průběhu sedmi nocí, pod mihotavým světlem okázalého lustru, vypráví svůj neobyčejný příběh… Narodil se ve vesnici v temném srdci Indie jako syn rikši. Rodina ho brzy vzala ze školy a poslala pracovat do čajovny. Tam drtí uhlí, utírá stoly a přitom sní o úniku - o tom, že se odtrhne od břehů Matky Gangy, do jejíchž kalných hlubin byly odevzdány ostatky stovky generací. Balrámova velká šance přichází, když ho bohatý venkovský statkář najme jako šoféra pro svého syna, snachu a jejich dva malé špice. Za volantem hondy poprvé spatří Dillí. To město je jako zjevení. Mezi šváby a call-centry, 36 000 004 bohy, slumy, nákupními centry a ochromujícími dopravními zácpami začíná Balrámova proměna. V srdci nové Indie se učí nové morálce a rozhoduje se mezi svým instinktem být loajálním synem a sluhou a mezi touhou se pozvednout. Zatímco ostatní sluhové listují stránkami bulvárního čas
Iba v predajni
13,46 € 13,73 €

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